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Jan 27, 2019 ~ Tom Brokaw called xenophobic for talking about assimilation. 'But saying immigrants should assimilate is the opposite of xenophobia - it is an expression of a belief that they can be and should be fully part of the American mainstream.' - Rich Lowry [Immigration, Rich Lowry]
Feb 7, 2019 ~ Immigration in Europe is not going as well as hoped - Foreigners Make Up 80% of Swiss Prison Inmates - Switzerland Deported over 1,000 Migrant Criminals in 2017 - Foreigners commit 45% of the crimes in Berlin - percent rising every year. [Immigration]
Feb 15, 2019 ~ Anti-Semitic Incidents are up 73% in 2018 in France - Violent Anti-Semitic attacks are up 60% in Germany. Studies have shown Anti-Semitic attacks in Europe are more than 50% Islamic and about 25% left wing. Only 5% right wing. [Anti-Semitism, Immigration]
Mar 5, 2019 ~ 70% of those convicted for violent crimes over the last year in Oslo have been immigrants. 75% of Pre-Trial Prisoners in Berlin Are Foreigners. More Than Half of Suspects in Murders of Women in 2017 Were Foreigners in Austria. Better vetting needed obviously. [Immigration]
Mar 8, 2019 ~ Muslim scholar Ruud Koopmans said the literal majority interpretation of the Quran makes Muslims harder to assimilate than other migrant groups. 'Such a brand of Islam is, firstly, a threat to world peace. Secondly, it prevents integration.' Data met with insults, not debate. [Immigration, Islam]
Apr 3, 2019 ~ Moroccan migrant Said Mechaout, murdered Italian man Stefano Leo. Chose him because he was 'young, white and Italian.' and looked 'happy'. Happened shortly after Nigerian migrants murdered 2 teen girls and a Senegalese migrant set fire to school bus with 50 kids in it. [Immigration, Islam, Racism]
May 15, 2019 ~ Trump unveils Immigration Reform plan. Eliminates the ridiculous program that selects people literally at random. 'The proposal ... would favor high-skilled workers, accounting for age, English proficiency, education and whether the applicant has a well-paying job offer.' [Immigration]
Jun 20, 2019 ~ Syrian refugee Mustafa Mousab Alowemer was charged with plotting to bomb a Christian church in Pittsburgh. Alowemer was in the process of obtaining a green card. Came in as a refugee during Obama administration. [Islam, Terrorism, Immigration]
Jul 8, 2019 ~ Steven Camarota article, 'Immigration Is No Fix for an Aging Society'. You often hear we need immigrants to shore up our insolvent social programs like Social Security and Medicare but Camarota shows that the numbers for that argument don't work at all. [Economics, Immigration, Entitlements]
Aug 12, 2019 ~ New DHS regulations 'consider an immigrant's use of non-cash government-assistance programs, such as the SNAP and Medicaid, as a negative factor in determining their eligibility for a green card or temporary visa.' Free stuff is a magnet we can't afford. Already drowning in debt. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Economics, Entitlements]
Sep 2, 2019 ~ Afghan man stabbed two American tourists in Holland. He said he 'came to the Netherlands to protect my prophet.' Said he was 'planning to kill unfair and cruel people, those who make it possible for the Prophet Mohammed to be insulted.' Was 2015 asylum seeker. [Islam, Terrorism, Immigration]
Sep 16, 2019 ~ Trump presents Mariano Rivera with the 2019 Medal of Freedom award. Rivera, perhaps the best closer ever, is a Panamanian immigrant. Rivera says he's 'proud to be an American'. Trump, 'he has lived the American Dream and shines as an example of American greatness for all to see.' [Trump Win, Immigration]
Sep 27, 2019 ~ A gang of 16 targeted a group of six young athletes in Finsbury Park, London. Only the three who were white were robbed and threaten with knives. They told the black victims 'You're good'. The attack happened in area known for its links to radical Islam. [Racism, Islam, Immigration]
Oct 5, 2019 ~ Turning Point USA has its 2019 Young Black Leadership Summit at the White House. President Trump honors Ben Okereke, a legal immigrant from Cameroon. Okereke says 'Mr. President, we would like to thank you for everything that you've done for the African American community so far' [Immigration, Race, Trump Win]
Jan 22, 2020 ~ Trump working on shutting down 'Birth Tourism'. About 33,000 'anchor babies' are born to people with tourist visa's every year. There is a whole industry to make this happen allowing tens of thousands of people to take advantage of our 14 Amendment loophole, jumping the line. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration]
Jan 27, 2020 ~ The Supreme Court allowed the Trump administration to enforce The Immigration and Nationality Act that will deny green cards to foreign nationals who are 'likely to become a public charge', i.e. a net economic drain, dependent on entitlements. Does not apply to refugees. [Trump Win, Immigration, Entitlements]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ Trump institutes quarantine rules and non-citizen travel ban from China as precaution for Coronavirus. Yahoo calls it 'discriminatory? rising xenophobia and nationalism, extreme measures to exclude foreigners under the *pretext* of a public health emergency.' Many dems criticize. [China, Coronavirus, Fake Xenophobia, Fake Racism, Immigration]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ German doctor, Cornelia Strunz sounds the alarm on large numbers of FGM cases in Germany due to Muslim migration. Over 70,000 cases. Details horror stories of women who can't menstruate properly, can't have sex, 'passing stools through the vagina'. Enabled by Chelsea Clinton. [Islam, Immigration]
Feb 22, 2020 ~ Supreme Court upholds 'public charge rule' which withholds green cards from immigrants that are dependent on government welfare programs. The rule previously existed but Trump clarified that it was intended to apply to non-cash assistance also like food stamps. SCOTUS agreed. [Trump Win, Immigration, Entitlements, SCOTUS]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ Rich Lowry 'We Are All Restrictionists Now' Trump's criticized for his European travel ban by the European Council, 'The coronavirus is a global crisis, not limited to any continent and it requires cooperation rather than unilateral action' Days later they announced their own ban [Rich Lowry, Coronavirus, Immigration]
Apr 4, 2020 ~ Sudanese refugee Abdallah A.O perpetrated a knife attack in Romans-sur-Isère France shouting 'Allahu Akbar!'. The Jihadist killed 2 and wounded at least 7 others before being taken into custody. 5 victims remain in critical condition. 3 other Sudanese refugees taken into custody. [Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 26, 2020 ~ Beto O'Rourke says Trump's immigration restrictions during #COVID19 are racially motivated of course. This clown knows one word: RACISM. Beto knows the restrictions are really an 'effort on the part of the Trump Administration to stop nonwhite immigration into the United States.' [Fake Racism, Immigration, Coronavirus]
Jun 21, 2020 ~ Libyan National Khairi Saadallah has been arrested for terrorism knife attack in Reading park, London. Saadallah who had been granted asylum in Britain went around stabbing random people. 3 killed, 3 injured. Saadallah was 'known to MI5' and was on their terror watch list. [Islam, Terrorism, Immigration]
Jul 13, 2020 ~ Senator Hirono on 'the racism that is in our country'. Trump's has 'a base of supporters who are very anti-immigrant and white supremacists. That's a lot of his base.' There are 2 kinds of Democrats. Those who knowingly say these smears and those who have no idea they are lies. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Immigration]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ Trump reformed the H1b visas. DHS Sec Ken Cuccinelli. 'The current use of random selection to allocate H-1B visas … hurts American workers by bringing in relatively lower-paid foreign labor.' 'We have seen more progress in the last few weeks than we’ve seen in the last 30 years' [Economy, Immigration, Trump Win]
Mar 18, 2021 ~ The effort to recall CA Gov. Newsom has 2 million signatures, exceeding the necessary 1.5 million. Newsom claims its due to 'racism.' "look at the petition, look at the actual reasons they themselves listed. It has to do with immigration. The ‘Browning’ of California." Nope. [California, Fake Racism, Immigration]
Mar 20, 2021 ~ Cabot Phillips 'It Turns Out That Promising Free Stuff To Illegal Immigrants … Causes More Illegal Immigration. Who could have seen this coming...?' Nothing more to say beyond the headline. Everyone saw it coming. Democrats probably did too. Buy future votes with taxpayer money. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Politics]
Mar 24, 2021 ~ Gallup finds that 42 million people from Latin America and the Caribbean alone want to migrate to the United States. And Biden has the door wide open and is putting people up in hotel rooms who make it here. No surprise that more and more are coming every day. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration]
Jun 22, 2021 ~ Dennis Prager, 'If America Is Racist, Why Have Millions of Blacks Emigrated Here? Did Jews Emigrate to Germany in the 1930s?' BIPOC people around the world understand America is not racist. Democrats probably don't even believe their own lies or they would warn migrants away. [Dennis Prager, Fake Racism, Immigration]
Jun 23, 2021 ~ Karen Townsend, 'Second chance: Asylum seekers with closed cases in Remain in Mexico program to enter U.S. anyway' Inexplicably Biden is letting tens of thousands of migrants whose asylum claims were already denied back into the US letting them jump the line ahead of the world. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration]
Aug 2, 2021 ~ VP Harris' office releases a document called "Root Causes Strategy" which says all we have to do to slow illegal immigration is solve world poverty and climate change. Neither will ever happen. Can't even do it here. Trump had illegal immigration solved but they threw it away. [Climate Change, Harris, Immigration, Poverty]
Aug 12, 2021 ~ Rwandan migrant Emmanuel Abayisenga stabbed Father Olivier Maire to death in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre, France. Abayisenga had just been released from jail for setting fire to Nantes Cathedral last year. [Immigration, Religion]
Nov 26, 2021 ~ New York City will now allow non-citizens (almost 1 million) to vote. [Immigration, Politics]
Dec 18, 2021 ~ Former Danish Migration Minister Inger Støjberg has been sentenced to 60 days in prison. Convicted of illegally separating child brides from migrant men. Girls as young as 14 were with grown men. Støjberg, "It is Danish values that have lost today." [Immigration, Islam]
Jan 2, 2022 ~ Biden appointed judge Nancy Gbana Abudu claims that requiring proof of citizenship to vote is 'voter suppression.' So is requiring an ID of any kind. These kinds of claims prove that Democrats are LYING any time they talk about 'voter suppression.' [Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Loathsome Left, Voter Integrity Laws]
Apr 23, 2022 ~ Riots across several cities in Sweden because someone allegedly burned a Koran. Lots of cars destroyed. Fires. Police attacked and injured. Many are questioning mass immigration policies that import large numbers of people with no respect for Western civilized society. [Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Swedish actor Dolph Lundgren said "Sadly, my home country Sweden still cannot protect their women from rape." "A majority of those convicted for rape in Sweden were either migrants or from migrant backgrounds, with nearly half of the convicts being people born outside of Sweden." [Crime, Immigration]
Jul 5, 2022 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'NY Supreme Court strikes down law allowing non-citizens to vote' Courts are having a bout of sanity lately. Democrats were going allow 800K non-citizens to dilute the vote of citizens! The judge pointed out the the Constitution explicitly says only citizens may vote. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Voter Integrity Laws]
Aug 14, 2022 ~ Democrats continue to try to allow non-citizens to vote in US elections and so far judges keep stopping them. San Francisco Superior Court Judge Richard Ulmer struck down a law allowing non-citizens including illegals to vote. How long can they hold the line? Stop electing Dems. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Loathsome Left, Politics, Voter Integrity Laws]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ Gabriel Nadales, 'I once hated America, but now I can’t wait to be an American' Eyes now open. "In this country, I am judged by my merits, not my skin color. America has given me the equal opportunity and freedom to choose my own path despite my minority and immigrant status." [Immigration, Politics]
Sep 27, 2022 ~ Paulina Neuding, 'Two Bombings in One Night? That’s Normal Now in Sweden.' There have been almost 500 bombings in Sweden since 2018. "Among shooting suspects, 85% are first- or second-generation immigrants." [Immigration]
Oct 11, 2022 ~ There have been almost 500 bombings in Sweden since 2018. 2 bombings in one night sometimes. "highest per-capita number of deadly shootings of 22 European countries." "Among shooting suspects, 85% are first- or second-generation immigrants." Police struggle to maintain control. [Crime, Immigration]
Oct 15, 2022 ~ Even President Clinton admits the 2 million people Democrats have allowed to stream illegally over the border is too much to handle without problems. "There is a limit to how many migrants any society can take without severe disruption and assistance." We are way past that limit. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration]
Jan 29, 2023 ~ Chris Tomlinson, 'Spain Has Convicted Over 200 Jihadists Since 2004 Madrid Train Bombing' All of Europe has a big Muslim terrorism problem but Spain has gotten good at preventing attacks before they happen. [Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 15, 2023 ~ Huge anti-Israel protest in London after Hamas conducts worst massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Surprise: London is 16% Muslim due to recent immigration. Without firing a shot, Islam is taking over Europe again. Some openly admit this is their goal. [Anti-Semitism, Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Germany and other European countries are learning the hard way what the consequences are for importing large numbers of Muslim immigrants who do not share western values, would rather make Europe submit to Islam than assimilate and who hate the Jews. @RadioGenoa reports: "Chaos in Germany. Pro-Hamas immigrants in Berlin shout intifada. They don't want peace, they want war. They call for Islamic Jihad and do so in the heart of Europe with attacks on the police, throwing of Molotov cocktails and various destructions." [Anti-Semitism, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Terrorism, Western Civilization]
Oct 29, 2023 ~ @AmyMek, "There are 57 Muslim-majority countries, yet none are willing to extend a welcoming hand to Palestinian Muslim refugees." "The purpose of Islamic migration, known as hijrah, is the expansion of Islam through emigration; they are just following the example of Muhammad (their religious, political, and military leader) and his followers from Mecca to Medina. Hijra remains the model to this day for jihadists who seek to populate and dominate new lands. To emigrate in the cause of Allah is considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act. 'And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance,' says the Qur’an. 'And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant to Allah and His Messenger and then death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.” (4:100) 'I charge you with five of what Allah has charged me with to assemble, to listen, to obey, to immigrate and to wage Jihad for the sake of Allah' – Quote from the Hadith Learn from the crisis in Europe, where Islamic supremacists who have settled there have a clear objective: to uphold their loyalty to Islamic law (Sharia) while simultaneously enhancing their influence and control in Europe and undermining Western laws and values. These Muslims present a range of demands with the aim of making the host country increasingly accommodating to their radical beliefs and fostering the process of Islamization... Additionally, requests involve permitting child brides and sexual mutilation of young girls, state-funded polygamy, among other demands. Their goal is to shape the host country into a place that attracts more Islamic migrants! Muslim migrants do not want to assimilate into Western host countries; their aim is to transform those nations into Islamic entities. They don't need to use force to achieve this, and they are content with a gradual process, as the Quran encourages patience. As Muammar Qaddafi, the former Libyan president, once remarked, 'We Muslims don't need to use force against Europe because our emigration and high birth rates will accomplish our objectives.' [Immigration, Islam]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ Twitter user Mohammed Amin @Mohammed_Amin17 makes clear what his goal is for the West. "We had sex with your children and we are going to be the majority in England you can cry more ????" [Immigration, Islam]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'Premodern Diversity Vs. Civilizational Unity' Going all the way back to Rome, its clear that when new diverse people integrate into the culture and values of the larger society, it works well. But when their culture and values oppose the larger society, there are big problems. "Nations can prosper with heterodox peoples -- but only if united by a single, inclusive culture as the American melting-pot once attested." But, "a multicultural society of diverse, unassimilated, and often rival tribes -- historically is a prescription for collective suicide." "Tribalism wrecks nations." Immigration must be measured, legal, meritocratic, and diverse. "The old immigration once enriched America, but our new version is destroying it." [Identity Politics, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Victor Davis Hanson]
Nov 9, 2023 ~ Anti-Israel protesters physically attacked Jews attending a screening of the Oct. 7th Hamas Massacre organized by actress Gal Gadot at the Museum of Tolerance. @gadsaad says, "What do you think will happen in ten, twenty, or fifty years if demographic trends continue as is?" An interviewed Muslim says, "When Muslims are in the majority, we will take control of Germany by force. Sharia law will replace German laws. When Germans oppose our Sharia, they will be attacked. According to Sharia, homosexuals will be thrown down from the mountains!" [Anti-Semitism, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Terrorism, Violent Left]

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