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Feb 22, 2020 ~ MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson says that black people who support Sanders are 'misfits'. 'I don't care how many people from the island of misfit black girls you throw out there to defend you on a regular basis'. Blacks who don't vote the way liberals want are routinely vilified [Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Sanders]
Feb 26, 2020 ~ A predominantly white choir at Western Michigan U. sang 'Wade in the Water'. The black choir conductor said 'these songs don't belong to one race'. A black music major said 'They sure as hell DO'. Allowing white people to sing it is 'appalling'. Many demand 'racial re-education'. [Racism, Cultural Appropriation, Identity Politics, College]
Feb 27, 2020 ~ Joe Biden who often didn't know what state he was in nor what office he was running for, 'running for the United States Senate' says 'I'm looking forward to appointing the first African American woman to the United States Senate.' Senators are elected not appointed by Presidents. [Politics, Biden, Identity Politics]
Mar 4, 2020 ~ Kim Kardashian is vilified again for wearing her hair in tight braids. She's yelled at, 'YOU ARE NOT BLACK' with hand claps 'Take the braids out. You are white sweetie'. She's given helpful advice of what is acceptable & permissible for her race, 'Put your hair up in a high pony' [Cultural Appropriation, Racism, Cancel Culture, Identity Politics]
Mar 6, 2020 ~ Progressive Democrats insist on using 'Latinx', the gender neutral term for Latino despite the fact that Latinos don't like it at all. A 'ThinkNow' survey found only 2% of US Hispanics want to be referred to as Latinx. The winning term is 'Hispanic' followed by Latino/Latina. [Identity Politics, Gender]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ Trump declares the Coronavirus to be a National Emergency. Announces new money programs and initiatives and money allocated to combat including drive through testing. The usual idiots spend time counting the race and gender of the surrounding people. And getting it wrong... [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Identity Politics]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ When Trump was declaring a National Emergency, Steven King says 'Note that Trump's coronavirus team is all male, all old, and all white'. Katie Pavlich, 'this is completely irrelevant and ridiculous during a pandemic but it's also very wrong.' Wrong on both claims. Constant lies. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Identity Politics]
Mar 30, 2020 ~ Elton John runs afoul with the 'woke' gender police. John uses 'his' to talk about Sam Smith who he calls 'my dear friend'. Smith now says he's 'non-binary'. The gender police is all over Elton about 'misgendering', 'Shame on you Elton!', 'Do better.' Even Elton John is a bigot. [Trans, LGBT, Identity Politics, Political Correctness, Gender]
May 6, 2020 ~ John Hirschauer, 'The Biden-Kavanaugh Double Standard'. One of several more similar articles just today. Biden is fortunate to be judged as an individual vs. Kavanaugh who was an avatar for a world of white privilege. 'Ford was every abuse victim, and Kavanaugh every abuser'. [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh, Identity Politics]
May 21, 2020 ~ White man Joe Biden says to black Americans, 'If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black'. Senator Tim Scott, 'Joe Biden's comments are the most arrogant and condescending thing I've heard in a very long time.' #YouAintBlack trends. [Biden, Race, Racism, Identity Politics]
May 21, 2020 ~ After Biden says black people who don't vote for him aren't black, Ida Bae Wells tries to explain, 'There is a difference between being politically black and being racially black.' Black people ask what that means. She says she can't educate the ignorant about 'racial politics'. [Biden, Race, Racism, Identity Politics]
May 21, 2020 ~ After Ida Bae Wells talks about the concept of being 'politically black', Tim Carney observes, 'When Black is defined to mean something like "liberal" or "center-left" or whatever, then conservative views are de facto racist. It's not a subtle trick, but it's a favorite one.' [Biden, Race, Racism, Identity Politics, Fake Racism]
May 22, 2020 ~ BET founder Robert Johnson responds to Biden having 'the audacity to tell Black people, the descendants of slaves, that they are not Black unless they vote for him... He should spend the rest of his campaign apologizing to every Black person he meets... arrogant and out-of-touch' [Biden, Race, Racism, Identity Politics]
May 22, 2020 ~ Herschel Walker responds to Biden 'Wow. I just watched former Vice President @JoeBiden... Does he not understand that black and brown skinned people can think for themselves. You don't determine who we vote for. @realDonaldTrump #YouAintBlack' [Biden, Race, Racism, Identity Politics]
Jul 3, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture gets another scalp. NYT, 'A White Gatekeeper of Southern Food Faces Calls to Resign' John T. Edge is stepping down as head of the Southern Foodways Alliance. His offenses are very vague and unspecific. Nothing like outright racism. The main problem is he's white. [Cancel Culture, Identity Politics]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ NYC Council member Thomas Wrocklage brought his friend's nephew, to a meeting. This infuriated Council member Rachel Broshi, 'It hurts people when they see a white man bouncing a brown baby on their lap and they don't know the context. That is harmful.' Broshi called a 'racist'. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Race, Identity Politics]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Cesar Conde of NBCUniversal announces that they are setting a goal of having 50% people of color up from the current 26%. The current percentage of white people matches population percentage so to achieve the goal, illegal, racist, and discriminatory hiring practices must occur. [Racism, Identity Politics, Affirmative Action]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ The National Museum of African American History & Culture assigns all kinds of good things to 'White Culture': 'Self-reliance', 'Nuclear family', 'Scientific Method', 'Objective thinking'. 'Cause and effect', 'Hard work is the key to success', 'Plan for the future', 'Be polite'. [Race, Identity Politics]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ The National Museum of African American History & Culture describes 'Whiteness & White Culture' in disparaging ways. 'no tolerance' for other religions. Like 'bland' food, 'win at all costs', 'aggressiveness', 'Majority rules' only 'when Whites have power', 'Avoid intimacy'. [Race, Identity Politics, Racism]
Jul 22, 2020 ~ Activists using the law firm of Bottini & Bottini in La Jolla are suing Oracle, Facebook and Qualcomm for not having enough black people in executive and boardroom roles. No proof required in the shakedown that they discriminated against any qualified candidates. [Affirmative Action, Identity Politics]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ James Lindsay, 'No, the Woke Won't Debate You. Here's Why.' More than knowing they would lose. They reject reason, logic, debate as tools of the oppressive system they seek to destroy. Can't destroy it from within it. Using the tools makes them complicit. See opponents as Nazis. [Identity Politics, Silencing]
Aug 4, 2020 ~ Harry Shearer spoke out against the ridiculous policies being adopted in Hollywood. Shearer voiced many Simpsons characters, some who were not white which is no longer allowed. 'I have a very simple belief about acting. The job of the actor is to play someone who they're not.' [Cancel Culture, Identity Politics, Political Correctness]
Aug 5, 2020 ~ Woke white SJW professor BethAnn McLaughlin pretended to be a gay, Native American, sexual assault victim professor who died of COVID-19 because supposedly Arizona State forced her to teach to large classes. Duped people for 4 years with her fake, 'oppressed' persona. Busted. [Fake News, College, Identity Politics]
Aug 6, 2020 ~ Christian Schneider - Senior College Fix Reporter, "Provost reprimanded for using word 'mantra,' cited as biased against Buddhists". Provost said "'access and excellence' as our mantra". The madness will never end. Cancel Culture will deem everyone and everything 'problematic'. [Cancel Culture, Identity Politics, Political Correctness]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ The Oscars will now have Diversity Requirements for files eligible for Best Picture. A film must meet at least two diversity requirements to be eligible. [Affirmative Action, Identity Politics, Political Correctness]
Sep 9, 2020 ~ Video surfaces of 'Diversity Training' being forced on white employees around the nation. Instructor Ashleigh Shackelford explains 'All white people are racist' 'You're always gonna be racist' 'White people are born into not being human' 'what yall are taught to do, to be demons' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Oct 3, 2020 ~ George Leef, 'Diversity Mania Has Infected the Hard Sciences' 'I have worked in academic science my entire life and I have never seen any sign of racism, systemic or otherwise.'  But no matter, 'They demand equal "representation" of all groups. 'If not, 'systemic racism' is blamed [Anti-Science, Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Oct 4, 2020 ~ Around 100 students at Ohio State University protested because the University referred to incidents of racial slurs plus physical attacks by black people on white students as 'hate crimes.' They absurdly argued that they can't be hate crimes because black people can't be racist. [Crime, Identity Politics, Race, Racism]
Oct 11, 2020 ~ Gal Gadot @GalGadot is getting 'backlash' for being cast as 'Cleopatra' in an upcoming movie. The #CancelCulture wokesters think it should go to a black woman or someone who is Egyptian? But Cleopatra was Greek. She had no Egyptian ancestry. Identity politics at its worst. [Cancel Culture, Cultural Appropriation, Identity Politics]
Oct 16, 2020 ~ U. of Minnesota webinar 'Deconstructing & Decentralizing Whiteness'. A '12 step program' for white people wanting to 'recover and reclaim our full humanity' Step 1. Admit to your 'white supremacy' Step 5. 'We confessed our mistakes and failings.' More steps about white supremacy. [College, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Race]
Oct 16, 2020 ~ Kurt Zindulka, 'Stigma of ‘White Privilege’ and ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Damaging White Working Class Boys: Report' This vile and toxic worldview tells innocent children that 'they are the problem and they should make amends for simply being who they are.' Causing resentment and anger [Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Nov 2, 2020 ~ Brandeis U Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion has a program that couldn't create more division if that were its primary purpose. Students of color go to a 'healing space' while white students get 6 days of 'anti-racist' training administered by a 'racial justice educator.' [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Political Correctness, Racism]
Nov 9, 2020 ~ Dr John McWhorter, a real academic on charlatan @DrIbram, 'The notion that I have "racist" ideas, be that under any definition including those of the ever so intellectually nimble Dr. Kendi, merits no response, and this is the closest approximation to one that there will ever be.' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Nov 11, 2020 ~ Eva Longoria is next on the #CancelCulture chopping block. She said 'Latina women were the real heroines here, beating men in turnout in every state and voting for Biden-Harris at an average rate close to three-to-one' Oh hells no. Cancel! You can't win playing identity politics. [Cancel Culture, Identity Politics]
Nov 17, 2020 ~ Despite years of Democrats lying about President Trump being a 'racist' and 'homophobe' and even a 'White Supremacist', he gained vote percentage with Black men and women, Hispanic men and women, Asians, Indians, and doubled his LGBT support. He only went down with white men. [2020 Election, Fake Homophobia, Fake News, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Politics]
Jan 6, 2021 ~ The University of Florida’s Anthropology Department held an event for all except white people. 'this space is only for those who identify as a BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color.)'  'Welcome all BIPOC students!' 'should only participate... if they hold that identity.' [College, Identity Politics, Racism]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Biden promises an administration based on race and gender discrimination and preferences, "Our priority will be Black, Latino, Asian, and Native American owned small businesses, women-owned businesses." [Biden, Coronavirus, Identity Politics, Racism]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Christopher Rufo, 'A Cupertino elementary school forces third-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, then rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.”' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Racism]
Jan 21, 2021 ~ Biden chose PA Health Secretary Rachel Levine to be his assistant secretary of health. She killed a lot of people by forcing #COVID19 patients INTO nursing homes, right after she got her own mother out. But, she checks the 'transgender' box for Biden which is what's important. [Coronavirus, Identity Politics, Trans]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ Philadelphia teacher, Christopher Paslay criticizes the new anti-racism brain washing. 'I think it’s gotten to the point where people fear [being accused of not participating in racial justice efforts].' This poison drives kids apart who were all friends and got along great. [Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Feb 5, 2021 ~ SF Chronicle, 'San Francisco’s elite academic public high school [Lowell],” will “no longer admit students based on top grades and test scores, and instead use a random lottery system for admission” The problem with merit based was that it 'lacks diversity. It’s majority Asian.' [Affirmative Action, Education, Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Feb 5, 2021 ~ NYC public schools are telling white teachers that they "spirit murder" their Black and Brown students. 'My school is requiring us to discuss our whiteness and how we "spirit-murder" our black and brown children every day.' This poisonous divisive training is required for whites. [Education, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left]
Feb 11, 2021 ~ Dr. Hasan Gokal was fired for not 'equitably' administering #COVID19 vaccines one day. He was told 'there were too many Indian names in that group' but the vaccines were about to expire before he could ration by exact skin color. He was told he should have discarded them instead. [Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Identity Politics]
Feb 12, 2021 ~ Very well written takedown of 'anti-racism'. Excerpt of his book, 'THE ELECT: NEORACISTS POSING AS ANTIRACISTS AND THEIR THREAT TO A PROGRESSIVE AMERICA' How 3rd Wave Antiracists control society and silence dissent via fear of false racism charges. [Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Race, Racism]
Feb 13, 2021 ~ Dan McLaughlin, 'Nikole Hannah-Jones Is the Donald Trump of the New York Times' 'She will not be reprimanded, much less removed from her position, even though the likes of Donald McNeil, James Bennet, and to a certain extent Bari Weiss have all been cast out for far less.' [Cancel Culture, Identity Politics]
Feb 13, 2021 ~ The University Of Wisconsin asks students to take a 21-Week ‘Equity Challenge’. Other schools are doing a similar 21 day challenge. All created by The United Way. Students are indoctrinated in 'systemic racism', 'internal bias', 'allyship' etc. Dissent means immediate cancelation [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Racism, Silencing]
Feb 15, 2021 ~ Christopher Rufo exposes NYC schools sending a "tool for action" to parents explaining the "8 White Identities". Hint: almost none of them are "good" except if you are a "white traitor" or beyond. You must strive to be a white traitor or you will be one of the bad white people. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left, Race, Racism]
Feb 17, 2021 ~ Steve Sailer, 'Equity: The New Equality' '“Equity” has become the dog-whistle term used to alert the Woke that you intend to deliver to them the equality of outcome they desire rather than the equality of opportunity they deserve.' [Affirmative Action, CRT DIE Wokeness, Identity Politics, Race]
Feb 18, 2021 ~ Dedham High School fired football coach David Flynn for questioning a World History curriculum that was hijacked by a #BLM, social justice agenda. Course was all about 'race, gender, stereotypes, discrimination, and politics, among other left-wing social issues.' #CancelCulture [BLM, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Identity Politics, Silencing]
Feb 19, 2021 ~ 'Try to be less white' Coca Cola tells its employees in mandatory training because being white is to be 'oppressive, arrogant and ignorant' and other bad thngs. Candace Owens says Imagine if they told black people to be less black because to be black is to have negative qualities. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Identity Politics, Racism]

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