Feb 12, 2017 ~ Hillary returns to make another sexist and divisive comment - 'The Future Is Female' she says excluding half the population - she never misses an opportunity to divide people and play identity politics. [Hillary, Politics, Identity Politics, Gender]
Feb 14, 2017 ~ Jenny Crofton, 'What Does Multigender Mean?' There are apparently an infinite number of genders. You can be many genders at once - you can even be all infinite genders at once. Therefore, the word gender no longer has any meaning at all. [Trans, Gender]
May 21, 2017 ~ Academic hoaxers convince journal to publish 'Penis causes climate change' paper - worked hard to ensure it said nothing at all but contained all the trendy left wing jargon - proving again the worthlessness of the 'gender studies' department. [College, Gender, Climate Change]
May 31, 2017 ~ Trans people now say it is problematic to refer to female reproductive organs such as the uterus, ovaries and mammary glands as 'female' - doing so 'completely erases trans women, trans men, non-binary folks'. Seems like they want to 'erase' women. [Trans, Gender]
Jul 29, 2017 ~ Liberals accuse everyone of 'misogyny' with no real evidence yet Bette Midler can tweet 'Men are worthless' and Teen Vogue liberal tweets 'Wake me when men are obsolete' - Libs say masculinity is 'toxic' - no one gets accused of misandry despite common comments like these. [Fake Sexism, Gender, Sexism]
Sep 19, 2017 ~ John McEnroe claims Serena Williams would rank 700 in the men's tour - many people get upset about that 'sexist' comment but data and people in the game say that's about right. [Gender, Fake Sexism]
Sep 28, 2017 ~ Katie Pavlich, 'Michelle Obama Lectures Women Who Dared to Vote Against Hillary Clinton'. Says those women were voting against their own voice. That they just did what they were told. How insulting to women. She forgets or hopes you ignore how she spoke against Hillary in 2008. [Hillary, Gender, Sexism, Fake Sexism]
Nov 18, 2017 ~ Only 23% of democrats believe gender is determined by biology - claim to be the party of science [Gender, Trans, Anti-Science]
Dec 3, 2017 ~ Google engineer James Damore writes a memo saying discrimination is not the main reason women are less than 50% of tech employees. Memo backed up by extensive research. Says people don't feel free to voice opinions. Google proves him right by firing him for unapproved opinions. [Cancel Culture, Gender, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Dec 10, 2017 ~ Michael Brown '6,500 Reasons to Say It's a Girl (or It's a Boy)' The left now objects to gender reveals when a baby is born because of the .02% chance it might become transgender. There are at least 6500 genes that express differently for males vs females but dems ignore science [Trans, Gender, Anti-Science]
Jan 21, 2018 ~ Andrew Sullivan on feminism vs. nature - Says as a gay man he can tell you men are the way they are because of nature, not some patriarchal social constructs or whatever - feminism is making claims against nature and so will lose. [Gender, Feminism]
Jan 21, 2018 ~ Heather Wilhelm, 'The Feminist War on Common Sense Dogma: Women thrive in hookup culture. But they also lack agency and the ability to state their desires, so men should read their minds. Or else.' Truth is men and women are different and hookup culture is a bad deal for women. [Gender, Feminism]
Jan 24, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, Male Sexual Nature - A Primer for the College-Educated - Prager has to again explain the difference between men and women and why men objectifying women is natural and not misogynistic [Gender, Dennis Prager]
Apr 20, 2018 ~ Madeleine Kearns, 'The Decline of Boys' - Increasingly people are realizing that boys are lagging behind girls in many aspects - yet we are telling them they are privileged and their very nature is toxic [Gender]
Jun 8, 2018 ~ #FakeNews Washington Post runs Suzanna Danuta Walters article, 'Why can’t we hate men?' "Maybe it’s time for us to go all Thelma and Louise and Foxy Brown on their collective butts," (women who have killed men) "for all the millennia of woe you have produced and benefited from." [College, Fake News, Gender, Loathsome Left, Sexism, Violent Left]
Jun 12, 2018 ~ Gender Studies Professor and editor of Gender Studies Journal asks 'Why Can't We Hate Men' - makes case for hating men - bla 'toxic masculinity' bla - tells men to only vote for feminist women and don't run for anything themselves. [Gender, Feminism]
Jun 17, 2018 ~ Alexandra DeSanctis, 'The Equal Rights Amendment Is a Feminist Ruse'. Women already have equal protection under the law and it is already illegal to discriminate based on sex - 14th amendment covers 'all persons' without having to list every possible subcategory. [Feminism, Gender]
Jul 1, 2018 ~ Sheryl Sandberg in 'Lean In' said 'A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies and men ran half our homes. This would be a better world'. No because it wouldn't be what women freely choose. Men and women opt for different careers in general. [Feminism, Gender]
Sep 8, 2018 ~ A 'Pussy Hat' design is withdrawn for the Ireland Trump Protest after activists insist that some women have penises - otherwise, left wingers thought dressing up as genitalia was an awesome idea. [TDS, Trans, Gender]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Heather Mac Donald's new book, 'The Diversity Delusion- How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture' - Tackles fake ideas like 'White Privilege, Toxic Masculinity', 'Rape Culture'. [College, Race, Gender]
Oct 5, 2018 ~ CERN fires Alessandro Strumia, physicist who gave 'Highly Offensive' talk about gender differences - He said that it is unfair that lower standards are required of women. A women with less citations and qualifications was hired instead of him. Presents many other examples. [Fake Sexism, Cancel Culture, Gender]
Dec 23, 2018 ~ Gad Saad to Joe Rogan on the left wing science denial of evolutionary psychology - 'when it comes to human nature, it's really the leftists who are denying the biological basis of our human nature'. [Anti-Science, Gender]
Jan 6, 2019 ~ Tucker Carlson taking heat for accurately connecting the dots between the stagnation of male income leading to lower marriage rates and higher out of wedlock births because women don't usually like to marry men who make less than them. [Gender]
Jan 9, 2019 ~ The American Psychological Association declares masculinity to be harmful - 'traditional masculinity ? is, on the whole, harmful' - Its just socialization anyway because 'there isn't much difference in the basic behaviors of men and women.' [Gender, Fake News]
Jan 14, 2019 ~ The DNC and others drop partnerships with the Women's March over the group's anti-Semitism. The Women's March insists that it is still a welcoming and inclusive place for all pro-choice, non-white women who hate Trump... and Jews. [Anti-Semitism, Gender, Women's March]
Jan 15, 2019 ~ Gillette makes an insulting 'Toxic Masculinity' Ad - depicts men behaving horribly including letting boys fight in front of them laughing it off - are some men toxic, yes - Is masculinity intrinsically toxic, no. Has many positives [Gender]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Women's March' occurs with a tiny fraction of its original numbers - Almost entirely a vulgar hate fest directed at Trump - signs had lots of profanity and often referenced their genitalia - 'Pussy = Power', 'Pussy is God' for example. Sad what feminism has turned into. [TDS, Gender, Women's March, Feminism]
Jan 22, 2019 ~ American Psychological Association declares 'traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful' - Prager says 'Without traditional masculinity, civilization is lost' - Jordan Peterson says 'lack' of fathers that creates the problem childs [Gender, Dennis Prager]
Feb 1, 2019 ~ Feminists in The Women's Liberation Front dispute that trans women are equivalent to biological women - they see early child transitioning as a way to 'fix' gayness - ruins single sex groups, events - 'deny lesbians their own unique safe space'. [Gender, Trans]
Feb 18, 2019 ~ After years of insanity led by Obama directives, due process is making a comeback. A CA 'state appellate court ruled that 'fundamental fairness' requires that accused students have a right to a hearing and to cross-examine their accusers.' [Gender, College, Due Process]
Mar 5, 2019 ~ Biologists and neurologists discussing well established differences between men and women is 'so taboo that a scientist risked ruining his career if he openly discussed them'. Patients suffer. Article 'Brain Wars: Return of the Sex Deniers'. The left routinely denies basic science [Gender, Trans, Anti-Science, Silencing]
Mar 11, 2019 ~ Debra Messing celebrated International Women's Day by praising a collection of vagina-themed cupcakes. That was wrong because there were no penis themed cupcakes to celebrate trans women 'who don't have a vagina'. She had to apologize. 'I am so so sorry.' she said. [Trans, Gender]
Apr 9, 2019 ~ Prager article, 'Every Problem Identified in The Feminine Mystique Has Been Addressed' but liberal women claim they are more oppressed than ever before. 'Women tend to be malcontents' he is forced to conclude. [Gender, Dennis Prager, Feminism]
May 29, 2019 ~ Luana Maroja, biology professor at Williams College warns that SJWs are declaring 'anti-racism and anti-sexism' to be more important than facts. 'biological denialism exists about nearly any observed difference between human groups, including those between males and females.' [College, Anti-Science, Gender]
Aug 25, 2019 ~ Nell Greenfieldboyce article, "Academic Science Rethinks All-Too-White 'Dude Walls' Of Honor". Prestigious medical schools are taking down portraits of top doctors, Nobel Prize winners and Lasker Award winners, because they are too white and too male. Great contributions erased. [Race, Gender, Cancel Culture]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ The 'radical feminist' Women's Liberation Front filed amici brief with the Supreme Court saying "Legally redefining 'female' as anyone who claims to be female results in the erasure of female people as a class... sex-based protections in the law have no meaning whatsoever." [Trans, Gender]
Sep 30, 2019 ~ Trans Cycling 'Champion' Rachel McKinnon declares that 'Genital preferences are transphobic.' and furthermore, 'Any sexual orientation other than pan is immoral because sexual genital preferences immoral'. All non bisexuals must be transphobic and immoral then. [Trans, LGBT, Gender]
Oct 2, 2019 ~ Portland has banned urinals to eliminate 'arbitrary' gender differences. The gender denying democratic party's war on science and biology continues. Tammy Bruce compares, 'Donald Trump is delivering jobs, prosperity and the future. Democrats are delivering wet toilet seats.' [Trans, Gender, Anti-Science]
Oct 22, 2019 ~ One of the most-cited papers in the field of gender bias, cited over 1500 times has been debunked. It claimed to show women had a 50% higher chance of being hired if their gender was unknown. It turns out there was 'no statistically significant evidence' to draw that conclusion. [Gender, Fake News]
Nov 1, 2019 ~ Poll shows that Latinos reject the gender neutral term 'Latinx' that democrats, academics and the media keep using. Only 2% of Latinos want to be referred to as Latinx. Only 3% of millennials so not even a generational thing. Progressive attempt to force gender neutrality. [Race, Gender]
Jan 26, 2020 ~ Ivanka Trump, 'The U.S. economy added 1.5 million jobs for women in 2019, 72% of total jobs added!' 'This party is leading on doubling access, we've eliminated child care wait lists in dozens of states across the country? passing into law' 12 weeks of paid family leave for govt. [Trump Win, Economy, Gender]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ California Gov. Gavin Newsom wants a three-year suspension on BMI (body mass index) testing of students because its discriminatory to 'non-binary students' since it has separate male and female tables but none for non-binary. Physical sex is not supposed to be non-binary. [Trans, Political Correctness, California, Gender]
Mar 6, 2020 ~ Progressive Democrats insist on using 'Latinx', the gender neutral term for Latino despite the fact that Latinos don't like it at all. A 'ThinkNow' survey found only 2% of US Hispanics want to be referred to as Latinx. The winning term is 'Hispanic' followed by Latino/Latina. [Identity Politics, Gender]
Mar 30, 2020 ~ Elton John runs afoul with the 'woke' gender police. John uses 'his' to talk about Sam Smith who he calls 'my dear friend'. Smith now says he's 'non-binary'. The gender police is all over Elton about 'misgendering', 'Shame on you Elton!', 'Do better.' Even Elton John is a bigot. [Trans, LGBT, Identity Politics, Political Correctness, Gender]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Alexandra DeSanctis, "Trump Administration Reverses Obama-Era Regulation That Redefined 'Sex'" Sex for health care purposes is back to its biological meaning instead of 'gender identity'. Treating based on gender identity led to improper health care in many cases. [Trump Win, Gender, Trans]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ George Tekai tries to educate JK Rowling, 'When you defend so-called "biological sex," you sound scientifically ignorant and you elevate transphobia.' The left has become so anti-science that they deny the existence of 'biological sex'. They no longer live in the real world... [Trans, Gender, Anti-Science]
Jun 14, 2020 ~ Penny Starr, 'HUD Issues Rule to Protect Women in Homeless Shelters' 'Homeless shelters designed to house females now have protections so that women don't have to share intimate spaces with biological men who "identify" as women'. Some of those women are sexual abuse victims. [Trump Win, Feminism, Gender, Trans]
Jun 15, 2020 ~ The Supreme Court rules in Bostock v. Clayton County case. The 1964 Civil Rights Act says that employers cannot discriminate on 'race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. According to the 6-3 majority, 'sex' now means 'sex, gender identity and sexual orientation'. [SCOTUS, Trans, Gender, LGBT]
Oct 9, 2020 ~ Mike Pence dismantles Kamala Harris in the VP debate. The liberal media cries 'mansplaining', 'manturrupting', 'gender dynamics'. Absurd. Pence was respectful but it was a DEBATE. Dems don't want women to be treated as equals. They demand special delicate treatment for women. [Fake Sexism, Gender, Harris]
Oct 19, 2020 ~ The DOE Office of Civil Rights informed Franklin Pierce University. that their policies violate Title IX. 'The first victory for college female athletes being forced to compete on an unfair playing field against males claiming transgender status and competing in women’s sports.' [College, Education, Gender, Trans, Trans Athletes, Trump Win]