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Oct 6, 2018 ~ Bill Maher and many others say that expecting you won't be disqualified for a job you are eminently qualified for because of decades old false accusations is 'a pageant of white privilege'. [Kavanaugh, Fake Racism]
Oct 6, 2018 ~ Former 6 yr boyfriend of Ford, claims she had no fear of flying, no fear of small spaces or rooms with single exits, and had used her psychology training to prepare a friend for a polygraph examination, all contrary to her testimony. [Kavanaugh]
Oct 6, 2018 ~ Harvard students tried to get Kavanaugh fired with multiple false Title IX complaints - Kavanaugh will not be teaching course he was scheduled to but its not clear if that is due to the Title IX abuse. [Kavanaugh, Cancel Culture]
Oct 6, 2018 ~ Mark Davis, 'Kavanaugh Confirmation Is a Battle for Basic Human Decency' - are we willing to throw out due process and presumption of innocence to achieve political ends - Atticus Finch of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' was on the wrong side according to modern democrats. [Kavanaugh, Due Process]
Oct 6, 2018 ~ David French, 'The Complete Case for Kavanaugh'. Normally the drip drip drip of new evidence and allegations make a case stronger but the case against Kavanaugh was the opposite - more and more allegations made the case ever weaker. Exposed that the real aim was just to stop him. [Kavanaugh]
Oct 7, 2018 ~ Could the memories of Christine Blasey Ford be examples of the now discredited 'recovered memories' recovered in therapy - helpful to recall the recovered memory ruse exposed by Elizabeth Loftus where many many people were falsely accused. [Kavanaugh]
Oct 7, 2018 ~ Ford's story continues to fall apart - She claimed she needed a Second Front Door to feel safe because of what Kavanaugh did - led to marital problems and the therapy that recovered the memory. But it turns out the door was there for renting out a second room. [Kavanaugh]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ FBI Investigation clears Kavanaugh. Again. Democrats' Complaints about it are absurd - this was the 6th FBI investigation of Kavanaugh - they did not need to re-interview Ford or Kavanaugh - already had hours of their sworn testimony - found 0 corroborating evidence. [Kavanaugh]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ The Women's March, which once called Trump's pick of XX 'a death sentence for thousands of women in the US' before they even knew who XX was proving they couldn't care less about the facts, is calling Susan Collins a 'rape apologist' and a 'traitor to women'. [Kavanaugh, Women's March, Fake Rape]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Ford refuses to hand over the only documentary evidence she had, her therapist's notes and her polygraph test to the Senate and the FBI - this is beyond suspicious and directly hinders or makes impossible the investigation she wanted. [Kavanaugh]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Liberals turning on Michael Avenatti over Kavanaugh. Claim he is partly or largely responsible for yes votes. They can't simultaneously claim that all accusers must be believed and then trot out a woman whose story is impossible to believe. Many others caught lying as well though [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Susan Collins Drove A Stake Through The Heart Of The Liberal Mob'. She became the deciding vote for Kavanaugh and in 'her finest moment' gave a thorough accounting of the entire situation and her vote 'leaving no stone unturned'. Victory for truth and due process. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape, Derek Hunter, Due Process]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. Victory for due process, the presumption of innocence and the rejection of mob rule. The GOP used to fold like a cheap tent but has now found its backbone under President Trump. Dems fail in their baseless takedown. [Trump Win, Kavanaugh, SCOTUS, Due Process]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Colbert writer Ariel Dumas tweets, 'Whatever happens, I'm just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh's life' - Colbert once asked 'So how did our politics get so poisonous' - follow the poison Stephen. [Loathsome Left, Kavanaugh]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Minnesota special ed teacher Samantha Ness tweets 'So whose gonna take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?' Day after day after day, politically motivated harassment, threats of violence and actual violence comes almost exclusively from democrats and the left. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Kavanaugh]
Oct 9, 2018 ~ Gillibrand and much of the left go 0 for 5 - were all in on Duke Lacrosse, all in on Jamie Leigh Jones, all in on Mattress Girl, all in on UVA, all in on the Kavanaugh accusers - wrong on all accounts but they still oppose due process. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape, Due Process]
Oct 9, 2018 ~ Jane Mayer, Ronan Farrow admit they ran with their Kavanaugh hit piece because it was important to show a 'Pattern Of Behavior' - the non-existent evidence of such pattern mattered less than the impact that establishing the pattern would have. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape]
Oct 10, 2018 ~ Dozens of 'witches' gather to place a public hex on Brett Kavanaugh - purpose is to make him 'suffer' 'by any means necessary, magic or otherwise' - 'we're coming for these people's throats'. One would hope this is a joke, but its not. [Kavanaugh, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 16, 2018 ~ 3 Big Lies that most democrats believe or repeat anyway so that others may believe - cops kill blacks for being black, Trump stole the presidential election via collusion with Russia, Brett Kavanaugh is a sexual predator or serial rapist. [Police, Kavanaugh, Russia Hoax]
Oct 16, 2018 ~ Susan Collins is called an instrument of 'white supremacy and patriarchy'. Supposedly the purpose of her Kavanaugh vote was to preserve power for white men. Democrats can only see the world through the idiotic lens of race and gender making much of what they 'see' not real. [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Kavanaugh, Identity Politics]
Oct 16, 2018 ~ Matt Vespa, 'The Kavanaugh Clown Show Was Predicted By Bill Maher Who Warned That Me Too Was Drifting Towards Sexual McCarthyism' which Maher called 'MeCarthyism' - no due process and no degrees of badness - death penalty for everything. [Me Too, Kavanaugh, Due Process]
Oct 16, 2018 ~ A threatening letter laced with ricin was sent to Susan Collins' home - 'latest in a series of threats against Senator Collins, her loved ones, and her staff'. Don't call democrats 'a mob'. They don't like that, but if you vote against them, they'll kill you. [Violent Left, Kavanaugh]
Oct 16, 2018 ~ Democrat woman who hates due process tells GOP Senator Cassidy to apologize to her 'children for ruining their futures' regarding Kavanaugh - he perfectly replies 'In the future, if somebody makes an allegation against you and there's no proof for it, you will be okay'. [Kavanaugh, Due Process]
Oct 25, 2018 ~ Michael Avenatti and Julie Swetnik are referred for criminal prosecution over bogus Kavanaugh claims of gang rapes given to Senate Committee - another false accuser to the committee has recanted - amazingly, democrats still opposed to due process. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape, Due Process]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Revealed that NBC hid exculpatory information that would have cleared Kavanaugh of the gang rape accusation. Witness says Avenatti lied about her testimony. NBC and other networks run stories or bury stories based on if they will help democrats. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ A mob at the University of Texas became enraged by students with signs supporting Kavanaugh. Students wanted debate but large mob shouted obscenities, destroyed their signs, screamed in their faces. Called 'rape apologists' even though almost all the accusations were proven false [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, College, Silencing]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ Judy Munro-Leighton who accused Kavanaugh of rape now admits she never met him. She is the 4th person Grassley has referred to the FBI for criminal prosecution for making false statements to the committee. People were lying left and right but Kav supporters are 'rape apologists'. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape]
Nov 5, 2018 ~ 4 people are under FBI criminal investigation for making false statements to the Kavanaugh committee. Witness tampering being investigated as well. Democrats are FURIOUS that they have been misled in this way after demanding everyone be believed. Just kidding, they knew all along [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ Kavanaugh retrospective report released by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Very thorough 28 page main report, accompanied by 386 pages of supporting documents. Shows not a single accusation made against Justice Kavanaugh had evidence but many accusations were proven fraudulent. [Kavanaugh]
Nov 9, 2018 ~ Midterm elections were more of a 'blue ripple' than a 'blue wave' - yes they retook the House by a lower than historical margin - lost seats in the Senate - most red state democrats are out in the Senate - all democrats that opposed Kavanaugh lost. [Politics, Kavanaugh]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Michael Avenatti is arrested for domestic violence - During the Kavanaugh hearing he demanded that we 'Believe All Women' including his client who was obviously lying and ended up recanting. Avenatti says believe all women but don't believe the woman that is accusing me. [Me Too, Kavanaugh]
Dec 13, 2018 ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson is accused by 3 women of sexual harassment - one said she was drugged and then raped - He writes 'On Being Accused' showing why these charges are all absurd like in the Kavanaugh case - these cases are killing Me Too. [Me Too, Kavanaugh]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Chris Hayes, 'I haven't seen the broad conservative coalition as fired up about a story since Kavanaugh' - Bingo!! Both are innocent people being destroyed by a rabid, hate-filled, fact-free liberal mob - Conservatives are realizing it could happen to ANY husband, father or child. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Kavanaugh]
Feb 1, 2019 ~ Virginia's Democratic Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, next in line if Ralph Northam resigns, is accused of rape by two women - these allegations are far more credible than the ones against Kavanaugh which everyone denied even supposed witnesses. [Kavanaugh, Me Too]
Feb 5, 2019 ~ The Kavanaughing of Neomi Rao - Taking reasonable precautions is not shifting blame - 'A man who rapes a drunk girl should be prosecuted. At the same time, a good way to avoid a potential date rape is to stay reasonably sober.' [Kavanaugh, Cancel Culture]
Mar 30, 2019 ~ People questioning the motives and timing of Biden's accuser. Mika Brzezinski, 'are we allowed to bring up that Lucy Flores is a huge Bernie person?' All it takes is an accusation to eliminate a candidate. Recall Kavanaugh was falsely accused by many people for political reasons. [Me Too, Kavanaugh, Sanders, Biden]
Jun 9, 2019 ~ Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg praised Justice Kavanaugh. 'Justice Kavanaugh made history by hiring a team of all-female law clerks for his staff. Thanks to his selections, the Court has this Term, for the first time ever, more women than men serving as law clerks.' [Kavanaugh]
Jun 21, 2019 ~ Jackson Cosko, aid to Sen. Maggie Hassan and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee sentenced to prison for hacking into senate computers, blackmailing senators and their children, doxing and intimidating senators during Kavanaugh hearings including Rand Paul who has been attacked at his home. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Kavanaugh]
Jul 25, 2019 ~ Ruth Bader Ginsburg calls Kavanaugh 'very decent'. Confirms what Republicans knew during the Kavanaugh hearing witch hunts when democrats falsely smeared a good man. 'My two newest colleagues are very decent, very smart individuals.' Democrats are not happy with her. [Kavanaugh, Witch Hunt]
Aug 23, 2019 ~ A former high school classmate of Justice Kavanaugh sued HuffPost for defamation 'they fabricated the false claim that' 2 classmates helped procure drugs that led to another student's death. Four people were previously referred to the FBI for making false statements to the Senate. [Kavanaugh]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ Christine Blasey Ford's attorney, Debra Katz said Roe V. Wade motivated Ford to testify against Kavanaugh. 'he will always have an asterisk next to his name. When he takes a scalpel to Roe v. Wade? that is part of what motivated Christine.' [Kavanaugh]
Sep 11, 2019 ~ Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino confirm with multiple witnesses that Christine Blasey Ford's father Ralph Blasey told Brett Kavanaugh's father Ed Kavanaugh that 'I'm glad Brett was confirmed'. Ralph Blasey couldn't possibly believe his daughter's story and say that. [Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ New York Times reporters write book that alleges a new Kavanaugh accusation. Someone claims Clinton lawyer Max Stier claims he saw Kavanugh's friends push his penis in a student's hand 35 years ago. The student says she has no idea what Stier's talking about and Stier not talking [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ New York Times initially tried to leave out the fact that the alleged new Kavanaugh victim does not recall any such incident. Trashed as biased, fake news from all sides. Forced to add that significant fact as a next day 'correction', thereby destroying their entire initial story [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Brit Hume, 'a second-hand account from a witness that the authors did not speak to and who is not speaking... On top of that, you have the fact the woman herself is not talking and she has told friends that she doesn't remember this. This is nowhere near publishable.' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Molly Hemingway catches the NYT authors in a second falsehood. 'The people who allegedly witnessed the event, Kavanaugh's friends? have kept mum about it.' No, they said things like 'I don't think Brett would flash himself' & 'we would have seen or heard about it, and we did not' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Democratic Presidential Candidates, other democrats and celebs immediately call for Kavanaugh to be impeached or to step down over the latest smear against him. Don't care that the alleged victim does not even allege that it happened. Entire party is disgraceful and irredeemable. [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Leland Keyser, the high school friend of Christine Blasey Ford who says Keyser was present at her assault previously said she doesn't know Kavanaugh and does not remember any such party. Now says, 'I don't have any confidence in the story,' and 'it just didn't make any sense.' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Leland Keyser elaborates on why Blasey Ford's story 'just didn't make any sense.' 'It would be impossible for me to be the only girl at a get-together with three guys, have her leave, and then not figure out how she's getting home.' 'I don't have any confidence in the story.' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]
Sep 15, 2019 ~ Witness tampering bombshell. Leland Keyser 'felt pressure by both Gonella and Ford's friend Monica McLean to change her story' 'I was told behind the scenes that certain things could spread about me if I didn't comply.' Text 'let everyone in the public know what her condition is' [Fake News, Fake Rape, Kavanaugh]

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