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Dec 27, 2016 ~ Larry Elder, "Trump's Victory: Even Charlie 'Race Card' Rangel Doesn't Blame 'Whitelash'" Charles Rangel - long list of profoundly unfair false charges of racism against Republicans and the Tea Party. Ex. He said wanting to cut taxes is code for calling people 'spic and n-word' [TDS, Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Jan 15, 2017 ~ Larry Elder, 'Living Wage Is as Wrongheaded as the Minimum Wage' - Arguments against the minimum wage are so basic to economics that even left wing economists like Krugman and Jonathan Gruber got it. Living wage is just another phrase for minimum wage. [Larry Elder, Economics, Minimum Wage]
Aug 13, 2017 ~ Larry Elder, 'The Shameful Blackout of Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams' from the National Museum of African American History and Culture - ignore and disrespect giants with massive accomplishments because they're conservative in favor of liberal nobodies. [Larry Elder, Walter Williams, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Sep 23, 2017 ~ Larry Elder 'Uncle Tom' Is More Destructive Than the 'N-word' Black people who tell the truth tarred with being Uncle Toms even though the false narratives they criticize get a lot of black people killed. The Ferguson Effect is preventing needed police protection in Chicago, etc. [Larry Elder, Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 12, 2017 ~ Larry Elder, 'Black-on-Black Racism at Cornell' American black people are upset because colleges admit more foreign blacks than American blacks. But foreign blacks outscore them on SATs etc. that are supposed to be racially biased tests. Detroit 4% 8th graders sufficient at math. [Larry Elder, Race, Education]
Feb 19, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the US or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being sold in Africa after Black slaves were freed in America. The history of slavery is not simple. [Slavery, Race, Larry Elder]
Apr 5, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, Al Sharpton's anti-Semitic 'diamond merchants' and 'bloodsucking Jews' rhetoric led to the Crown Height riots which got two people killed and 100s injured under chants of 'Kill the Jew!' Yet Sharpton was at the White House all the time during the Obama Administration [Anti-Semitism, Larry Elder]
Apr 29, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, Democrats play fake race cards non-stop. Biden, 'They don't want black folks voting', 'He's going to put y'all back in chains' - Claire McCaskill, 'Bush let people die on rooftops in New Orleans because they were poor and because they were black.' Hillary too. [Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Biden]
May 22, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, 'Fake Russian Ads Stoked Racial Tensions and Democrats played along - colluded - It turns out only about 100 of the 3517 ads explicitly endorsed Trump or opposed Hillary Clinton and most ran after the election. [Russia Hoax, Fake News, Larry Elder]
Jun 18, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, "If Tough Anti-Drug Laws Are 'Racist,' Blame Black Leaders" - tough sentencing for drug offenders was pushed for and applauded by black leaders in the 80s and 90s - now they are trying to tell us those laws and sentences were due to racism. [Fake Racism, Crime, Larry Elder]
Jul 2, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, "Criminal Behavior, Not Racism, Explains 'Racial Disparities' in Crime Stats" Black Harvard economist, Dr. Roland Fryer concluded in 'officer-involved shootings, we find no racial differences in either the raw data or when contextual factors are taken into account.' [Fake Racism, Police, Larry Elder]
Jul 16, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, 'What They Didn't Teach in about Slavery in My High School' - Arab traders enslaved far more Africans than European - Of the 10.7 million Atlantic slaves taken, most went to South America - less than 400K went to America - all races have been slaves and masters. [Slavery, Race, Larry Elder]
Jul 31, 2018 ~ Can We Trust Experts - Trump Skeptical About 'Official Government Findings - Who Isn't - Larry Elder and Walter Williams give many examples of how experts and intelligence agencies have been spectacularly wrong. [Politics, Walter Williams, Larry Elder]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Larry Elder says Anne Hathaway Is Making 'Race Relations' Worse. After very rare white kills black incident Hathaway says 'ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY'. But black people commit more than 80% interracial violent crime. And commit more than 90% of black murders. [Race, Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Larry Elder explains why The 'Voter ID Is Racist' idea is a total Con. Despite this 'voter suppression', blacks vote at a higher percentage than whites - also 77% of non-whites support voter ID. Blacks are perfectly capable of obtaining IDs. Its racist to claim that they are not. [Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Voter Integrity Laws]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, "If Trump Is 'Racist', He Needs to Go Back to Racism School" From record low black unemployment to prison reform to inner city school choice, Trump has done more for the black community already than Obama ever did. Elder shows same 'racist' comments made about whites [Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Jan 10, 2019 ~ Larry Elder points out, one of the reasons the left claims Trump is a racist is because he settled a racial discrimination lawsuit in 1975 admitting no wrongdoing - but so have the Washington Post, New York Times and CNN. Settling is often the cheaper route regardless of guilt. [Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Apr 4, 2019 ~ Larry Elder debunks the Trump Charlottesville 'Moral Equivalency' Lie the Left Keeps Telling. CNN keeps playing deceptively edited clips supposedly showing Trump called Nazis or White Supremacists 'very fine people'. The full in context clips prove 'Trump said no such thing.' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Charlottesville]
Apr 11, 2019 ~ Larry Elder article, 'The Fake News 'Surge' in Hate Crimes'. Dems try to say that rise in FBI hate crime stats due to Trump. 'Almost all of that surge is due to the simple fact that in 2017 the number of police departments reporting hate crimes to the FBI increased by 1,000' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Larry Elder]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ Larry Elder smeared by despicable Media Matters. Have headline that says Elder said 'Black families were better off as slaves.' Elder gave the entire transcript of what he said in case there were actually people stupid enough to believe Media Matters. Smears are what they do. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Larry Elder]
May 2, 2019 ~ Larry Elder reviews the unhinged predictions of so called economists after Trump's 2016 win. Paul Krugman said 'we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight.' Obama advisor Steve Rattner 'you will see a market crash of historic proportions.' [TDS, Economy, Fake News, Larry Elder]
Nov 26, 2019 ~ Maxine Waters insults Ben Carson's intelligence. 'This guy just doesn't have the background, the capability, the intelligence to do the job.' Larry Elder points out that Maxine Waters must be racist by the democrat's own rules. Just like Trump was racist for calling her 'Low IQ'. [Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Nov 29, 2019 ~ BET founder Robert Johnson doesn't think any dem 'is capable of beating Donald Trump' Big reason is record low black unemployment rate. Was as high as 19.3% in 2010 under Obama. Is now 5.4%. Larry Elder in 2015 'By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama' [Trump Win, Economy, Larry Elder]
Jan 7, 2020 ~ Larry Elder column, 'The Great Recession: 'Reparations' Gone Bad'. Elder reminds us that it was false charges of racism that led to forcing banks via the CRA to lend to people of color who otherwise wouldn't qualify. Banks were discriminating on credit score and income, not race. [Larry Elder, Fake Racism, Economy]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ Larry Elder, "Trump Critics Denounce Pro-Trump Blacks as 'Sellouts' - While Criticizing Trump for Not Having More 'Sellouts'" CNN criticized Trump's Coronavirus team as not diverse enough. Elder gives many examples of democrats bad-mouthing black people trying to work with Trump. [Larry Elder, Fake Racism, Race]
Jun 26, 2020 ~ Larry Elder debuts his documentary 'Uncle Tom' referring to one way democrats insult and try to bully conservative blacks into thinking only one certain way. Features Thomas Sowell, Colonel Allen West, Candace Owens, Herman Cain, Jessie Lee Peterson, Carol Swain and more. [Race, Racism, Larry Elder]
Jul 23, 2020 ~ Larry Elder, 'John Lewis Helped Win the Civil Rights War; Why Are We Still Fighting It?' Elder wonders why modern dems want to pretend that all the gains won by civil rights leaders never happened. 12% of the House is Black, 2 term Black President, big city mayors, cabinet roles. [Larry Elder, Race, Politics]
Aug 4, 2020 ~ President Trump swears in General Charles Brown as Air Force Chief Of Staff. Brown is the first African American Service Chief in US Military history. Democrats continue to convince us Trump is a racist. As Larry Elder said, if Trump's a racist, he needs to go to racism school. [Larry Elder, Politics, Race, Trump Win]
Aug 6, 2020 ~ Larry Elder, 'Barack Obama and His Race Card'. Obama insanely compares the Trump administration and police to two democrats, Bull Connor and former Alabama Gov. George Wallace from a time when the US was really racist. The dem narrative is so false, unfair and divisive. [Larry Elder, Fake Racism, Police]
Oct 22, 2020 ~ Larry Elder, 'The No. 1 problem in the Black community is that 70% of Black kids are [raised out of wedlock]... kids growing up without a father are 5 times more likely to live in poverty, 9 times more likely to drop out of school and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. [Crime, Education, Larry Elder, Poverty, Race]
Nov 17, 2020 ~ Larry Elder, "TMZ to Elder on 'Systemic' Racism: You're Using Facts; I'm Using Humanity" Elder describes debates with people pushing the 'systemic racism' narrative. When shown that the facts don't support their narrative they either refuse to debate or resort to emotion. [Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Jan 31, 2021 ~ Larry Elder, "Democrats Want a 'Return to Civility'; When Did They Practice It?" Long list of Democrats falsely crying racism and fascism over 60 years. Compared Reagan, Bush to Hitler, KKK, Nazis, Bull Conner, 'evil'. Accusations the GOP let people die because they are black. [Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Larry Elder, Loathsome Left]
Feb 5, 2021 ~ Larry Elder, "Democrats Want a 'Return to Civility'; When Did They Practice It? Part 2" 2nd long list of Democrats falsely crying racism and fascism over 60 years. Compared Reagan, Bush to Hitler, KKK, Nazis, Bull Conner, 'evil', 'ethnic cleansing' 'put y'all back in chains'. [Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial, Larry Elder, Loathsome Left]
Mar 5, 2021 ~ Larry Elder, 'The Case Against Reparations Parts 1 and 2' "Reparations is the extraction of money from people who were never slave owners to be given to people who were never slaves." Could never figure out who pays and who receives. Most people don't understand the real history. [Larry Elder, Slavery]
Aug 22, 2021 ~ Erika D. Smith of the #FakeNews LA Times writes article titled, 'Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy.' Smith says Elder is 'skinfolk but not kinfolk.' Liberals demand black people parrot their views or they falsely smear them and try to bully them into silence. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Racism]
Sep 9, 2021 ~ A White woman in a gorilla costume threw an egg at Black gubenatorial candidate @larryelder and assaulted her team. The #FakeNews media which ridiculously called Elder a white supremacist ignores the story which would be called a racist hate crime if Elder was a Democrat. [Fake News, Larry Elder, Loathsome Left, Racism, Violent Left]
Sep 14, 2021 ~ Rose McGowan, " I’m not a Democrat, because everybody who systematically traumatized, terrorized, harassed, stopped and stolen from me during my time in California and in Hollywood has been a Democrat." Larry Elder "is the better candidate. He is the better man." [California, Larry Elder, Me Too]
Feb 28, 2022 ~ Larry Elder, "GOP 'Gerrymandering' is 'Racist' -- Obama-mandering is Just Politics" Everything is racist according to Democrats. Dems Gerrymander lots but when Republicans do it, they call it 'racist.' Obama also won his election by getting votes disqualified on technicalities. [Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Politics]
May 20, 2022 ~ Larry Elder, "In 2020, about 8,600 black lives were lost due to homicide, almost all killed by blacks. There are about 750 black-white/white-black yearly homicides. 500 whites are killed by blacks; 250 blacks are killed by whites. So, of black homicide victims, 2.9% are killed by whites." [Crime, Larry Elder, Race]
Jun 7, 2022 ~ Vid of extremely brutal beating of a white woman by a black man robbing a store. Larry Elder says, "Reverse the races, and @CNN and @MSNBC would be playing this horrific video on a loop." Punches her face dozens of times on the ground then gets up and starts stomping on her head. [Crime, Larry Elder, Race, Racism]
Jun 12, 2022 ~ Larry Elder drops crime stats disproving the Democrat party narrative: "Every year, there are about 750 black-white/white-black interracial homicides. 500 whites are killed by blacks (13% of the population.) 250 blacks are killed by whites (63% of the population.) Of the 600K annual non-homicide black-white/white-black violent felonies, 90% involve black perp/white victim, just 10% white perp/black victim. “Systemic racism,” anyone?" [Crime, Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Race]
Jan 20, 2023 ~ Larry Elder, 'Black Man Dies Following His Arrest -- Examine the Media Coverage' More details on Keenan Anderson. One of the arresting officers was black. Would not have been shot "had Keenan Anderson simply complied." Tried to steal an Uber driver's car. [BLM, Fake Racism, Larry Elder, Police]
Jan 26, 2023 ~ Larry Elder, "Obama Warns About the 'Raw Sewage' of Disinformation -- Ignores Democrats' Own Garbage" Long but of course very partial list of major Democrat Party lies. They lie nearly constantly. [Larry Elder, Politics]
Apr 6, 2023 ~ Larry Elder points out the Democrats are the real 'election deniers.'  "A 2018 Gallup poll found 78% of Democrats believe that the Russian 2016 interference 'changed the outcome of the election.' This means a greater percentage of Democrats believe the 2016 election was stolen than Republicans who felt that way about 2020." [2020 Election, Larry Elder, Politics]
Jun 10, 2024 ~ Larry Elder, 'Biden's Black Lies Matter' Recall Biden recently spewed this BS: "What is democracy if Black men are being killed in the street? If Black men are being killed on the streets, we bear witness. For me, that means to call out the poison of white supremacy, to root out systemic racism. I stood up for George -- with George Floyd's family to help create a country where you don't need to have that talk with your son or grandson as they get pulled over." "George Floyd, a career criminal, was full of fentanyl and resisted arrest. There's no evidence Floyd's treatment had anything to do with his race." "Policemag.com asked those who self-described as "very liberal" how many unarmed black men did the police kill in 2019. Fifty percent thought police killed 1,000 or more. Eight percent thought police killed 10,000 or more. What did those who self-described as "liberal" think? Thirty-nine percent thought the police killed 1,000 or more. Five percent thought the police killed 10,000 or more. The actual number, according to the Washington Post database, was 12. And the police kill more unarmed whites than unarmed blacks." "In recent years, there have been approximately 750 black-white or white-black homicides. Nearly 500 whites are killed by blacks, who are about 13% of the population. About 250 blacks are killed by whites, who are about 60% of the population." "What about non-homicide violent crime between blacks and whites, including attempted murder, rape, robbery, simple assault and aggravated assault? In recent years, there have been approximately 500,000 such crimes. In 85% to 90% of these crimes, the perp is black and the victim is white -- only 10% to 15% the other way around." Basically, Biden's and the Democrat's narrative is not only a lie, its the exact opposite of the truth. Even the hate crimes narrative is the opposite of reality: "'From 2016 to 2020, blacks nationally were twice as likely to commit a hate crime as whites' among 'suspects whose race and ethnicity were known. ... In New York City, from 2010 to 2020, blacks were 2.42 times as likely as whites to commit a hate crime.' Los Angeles blacks last year 'committed anti-Asian hate crimes at 4.8 times the rate of whites,' anti-gay ones at seven times, anti-Semitic ones at 2.4 times and anti-Hispanic ones at 13.5 times the white rate." [BLM, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Larry Elder, Police, Race]

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