Dec 27, 2019 ~ An Iraqi airbase in the Kirkuk province carried out by Iranian-backed Kata'ib Hezbollah militia. 1 American contractor was killed and 2 Americans injured. 2 Iraqis were killed. U.S. responded with airstrikes against Kata'ib Hezbollah weapon storage facilities killing 25 militants [Iran, Iraq]
Dec 31, 2019 ~ The Iranian backed Kata'ib Hezbollah militiamen attacked the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. Outer wall was breached. Some dems immediately called it 'Trump's Benghazi'. He ensured that it wasn't by sending forces ASAP which is what prevented casualties and this becoming a 'Benghazi'. [Trump Win, Iran, Iraq]
Jan 3, 2020 ~ U.S. drone strike takes out Iranian major general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qasem Soleimani in Iraq. Soleimani was behind the recent attacks on the US Embassy and airbase that killed an American. U.S. had intel that he was planning more U.S. Embassy attacks. [Trump Win, Iran, Iraq]
Jan 3, 2020 ~ Democrats all say killing Soleimani was the wrong thing to do as they have to condemn everything Trump does. Soleimani led militias targeted and killed over 600 Americans and many thousands of other people. He was arguably the worlds biggest terrorist now that al Baghdadi is dead [Trump Win, Iran, Iraq, Terrorism]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Joe Lieberman 'There should have been nothing controversial in the killing of Soleimani.' 'extreme partisanship' 'Responsible for the deaths of 100s of Americans and 1000s of others' 'Whatever Donald Trump does, democrats will oppose. That's the suspension of rational thinking.' [Trump Win, Iran, Iraq, TDS]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Dems claim Trump should have gotten Congressional approval for the strike on Soleimani and should have informed Iraq. Double standard because Obama did not get Congressional approval for bin Laden or inform Pakistan. Would have jeopardized and this was not going to war either. [Iran, Iraq]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Alan Dershowitz, Soleimani 'was a combatant... a uniformed member of an enemy military who was actively planning to kill Americans... It was legally justified and I think we should applaud the president for his decision.' 'entitled to take preventative actions to save' Americans. [Iran, Iraq]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Rose McGowan, 'Dear #Iran, The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52% of us humbly apologize. We want peace with your nation. We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape. Please do not kill us.' Someone please help her. [Iran, Iraq, TDS]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Colin Kaepernick, makes the ridiculous claim that Soleimani was killed because of the color of his skin. 'America has always sanctioned and besieged Black and Brown bodies both at home and abroad.' Soleimani killed many thousands of black and brown people but WE'RE the problem. [Iran, Iraq, Fake Racism]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Michael Moore apologizes to the 'Death to America' Ayatollah of Iran and calls him 'Sir', while addressing our own President with profane epithets. 'Sir, I deeply regret the violence on our behalf by a man that most Americans have never voted for.' Dems side with Iran over the US [Iran, Iraq, Loathsome Left]
Jan 4, 2020 ~ Ilhan Omar on the Iran situation. 'Trump needs to immediately divest from his businesses... Iran could threaten Trump hotels *worldwide* and he could provoke war over the loss of revenue from skittish guests. His business interests should not be driving military decisions.' [Iran, Iraq, TDS, Omar]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ Iran responds to killing of Soleimani by launching missiles at 2 bases in Iraq. Response was seen as a 'face saving' stand down as they warned it was coming through back channels and did minimal damage. Trump shows how action instead of appeasement minimizes American lives lost. [Trump Win, Iran, Iraq]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ The Islamic State (ISIS) is getting back into business. Two suicide bombings in Baghdad, Iraq, killed 32 and injured more than 100 others. 'the second bomber struck as people gathered after the first explosion.' [Iraq, Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 29, 2021 ~ Glenn Greenwald, "Biden ordered illegal bombing raids on Syria and Iraq and none of the people who spent the Trump years pretending to care so deeply about the Constitution and rule of law uttered a peep, because they themselves are lawless frauds who worse a costume for 4 years." [Fake News, Iraq, Syria]
Nov 10, 2024 ~ "Iraq to lower the ‘age of consent’ for girls to nine" "The governing coalition says the move aligns with a strict interpretation of Islamic law." According to Islam, emulating the messenger of Allah, Mohammad is the best way to live life. Mohammad married a 6 year old and was having full marital relations with her starting at age 9. The new law allows all men to experience Mohammad's pious life. [Feminism, Iraq, Islam]
Feb 3, 2025 ~ Islamic Jihadits kill Salwan Momika because he burned the Quran. Momika became anti-ISIS after they persecuted and massacred Christians in his home country of Iraq. Opposing Islam often results in death. [Iraq, Islam, Terrorism]