Aug 11, 2018 ~ Sarah Jeong, the racist that now works at the New York Times tweeted that Donald Trump is 'basically Hitler' - Ignoramuses and low information people will believe that 'basically', Hitler wasn't all that bad then. What did he do? Cut taxes and enforce Germany's border? [Holocaust Denial]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ The Washington Post writes article called 'The Path to Autocracy is all too familiar' which compares President Trump to Goebbels and includes picture of 'Hitler Youth' burning books. [Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ NYT Racist Sarah Jeong says 'I was equating Trump to Hitler before it was cool.' She praises her own derangement saying 'How fucking prescient was I on Trump = Hitler' - about as prescient as a typical Holocaust Denier. [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Sep 28, 2018 ~ Deranged Dem thugs harass and chase Ted Cruz and his wife out of a DC restaurant as they ironically chant 'fascists not welcome'. They threaten Cruz, Trump and other 'right wing scum. You are not safe. We will find you'. The world dems are creating. Get in line or face violence. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial]
Oct 29, 2018 ~ Sarah Silverman said Trump 'went full Hitler' because he called himself a nationalist - She also bizarrely claimed that meant he was a 'racist' - all it actually means is he puts American interests above the interests of other countries. THAT'S IT! [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Chris Cuomo said today that Trump said 'Media is the enemy of the people.' Cuomo said 'That is a phrase propagated by Stalin, used by Hitler.' Trump actually said 'fake news media is the enemy of the people' and Cuomo changed the quote making it ironically... fake news. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Trump declares he is a 'Nationalist'. He was clear in explaining exactly what it means. Looking out for the good of 'your nation' vs. a 'globalist' who is more concerned about the globe. Cries of Hitler, Racist and Nazi. People falsely claimed the N in Nazi was 'Nationalist'. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Nov 2, 2018 ~ Jane Fonda says, 'Everybody has to vote' because 'Trump ... Third Reich and Adolf Hitler!!' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Nov 5, 2018 ~ Cher said Trump is 'LIAR, WHITE NATIONALIST, RACIST,TRAITOR,WHO'D HAVE PHOTO OP WITH HITLER,IF HE THOUGHT IT WOULD RALLY HIS BASE' - recall previous quotes, '... Stalin ... Hitler ... GESTAPO TACTICS'. These people are more than a little unhinged. [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Nov 5, 2018 ~ Police arrest FSU student Gillum intern Shelby Shoup for pouring milk on a Republican volunteer at a table on campus - kicked over signs -'fascism is here... you are normalizing and enabling Nazis'. Sadly, this is typical behavior for democrats these days. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Police arrest Daniel Brito for assaulting a Tucson man wearing MAGA hat in public with vote GOP sign. The deranged democrat jumped him from behind to grab the hat blabbering about 'Hitler', 'Nazis' and Trump. Ripped the hat off and broke the man's ankle in 4 places. Hospitalized. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Holocaust Denial]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ AOC compares Central American migrants to Jews Fleeing Nazi Germany. 'applying for [refugee] status isn't a crime. It wasn't for Jewish families fleeing Germany.' There is no comparison. Almost none of the recent migrants even qualify for asylum. Trivializes the Holocaust. [Illegal Immigration, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Holocaust Denial]
Jan 1, 2019 ~ Chomsky says Trump is WORSE than Hitler - 'There have been plenty of monsters in the past. But you can't find one who was dedicated, with passion, to destroying the prospects for organized human life. Hitler was horrible enough, but not that.' [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Climate Change]
Jan 3, 2019 ~ Dem Rep. Hank Johnson, a man who worried Guam would 'tip over and capsize' if the US added 8000 Marines, repeatedly compared Trump to Adolf Hitler. 'Much like how Hitler took over the Nazi party, Trump has taken over the Republican party.' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Jan 8, 2019 ~ Robert De Niro embarrasses himself again - Calls Trump a 'racist', a 'White Supremacist', a 'fascist', Compares Trump to 'Hitler' [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Feb 19, 2019 ~ A 7 year old boy was harassed and called 'Little Hitler' told he 'doesn't like brown people' after setting up a hot chocolate stand to raise money for President Trump's border wall. Benton Stevens, of Austin, Texas has raised close to $5000 [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration]
Feb 19, 2019 ~ The Washington Post published an op-ed comparing Trump's declaration of a national emergency on the border with the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party during Germany's Weimar Republic. 'Emergency powers helped Hitler's rise.' [TDS, Illegal Immigration, Holocaust Denial]
Mar 2, 2019 ~ Sam Vinograd of Biden Institute compares Trump to Hitler. 'reclaiming our heritage, that sounds a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my family and about 6 million other Jews'. Biden said exact same thing 'reclaim our heritage' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Mar 17, 2019 ~ Jim Carrey TDS 'Innocent people are now being slaughtered, families ruined and childrens' lives destroyed. All in his name. If the Craven Republican Senate allows this vile miscreant to continue encouraging divisiveness, ? EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT.' Paints Swastika on Trump's head. [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Mar 18, 2019 ~ Bob Baer said, 'it is racism... he called immigrants animals it was the same as Adolf Hitler used to call foreigners animals Jews and Gypsies It's the same politics. It's neo-Nazism. Its an incitement to violence.' Fake News, MSM lied. Trump called MS-13 not immigrants 'animals'. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Holocaust Denial]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Cher weighs in on the Mueller report still using the same pre-report quote bot, 'FK trump bla bla Putin bla bla Hitler bla bla Germany bla bla White Supremacist.' [TDS, Fake Racism, Russia Hoax, Holocaust Denial]
Apr 4, 2019 ~ 74 yr old Jewish man wearing a MAGA hat in Starbucks harassed by crazed woman afflicted with TDS. She screams, 'This guy's a racist! This guy hates brown people!' Encouraged everyone to harass him. 'I am going to organize protests where he works to make him feel unsafe' 'fascism' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Apr 5, 2019 ~ Beto compares Trump to Hitler and 'the Third Reich' in an attempt to lie about the Trump administration 'putting kids in cages'. And then repeats the lie that Trump said 'neo-Nazis and klansmen are very fine people. You draw your own conclusions.' Conclusion: Beto lies nonstop. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Charlottesville, Illegal Immigration]
Apr 5, 2019 ~ Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America and son of Holocaust survivors criticized Beto for engaging in 'willful trivialization of the Holocaust' by referring to the Trump Administration as the 'Third Reich'. 'Trump has been the greatest friend' to Israel [Holocaust Denial]
Apr 9, 2019 ~ Morgan Freeman claims, 'We are witnessing the deliberate reincarnation of Adolf Hitler right before our eyes in Stephen Miller, who will stop at nothing to preserve some BS pure white bloodline.' Miller btw is Jewish, not that this is not totally insane anyway. [Holocaust Denial, Fake Racism]
Apr 9, 2019 ~ After Kirstjen Nielsen leaves, unhinged democrats rain hate on her. John Cusack wants to charge her with 'crimes against humanity', calling her 'a good little German following orders'. They continue to lie about her 'caging kids', a policy started by Obama and ended by Trump. [Holocaust Denial, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Apr 10, 2019 ~ Cher compares Trump administration to the 'Third Reich'. [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Apr 11, 2019 ~ AOC goes even farther than saying Omar should be immune from criticism. 'First they came for?' Ben Shapiro says, 'there's something deeply disturbing about AOC making Holocaust references to defend an open and unrepentant anti-Semite who is merely being criticized.' [Holocaust Denial, Silencing, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Ben Shapiro]
Apr 22, 2019 ~ Henry Kissinger attempting to address Yale's WFB Society is the latest speaker to be shouted down at NYU by rude left wing children who despise free speech. Was called a 'Nazi' even though he was a Jew who fled Nazi Germany and received the Bronze Star for fighting actual Nazis. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Holocaust Denial]
Apr 23, 2019 ~ Sonalee Rashatwar who calls herself a 'fat sex therapist' gave a talk at St. Olaf College. Claimed 'a child cannot consent to being on a diet the same way a child cannot consent to having sex' She also insanely and repeatedly connected dieting to 'white supremacy' and 'Nazism' [Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
May 21, 2019 ~ Bette Midler compares Trump and Fox News to Hitler and Eva Braun. '#Trump is sniping at #FoxNews on Twitter? I'd say this was like watching Mom and Dad fight, but my parents weren't named Adolf and Eva.' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
May 26, 2019 ~ Utah Supreme Court Justice Michael Kwan made insane comments about Trump, GOP 'during official judicial proceedings. 'Welcome to the beginning of the fascist takeover. We need to be diligent in questioning congressional Republicans if they are going to be the American Reichstag.' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Jun 5, 2019 ~ UK liberals just as unhinged and violent as US liberals. Pro Trump Londoner tried to debate left wing mob of protesters. They kicked him, shoved him and threw a milkshake in his face, 'screaming hysterically in his face that he was a Nazi'. Baseless violent attacks are now daily. [TDS, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ AOC says 'The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border'. Explicitly references the Holocaust saying 'Never Again'. 'A presidency that creates concentration camps is fascist.' Roundly criticized for disgraceful comparison. Dems refuse to increase funding [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Illegal Immigration, Holocaust Denial]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ Liberal professor Alan Dershowitz calls AOC 'a bigoted ignoramus who makes comparisons between what's going on the southern border and the Holocaust'. 'By making that comparison, she becomes a Holocaust denier.' Temporary detention centers are overwhelmed by migrants. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Illegal Immigration, Holocaust Denial]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ Rep. Rashida Tlaib who can't let a day go by without false claims of racism said the reason AOC is being criticized for comparing detention facilities to Nazi concentration camps is because she is a woman of color. 'bullying by Liz and her crew of the WOC members of Congress' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Illegal Immigration, Holocaust Denial, Tlaib, Fake Racism]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ Don Lemon compares Trump to Adolf Hitler on CNN to argue for de-platforming Trump. 'Think about Hitler? if you could look back in history, would you say, "Well, I'm so glad that person was allowed a platform so that they could spread their hate and propaganda and lies"' [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Silencing]
Jun 23, 2019 ~ After ridiculously claiming US detention centers were 'concentration camps' a Holocaust remembrance group invited AOC to tour multiple Nazi concentration camps with one of the camps' survivors. She turned down the offer. DC Holocaust Memorial Museum also condemned her comparison. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Illegal Immigration, Holocaust Denial]
Jun 25, 2019 ~ Project Veritas further proves Google wants to shut down right wing speech by falsely labelling it 'nazi'. Liam Hopkins says 'if we understand that PragerU, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro et al are nazis.' One possible action against the nazis, 'disabling the suggestion feature'. [Silencing, Holocaust Denial, Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, Tech Bias, Cancel Culture]
Jun 25, 2019 ~ Rosie O'Donnell agrees with AOC that the US is running concentration camps. 'Yeah, the concentration camps'. And a surprising number of them! 'There are over 100,000 camps' more than 2000 per state! 1000s of people are travelling 1000s of miles to get into our concentration camps [TDS, Illegal Immigration, Holocaust Denial, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Jul 1, 2019 ~ Nike cancels July 4th shoes bc Colin Kaepernick thinks 'the Betsy Ross flag is an offensive symbol because of its connection to an era of slavery'. Obama had that flag at his inauguration. Ross was an abolitionist. Michael Eric Dyson compares it to a 'swastika', a 'cross burning' [Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Democrat TJ Helmstetter bragged about harassing a Trump supporters in a DC restaurant. Guy with gf was having lunch with MAGA hat on. TJ informs him 'we don't tolerate racism in this city'. Also says they are 'Nazis' and 'racist pieces of shit' based on nothing but his own TDS. [TDS, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Salon covers Trump's July 4th speech. 'Goebbels bla bla fascist bla bla white supremacy and male domination bla bla bigotry bla bla Fox News-watching yokels bla bla racist bla bla kids in cages bla bla white supremacists bla bla racism bla bla white supremacy' 100% straight trash [TDS, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 8, 2019 ~ A FL high school principal fired for Holocaust Denial. 'I can't say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event'. But since dems keep insisting Trump is just like Hitler and Republicans are Nazis, its no surprise that ignorant people would believe them and dismiss the Holocaust. [Holocaust Denial]
Jul 14, 2019 ~ Alyssa Milano posted an image comparing Vice President Mike Pence to Heinrich Himmler, one of the Nazi architects of the Holocaust. It was a split photo of Himmler visiting a REAL Nazi death camp, and Pence visiting a temporary migrant detention center used also by Obama. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Illegal Immigration]
Jul 14, 2019 ~ Tom Arnold compared the U.S. detention centers used also by Obama to Nazi Germany. 'This is exactly how it started Germany 1930's Families rounded up, separated & put in cages.' This lie does not get any more true no matter how many times its repeated by deranged democrats. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Illegal Immigration]
Jul 15, 2019 ~ Antifa terrorist attacks ICE facility with rifle, incendiaries. Ignites vehicles. Tries to explode a propane tank. 'This could have resulted in the mass murder of staff and detainees housed at the facility' Eulogized as a 'martyr who gave his life to the struggle against fascism' [Antifa, Holocaust Denial, Illegal Immigration, Violent Left]