May 19, 2024 ~ Victor Davis Hanson on how one of Biden's desperate re-election strategies is to charge Trump with bogus crimes to damage his reputation, bankrupt him and keep him in court instead of on the campaign trail: "Left-wing local, state, and federal prosecutors are tying Trump up in court on crimes that have never been seen before and will never be again after the election. All the cases are politically motivated, with many coordinated with the White House.
Even if Trump is not convicted by blue-state prosecutors, in blue-state courtrooms, in front of blue-state juries, he will lose critical campaigning time.
Trump may end up paying out $1 billion in legal fees and fines. At 76, the monotonous days in court are designed to destroy him financially, physically, and mentally.
Biden and his operatives know that, in the long term, they may have fatally damaged the American legal system with such judicial sabotage. But short-term, they hope to destroy Trump before the ballots are cast." [Biden, Loathsome Left, Politics, Victor Davis Hanson]
May 19, 2024 ~ 'Middle School Girl’s Parents Say Trans-Identifying Boy Sexually Harassed Daughter As He Beat Her In Sports' "Girl says she was forced to share locker room with boy who regularly threatened her sexually while the school did nothing." Forcing girls to compete with boys in sports is not the only humiliation perpetrated on modern girls. They must share locker rooms and showers with boys and will be cancelled if they object. In the locker room "the boy, who claimed to be a girl, was telling her to 'suck my dick' two to three times a week. He also told her, 'I’m gonna stick my dick into your pussy,' sometimes adding 'and in your ass' as well.” The misogynists who insist on the new gender cult rules insist we ignore all biological science saying males and females should not play sports together and all of human history, human nature and common sense that indicate why males and females should have their own separate locker rooms as well as other private spaces. [Anti-Science, Loathsome Left, Trans]
May 19, 2024 ~ "CUNY Prof: 'They Want to Destroy America'" Pro-Hamas protesters at City University NY carry Palestinian flags and tried to attack professor carrying an American flag. They wanted to destroy it. They called it 'a fascist symbol' and 'a Nazi flag.' [Anti-Semitism, Loathsome Left]
May 20, 2024 ~ The International Criminal Court (ICC) is even more of a joke than the UN. They just charged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister Yoav Gallant with 'war crimes and crimes against humanity.' What a disgrace. George Cloney's wife Amal was on the board. [Anti-Semitism, Israel, Loathsome Left]
May 25, 2024 ~ 'When Evil Was Called Good' Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi is killed in a helicopter crash. "The 'Butcher of Tehran' has been accused of sending as many as 30,000 people to their deaths at the beginning of the revolution." He also funded terrorism that has killed Americans and Israelis. 100s of 10/7 terrorists were trained by Iran. So naturally, NATO, the UN, the EU and the US Sentate and White House offer condolences for this evil killer. Oppressed Iranians are celebrating in the streets and Democrats and other leftists are honoring him. [Iran, Islam, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
May 27, 2024 ~ UCLA is an examples of once good medical school that torched its education and reputation on the alter of DIE and CRT. UCLA dropped from 8th the 18th after Jennifer Lucero took over and made DIE a priority. "In some of the cohorts she admitted, more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics." Lucero said, "The candidate's scores shouldn't matter. We need people like this [i.e. with this color skin] in the medical school." Failure rates increased 10 fold since 2020. "One professor said that a student in the operating room could not identify a major artery when asked, then berated the professor for putting her on the spot. Another said that students at the end of their clinical rotations don't know basic lab tests and, in some cases, are unable to present patients." "And for those who've seen the competency crisis up close, double standards in admissions are a big part of the problem. 'All the normal criteria for getting into medical school only apply to people of certain races,' an admissions officer said. 'For other people, those criteria are completely disregarded.'" "UCLA still produces some very good graduates," one professor said. "But a third to a half of the medical school is incredibly unqualified." "Race-based admissions have turned UCLA into a ‘failed medical school,’ a former member of the admissions staff said. “‘We want racial diversity so badly, we’re willing to cut corners to get it.’" Unfortunately, because these woke medical schools hold black people to lower standards, sometimes much lower standards, they've made it such that people can no longer take the risk of using a black doctor. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Health Care, Loathsome Left, Race]
May 27, 2024 ~ Byron York, 'The Insanity at the Heart of the Trump Trial' "So Trump faced felony charges without knowing what he was accused of doing. And the really amazing thing is that the trial is now underway and Bragg has still not specified what the other crime is. It is a key element of the case. Without it, the charges against Trump could never have been brought because they were misdemeanors long past the statute of limitations. It is the other crime that makes this whole prosecution possible. But the prosecutor has not specified what it is. If that sounds vaguely unconstitutional to you, you're right. As former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy points out, the Fifth Amendment 'requires a felony charge to be spelled out in an indictment whose criminal elements have been established by probable cause to the satisfaction of a grand jury.' The problem, McCarthy continues, is that the election-stealing conspiracy Bragg's prosecutors are accusing Trump of engaging in is 'not charged in the indictment' and, further, 'there is no such conspiracy crime in New York penal law.' McCarthy also argues that the charges violate the New York Constitution." [Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jun 1, 2024 ~ 'In Memory of Justice' Judge Merchan's kangaroo court convicts Trump of 34 felonies! This is the most corrupt trial in history. A politically motivated abuse of power from start to finish. Alvin Bragg campaigned by promising to 'get Trump.' Bragg's co-prosecutor in the case, Matthew Colangelo is a well-known Democratic partisan who served as a political consultant to the Democratic National Committee! Colangelo came straight to Bragg's team from Biden's DOJ where he was AG Garland's 3rd ranking prosecutor. Bragg charged Trump with a minor misdemeanor (mislabeling an expense) with an expired statute of limitation. He claimed the SOL doesn't matter because Trump mislabeled the expense to cover up a felony. But then he never specified the felony. He threw out a few (federal, not in his jurisdiction) in the closing argument that it 'could have been' but none were actually valid which is why he didn't even bother trying to prove them. The corrupt judge instructed the jury that they didn't even have to agree with each other on which crime they thought Trump committed, (nor did the prosecution need to prove a crime was committed) for them to find Trump guilty! Bragg took the minor expense mislabeling and multiplied it by a random number (34) and poof, Trump committed 34 FELONIES! Merchan, who donates to Biden, Democrats and a group called 'Stop Republicans', disallowed exculpatory witnesses and gave the jury instructions guaranteed to get conviction. Now Democrats and celebs are celebrating claiming Trump was guilty of committing 34 felonies. Not one of them can explain 1 of those felonies, let alone 34. Most know it was all a total farce but don't care because abusing power is fine to these people if it means they can damage Trump's chances in the election. Democrats have turned the courts into a political weapon. What is ironic is that 'election interference' is one of the 'felonies' they throw out as the crime Trump 'might' have committed (he didn't) justifying extending the statute of limitations of the misdemeanor. But there is no bigger election interference than this and the rest of the lawfare waged being by Democrats. Andrew McCarthy: "What happened in Manhattan was monstrous. The fallout is the antithesis of a constitutional republic that presumes innocence, imposes the burden of proof on the state, venerates its due-process rules, and guarantees equal protection of law. The antithesis is now the norm. Regardless of what happens to Donald Trump, all of us will live to regret it." [Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jun 1, 2024 ~ 'Trump Found Guilty. Pray For The Republic' "The actual methodology by which he was found guilty is utterly uncertain. The reality is there were two crimes alleged: a misdemeanor falsification of business records — which would not have resulted in any possible jail time — but to become a felony that was reliant on other unspecified crimes. And those crimes could have been a violation of federal finance law — except that Donald Trump clearly did not violate federal finance law. Not only that, the federal government never even bothered to charge him with violating federal finance law, federal election law in 2016. Check your calendar. It is currently 2024, and the case that New York just made is effectively that Donald Trump violated election law in 2016 and falsified business records in 2017. Somehow, despite the fact that the statute of limitations has run already, this is now a class E felony in the state of New York, lengthening the statute of limitations. The number of hoops they had to jump through in order to manufacture this case, is extraordinary. The number of pretzel-like contortions the prosecution had to drag the jury through was extraordinary. This is a thwarting of basic standards of democracy; To take a political opponent on trumped-up charges, find him guilty, and then throw him in jail for purposes of the election, is insanity. It is third-world crap. It is insanity. You’ve got all the same people crying, 'Trump will be a tyrant. Trump will undermine the rule of law. We cannot have a country with Donald Trump, who will certainly destroy democracy.' It is hard for me to think of anything less democratic than trumping up a charge on your political opponent to jail him during an election cycle. Especially when the candidate on your side is losing, which is what Joe Biden is doing right now." [Ben Shapiro, Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jun 5, 2024 ~ Nigel Farage has a milkshake thrown on him. This is the left. It has always been and always will be the left. 99% of these kinds of things have always come from the left. This is who they are. Shout down, shut down, throw things, vandalize things, violence. Anything but debate. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jun 8, 2024 ~ 'The War on Contraception That Wasn't' "The charge that Republicans are working to cut off access to contraception is so ludicrously unfounded that it amounts to an outlandish conspiracy theory." The Democrats are getting desperate in this election so they're trying to scare low information voters into thinking Republicans want to ban contraceptives. They write the “Right to Contraception Act” and load it with poison pills that Republicans could never vote for and then say "see, Republicans want to ban contraception." “Thanks to Donald Trump and the right-wing MAGA Supreme Court, Americans now have to question whether or not they’ll have access to something as basic and widely supported as birth control,” lying Chuck Schumer ridiculously claims. They are so ridiculous but sadly this kind of crap works politically. [Loathsome Left, Politics, Rich Lowry]
Jun 8, 2024 ~ 'America Has Crossed the Rubicon' "Donald Trump’s conviction on nonsensical misdemeanor process crimes, beyond the statute of limitations, a dispute over whether fees paid to a lawyer were actually legal fees (as opposed to what, medical bills?), that these payments influenced an election concluded a year before said payments were made, tried within a rigged courtroom construct by a conflicted judge and attorneys guaranteeing a guilty verdict, and last but not least federal charges inappropriately tried at the state level after the feds declined to pursue these charges. These all blew up Lady Justice’s scales and any premise of due process or equal protection under the law. The die has indeed been cast. When those in charge can prosecute and imprison their political opponents, any semblance of democracy is long gone, the Rubicon crossed." [Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jun 8, 2024 ~ Dennis Prager, 'America Has Its First Show Trial' "The Left has done something never done before in American history: put on trial a former president and the opposition political party candidate for president... The reason for the trial was the same reason dictatorships put opponents on trial: to prevent them from assuming or regaining power. When dictatorships do this, such as in the former Soviet Union, we call it a show trial -- because the verdict has been predetermined. The 'hush money trial' was such a trial. The first such trial of an American president and head of the opposition in American history." "The corrupt judge prevented the most important expert defense witness from testifying on Trump's behalf. But the Left got what it wanted: the right to label President Trump, in the words of the lead editorial in the similarly corrupt New York Times, 'Donald Trump, Felon.' We are bequeathing our children and grandchildren a completely different country than the one our parents, grandparents and Founders bequeathed to us. [Dennis Prager, Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jun 8, 2024 ~ Jonathan Turley, professor of law at George Washington University and not a Trump supporter explains what a politically motivated farce the Trump 'hush money' trial was: "So Trump was convicted in a trial with a Biden donor judge, who has a daughter who is a major Democratic operative, a lead prosecutor previously paid as a DNC political consultant and a jury selected in a district that voted roughly 90% against Trump." "Even liberal legal analysts have admitted that the case against Trump was unprecedented and would not have been brought against anyone other than Trump ... The trial itself was a travesty. Even after sitting in the courtroom watching the trial and the verdict, I still have no idea what Trump was convicted of in the case. This was a thrill-kill conviction, and the response of many in the media bordered on the indecent. For many outside of Manhattan, the scene was repulsive and chilling. You can hate Donald Trump but still be repelled by the use of the criminal justice system for political purposes." [Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jun 8, 2024 ~ 'Biden’s Collusion in the Anti-Trump Lawfare Gambit' Democrats lie that Biden is not involved in prosecuting his election opponent. "There is no daylight between President Biden, the Biden Justice Department, and the federal prosecutions of Biden’s opponent that — if Smith has his druthers — will keep Trump chained to courtrooms for four to six months while Biden is out campaigning in battleground states. Naturally, it is easier to discern Biden’s lawfare collusion in the federal prosecutions of Trump than in the criminal cases brought by elected Democratic prosecutors in the states of Georgia and New York. But the collusion is plain to see there, too." "Bragg recruited Matthew Colangelo. Most prosecutors see themselves as working in law enforcement; Colangelo specializes in anti-Trump enforcement. He comes to the DA’s office from a stint as one of the very top lawyers in the Biden Justice Department... To put it mildly, it is highly unusual for a lawyer in so lofty a federal perch to decamp to a county DA’s office for a line-prosecutor post — even allowing that the county is in the Big Apple and the trial gig is a prosecution of Donald Trump, which will make Colangelo a very famous fellow. But in this instance, it is a seamless transition. Prior to joining the top echelon of Biden’s Trump-hostile Justice Department, Colangelo had worked at the New York attorney general’s office — where Bragg was then a top deputy and where Colangelo specialized in lawsuits against Trump and his organization. It was Colangelo’s work against Trump that Bragg touted in running for district attorney in blue, blue Manhattan." "The best collusion evidence in the New York case is the silence of the Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission." "The Department of Justice is so territorial about its jurisdiction that it would make a tiger wilt in admiration. Similarly, the FEC jealously guards its turf. Do you really think for a moment that the Biden Justice Department and the FEC would sit in silent passivity if any other state prosecutor, besides Bragg in this particular case, usurped federal authority and undertook to enforce federal law — in a matter as to which the DOJ and FEC, after thoroughly investigating, had decided not to prosecute? Unlike Trump, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign actually did violate the campaign-finance laws by misdescribing its disbursements in concocting the Russiagate smear (e.g., the production of the Steele dossier) as legal expenses rather than opposition research. Consequently, the FEC fined Clinton’s campaign." [Biden, Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jun 9, 2024 ~ 'Sacrificing Children to the God of CRT' NYC hospitals are ignoring and not reporting stats that affect the safety of kids if there is 'disproportionate' numbers between blacks and whites. For example “Black families are seven times as likely as white families to be accused of child maltreatment,” so they stopped reporting because according to the bogus #CRT theory, the disproportionality cannot be real; it must be a consequence of 'racism.' Except the theory is easily proven false by the fact that "black children who live with parents charged with abuse are about seven times more likely to be killed than kids in white and Asian households." Consequently, Rafael Mangual, resigned from the New York State Advisory Committee of the US Council on Civil Rights saying, "I resigned because I believe the committee’s pathological obsession with racial disparity will endanger the lives of our most vulnerable children, especially black children." His resignation letter lists many examples. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 18, 2024 ~ The president of the Chicago Teachers Union Stacy Davis Gates claimed: "Conservatives don’t even want Black children to be able to read," among other equally ridiculous and unhinged smears. Republicans are actually against the union demands because they are unaffordable ($14 Billion) partly due to all kinds of useless climate change expenses including the creation of a 'climate champion' position. Clowns. [Climate Change, Education, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 23, 2024 ~ Former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo on the political show trial Alvin Bragg is staging against Trump: "That case, the attorney general’s case in New York, should have never been brought. And if his name was not Donald Trump and he wasn’t running for president. I’m the former A.G. of New York, I’m telling you, that case would have never been brought. And that’s what is offensive to people, and it should be, because if there’s anything left, it’s belief in the justice system." [Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jun 23, 2024 ~ Judge Judy on the political show trial Alvin Bragg is staging against Trump: "I would be happier, as someone who owns property in Manhattan, if the district attorney [Alvin Bragg] of New York County would take care of criminals who are making it impossible for citizens to walk in the streets and use the subway. To use those efforts to keep those people off the street, than to spend $5 million or $10 million taxpayers’ money trying Donald Trump on this nonsense. That’s my view. I, as a taxpayer in this country, resent using the system for your own personal self-aggrandizement. You have to twist yourself in a pretzel to figure out what the crime was. He [Bragg] doesn’t like him [Trump]. New York City didn’t like him [Trump] for a while.” [Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jun 26, 2024 ~ Alan Dershowitz on how DIE has led to antisemitism on campuses: "Every university has created departments of antisemitism through their diversity, equity, and inclusion. It’s diversity, equity, and exclusion. Jews are excluded. And many of these campaigns are led by students who see themselves as part of the oppressed, even though they’re among the wealthiest people probably on campus, the children of billionaires, many of them. But they see themselves as part of the intersectionality and oppressed, and they take it out on Jews." [Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Jul 15, 2024 ~ A 20 yr old punk ass, Thomas Matthew Crooks tried to assassinate Trump at a PA rally. He got 5 shots off killing 1, wounding 2, grazing Trump before being killed by Secret Service. Donated to 'Act Blue.' He must have believed the Dem Party lies about Trump being the next Hitler. [Loathsome Left, Politics, TDS, Violent Left]
Jul 23, 2024 ~ Neither Biden nor Harris meet with Benjamin Netanyahu when he arrived in the US. Harris skips his congressional speech. In order to appease their anti-Semitic constituents, they are loudly and clearly against our ally Israel as she fights for her survival on all sides. Shameful. [Anti-Semitism, Biden, Harris, Israel, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Jul 24, 2024 ~ Netanyahu at his Congressional address. “I have a message for these protesters. When the tyrants of Tehran who hang gays from cranes and murder women for not covering their hair are praising, promoting and funding you- you have officially become Irans useful idiots.” Over 100 Democrats skipped his speech in protest because they say he is 'a war criminal' and side with Hamas. No matter the situation, Democrats always side with the criminals and the terrorists. They side with the people who intentionally kill civilians instead of the people who try to minimize civilian casualties while defending themselves. [Anti-Semitism, Israel, Loathsome Left]
Jul 28, 2024 ~ Alan Dershowitz can no longer support the Democrats. "I Can‘t Support a Party with ‘Anti-Democracy‘ Netanyahu Boycotters" "Democrats who are supporting Hamas are driving people like me out of the Democratic Party. I hear it from so many of my friends who have been Democrats like me since John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. I can’t identify with a party, 80 members of whom decided to apply a bigoted double standard and stay away from Netanyahu’s speech. … I can’t support a party that has Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders and 80 people who walked out, my view is boycott the boycotters. If you boycotted Netanyahu, I’m boycotting you. I’m not going to ever vote for you or support you or give you any kind of financial support." [Anti-Semitism, Israel, Loathsome Left, Politics, Sanders]
Jul 28, 2024 ~ "Elderly Trump Supporter In Critical Condition After ‘Politically Motivated’ Attack, Police Say" A Democrat ripped out Trump lawn signs and when the owner started putting them back, the Democrat ran him over with a car. "This was the third incident police believe to be politically motivated that occurred on Sunday alone. The first two involved vehicles that were vandalized, with the police department saying the suspect 'appeared to target both Trump and Law Enforcement supporters.'" [Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 28, 2024 ~ Climate activist Stuart Parker explains how the left will literally try to destroy your life if you disagree with any of their dogma and how the world would be so much better if everyone behaved like conservatives when they disagree. They are very vindictive and intolerant. Many in the comments say the same thing - they feel much safer around conservatives and know its safe to disagree. "In my 36 years as a climate activist, no conservative who has disagreed with me on climate has ever tried to destroy my career, my home, my relationship, my friendships, my social media accounts, my radio shows, my podcasts or my recreational activities. People working in the fossil fuel industry who feel my efforts are destroying their employment prospects, people who think climate change is a hoax, a fraud I am helping to perpetrate, people who falsely believe I receive money from shadowy European interests: none of these people have felt entitled to go after my ability to earn a living or have a romantic partner. In my 3 years of opposing genderwang, dozens, likely hundreds of progressives, many of whom I considered comrades or friends, have felt it totally appropriate to engage in unapologetic concerted public efforts to destroy these things, to even come after my fortnightly tabletop Runequest games and try to stop those. In a social partition of contemporary North America, I would rather be in a conservative society, even if it were significantly more on fire, because I wouldn't feel unsafe disagreeing with my neighbours." [Cancel Culture, Climate Change, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 28, 2024 ~ 'How Alvin Bragg’s Case Helped Torpedo Anti-Trump Lawfare' "The judge, Juan Merchan, was a partisan Democrat who had made political contributions (in violation of New York law) to Biden’s 2020 campaign against Trump, and his daughter was a progressive political operative who’d done campaign work for uber-anti-Trump Democrats, including Biden. For good measure, Bragg recruited for the trial Matthew Colangelo, a lawyer from the top echelon of the Biden Justice Department who’d previously been paid as a consultant for the Democratic National Committee.
The indictment spoke of falsifying business records in a manner that defrauded no one; but Bragg’s prosecutors told the jury the case was really about Trump’s conspiracy to steal the 2016 election — an election-denial fever dream Democrats were thus promoting even as they condemned Trump’s 2020 election denial. Bragg sought to bolster his weak case by calling an unnecessary witness, porn star Stormy Daniels, to graphically describe an 18-year-old sexual encounter with Trump — which he denies (not very convincingly), which she has previously denied, and which she described to the jury as if it were border-line non-consensual, a notion she had previously scoffed at. Judge Merchan denied Trump the right to call an impeccably qualified expert, former FEC commissioner Brad Smith, to explain why the non-disclosure agreements at issue were not cognizable campaign expenditures under federal law — even after Merchan allowed convicted perjurer, fraudster, and Trump obsessive Michael Cohen to testify as if he were a campaign-law expert, and to tell the jury he’d pled guilty to campaign charges even though that highly prejudicial evidence was not admissible against Trump. Finally, Merchan instructed the jurors that they did not need to agree unanimously on what crime Trump had supposedly tried to conceal — i.e., there was no unanimous verdict beyond a reasonable doubt on the essential, hotly disputed allegation that converted the misdemeanor into a felony.
Bragg’s prosecution and Merchan’s conduct of the trial were unabashedly, willfully flawed. The media–Democrat complex instantly branded Trump a “convicted felon.” The New York Times gleefully repeated the word guilty 34 times in its lead story, as did Representative Adam Schiff (D., Calif.), the Democrats’ Trump-impeachment maven in the House." [Fake News, Loathsome Left, Politics, Witch Hunt]
Jul 30, 2024 ~ Biden and Harris propose SCOTUS 'reforms' including an 18-year term limit that would immediately remove Justices John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito. How convenient and transparent. What a joke these people are. Biden has been in politics for 50 years but he wants an 18 year limit for Justices. [Biden, Harris, Loathsome Left, SCOTUS]
Aug 1, 2024 ~ Democrats reflexively play the race card every chance they get. Its ALWAYS a lie but they're so addicted to it that they don't even realize when sound totally ridiculous. Molly Jong-Fast on #FakeNews@MSNBC claimed its "kind of racist" for JD Vance to want there to be more children. Why? Because she thinks he allegedly means 'white children.' "This is this natalism that comes from an authoritarian playbook, that there need to be more white children, right? That’s the idea that there is – this is about great replacement theory racism. This is what it is. So, don’t misunderstand him wanting more children. He wants a certain kind of, you know, racist thing." First of all, Vance's own children are bi-racial. Second of all, the majority of America is damn sick of being falsely called 'racists' for close to 20 years now. Vote Democrat if you want more of this because its all they have to offer. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Aug 1, 2024 ~ "Aussie Swimming Star Slams 'Ridiculous' Woke Olympics Village Schemes, 'Cost Her a Record'" France has been a disgracefully bad host. Besides the insulting opening ceremonies, they didn't provide AC for the athletes, an unhealthy vegan diet, cardboard beds. Athletes were getting poor sleep and poor nutrition. Ariarne Titmus said conditions were so bad, it likely cost her a record. Teams were scrambling to bring in portable ACs and real food for their athletes but not all could afford to do that. France should never be allowed to host another Olympics.[Climate Change, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Aug 3, 2024 ~ "'Fuck white women!' Harris ally told Zoom meeting full of leftists" "Cora Masters Barry, an appointee of Democrat D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and longtime civil rights activist, and Melanie Campbell, who leads the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, have visited the White House more than 50 times combined during the Biden administration, including nearly a dozen visits with Harris or her staff." Barry was on a zoom insulting all white women: "Fuck the white women... They’re going to do what the White men tell them to do." Barry accuses all Trump voters of being closed Klan members, "I’m not saying everyone who voted for Trump is wearing a white sheet, but they got one in their closet." These are the racist pigs that Kamala Harris repeatedly pals around with. [Fake Racism, Harris, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Aug 10, 2024 ~ Flashback 2017: 'They Brushed Off Kamala Harris. Then She Brushed Us Off.' By Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Q. Nomani.
Ali and Nomani tried to educate the Senate on the dangers of radical Islam and its worldwide oppression of women and Harris couldn't be less interested. Harris and the other Democratic women did "not ask either of us a single question."
"Just as we are invisible to the mullahs at the mosque, we were invisible to the Democratic women in the Senate."
"How to explain this experience? Perhaps Senators Heitkamp, Harris, Hassan and McCaskill are simply uninterested in sexism and misogyny."
"What happened that day was emblematic of a deeply troubling trend among progressives when it comes to confronting the brutal reality of Islamist extremism and what it means for women in many Muslim communities here at home and around the world. When it comes to the pay gap [which doesn't really exist], abortion access and workplace discrimination, progressives have much to say. But we’re still waiting for a march against honor killings, child marriages, polygamy, sex slavery or female genital mutilation."
"In the rubric of identity politics, our status as women of color is canceled out by our ideas, which are labeled “conservative” — as if opposition to violent jihad, sex slavery, genital mutilation or child marriage were a matter of left or right. This not only silences us, it also puts beyond the pale of liberalism a basic concern for human rights and the individual rights of women abused in the name of Islam."
"The silence of the Democratic senators is a reflection of contemporary cultural pressures. Call it identity politics, moral relativism or political correctness — it is shortsighted, dangerous and, ultimately, a betrayal of liberal values." [Harris, Identity Politics, Islam, Loathsome Left, Terrorism]
Aug 11, 2024 ~ Even though SCOTUS made it clear that racial discrimination is illegal, leftists remain determined to continue doing it as it is one of their core values. University of California, Berkeley School of Law dean Erwin Chemerinsky was caught on video telling students how he evades the ban on racial preferences in hiring. "I’ll give you an example from our law school, but if ever I’m deposed, I’m going to deny I said this to you. When we do faculty hiring, we’re quite conscious that diversity is important... Anytime somebody says, ‘We should really prefer this candidate or this candidate because this person would add diversity.’ Don’t say that. You can think it, you can vote it, but our discussions are not privileged, so don’t ever articulate that that’s what you’re doing." Lovely. So its business as usual, but keep it on the down low and lie about it if you're ever deposed. [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, SCOTUS]
Aug 11, 2024 ~ 'Kamala’s Incompetent, Deranged, Radically Leftist Running Mate' Flashback to 2020. #BLM mobs were vandalizing and burning down Minneapolis. The mayor Jacob Frey and the police chief asked the governor for the national guard to be deployed because as Frey said, "the ongoing situation is well-beyond the capability of our police and fire departments to respond." The mayor's spokesperson said, “Walz was hesitating.” The help never came and thus the police station was burned to the ground as well as 164 other businesses, cars and government businesses over the course of several days. Walz's daughter posted on social media that the guard was not being deployed which emboldened the mob. Walz's wife safe in her own home said she left her windows open to savor the smell of the burning tires. Matt Walsh explained, "It was a profound moment for her, because no one was burning down anything she owned. She has bodyguards to prevent that sort of thing. So only the plebs suffered. And as they suffered, Gwen Walz did everything but pull out a fiddle." [BLM, Crime, George Floyd, Harris, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Aug 15, 2024 ~ James Carville says Republicans support Israel because they are racist and misogynists as if that makes any sense: "It’s really about the misogyny and the racism that drives the thing, and we got to recognize that. It’s not about any policy prescription. And the reason I suspect that most of these people describe themselves as pro-Israel is because the Jews are whiter than the Palestinians, which I think drives a lot of what they are." [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Israel, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Aug 16, 2024 ~ Harris literally said Trump's "plans are to devastate the middle class, punish working people, and make the cost of living go up for millions of Americans." How fucking STUPID does she think the American people are? And it was her admin that made the cost of living go up! [Harris, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Sep 1, 2024 ~ RFK Jr.'s running mate Nicole Shanahan rips the Democratic party a new one: "They’ve lost their soul... The Democratic Party which says they’re trying to save democracy from Donald Trump, they canceled the primaries and canceled democracy within the party." [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Sep 2, 2024 ~ 'Columbia University President Resigns Months after Anti-Israel Protests Rocked Campus' Another University president, Minouche Shafik, bites the dust after allowing Anti-Semitic criminals to run wild on campus. Jewish students were chased out of dorms, spat on, excluded from student life, physically attacked and subjected to slurs and tropes. Professors were caught mocking Jewish speakers, etc. She presided over that toxic environment and did not protect her students. [Anti-Semitism, College, Loathsome Left]
Sep 2, 2024 ~ Sasha Stone, 'What "Happened" To Me' Stone, who used to describe herself as 'very liberal' was canceled hard for being pro-Trump in Hollywood and for making fun of Democrats segregating their fundraisers. After seeing "White men for Harris" Stone tweeted out 'White Power' to mock them. As usual, Dems did not get the joke so she wrote an article 'Why I Joke Tweeted About “White Power”' to explain it to them. "Our culture has been swallowed up by the idea that our skin color measures our worth, our gender identity, or whether or not we are “good allies.” It’s hilarious to me because no one will lampoon these people, joke about them, or write a script about them. We’re just stuck with this for the foreseeable future. No one has the desire nor the nerve to break from it because what defines status now is whether or not you are perceived as a “good” person. But it’s complete and total insanity and any honest person knows it. The trouble is, there are few honest people." "This story is really about how I could not take the hate demanded of me from my former side. I overdosed on it. I could feel it like sludge in my veins. I decided I had to escape my own feedback loop and my former tribe to find out what was true and what wasn’t. And almost nothing was true. That was the shocking part. It was all a delusion. But explaining that to people is like trying to explain that there was no such thing as witchcraft in Salem in 1692." [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]