Mar 12, 2017 ~ Kevin D. Williamson, 'Fake Hate Crimes' Several MORE Fake Hate Crimes that were attempted to be blamed on Trump supporters. 'It is not only the hate crimes that are fake. For the most part, the hate they are intended to highlight is fake, too.' No Trump inspired 'epidemic' [Fake Hate Crime, Kevin Williamson]
May 28, 2017 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Terrorism Is Not Random, We must look at Muslim immigration with clear eyes' The left wants to continue to bury its head it the sand comparing many dozens of Islamic terrorist attacks to Tim McVeigh, one guy, who wasn't Christian or even a typical right winger. [Kevin Williamson, Islam, Terrorism]
Sep 28, 2017 ~ Kevin Williamson 'McHealthcare Deluxe. The Affordable Care Act is a failed political product' Did not deliver on any of its promises. Dems can't admit. Why conservatives like federalism. No central structure can get it right. States are 50 labs to experiment to find best ways. [Kevin Williamson, Health Care, Politics]
Nov 12, 2017 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'The Myth of the Idle Rich' - very few people have life of leisure by inheriting - most who are wealthy have worked hard for it and continue to work hard - most put their money to work to benefit the economy etc. [Kevin Williamson, Economics]
Feb 20, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'The Intellectual Emptiness of "White Supremacy"'. Everything from our justice system to gentrification is now called 'white supremacy'. Term was resurrected from history because the race card alone was no longer working well. Have to 'lace' the race card drug. [Fake Racism, Kevin Williamson]
Apr 28, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson, Thought Criminal - He briefly got a job with Atlantic Magazine but they caved to the liberal speech bullies who can't stand to ever hear a dissenting idea - they are back to being safe. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Kevin Williamson]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson explains the fundamental problem of why neither side can talk to one another anymore. 'Everything simple is false. Everything complex is unusable' but the dems insist that their simple yet false ideas are the only truth and you're a bad person if you don't agree. [Politics, Kevin Williamson]
Jul 30, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Understanding Trade Deficits' - Why they are not bad and not caused by tariffs - trying to eliminate them would do more harm than good - will wipe out much foreign investment. [Economics, Kevin Williamson]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Kevin D. Williamson argues that we should not demand A Fairness Doctrine for the Internet - yes, these companies treat conservatives unfairly but it is not the role of government to address that. [Fairness Doctrine, Tech Bias, Kevin Williamson]
Oct 5, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Why Would Accusers Lie' Is the Wrong Question - some men lie, some women lie - there are many reasons we could come up with but all that is important is that some do - including many prominent, well known cases. Many Kavanaugh accusers have already recanted. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape, Kevin Williamson]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Julia Ioffe was fired from Politico for tweeting Trump was 'fucking his daughter'. She was then hired by the Atlantic who says Kevin Williamson is unfit to work there, but Ioffe is fine. Now says Trump is responsible for Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting for moving embassy in Israel. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Israel, Kevin Williamson]
Nov 11, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Rent Control Resurgent'. Dems keep going to the playbook of old failed programs like Rent Control. Even Krugman has said the 'negative results' are 'entirely predictable'. Walter Williams, 'no surer way to destroy a neighborhood short of carpet bombing it.' [Economics, Walter Williams, Kevin Williamson]
Nov 30, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson, "The Man-Made Affordable-Housing 'Crisis'" - 'Rules that prohibit cheap housing lead to ... a lack of cheap housing' - they chase poor people out of town instead of magically giving them a nicer place to live. Uses Dallas as a case study. [Economics, Kevin Williamson]
Dec 2, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson on why Twitter must be so authoritarian regarding banning misgendering, deadnaming trans people - you must conform or be banned from Twitter - 'It takes a very tall and sturdy wall to protect a house of cards'. [Trans, Tech Bias, Kevin Williamson]
Dec 29, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'On Minimum Wage, a Flight from Reality' - Great piece explaining why legislating wages is self defeating - you can't force people to value anything including labor more than it is worth because labor is traded for goods and people know how they value goods. [Minimum Wage, Economics, Kevin Williamson]
Feb 27, 2019 ~ Kevin Williamson article, 'Health Care Is the Opposite of a Right' explains why no good or service could ever be a right. The Scandinavian countries Sanders says he models does not provide free health care. Citizens pay high out of pocket. [Health Care, Kevin Williamson, Sanders]
Mar 19, 2019 ~ Kevin Williamson article, 'Just Stop Spending'. He points out the GOP used to be for balanced budgets. Some economists say deficits are useful during recessions or war but now we run them continuously. But dems vilify any cut no matter how small. Cuts can't compete with free. [Deficit, Debt, Kevin Williamson]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Flashback, Vanity Fair article from December 2016 before Trump sworn in titled 'Democrats Are Paving the Way to Impeach Donald Trump'. Kevin Williamson, 'Democrats had long ago decided to try to impeach Trump, and they decided to do so in December 2016 - because he won.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Kevin Williamson]
Mar 3, 2020 ~ Kevin Williamson 'Bernie Sanders's - and the Left's - Fake Fiscal History of 1950s America' 'Sanders is full of it.' Tax burden is 'about the same today' except the rich pay more and the middle class pays less. Military spending cut by 2/3rds. Welfare, education spending way up. [Kevin Williamson, Taxes, Education, Entitlements, Fake News, Sanders]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Kings of the Castle' 'Cancel culture is not discourse but antidiscourse, a genre of speech intended not to facilitate the exchange of views and ideas but to prevent such an exchange. It is free speech in the sense that shouting down a speaker is free speech.' [Kevin Williamson, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 15, 2020 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Even Saints Can Get Canceled' This points out that there is really no end to canceling historical names. St. Louis would be canceled by today's standards. As would New York and the names of thousands of other cities, some very well known. Would it help anyone? [Kevin Williamson, Cancel Culture]
Aug 6, 2020 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'The Worst Idea' Socialism is the idea that won't die no matter how much evidence of failure. 'historically, socialism has consistently delivered the opposite of its promises: more inequality, more poverty, more oppression, more environmental degradation'. [Kevin Williamson, Socialism]
Feb 22, 2021 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Minnesota Nasty' After decades of exclusive Democrat rule and misguided 'Defund the Police' programs, Minnesota has become a crime ridden, dangerous place to live. Violent crime is up 36% hitting poorest and minority areas hardest. People who can are moving. [Crime, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Kevin Williamson, Police]
Feb 22, 2021 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Ask an Engineer'. Still investigating Texas power fail but Texas on its own power grid was not a contributing factor. And when they looked at putting Texas on one of the more national grids, they concluded that would make the system as a whole less reliable. [Energy, Kevin Williamson]
Mar 6, 2021 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'What Caused the Texas Blackouts?' Deregulation was not the problem. Renewables were not the problem. They did go to 0 but Texas is not dumb enough to rely on them. And some of the precautions that can be taken against extreme cold don't work in extreme heat. [Energy, Kevin Williamson]
Nov 16, 2021 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Gerrymandering Is Normal' "The Democrats were perfectly happy with gerrymandering for the better part of 200 years, understanding it to be an utterly normal part of the political process. They began to object to it when Republicans got good at it." [Kevin Williamson, Politics]
Jun 25, 2022 ~ Kevin Williamson on Democrat's unserious "theory of constitutional interpretation that holds that abortion, found nowhere in the Constitution, is an untouchable, bedrock right, while the right to keep and bear arms, explicitly enshrined in the Bill of Rights, somehow is not." [Abortion, Guns-Mass Shootings, Kevin Williamson]
Jun 26, 2022 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Here Comes Fiscal Armageddon' "Fiscal Armageddon is what will happen when the U.S. government’s debt load exceeds its ability to comfortably service that debt." Will be spending more to service debt than anything else. Gov't will choose easy option, inflation. [Debt, Deficit, Economics, Economy, Kevin Williamson]
Aug 22, 2022 ~ Kevin Williamson 'Real Trouble' "The labor-force-participation rate; the share of Americans who either have a job or are looking for one - continues to decline. We have a growing population but a shrinking workforce." "Real incomes have been declining significantly for some time" [Economics, Economy, Kevin Williamson]