Aug 20, 2019 ~ Michael McConnell, Conservative students do not feel free to express their opinions on campus 'even mainstream, reasonable views... for fear of attracting a torrent of abuse from fellow students and occasional disapproval from a small minority of ideologically intolerant faculty' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College, Cancel Culture]
Aug 21, 2019 ~ ABC puts Sean Spicer on Dancing with the Stars. Receives much unhinged hate. Queer Eye co-star Karamo Brown says hey, Spicer is 'a good guy, really sweet guy.' Brown gets so much unhinged hate, he has to DELETE TWITTER. Bobby Berk defends Brown but then has to DELETE his tweets. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Aug 21, 2019 ~ Young Turks contributor Hasan Piker, nephew of Cenk Uygur, fantasized about how Dan Crenshaw lost his eye. 'a brave fucking soldier fucked his eye hole with their dick.' 'Isn't that how he fucking lost his dumbass eye?' And Piker says by the way, 'America deserved 9/11.' [Loathsome Left]
Aug 21, 2019 ~ Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe said of President Trump, 'This fuxxxng racist wants to reverse the outcome of the Civil War. Over half a million lives were lost in that sacred cause. If you agree we can't let this lunatic get away with that, SAY SO!!!'. Trump is the 'lunatic'?? [TDS, Fake Racism, Slavery, Loathsome Left]
Aug 22, 2019 ~ Dan Crenshaw says by the left's own standards, they are inciting violence against the right. 'You call us all Nazis? something that we all agreed as Americans to bomb, and kill, and destroy.' 'I just can't imagine a worse way to engage in dialogue and a quicker way to escalate' [Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial]
Aug 24, 2019 ~ Bill Maher celebrates the death of David Koch. 'At least he lived long enough to see the Amazon catch fire?The Amazon is burning up. I'm glad he's dead and I hope the end was painful.' The Amazon is on fire every summer due to farmers clearing land. Zero to do with climate change [Climate Change, Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Aug 25, 2019 ~ Derek Hunter, 'To the modern left, someone who agrees with them 99.99% of the time is their complete enemy.' 'They will not rest until everyone not as "pure" as they are is either dead or afraid to speak. And after that rest, they'll go after those who are afraid to speak.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture, Derek Hunter]
Aug 26, 2019 ~ Another man violently attacked for wearing a MAGA hat. Two violent democrats arrested for assault in Portland for attacking a man. 'sucker punched', bloody face. 'I got mobbed by everybody that was in that bar outside. People came from the inside out, just circled me and my wife' [Antifa, Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Aug 27, 2019 ~ The Complete Evergreen Story series. Falsely accuse Weinstein then won't let him defend 'You're going to use your rational bullshit. Fuck you, dude?You need to stop demanding that everybody use logic and reasons and white forms of knowledge to fucking prove yourself to the world' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Aug 27, 2019 ~ Victor Davis Hanson article 'Trump - or What, Exactly?' Even if you think Trump is bad, dems are provably far worse. Very long article because of all the examples of democrats doing worse things than Trump has ever said or done. And all of the fake news to try to bring him down. [Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Aug 28, 2019 ~ Jeff Klinzman, English professor at Kirkwood Community College said 'I know who I'd clock with a bat' meaning President Trump. He also said how he would like to 'stop evangelical Christians' 'Kill them all and bury them deep in the ground.' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 29, 2019 ~ Former New York Fed President Bill Dudley is openly advocating that the Fed work against Trump in 2020, 'Trump's reelection arguably presents a threat to the U.S. and global economy... Fed officials should consider how their decisions will affect the political outcome in 2020.' [Politics, Economy, Loathsome Left]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell said this about Hurricane Dorian 'I'm rooting for a direct hit on Mar-a-Lago!' Campbell previously called Trump 'a motherfu**er' to agree with Tlaib. Remember folks, Trump says bad things so vote for the side that says far worse things! [Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Eric McCormack wants The Hollywood Reporter to provide a list of Trump supporters so they can be blacklisted by the industry in McCarthy like fashion. 'Hey, @THR, kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don't wanna work with.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Debra Messing retweets a tweet saying black people who vote for Trump are mentally ill. She also wants McCarthyesque outing of Trump supporters for blacklisting. 'Please print a list of all attendees'. And wants the burning ashes of shooting victims thrown in 'Dana Loesch's eyes' [Loathsome Left, Racism, Silencing]
Aug 31, 2019 ~ A woman was arrested for throwing a Molotov cocktail into a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services facility in Oakland Park, Florida. Latest in a string of violent attacks against ICE, USCIS and DHS by modern democrats thinking they're fighting against 'concentration camps'. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Illegal Immigration]
Sep 4, 2019 ~ Quinn Chasan, Head of Customer Analytics, Google Cloud, U.S. Government pours water over pro life activist chalk drawings, takes his bag of chalk, throws chalk, punches pro-life activist repeatedly, knocks him to the ground. Violence against pro-life activists becoming common. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion]
Sep 5, 2019 ~ Tim Pool podcast titled 'Far Left Cancel Culture is Creating Secret Trump Supporters'. Many people 'are scared to say they support the President because they could lose their jobs or be blacklisted'. 73% of college GOP withhold their views in class. Secret voters favor Trump 2:1 [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Randolf and Diana Scott forced to put away their Besty Ross American Flag or be kicked out of Major League Soccer game. Told 'the Colonial flag has been adopted as a symbol for hate groups' which is untrue but even if it were, should we allow a hate group to own our original flag [Silencing, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Actor Isaiah Washington explains that walking away from the democratic party is risky. 'You got a lot of conservative or centric libertarian-minded people that really care about other people, but they are terrified to... say anything that's not in line with the Democratic Party' [Silencing, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Sep 7, 2019 ~ Beto O'Rourke said that the El Paso shooter who killed 22 people, did so 'at the invitation of our president'. And therefore, by the way, if you vote for Trump, YOU support mass shootings too! So vote for dems and they won't call you baby killers. Loathsome political tactics. [TDS, Guns-Mass Shootings, Loathsome Left]
Sep 8, 2019 ~ The cancel culture Twitter mob is out to get Gillian Anderson who is 'excited' to play Margaret Thatcher in an upcoming Netflix series. Comparisons to Hitler, 'she's playing a literal f***ing monster' 'Thatcher was a monster and war criminal... death squads... racism' Vile people [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism]
Sep 9, 2019 ~ John Oliver says on his television show 'Ted Cruz can suck my balls.' Stephen Colbert is obviously a role model for Oliver. Colbert has previously called Trump's mouth 'Vladimir Putin's cock holster.' Samantha Bee doing her best to keep up has called Ivanka Trump a 'cunt' on TV. [Loathsome Left]
Sep 10, 2019 ~ The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to designate the NRA a 'domestic terrorist organization'. French, 'By labeling law-abiding political opponents criminal and enforcing state sanctions on that basis, San Francisco is taking the path of the banana republic.' [Guns-Mass Shootings, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Sep 11, 2019 ~ Marianne Williamson caught on a hot mic discovering the left is the hateful, intolerant side. 'What does it say that Fox News is nicer to me than the lefties are? What does it say that the conservatives are nicer to me?' So many in #WalkAway have found the same things. [Loathsome Left, #WalkAway]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Beto continues to push the ridiculous smear that Trump is responsible for the El Paso shooter. Beto said the shooter 'inspired to kill by our president.' Beto previously claimed that the killer acted 'at the invitation of our president'. [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Another unhinged democrat screams at conservative Marilyn Synek of the Nebraska Family Alliance. 'You are fucking bigoted trash, and we do not want you in our restaurant, so get out and don't come back! If you do try to come back we will all refuse any service to you.' Too common [Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 16, 2019 ~ Gordon Heyworth, aide to freshman Virginia congresswoman Abigail Spanberger said this about Trump and his supporters 'Mr. President, I' m using this opportunity to call you and everyone who supports you an irredeemable white trash piece of shit.' Lots of other similar comments. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Dozens of black leaders wrote a letter to the Sanders campaign, complaining that self-identified Sanders supporters have targeted them 'with hateful, violent and racist threats' for supporting Warren. 'reminiscent of the threats Black people would receive when daring to vote'. [Racism, Loathsome Left, Sanders]
Sep 20, 2019 ~ Rashida Talib is selling 'Impeach the MF' shirts on her campaign site which quotes herself publicly saying 'we're going to impeach the motherfucker' the day she was elected. Revealingly, this was long before the pretext-de-jour for impeachment even existed. Are dems psychic? [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Sep 23, 2019 ~ A group of leftist activists shut down a Georgetown University College Republicans event designed to rebut the MSNBC climate change townhall. Blew horns, disrupted the event with shouting until they silenced it. Know their ideas don't hold up to scrutiny so can't allow debate. [Climate Change, Silencing, Loathsome Left]
Sep 29, 2019 ~ Ivanka Trump can't even post a nice family picture with her kid in a Star Wars costume saying 'The force is strong in our family' without getting inundated with vulgar hate. Like 'Fuck You' from a blue check. Mark Hamill replies 'You misspelled "Fraud."#GoForceYourself'. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Sep 30, 2019 ~ Destructive democrats have vandalized the University of Minnesota College Republicans for the 4th year in a row! Writing crap like 'White Supremacy Kills' on their mural, democrats never debate - they just vandalize, assault, threaten and silence the opposition by any other means [Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Silencing, Violent Left]
Oct 2, 2019 ~ Charity game called The Blue Bowl to raise money for the families of fallen officers was cancelled by Thousand Oaks Police Chief Tim Hagel because Trump supporters would be speaking at the event. Hagel demanded Republicans be silenced. Cancelled event when they were not. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Police, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Oct 3, 2019 ~ Another democrat, David Jarvis, thinks its ok to take and destroy the signs of pro-life protesters. This time in Columbus, Ohio. Police question him and he admits, 'I pulled some signs down.' Jarvis charged with criminal damage/endangering. Dems shut down speech almost every day. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Abortion]
Oct 8, 2019 ~ Protesters shut down the Georgetown University speech of Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan. Typical vile behavior of today's spoiled democrats who won't let anyone hear a opposing point of view. Constant interrupting and chanting until speaker is silenced. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Oct 11, 2019 ~ The left again shows who they are. Many people who went to the Trump rally in Minneapolis were called 'Nazis' and punched. MAGA hats stolen off heads, lit on fire. Threw urine bottles. 'Endless vulgarities. Intimidate Trump supporters & media Surround cars' and blocked them. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Oct 16, 2019 ~ Another deranged democrat decides that he's not going to permit people to read signs he doesn't like. He's on video at UNLV stealing Turning Point USA signs and punching them into the garbage. Sadly this kind of silencing is almost a daily occurrence always from the left. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Oct 17, 2019 ~ Tom Arnold is the next 'celebrity' in a long line to fantasize and talk about Trump's assassination. When President Trump tweeted about the large crowds that were gathering for his Dallas rally, Arnold tweeted, 'Don't get too cocky traitor. They showed up for JFK too.' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 19, 2019 ~ Barbra Streisand is the next 'celebrity' in a long line to fantasize and talk about Trump's assassination. She shares a picture of Trump impaled with Pelosi's spike heal. She recently spread climate change fake news 'Freak summer hailstorm buries Mexican city in five feet of ice!' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 19, 2019 ~ Rand Paul harassed at in CA by unhinged democrats while trying to have lunch. Screaming obscenities, all the typical behavior. This unfortunately happens all the time. Paul says 'The left blames incivility on @realDonaldTrump. Watch this video and decide who the rude ones are.' [Loathsome Left]
Oct 22, 2019 ~ In what is becoming a daily occurrence, deranged democrats destroy the signs and posters of Turning Point USA, this time at University of New Hampshire. Harass the TPUSA students, 'I hate you, and I hope you die.' 'Eat shit', throw something at them. Another takes every sign. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Bette Midler praises the man who violently attacked Rand Paul saying we should all be 'more grateful for the neighbor who beat the shit out of Rand Paul.' Senator Paul suffered 6 broken ribs and had to have part of a lung removed due to the attack Midler is grateful for. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Former ICE Director Tom Homan was shouted off the stage at the University of Pennsylvania where he was supposed to give a speech on immigration. Despicable dems prevent another speaker from being heard. Don't debate, listen or allow others to hear. Silence all disagreement. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Illegal Immigration]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Eminem investigated by the Secret Service for threats against the First Daughter. 'how the fuck is Ivanka Trump in the trunk of my car? cause I feel somewhat responsible for the dumb little blonde Girl, that motherfuckin' baton twirler that got dumped in the pond, Second murder ' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Rob Smith, black member of TPUSA and Kathy Zhu explain the routine bullying, harassment, and vilification directed at non-white conservatives by the left. 'implied that my thoughts and motivations were for sale to the highest bidder' 'White Supremacists on campus... dangerous' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Fake Racism]
Oct 26, 2019 ~ Clarence Thomas on racism double standard, 'If you criticize a black person who's more liberal, you're racist. Whereas, you can do whatever to me, or to now, Ben Carson, and that's fine. Because you're not really black. Because you're not doing what we expect black people to do.' [Racism, Loathsome Left]
Oct 27, 2019 ~ Rapper YG who kicked a fan offstage because he wouldn't yell 'Fuck Donald Trump'. 'Get his ass outta here. Get him off stage. Fuck up outta here. He a Donald Trump supporter. Get his ass out of here.' YG has invited fans onstage to beat a Trump likeness pinata. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 27, 2019 ~ Dwight Pierre Lewis is charged with felony assault for punching a man outside the Minneapolis Trump rally. The victim who was punched in the mouth by Lewis after leaving the rally required several stitches. One of many attacks perpetrated by violent Dems on peaceful Republicans. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 28, 2019 ~ A deranged democrat tries to silence speech at the University at Buffalo. Caught ripping down posters advertising an event featuring Dinesh D'Souza. Happens all the time. 'People tear them down. People draw on them'. Despicable people want to decide what you can and cannot hear. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]