Jun 21, 2019 ~ Campus Reform reports, 'A University of California, feminist studies TA is being attacked on Twitter after stating that men will never be women. 'Throw a slushie or some shit at that stank white pussy ass bitch.' 'terfs' should die for 'being dumb bitches.' TA may face Title IX [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans, Racism]
Jun 24, 2019 ~ Antifa doxes Tucker Carlson and Stephen Miller. Put up posters in DC with home addresses. Posters say about Carlson 'Racist with a huge following and platform, uses it to promote racist dogwhistles.' Tucker has already had violent leftists show up at his house cracking his door. [Antifa, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jun 24, 2019 ~ Knitting web site Ravelry bans support for Trump on their platform. They declare it to be equivalent to 'white supremacy'. 'We cannot ... allow support for open white supremacy. Support of the Trump administration is undeniably support for white supremacy.' Disgusting accusations. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jun 26, 2019 ~ Employee of the Aviary cocktail bar in Chicago spit on Eric Trump while he was dining there. This type of harassment and assault has become unfortunately routine for modern democrats. Harassing people in restaurants, planes, public places. Shouting at them, assaulting them. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jun 27, 2019 ~ Journalist Andy Ngo violently assaulted again for covering an Antifa protest in Portland. Milkshaked, egged, punched, kicked, equipment stolen. Sent to the ER for face and neck injuries. Held for 'brain hemorrhage'. Mayor tells police to not intervene in Antifa violent attacks. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jul 2, 2019 ~ Anti-Trump Left wingers from the Revolutionary Communist Party were burning American Flags outside of the White House on July 4th. Arrested for 'felony assault on a police officer and malicious burning'. Trump supporters and vets stepped in to save some flags from burning. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 5, 2019 ~ Mara Gay of the New York Times told Ted Cruz he is not worthy of talking about Frederick Douglass. 'Frederick Douglass is an American hero, and his name has no business in your mouth.' You may speak when we allow it, otherwise, you must shut up. Got that? [Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jul 6, 2019 ~ Five police officers were asked to leave a Starbucks in Tempe, Ariz. Because a barista 'did not feel safe' with them there. In fairness, Starbucks does not approve of the actions of their barista and apologized to the police. [Loathsome Left, Police]
Jul 6, 2019 ~ Joy Reid smears not only Trump but all of his voters making the disgusting accusation that they want to see Trump treat people with cruelty. 'the cruelty is the point. That's why they're doing it, right? His base wants to see this.' She apparently says this a lot, 'every week'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jul 8, 2019 ~ Liberals have ruined even sports. They've made it so you can't enjoy a game without vulgar politics. Democratic soccer fans were chanting "Fuck Trump" on a live Fox News broadcast of World Cup coverage. Trump and Melania congratulated the team even though they bashed him. [Loathsome Left]
Jul 9, 2019 ~ Trump wins 'the ridiculous Emoluments Case' in the US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. Case which accused him of making profits from foreign governments had no merit. Was straight harassment from 'nearly 200 congressional Democrats' led by Richard Blumenthal and Jerrold Nadler. [Trump Win, Loathsome Left, Politics, TDS]
Jul 11, 2019 ~ Rosie O'Donnell said Trump's relationship with Ivanka has a 'creepy incest feel' and further claimed that he's 'been doing bad things with her for a very long time.' Then she called Ivanka 'a talentless, non-intelligent, non-powerful woman.' How modern dems treat first daughters. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jul 11, 2019 ~ Another deranged democrat, Sasha Timofeeva, shoved a pro-life activist and spray painted over his signs. 'Fuck you, and your stupid signs. Fuck you, and your stupid messages.' Charged with graffiti vandalism and disorderly conduct related to assault. Calls herself 'a hero' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Abortion]
Jul 13, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib, Congresswoman proved she did not really have a 'teachable moment' as she said the first time she publicly called President Trump a 'motherfucker'. At Netroots, she again said 'We're gonna impeach the M-F'er' to the cheers of democrats. [Loathsome Left, TDS, Tlaib]
Jul 15, 2019 ~ The mainstream media makes it clear they will dox private citizens like Carpe Donktum who are gaining online influence in order to intimidate them into silence. Buzzfeed is 'prepared to release my name to the public, despite' there being no 'newsworthy reason to do so.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jul 17, 2019 ~ Kyle Smith, 'Where's the Outrage at the Smear of Roger Scruton?' 'A liberal magazine misrepresented his words and got him fired. Three months later, with the distortion long since exposed, he's still out of the job and the article's author still has his.' [Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia, Fake Islamophobia, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Kyle Smith]
Jul 19, 2019 ~ Joe Scarborough claims that Trump thinks 'the country needs to be 'ethnically cleansed'. These are disgusting smears that have no basis in reality. No wonder people who watch the Fake News hate Trump and America. [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jul 20, 2019 ~ 2016 video surfaces of Rashida Tlaib disrupting a Trump speech to business leaders at the Detroit Economics Club. Ranting and raving like a loon, screaming at the attendees 'You guys are crazy!' Had to be escorted out by security. Trump calmly watched her make a fool of herself. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ Liberals now upset Al Franken didn't get 'due process' despite not giving due process to Kavanaugh, college males, me too. Bette Midler slut shames Leeann Tweeden suggesting she had it coming for racy pictures she once took. Others join the victim blaming. Ignore 7 other accusers [Loathsome Left, Me Too, Due Process]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ Rashida Tlaib, tweeted in 2015, 'Deport this asshole!' about Trump. Setting civility the bar ever lower because she was upset about the so called 'Muslim Ban' which was nothing of the sort. Another lie repeated enough by dems that it has gained traction. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ Multiple times in NYC, mobs of people attack the police, throwing buckets at them, dumping water on them. In each case the cops allow themselves to be attacked because they know a response would not be supported by mayor de Blasio who calls them racists for doing their job. [Loathsome Left, Police]
Jul 23, 2019 ~ University of Mississippi professor James Thomas claims pro-Trump teens are like 'Hitler Youth'. 'MAGA teens are modern day Hitlerjugend.' He previously encourage harassment of lawmakers 'Don't just interrupt a Senator's meal, y'all. Put your whole damn fingers in their salads.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 27, 2019 ~ Maureen Dowd article, 'Spare Me the Purity Racket' 'Yo, proletariat: If the Democratic Party is going to be against chocolate, high heels, parties and fun, you've lost me.' 'The progressives are the modern Puritans.' 'The politics of purism makes people stupid. And nasty.' [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Political Correctness]
Jul 27, 2019 ~ Cardi B. says 'police brutality is going to keep going' as long as Trump is in office. BC of Trump, police say 'I can get away with killing a black man. I can get away with beating the shit out of a black man.' Then calls Trump voters 'motherfuckers' and 'fucking racist rednecks' [TDS, Police, Race, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Old tweet found of Illhan Omar retweeting a Tom Arnold tweet celebrating the attack of Rand Paul by his neighbor. Paul ended up in the hospital with 6 broken ribs. Part of his lung had to be removed due to the attack. Arnold called Paul who was attacked from behind 'cowardly'. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Omar]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Two people wearing MAGA hats in Seattle held up a sign saying 'Free hugs from a Trump Supporter.' They wanted to show that Trump supporters are not as they are being portrayed. Predictably violent left wing thugs pelted them with eggs and milkshakes. Daily violence from the left. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ A group of protestors from Voto Latino surrounded Ted Cruz at the LAX airport and were harassing him and screaming in his face. They said he doesn't 'get to be comfortable in public.' In the world dems want to create, expect to be harassed for your political opinions. [Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 6, 2019 ~ Seems to be universal buy in from dems on the false idea that Trump and all of his supporters are evil racists who must be shamed or worse. Texas Dem Congressman Joaquin Castro, brother of Julian Castro doxed 44 Trump donors and their employees targeting them for harassment. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Aug 6, 2019 ~ The new smear. Every Trump donor is guilty of supporting 'racism' or 'white supremacy' and should be publicly shamed. Rashida Tlaib, 'They don't like it when you name their donors. The public needs to know who funds racism.' Does the public need to know who funds anti-Semitism? [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism]
Aug 6, 2019 ~ The new fake smear. Every Trump donor is guilty of supporting 'racism' or 'white supremacy' (when in reality none are) and should be publicly shamed. Joe Scarborough 'Any business that donates to Trump is complicit and endorses the white supremacy' This can't be allowed to work [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 6, 2019 ~ Violent democrats gather outside Mitch McConnell's home shouting many death threats. 'just stab the motherfucker in the heart' '#MassacreMitch'. Chanted 'Murder Turtle!' 'Everybody needs to show up wherever this ho is at and make him just regret his fucking life'. Modern Dems. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 7, 2019 ~ Ben Shapiro asks 'Why Can't We Unify in the Face of Evil?' Because dems insist on pushing this false but politically useful narrative that the only reason you could disagree with them on the border or gun control is because you are an evil white supremacist terrorist sympathizer. [Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Ben Shapiro]
Aug 7, 2019 ~ Trump donors in San Antonio speak out against their doxing by Joaquin Castro which he said was designed to get them to 'think twice'. 'what he did is sickening. I think it's disgusting? He's not a racist, I'm not a racist' as dems are 'totally trying to be brainwash people' [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 7, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren jumps on the bandwagon and says 'yes', Trump is a 'white supremacist'. 'He has talked about white supremacists as fine people.' Total lie, debunked many times. 'He's done everything he can to stir up racial conflict and hatred in this country.' No, Democrats do. [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Charlottesville]
Aug 8, 2019 ~ Despite VERY tough competition, Mika Brzezinski won the 'most insane comment' category regarding Trump and El Paso. 'isn't it okay to deduce that at this point this is what he wants?... I mean this is a president who seems to want these things to happen.' Congrats Mika! [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Aug 8, 2019 ~ Kyle Smith explains the no win situation the dems want to set up, 'Trump Can Do No Right'. They demand Trump denounce racism and white supremacy and when he does (for the 100th time in his presidency), they say he's not doing it right, it 'rings hollow' or he's never once done it [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Kyle Smith]
Aug 8, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris joins in the false smear of President Trump. 'he is a racist? He is someone who gives, who empowers white supremacists, and who condones their behavior.' President Trump CONDONES the behavior of WHITE SUPREMACISTS. Harris thinks you're stupid enough to believe that. [Fake Racism, Harris, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Aug 9, 2019 ~ Donnie Deutsch joins in the smear that says Trump is responsible for the El Paso shooter, and then so are all his voters. If you vote for Trump he says 'you own the blood that happens, you own Charlottesville.' This is disgusting and cannot be permitted to work politically. [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Aug 9, 2019 ~ Joaquin Castro's dox list of Trump donors is starting to have the desired effect. People on the list are being harassed. 'You're a racist' 'We hope that you burn in hell and your business will go with you' 'I think you're a scumbag and I fucking despise everything you stand for' [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Aug 11, 2019 ~ Miranda Devine, "Democrats have demonized every Trump voter as a 'deplorable'" 'Russia didn't work, Stormy didn't work. Impeachment won't work.' Now 'they're coming after anyone who supports him.' 'It doesn't matter whether it's true.' Don't care how destructive the lies are. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Aug 12, 2019 ~ Family of El Paso victims Andre and Jordan Anchondo got death threats because they took a picture with Trump and Melania and the surviving baby whose father Andre was a Trump supporter. Brother Tito said Trump was there 'as a human being, consoling us and giving his condolences' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Aug 12, 2019 ~ Sarah Lawrence College Prof Samuel Abrams received harassment for exposing the 12 to 1 liberal to conservative bias on campus. 'I have received numerous threats to my safety, my family' False 'accusations of sexual assault went up around campus' Office was vandalized. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Silencing]
Aug 13, 2019 ~ Current Democratic Platform: Vote for us or we'll call you racist white supremacists. We'll dox you and leave you vulgar threatening messages, we'll harass you where you work, we'll show up at your house with pitchforks and torches. Vote for us and your life gets SO MUCH easier! [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Aug 13, 2019 ~ Rachel Alexander says add doxing to the list of dem silencing techniques. The left 'resorts to vicious attacks... from physical attacks to trying to destroy their careers.' 'they want to send a message as a deterrent to other people on the right that they had better lie low.' [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Silencing]
Aug 13, 2019 ~ Anthony Keith 'Leaving the Democrats' 'I am now called racist, homophobic, misogynist, and Islamophobic. A gun-toting, Bible-believing bitter clinger. A deplorable. A white nationalist. Nazi.' 'I will never vote for anyone... who is trying to denigrate me by name-calling' [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Fake Homophobia, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Aug 14, 2019 ~ University of Kentucky administrators joke while indefinitely denying conservative students a YAF Chapter. 'YAF activists "are going to be mad they waited forever and i denied them whoops.' Then laugh behind their backs as they string them along telling them 'resubmit, so sorry.' [Silencing, College, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Aug 18, 2019 ~ Maddow and Cher smear judicial nominee Steven Menashi based on a 2010 article. Pollock, 'She quoted his article selectively, and inaccurately' 'either didn't read Menashi's articles' or 'intentionally misrepresented his writings to smear him as a racist as a means to bash Trump.' [Fake Racism, Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Aug 18, 2019 ~ Jessica Aguilar is found guilty of slapping a Trump supporter in the face during a 2017 Sacramento Trump rally. During that same rally other violent democrats attempted to attempted to block the movement of Trump supporters and 3 other 'protesters' pepper sprayed Trump supporters [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 19, 2019 ~ Photos from the fundraiser for Illinois state Sen. Martin Sanodval depict a mock assassination of President Trump. Someone is pointing a gun in the face of a person wearing a Trump mask. Sandoval has apologized for the photos. Dems say Trump incites violence. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 20, 2019 ~ Piers Morgan acknowledges that modern liberals have become 'unbearable'. 'Populism is rising because liberals have become unbearable' 'Liberals have become utterly, pathetically illiberal... don't allow anyone else to have a different view'. No one can step one toe off their line [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]