Oct 21, 2018 ~ Ann Coulter does a 'Fake News Autopsy' to illustrate how they falsely smear and purposefully divide us. Trump says 'It's a very scary time for young men in America when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of'. CNN inserts the word 'white' into his quote! [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Oct 21, 2018 ~ Adam Schiff falsely accused Tom MacArthur of bigotry against Koreans tweeting that MacArthur says "says his Korean American opponent is 'not one of us'. The dog whistles of bigotry have been put away. Now they're using trumpets" MacArthur never said that and has 2 Korean children [Fake Racism]
Oct 24, 2018 ~ Lawarence O'Donnell calls Trump and all of his supporters racists again - 'Donald Trump wants you to know that he hates the same people you hate. If you hate Muslims, if you hate black people'. Disgraceful false accusations and smears. Falsely accuse, rinse, repeat. [Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia]
Oct 24, 2018 ~ PETA says drinking milk is racist - "Cows' milk has long been a symbol used by white supremacists". If this seems ridiculous, understand that the left has to make sure the phrase 'white supremacist' is used every single day - always falsely but no matter, keep drumming it in. [Fake Racism]
Oct 25, 2018 ~ Trump cites 2005 Obama remarks to support immigration policy. Both Clinton and Obama have made reasonable statements about illegal immigration that would get them labelled bigots and kicked out of today's democrat party. But Trump's policies are no different than those statements [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia]
Oct 29, 2018 ~ Sarah Silverman said Trump 'went full Hitler' because he called himself a nationalist - She also bizarrely claimed that meant he was a 'racist' - all it actually means is he puts American interests above the interests of other countries. THAT'S IT! [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ MSNBC's Political Analyst Heilemann says Trump 'Is Obviously a Racist' - He 'Obviously Condones Anti-Semitism' - Both statements are totally false but typical from the fake news media. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Larry Elder explains why The 'Voter ID Is Racist' idea is a total Con. Despite this 'voter suppression', blacks vote at a higher percentage than whites - also 77% of non-whites support voter ID. Blacks are perfectly capable of obtaining IDs. Its racist to claim that they are not. [Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Voter Integrity Laws]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Netflix fired their Chief of Communications Jonathan Friedland for using the N-word in front of employees - was not using it as an insult - Context was in explaining how offensive the R-word was. Like the N-word to black people. Cancelled. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Megyn Kelly loses her NBC show over question about Halloween Costume. Simply asked if blackface or whiteface is ever ok 'if you're doing a character'. A simple question. It turns out Lester Holt, Hoda Kotb, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Joy Behar, Gov. Northam all did exactly that. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Barak Obama flashback, "We all agree on the need to better secure the border and to punish employers who choose to hire illegal immigrants. We are a generous and welcoming people here in the United States but those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the U.S., undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, lawfully to become immigrants in this country." Trump says the same thing and he's called evil and 'racist.' [Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia, Illegal Immigration, TDS]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Andrew Gillum secretly accepted free tickets or free trips from lobbyists or pretend-lobbyists. The matter is under investigation by the FBI but he declares any questions about it is 'racist'. Any criticism of him is racist by definition and an attempt to stereotype black men. [Fake Racism]
Nov 2, 2018 ~ CNN's Symone Sanders said Trump's remarks about enforcing our borders were a 'Defense of White Supremacy'. Those remarks that had exactly zero to do with white supremacy and are exactly like the comments of Barak Obama's, Bill Clinton and a host of democrats just a few years ago. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ New Andrew Gillum fake talking point. Ron DeSantis 'authored a book justifying slavery'. The claim is too absurd to even try to rebut. All Gillum seems to know how to do is falsely play the race card - finds a way to do it every day. [Fake Racism, Slavery]
Nov 4, 2018 ~ New York Times launches histrionic alarm over 'white nationalism' conveniently timed days before mid-term elections. Says law enforcement is scrambling to cope with an epidemic' of 'right-wing extremism and violence'. This is as fake as it gets. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 5, 2018 ~ Democrats say that an ad featuring illegal immigrant who crossed border several times, killed 2 cops and said he will kill more is a 'racist' ad - its not - it shows that vetting immigrants for criminality is a main purpose of border security. [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Nov 5, 2018 ~ Democrats say calling yourself a 'Nationalist' is a bullhorn rather than a dog whistle for racists when really it has no racial implications what so ever. It simply means you put your own nation first. Something leaders of all nations should do. [Fake Racism]
Nov 5, 2018 ~ Cher said Trump is 'LIAR, WHITE NATIONALIST, RACIST,TRAITOR,WHO'D HAVE PHOTO OP WITH HITLER,IF HE THOUGHT IT WOULD RALLY HIS BASE' - recall previous quotes, '... Stalin ... Hitler ... GESTAPO TACTICS'. These people are more than a little unhinged. [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Daily Beast claims 'White Nationalist' was Guest at the White House to celebrate election victory. They said he was 'escorted by a Trump administration staffer wearing an official badge'. Total fake news. The picture was from a public tour before election. [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ PBS Reporter Yamiche Alcindor asks Trump if he called himself a Nationalist to embolden 'White Nationalists' falsely inserting the word 'white' when Trump has already explained Nationalism. Trump called that a 'racist question' and explained nationalism again. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ After Yamiche Alcindor accused Trump of pandering to white nationalists, he called her question racist - Predictably he is criticized 'The way Trump is treating black reporters is... whew'. They falsely accused him of being racist and his calling them racist is ... racist. [Fake Racism]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Democrat Identity Politics has never made sense but its now become totally incomprehensible. Now Democrats are calling white people 'racist' if they voted for an actual Hispanic person, Ted Cruz instead of Beto, the 100% white guy who uses a Spanish nick name. Can't make this up. [Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Politics]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Michael Moore claims the only way Republicans can win is by 'Preventing Black People from Voting' - more nonsense from a man who spews nothing but lies. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Politics]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ The only explanation democrats can come up with when black democrats lose elections is 'Republicans are Racist'. It can't have anything to do with all of those policy differences that Republicans have with Democrats. Dems who don't vote for black GOP candidates are not racist. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Mob of Deranged Democrats showed up at Tucker Carlson's house in black masks, damaged his door, spray paint driveway, chant 'racist scumbag, leave town!' 'Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!' 'you are not safe'. The modern left. Threats and violence. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Nov 16, 2018 ~ Kamala Harris says there are parallels between the KKK and ICE - Tucker Carlson paraphrases, People 'trying to protect our country's borders by enforcing laws passed by our democratically elected congress are somehow like the KKK'. [Fake Racism, Harris, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 16, 2018 ~ Amy Clark, "Vote-Shaming is the New 'Get Back in the Kitchen'". Feminism used to be about empowering women but now women better do as they say or they will be falsely accused of as racism. Articles continue to run trying to explain 'What's Wrong' with white women who vote GOP. [Feminism, Fake Racism, Politics]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ President Trump is called racist for awarding Elvis the Presidential Medal of Freedom because Elvis was allegedly racist. Elvis wasn't racist and neither is giving him the medal. It is important for Democrats to not let a day go by without levelling bogus accusations of racism. [Fake Racism]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Democrats say the caravan of 1000s from Honduras does not exist. And its racist to try to stop it. Its about the rule of law not race. They don't qualify for asylum and people are legally waiting in line from all over the world. If successful next caravan will be 3 times as big. [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Democrats are claiming Gillum lost because of racism but that doesn't hold water. Obama won FL twice, and Gillum was ahead in polls until his socialism became known. Only 86% of black voters voted for him vs. 95% for Obama. Were those black Obama voters racist against Gillum? [Fake Racism, Politics, Socialism]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Stan Lee, creator of Spiderman and Superman called 'racist' by SJWs because he didn't want to change the race or sexual orientation of his existing characters - he said, just create new ones - he would even help. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, "If Trump Is 'Racist', He Needs to Go Back to Racism School" From record low black unemployment to prison reform to inner city school choice, Trump has done more for the black community already than Obama ever did. Elder shows same 'racist' comments made about whites [Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ Andrew McCarthy, 'On Criminal Justice, Trump Embraces the Left's Racism Rhetoric' Sets the record straight. The sentencing disparities between rock and powder cocaine were not due to racism. They were based on greater harm and asked for by inner city black leaders. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Crime]
Nov 20, 2018 ~ A Chipotle manager is fired for asking a customer show proof that he'll pay. Customer said that's racist because he is black. She did so because she recognized him as having hit them before with 'dine and dash'. His Twitter feed shows him bragging about dine and dash at Chipotle. [Fake Racism, Fake News]
Nov 20, 2018 ~ CNN Panel including Kirsten Powers can come to no other conclusion than that white women are racist. The identity politics explanation for why the vote GOP: they are allegedly 'oppressed' but benefit too much from the 'patriarchy' and 'white privilege' to have 'better behavior'. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Nov 25, 2018 ~ A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is the latest thing to be labelled as 'racist' because Franklin is in a different chair than the others and no one is on his side of the table in ONE SCENE - Schulz created Franklin to combat racism. [Fake Racism]
Nov 25, 2018 ~ The University of Oregon hosted an event, titled 'Thanks But No Thanks-giving' which labeled the holiday as a 'celebration' of 'ongoing genocide' - Many students call it a 'racist' holiday. If there is anything left that's not called racist, in 5 years there won't be. [Fake Racism]
Nov 29, 2018 ~ It's the Holiday Season so its time for the killjoy, always triggered left to declare everything to be 'problematic' - from 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer', to Charlie Brown to 'Baby Its Cold Outside' to 'Merry Christmas'. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Nov 30, 2018 ~ Katherine Timpf, 'Lord of the Rings Slammed for Perpetuating Racism through Depiction of Orcs'. 'in Tolkien that some races are just worse than others, or that some peoples are just worse than others'. These are ORCS, not a race of humans. But the rule is 'everything is racist'. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Kat Timpf]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ 6 nooses were found hanging in trees around the Mississippi state capitol. AP, MSNBC covered the story. FBI called. AS USUAL it was democrats that did it trying to make it look like it was those racist Republicans. They tried to influence the election but thankfully failed. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ Democrats falsely claim Kamala Harris was removed from the Senate Judiciary Committee because she is black. Because GOP now has 53 senate seats, the makeup of the Committee shifts in GOP's favor. Harris is the one to go because she is most junior member. Same rules as always. [Fake Racism, Harris]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ Dawn Hilton-Williams was given a speeding ticket by a white SC officer. She claimed he mistreated her because she was black. Riled up Facebook. Got on the news. Talks about slavery, lynching and how this doesn't happen to white people. Body cam video showed she was totally lying. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Police]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ Jemele Hill who was fired from ESPN for constantly calling people 'white supremacist' falsely rips the Seattle Seahawks for allowing Jordan Peterson to speak to the team. She falsely calls him a 'misogynist white supremacist'. Peterson is white. The rest of her claim is false. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism]
Dec 14, 2018 ~ Rachelle Peterson, 'Opposing Communist Chinese Spies Isn't Racist'. 'China is estimated to steal up to $600M annually in intellectual property from the US'. Ted Cruz and others call them out on it and get accused of racial profiling and racism against the Chinese. [Fake Racism, China]
Dec 14, 2018 ~ Antioch, CA city vehicles, City Hall door and a business were spray-painted with racial slurs and swastikas. A black man, Lawrence Phipps is arrested trying to make it look like racists are committing hate crimes. If we're such a racist country, why are all these fakes needed? [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism]
Dec 16, 2018 ~ SNL Comedian Nimesh Patel Kicked Off Columbia University Stage by Offended Students - the joke was that gay can't be a choice because no blacks would choose it given how tough their life already is - progressive and non-offensive joke but Nimesh is 'canceled' by the mob anyway. [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia]
Dec 21, 2018 ~ George H.W. Bush is being remembered fondly by most but is still criticized for the Willie Horton Ad. However it was legit info for voters. The MA legislature tried to ban murderers from receiving furloughs but Dukakis had poor judgement and vetoed them allowing Horton out. [Fake Racism, Crime, Politics]
Dec 24, 2018 ~ Nate Silver Falsely accuses Republicans of racism and sexism - 'There are lots of reasons that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez drives certain Republicans crazy. Foremost among the reasons, her race and gender.' Typical smear with no basis in fact. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Dec 27, 2018 ~ Wanda Sykes implies racism to blame when 7-Year-Old Migrant Girl died hours after being transferred to US Border Patrol. 'Evil. I wonder how many 7-year-olds from Europe have died while in Border Patrol custody'. Such a baseless lie and smear of good people who did their best. [Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration]
Dec 27, 2018 ~ Claas Relotius, Award Winning German journalist for Der Spiegel was exposed for fabricating many stories including stories designed to making Trump supporters look like backward racist hicks - signs that said 'Mexicans keep out' and other lies and smears. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]