Oct 8, 2019 ~ FaceBook gets it right saying they will not fact check political speech. Only democrats want 'a self-appointed referee for everything that politicians say' 'our job is to make sure the court is ready, the surface is flat, the lines painted, the net at the correct height.' Obvi. [Politics, Silencing, Free Speech]
Oct 15, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren thinks Facebook should become the Ministry of Truth. Criticizes it for running Trump political ads. 'It's up to you whether you take money to promote lies.' This is moronic. There is no possible way Facebook could fact check well enough to censor political speech [Silencing, Free Speech, Politics]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Democrats look ridiculous grilling FaceBook's Zuckerberg. Many demand that FaceBook censor political ads based on if they are 'true' or not. This is of course impossible and no one should want FaceBook deciding what is true. Want to know percentages of LGBTQ+ and other identities [Silencing, Free Speech, Politics, LGBT]
Oct 30, 2019 ~ Hillary Clinton says 'Facebook's decision to allow false information in political advertisements is appalling.' Besides the absurdity of Facebook being the arbiter of truth, Hillary would ban herself. She has gotten 74 False, Mostly False and Pants on Fire PolitiFact ratings. [Hillary, Free Speech, Politics]
Dec 11, 2019 ~ DOJ sides with students silenced at Jones County Junior College. The were repeatedly told they could not speak without prior permit. DOJ, 'Repressive speech codes are the indecent hallmark of despotic, totalitarian regimes. They have absolutely no place in our country...' [Free Speech, Silencing, Trump Win]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Happy Anniversary to Citizens United' Democrats tried 'to ban a conservative non-profit group from showing a documentary it produced critical of then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton'. Stopped by the Supreme Court. Free speech upheld. Obama and dems upset. [Free Speech, Silencing, SCOTUS, Hillary]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ Madeleine Kearns, 'Columnist Fired for Stating Sex Is Binary' Jon Caldara was fired from the Denver Post for saying 'There are only two sexes, identified by an XX or XY chromosome. That is the very definition of binary. The AP ruling it isn't so doesn't change science.' Orwellian [Trans, Silencing, Free Speech, Political Correctness, Cancel Culture]
Jan 29, 2020 ~ Elizabeth Warren proposes criminal penalties for unapproved speech. 'I will push for new laws that impose tough civil and criminal penalties for knowingly disseminating this kind of information.' What she calls 'Disinformation.' The irony of a liar trying to criminalize lying. [Free Speech, Silencing]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ Dem Congresswoman Kathy Castor continues to demand that YouTube censor, demonetize and label as 'climate misinformation' any videos she doesn't agree with. She previously ordered Google to stop working with organizations that are 'working to block progress on climate legislation' [Free Speech, Silencing, Climate Change]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ Iowa U.S. Sen. candidate Kimberly Graham harasses America Rising tracker who was simply filming a public climate parade. Graham is very rude and condescending to the tracker for minutes, then threatens to call the police on her and then says she's going to sue her for harassment. [Loathsome Left, Free Speech, Silencing, Climate Change]
Feb 18, 2020 ~ Another day, another conservative speaker canceled. GOP Senate candidate Bryant Messner's speech was canceled 'due to threats of violence'. Democrats have decided that ONLY THEY are allowed to speak anymore in this country. They can stop our speech, but they can't stop our votes. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Free Speech]
Feb 19, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Michael Bloomberg and the Politics of Money'. Great point about all the democrat candidates complaining about Bloomberg 'buying' the nomination or the election. At least he's using his own money! The rest of them are buying votes with YOUR money or borrowed money. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Free Speech, Ben Shapiro]
Feb 25, 2020 ~ Katie Hopkins, 'There is no freedom of speech in the UK because people cannot say what they think because if they do, they lose their jobs, they lose their homes, their families will be attacked, they'll lose their income, they'll lose their ability to sustain themselves.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Free Speech]
Apr 6, 2020 ~ FCC Chairman Ajit Pai dismissed a petition demanding the agency stop networks from airing Trump's coronavirus press briefings. Pai, 'The federal government will not and never should investigate broadcasters for their editorial judgments' or 'how to cover... our nation's leaders.' [Coronavirus, Trump Win, Free Speech, Silencing]
Apr 19, 2020 ~ Baylor University has denied official recognition for the Turning Point USA club on campus. #Silencing. [College, Free Speech, Silencing]
Apr 21, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Facebook Fails the Coronavirus Test'. FaceBook censors posts talking about protesting the lockdowns calling them 'harmful misinformation.' Facebook should not determine what is misinformation. Often gets it wrong. Govt. is supposed to protect speech and assembly. [Coronavirus, David Harsanyi, Free Speech, Tech Bias]
Apr 22, 2020 ~ Facebook works with the govt to shut down the 1st Amendment censoring both free speech and preventing the right to assembly. Zuckerberg on lockdown protest posts, 'We do classify that as harmful misinformation and we take that down.' Protests because some governors going too far. [Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing]
May 27, 2020 ~ Twitter makes incredibly stupid decision to 'fact check' a Trump tweets on voter fraud. Their claim was stupidly easy to debunk but regardless, they now have become arbiters of the truth which is impossible. Dems lie non-stop but don't get flagged. Twitter is no longer a platform [Tech Bias, Free Speech, Silencing, Politics]
May 27, 2020 ~ Twitter makes incredibly stupid decision to 'fact check' a Trump tweets while leaving millions of false tweets unchallenged. Ironically, Yoel Roth, the Head of 'Site Integrity' at Twitter has made many false tweets such as claiming there are, 'ACTUAL NAZIS IN THE WHITE HOUSE.' [Tech Bias, Free Speech, Silencing, Politics, TDS, Holocaust Denial]
May 29, 2020 ~ After being the only person 'fact checked' by Twitter despite millions of lies per day posted, Trump signs an executive order to regulate social media companies. 'Today, I am signing an executive order to protect and uphold the free speech and rights of the American people.' [Tech Bias, Free Speech]
Jun 16, 2020 ~ Nigel Farage speaks out on 'Cancel Culture' after losing his job. 'It seems that the real threat we face now is a genuine threat to free speech... I have never seen so many people so scared to write and say and speak and broadcast what they think. It really is very disturbing.' [Free Speech, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 17, 2020 ~ Censorship of conservative media. After complaints by NBC News, Google demonitizes two popular websites, The Federalist and Zero Hedge. To remedy this, The Federalist was forced to delete its comment section. Google won't let you comment but they enjoy protection on their sites. [Tech Bias, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ Katie Hopkins is permanently banned from Twitter for 'hateful conduct'. Hopkins had 1.1 million followers. Liberals and left winger everywhere cheer the censorship. #CancelCulture. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jun 20, 2020 ~ Students at Michigan State U. are trying to get Professor Stephen Hsu fired because they object to his work in IQ and he cited a study showing 'no racial disparity in rates of police shooting.' Hsu, 'The Twitter mobs want to suppress scientific work that they find objectionable.' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Anti-Science, College, Police]
Jun 29, 2020 ~ Reddit has permanently banned the pro Trump community 'The_Donald' which had almost a million subscribers. [Tech Bias, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 1, 2020 ~ Student Ashleigh Brock was expelled from Christian Hardin Simmons University for making truthful videos about #BLM on TikTok. She said "All Lives Matter" and pointed out the hypocrisy of how society treats white on black vs black on white vs black on black crime. Her observations were called 'hate speech' and the cowardly president caved to the mob. [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Radio Host Stu Peters was briefly suspended for saying 'all lives matter' and telling his black co-host, 'I've had no more privilege in my life than you have Jordan.' Had to be cleared by Communications Commission to determine "whether or not any Broadcasting Codes were violated. [Race, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Protesters form a road block with vans preventing Trump supporters from getting to his Mount Rushmore speech. They hold signs saying 'You Are On Stolen Land' which presumably they could hold all over the US. National Guard has to stop yet another speech shut down attempt. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ John Loftus, "We Can't Have 'National Dialogues' If People Get Fired For Talking Honestly" 'No one outside conservative media can criticize Black Lives Matter without being fired or ostracized, so how can we expect the average American to chime in for a productive dialogue?' [Free Speech, Cancel Culture, Silencing, BLM]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Allum Bokhari, 'Facebook Blacklists Laura Loomer's Campaign Ads', Facebook 'banned all ads on behalf of Laura Loomer, the frontrunner in the GOP primary race for House candidate in Florida's 21st district.' 'Loomer's personal account is banned on Facebook and Instagram.' [Tech Bias, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Nate McMurray, the Dem candidate for NY 27th District, urged Twitter followers Wednesday to 'report' Trump supporters. 'when you hear support for Trump, do not roll your eyes, do not play nice, do not worry about hurting someone's feelings, CALL IT OUT. REPORT IT'. Despicable. [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 4, 2020 ~ Jack Montgomery, The mob continues to cancel anyone critical of BLM. 'rugby fan has been banned from his club's stadium for life for praising a girl who refused to take the knee and criticizing "Marxist extremism and intimidation".' 'Find another club... You're no longer welcome' [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech, BLM]
Jul 13, 2020 ~ Ricky Gervais says the The Office could not be made today. The cancel culture mob thinks 'we're good, we're social just warriors, we're doing this for good and what we say goes. And they don't realize how corrupt and wrong that is.' 'If your mildly conservative, if you're Hitler' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 13, 2020 ~ Oklahoma State football coach Gundy lost a year of his contract and $1 million a year for wearing an OAN T-Shirt. The cancel culture mob said OAN was 'racist'. No 'evidence' of racism was ever produced. But Gundy on his knees before the mob at least has kept his job for now. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Jeff Jacoby 'Fear of Speech is Replacing Freedom of Speech' Cato Survey, In the current cancel culture environment 62% of adults said 'given the current political climate, they are afraid to honestly express their views.' 77% of Republicans. Strong liberals only ones comfortable. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ John Kass, 'What happened to an America where you could freely speak your mind?' The mob tried to 'cancel' him but he's winning. Falsely accuse him of Anti-Semitism for reporting the causes George Soros funds and how much. 'I will not bow to those who've wrongly defamed me.' [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Lynne Lechter on Cancel Culture, 'control what America says... who is allowed to speak, and how America acts. Defy them at your own peril. If you don't, you will probably lose your job, your reputation, your Twitter account, your business, your safety, and even your city.' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Aug 13, 2020 ~ Victory for free speech. YouTube has finally remonetized the channel of conservative commentator and comedian Steven Crowder after banning advertisements on his content over a year ago. [Free Speech, Tech Bias, Silencing]
Aug 14, 2020 ~ David Silverman, 'I'm literally thinking of voting red right now. Me. David Silverman. I used to say "I'm so blue I make the sky look red". I haven't changed, the Left has.' Cites Democrat anti-police, anti free speech and anti due process positions. [Politics, Police, Free Speech, Due Process]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ Jonathan Zimmerman, 'If USC can punish Greg Patton, free speech on campus really is dead'. Most of 'academia' is cowering under their desks afraid to defend an obviously innocent man lest the #CancelCulture mob come for them. 'any of us could be purged... no matter' the truth. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing]
Sep 17, 2020 ~ FaceBook has censored many conservative ads recently. Brit Hume. 'Most political ads are arguably true and arguably false. Always have been. Now we have big tech censors shutting down speech on the basis of highly arguable fact checks.' They're not equipped to be truth arbiters. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias]
Sep 18, 2020 ~ 13 year old Omar Farouq was sentenced in Nigeria to 10 years in prison for blasphemy against Islam for using 'foul language toward Allah in an argument with a friend.' Muslims in countries like this must live in fear of saying one errant word or stepping one toe off the line. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]
Sep 26, 2020 ~ The University of Wisconsin fired student writer Tripp Grebe for writing a column disagreeing with the 'Defund the Police' movement. They also did not publish the column. So-called 'higher education' is dead. There is no free speech or free thought allowed anymore. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Police, Silencing]
Oct 5, 2020 ~ Rae’Lee Klein will sue Arizona State University for monetary damages for violating her First Amendment rights if they don't rehire her. She was fired from a journalist job for reporting on Jacob Blake's criminal record including his repeated abuse of women. Silenced for the truth [College, Crime, Free Speech, Silencing]
Oct 5, 2020 ~ Tacoma middle school teacher Brendan Stanton kicked a student out of the chat and deleted the chat because he answered President Trump to the question, 'Who is the one person you admire and why?' Stanton went on at length as to why that kind of wrong answer will not be tolerated. [Education, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, TDS]
Oct 8, 2020 ~ A massive Trump sign on a hill near the 405 in California on private property. The authorities took it down saying it was a "visual distraction" to drivers. Straight up censorship of political speech. [California, Free Speech, Silencing]
Oct 14, 2020 ~ 17 yo student Mackenzie Andrysiak at Episcopal High School may be expelled for opposing #BLM and posting mainstream conservative content on Instagram. She was cyberbullied by students, alumni and even a teacher, Mr. Walsh who called her a 'little shit' and clown. #CancelCulture [BLM, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Oct 14, 2020 ~ FaceBook and Twitter censor the @nypost story 'Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad'. Block all references to the story. This tech censorship is blatant election interference. They enjoy privileges of a 'platform' but censor speech [Biden, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship, Ukraine Hoax]
Oct 15, 2020 ~ Twitter suspends Kayleigh McEnany for tweeting about the forbidden @nypost Biden article. Twitter and Facebook are engaging in massive election interference by acting as the arbiters of truth but doing so in an extremely biased way. Allow all kinds of #FakeNews if its anti-Trump. [Biden, Fake News, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Oct 15, 2020 ~ Marlo Safi, 'Elections Chairman Resigns After He And His Wife Are Accused Of Removing And Defacing Trump Signs' All over the country Trump signs are defaced and removed. Cars with Trump stickers are vandalized. #DontBecomeThem [Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]