Jul 5, 2016 ~ James Comey confirms that Hillary Clinton was storing classified including top secret documents on her unsecured home server in contradiction to her statement, "The fact is that I had zero emails that were classified." Comey: "110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information... Separate from those, about 2,000 additional e-mails were “up-classified” to make them Confidential." [Hillary, Hillary Emails]
Oct 31, 2016 ~ Hillary Clinton begins the #RussiaHoax by tweeting "Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank [Alfa]." Her campaign sends this bogus, unvetted info to the FBI and several #FakeNews outlets on election eve. [Fake News, Hillary, Russia Hoax]
Oct 31, 2016 ~ Hillary starting the Russia Hoax: "Donald Trump has a secret server. It was set up to communicate privately with a Putin-tied Russian bank called Alfa Bank. When a reporter asked about it, they shut it down. One week later, they created a new server with a different name for the same purpose." Every bit of this is a lie. [Fake News, Hillary, Russia Hoax]
Nov 6, 2016 ~ Hillary Clinton is caught cheating again. First she had the DNC rig the nomination against Bernie Sanders. Now Donna Brazile is caught feeding the Clinton Campaign debate questions prior to the CNN debate. Brazile is fired from CNN but is still head of the corrupt DNC. [Hillary, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Dec 19, 2016 ~ The Clinton Campaign Can't come to grips with why they lost - Jen Palmieri accuses Conway of winning by making a 'platform for white supremacists' - still blind to the real reasons they lost. [Hillary, Politics, Fake Racism]
Jan 22, 2017 ~ The Clinton Global Initiative closes its doors, proving its existence was always a pay to play, quid pro quo organization. If it was about charity, why stop it? The donations stopped when influence could no longer be bought. [Hillary, Politics]
Feb 12, 2017 ~ Hillary returns to make another sexist and divisive comment - 'The Future Is Female' she says excluding half the population - she never misses an opportunity to divide people and play identity politics. [Hillary, Politics, Identity Politics, Gender]
Mar 11, 2017 ~ NYU Gender-swap experiment shows Hillary even less likable as a man. re-did the debates with genders reversed. Thought it would confirm their bias that Hillary would have won if she were a man but it did the opposite. The female Trump was more likeable, male Clinton less likeable [Hillary, Politics]
Mar 21, 2017 ~ Donna Brazile admits stealing debate questions for Hillary after denying it for so long. 'sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret.' In the end, Hillary was the only candidate who cheated. Twice. Debate questions fed from CNN and rigging the DNC against Bernie. [Politics, Hillary, Sanders]
Mar 30, 2017 ~ Scott Rasmussen, 'How Hillary Lost - part of the story' - 206 Pivot Counties Voted Twice for Obama Then Switched to Trump - Also, Bill Clinton Democrats Rejected Hillary Clinton [Hillary, Politics]
Apr 11, 2017 ~ Hillary Clinton and other liberals blame 'misogyny' for her loss - 'Certainly misogyny played a role' she says - misogyny is the sexism card on steroids - just like 'white supremacy' is the race card on steroids. There was 'a wave of misogyny' she explains. [Fake News, Hillary, Fake Sexism]
May 13, 2017 ~ New Book 'Shattered - Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign' exposes just how bad Hillary was as a candidate and how badly her campaign was run - truth finally coming out as to why she lost - Poll shows Trump would still win now. [Politics, Hillary]
May 28, 2017 ~ Alex Pfeiffer, 'Journalists Spread Fake News About Ivanka Trump' - describe bogus pay to play scheme with Ivanka and Saudi Arabia. Try to compare it to Clinton Foundation real pay to play. $100M directly for World Bank Women Entrepreneurs Fund, not in a fund that she controls. [Fake News, Hillary]
Jun 11, 2017 ~ Pro-Hillary NY Daily News Columnist Gersh Kuntzman Tells Hillary Clinton, Just 'Shut the Fuck Up And Go Away Already' - Vanity Fair says 'Can Hillary Clinton Please Go Quietly into the Night' [Hillary, Politics]
Jun 20, 2017 ~ Liberals claim that voter-id suppresses voter turnout - this claim and flawed study have been thoroughly debunked - Hillary still clings to the myth trying to blame this for why she lost Wisconsin. [Fake News, Hillary]
Jun 27, 2017 ~ Dems demonizing the opposition calling them killers instead of debating policy - Hillary- GOP is 'The Death Party' if they pass their health care bill. Warren- 'These cuts are blood money. People will die' - Sanders- 'Barbaric'. This is not a serious political party anymore. [Health Care, Sanders, Hillary]
Sep 16, 2017 ~ Hillary Adds 'GOP Voter Suppression' to the long list of bogus reasons she lost the election. Like the other excuses this one is not supported by the facts. Her list also includes deplorables, misogyny, sexism, the DNC, Comey, Russia, Wikileaks, 'guys in Macedonia' and Fake News. [Hillary, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Sep 28, 2017 ~ Hillary Clinton interviewed by Charlie Rose. He asks about Trump 'he's no different than Putin?' She responds 'Well, hopefully he hasn't ordered the killing of people and journalists and the like'. Hopefully? She's implying that maybe he has? Textbook Trump Derangement Syndrome. [TDS, Hillary]
Sep 28, 2017 ~ Katie Pavlich, 'Michelle Obama Lectures Women Who Dared to Vote Against Hillary Clinton'. Says those women were voting against their own voice. That they just did what they were told. How insulting to women. She forgets or hopes you ignore how she spoke against Hillary in 2008. [Hillary, Gender, Sexism, Fake Sexism]
Oct 24, 2017 ~ Maggie Haberman, @maggieNYT is SHOCKED that the Hillary campaign lied about funding the bogus Steele dossier! "Folks involved in funding this lied about it, and with sanctimony, for a year." Washington Post, 'Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier' [Hillary, Russia Hoax]
Nov 3, 2017 ~ NPR, 'Book Reveals Clinton Campaign Effectively Controlled DNC As Early As 2015' Donna Brazile explains how and why the DNC rigged the primary for Clinton against Sanders." "As Hillary's campaign gained momentum, she resolved the party's debt and put it on a starvation diet. It had become dependent on her campaign for survival, for which she expected to wield control of its operations." [Hillary, Politics]
Nov 6, 2017 ~ Donna Brazile finally admits that the Democrat race was rigged for Hillary against Bernie. Gave Hillary control of the DNC before she secured the nomination. Derek Hunter, 'Liberals Are Everything They Say We Are'. Accused Trump of cheating in election but they were the ones. [Hillary, Politics, Derek Hunter, Sanders]
Dec 5, 2017 ~ Africans are being sold at Libyan slave markets thanks to Hillary and Obama. CNN report with video showed migrants in Libya being auctioned off as slaves. 'We came, we saw, he died,' she joked. But overthrowing Gadhafi was a humanitarian and strategic disaster. Way worse. [Slavery, Hillary]
Jan 8, 2018 ~ Deroy Murdock article, FBI reopens case into Hillary's emails - the entire case is laid out here including why the only reason she got off the first time was due to corruption and political favoritism. [Hillary, Hillary Emails]
Jan 20, 2018 ~ Susan Stamper Brown article, 'Democrats' Contribution to Haiti's "Craphole" Status' - How the Clintons profited greatly from aid the Clinton Foundation was supposed to provide but instead donations were funneled to huge foundation donors and Arkansas farmers. [Hillary]
Feb 2, 2018 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, "Hillary's 'Sure' Victory Explains Most Everything" - The idea that all of these people's who acted unjustly against Trump Campaign only make sense when viewed in the context that they were afraid of and/or wanted to curry favor with Hillary. [Spygate, Witch Hunt, Hillary]
Feb 4, 2018 ~ Turns out Hillary was protecting another sexual harasser, Burt Strider, on her campaign - gave him some counseling and let him continue on in a different spot - The Clinton Reckoning Is One of the Most Essential #Me Too Revelations Yet [Me Too, Hillary]
Apr 1, 2018 ~ Hillary doubles down on hating Americans and GOP - 'didn't like black people getting rights. You didn't like women getting jobs. You don't want to see that Indian-Americans are succeeding' - then insults women, 'vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever' says. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Sexism, Hillary]
May 5, 2018 ~ Ronan Farrow told George Stephanopoulos that Hillary Clinton's team threatened to cancel her interview with him because he was working on the story about her friend Harvey Weinstein. Her campaign 'sounded very concerned' 'We hear you're working on a big story.' [Me Too, Hillary]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Navy Sailor Kristian Saucier is pardoned by President Trump - Saucier took some pictures on a submarine that were deemed to be classified but he did not realize it at the time - other sailors did the same - what Hillary did was far worse and intentional but she skated. [Trump Win, Hillary]
Aug 21, 2018 ~ Hillary Clinton praises child who kneels during the pledge of allegiance at school - 'Keep up the good work' Clinton told her. [Hillary]
Sep 24, 2018 ~ The Air Has Seeped out of the Russia-Collusion Balloon. Bob Woodward asked about finding any collusion, 'I did not and I looked for it hard'. In the end Hillary was the only cheater in the election. The DNC was rigged in her favor against Bernie and CNN fed her debate questions. [Russia Hoax, Hillary, Sanders]
Oct 9, 2018 ~ Hillary Clinton says you can't be civil with the GOP. 'You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for' but if dems 'win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again'. They're going to be uncivil until we elect them. [Loathsome Left, Hillary]
Oct 15, 2018 ~ Hillary Clinton Says Bill's Accusers Don't Fit into 'Me Too' - utterly ridiculous - Bill Clinton had 14 accusers - 14! - many are not even in dispute - he settled a sexual harassment suit and was disbarred. [Me Too, Hillary]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ Hillary continues to lie about 'What Happened' in the election. She said 'the way Trump debated me, it was imbued with sexism'. Her example was that he made fun of her for preparing for the debate which he never did nor is that sexism. Hillary has no idea 'What Happened'. [Hillary, Fake Sexism]
Oct 21, 2018 ~ Mitch McConnell and his wife Elaine Chao, the US Secretary of Transportation were shouted at while trying to eat in a restaurant. Banging table, throwing food. This disgusting behavior happens daily, always from dems. Hillary says we can return to civility when we elect democrats [Loathsome Left, Hillary]
Oct 27, 2018 ~ The everything is Trump's fault double standard. A lone Trump supporter sends bombs to dems, Trump's fault. A Trump hater shoots up a synagogue, Trump's fault. A dem sends Ricin, a Bernie fan shoots up GOP baseball game, a Hillary Fan shoots up Pulse Night Club, not their fault. [Politics, Sanders, Hillary]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Hillary says all black people look alike - she was joking but if anyone in the GOP made the same joke, there would be hyperventilating and a career would be finished - but no biggie for a dem. [Hillary, Racism]
Mar 4, 2019 ~ Hillary told a Selma audience 'between 40,000 and 80,000 people were turned away from the polls because of the color of their skin, because of their age'. Not one single person was turned away for those reasons. 4 Pinocchios & Pants On Fire. May be the biggest political lie ever. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Hillary]
Apr 10, 2019 ~ There is a conspiracy theory that says Hillary Clinton actually had Vince Foster killed. That is false but Ken Starr said her treatment of him contributed to his suicide. 'Hillary attacked and humiliated him in front of other White House aides a week before he took his own life.' [Hillary]
May 3, 2019 ~ Democrats have all but given up on democracy. They have never conceded elections well since 2000 but this is a new level. Stacey Abrams says 'We Don't Have to Concede Elections Anymore'. Hillary now claims her election was 'stolen'. 'at least one county in Florida was breached.' [Politics, Fake News, Hillary]
Aug 6, 2019 ~ Ian Haworth, 'The Democrats' Incitement Hypocrisy'. Trump is blamed for a madman who was anti illegal immigration. Dems take no responsibility for the Warren fan in Dayton, Bernie bro Hodgkinson, Hillary fan Omar Mateen or the ICE terrorist blathering about 'concentration camps' [Fake News, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Illegal Immigration, Sanders, Hillary]
Aug 26, 2019 ~ Axios spreads fake news story that President Trump proposes 'nuking hurricanes' to disrupt them. He says 'I never said this. Just more FAKE NEWS!' Hillary Clinton feels the need to surface and weigh in on the obvious fake news. 'We should not nuke hurricanes,' she says. [Fake News, Hillary]
Sep 19, 2019 ~ Hillary doubles down on her ridiculous voter suppression lies. 'Experts estimate that anywhere from 27,000 to 200,000 Wisconsin citizen voters, predominantly in Milwaukee, were turned away from the polls.' for ID related problems. PolitiFact rules that a 'Pants on Fire' lie. [Fake News, Hillary]
Oct 4, 2019 ~ Rich Lowry, 'If you accept the premise that any information developed in a foreign country and used in American politics is election interference' Politico reported in 2017 Ukraine govt officials "helped Clinton's allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers."' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Rich Lowry, Hillary]
Oct 18, 2019 ~ Hillary claims both Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein are 'Russian Assets'. Gabbard responds that Hillary's message is "'Shut up, toe the line, or be destroyed.' But we, the people, will NOT be silenced". Most dems admirably back Gabbard, yet perpetrated the same smears against Trump. [Russia Hoax, Silencing, Hillary]
Oct 30, 2019 ~ Hillary Clinton says 'Facebook's decision to allow false information in political advertisements is appalling.' Besides the absurdity of Facebook being the arbiter of truth, Hillary would ban herself. She has gotten 74 False, Mostly False and Pants on Fire PolitiFact ratings. [Hillary, Free Speech, Politics]
Nov 12, 2019 ~ Hillary Clinton writes book 'Gutsy Women'. Long list includes Greta Thunberg. Leaves out 'Iron Lady' Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first female prime minister. Clinton is hard at work on her next book 'Brilliant Scientists'. Includes Bill Nye, the science guy. Leaves out Einstein. [Hillary]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Happy Anniversary to Citizens United' Democrats tried 'to ban a conservative non-profit group from showing a documentary it produced critical of then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton'. Stopped by the Supreme Court. Free speech upheld. Obama and dems upset. [Free Speech, Silencing, SCOTUS, Hillary]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ Hillary Clinton says nobody likes Bernie Sanders and his supporters fell for baloney, 'Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It's all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it' Bernie responds weakly. [Hillary, Politics, Sanders]