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Dec 1, 2018 ~ 2 Antifa thugs were arrested for attacking Marine Reservists in Philadelphia, maced, punched, kicked. Falsely called them 'Nazis' and 'white supremacists' as they were attacking them. 3rd thug is at large. Tom Massey upset he didn't get to 'punch a Nazi. The police stopped me.' [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Dec 16, 2018 ~ 143 left wing 'protesters' arrested outside of Pelosi's office - chanting, singing, acting like idiots - demanding we use 100% renewable energy, universal basic income and universal health care. 'gimme gimme'. Good to see these clowns harass their own side occasionally. [Loathsome Left, Climate Change, Health Care]
Dec 16, 2018 ~ Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti shouted down by protesters during speech at USC - Los Angeles chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America shouted over Garcetti so that he could not continue his speech - typical disgusting behavior of the modern left. Shout down, shut down. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College, Socialism]
Dec 18, 2018 ~ Sean Penn says 'we are a nation in need of an assassin' - but its OK, don't worry! He's wasn't referring to Trump. That is just what a fictional character said in Penn's novel about a fictional President who sends a lot of tweets and had a 'piddly inauguration'. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Dec 26, 2018 ~ Mika Brzezinksi makes homophobic slur against Secretary of State Mike Pompeo - 'Are the pathetic deflections that we just heard when he appeared on Fox & Friends - is that a patriot speaking. Or a wannabe dictator's butt-boy.' [Loathsome Left, Homophobia]
Dec 27, 2018 ~ Benicio Del Toro Eulogizes mass murderer and tyrant Che Guevara in Havana but Denounces President Trump as a 'Cruel Monster!' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Dec 29, 2018 ~ Vape Store clerk in Tucker, GA a has meltdown over a customer wearing Trump shirt. Meltdown doesn't even cover it. Won't sell to the guy. Screaming at the top of his lungs. 'LEAVE! RACIST! FUCK OFF!' 'Fuck your fucking president. He's a racist stupid piece of shit.' Fired. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Jan 3, 2019 ~ A Democrat member of Congress publicly called the sitting President of the United States a 'motherfucker'. 'We're gonna impeach the motherfucker' said Rep. Rashida Tlaib. How is this not 10 times worse than anything Trump has ever said? She previously called Trump an 'Asshole' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Jan 6, 2019 ~ Many on the left support and applaud Congresswoman Tlaib for calling Trump a 'motherfucker'. Wanda Sykes, who complained several times about how Obama was treated far better, said Tlaib, a member of congress, should have called Trump 'a lying motherfucker'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Jan 6, 2019 ~ AOC proposes a 70% tax rate - Steve Scalise who was shot by left winger James Hodgkinson politely tried to debate that policy on Twitter - AOC supporters said 'Snipe his ass', 'Kick his cane', 'she's got better aim than James Hodgkinson'. Debate, no. Violence, yes. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Jan 8, 2019 ~ Rep. Rashida Tlaib won't apologize for calling President Trump a 'motherfucker'. Because she says we need to have lower expectations and lower standards for women of color. 'I am a woman of color. People like us never run for office, and when we do, this is who we are.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Tlaib]
Jan 8, 2019 ~ Wisconsin John Doe Probe concludes - Dem partisan bureaucrats were on a mission 'to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor'. State Supreme court rule it unconstitutional. Partisan abuse of power ruined the lives of innocent people. [Loathsome Left]
Jan 10, 2019 ~ Family Guy TV Show has Trump character saying 'You have a beautiful rack' about his daughter Ivanka. 'I was talking about my daughter'. No first family has ever been treated this way - Would never happen to Obama and his daughters. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jan 10, 2019 ~ Seth Meyers Mocked Trump As He Remembered Americans Killed By Illegals - 'Is this Oval Office: SVU?' he asks as Trump lists several recent preventable crimes committed by illegals including cops and others who were murdered. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Illegal Immigration, Crime]
Jan 13, 2019 ~ Good Wife Actor Josh Charles actor said 'I'm so sick of this motherfucker. Just so sick. This needs to end. Fuck him and every single person who continues to support him' 'impeach the motherfucker ? put a muzzle on the motherfucker's mouth'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Impeachment]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Rep. Ilhan Omar D-MN is now spreading a homophobic conspiracy theory about Sen. Lindsey Graham being blackmailed by Trump over 'something pretty extreme.' - Omar admits she has zero evidence to back up this smear. [Loathsome Left, Homophobia, Omar]
Jan 18, 2019 ~ The Twitter feeds on the left keep going lower and lower. F this, MF that, come on America, join us to get the MF'er but F you if you don't you Fs - Prominent people on the left, not anon twitter trolls - they've become far worse than Trump [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Bill Maher, 'What a little prick. Smirk-face! Like that's not a dick move to stick your face in this elderly man's face' - His 'smirk' was nervous smiling because he didn't understand why a grown man was banging a drum in HIS face - banging a drum in a kid's face is a 'dick move' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Loathsome Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Kathy Griffin who called for the innocent 'fuckers' to be 'doxed', later falsely accused them throwing 'nazi signs' while playing a basketball game. Even if you don't know that was a 3 point signal, how stupid do you actually have to be to think this theory is even plausible? [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Loathsome Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Patton Oswalt commenting about an innocent kid who after having been harassed by abusive racists for more than an hour was confronted by an Indian who beat a drum an inch from his face, 'THIS leering, privileged little shit.' - Projection? [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Loathsome Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Actor Michael Rapaport, 'You little shitstain, you fuckin' little creeps. Shorty shitstain. Handjob. Catholic school cuck. Fuckboy? You little fuckin' scumbag. You fuckin' loser. You little Kentucky Catholic school cocksuckers'. BTW, 'Come see our movies!', Hollywood says... [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Loathsome Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Samuel L. Jackson - '#seenthispunksfaceonlynchingphotos', Shaun King 'White men and boys have mocked indigenous people like this for centuries.' - insanely tying innocent kids to lynching's and centuries of Indian abuse. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Loathsome Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Howard Dean, former DNC Chair - '#CovingtonCatholic High School seems like a hate factory to me. Why not just close it?' - The DNC seems like the hate factory. Why not just close it? [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Loathsome Left]
Feb 4, 2019 ~ Liberals poison everything with their divisive identity politics, even football - Tom 'Brady has embodied this very concept of white privilege.' The Patriots 'are the official team of American White Nationalism, the MAGA Boys On the Field' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Identity Politics, Cancel Culture]
Feb 7, 2019 ~ DC art exhibit features Ivanka Trump look-alike vacuuming up crumbs thrown by visitors - Visitors encouraged to throw crumbs and the look-alike will vacuum them up - and people do it - No first family was ever treated with such disrespect. Democrats like this stuff apparently? [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Feb 7, 2019 ~ Dems love to say they are anti bullying, anti hate, pro tolerance, pro female empowerment - yet the lengths they will go to demean and degrade conservative and GOP women know no bounds. They now celebrate throwing food at the first daughter. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Feb 7, 2019 ~ Dickinson College Student Newspaper publishes article titled 'Should White Boys Still Be Allowed to Talk?' The author concludes 'I'm gonna go with a hell no' - Such an article could never be published against any other group of people. [Racism, Sexism, Loathsome Left]
Feb 7, 2019 ~ Yale University Newspaper 'Yale Daily News' publishes an article where the author threatens 'I'm watching you, white boy' so as to gather evidence of wrongdoing - Such an article could never be published against any other group of people. [Racism, Sexism, Loathsome Left]
Feb 11, 2019 ~ Syndicated 'Non Sequitur' cartoon cancelled in over 40 newspapers - Cartoonist Wiley Miller put the message 'Go Fuck Yourself Trump' in a cartoon. The cartoon was published in 700 newspapers across the country. Received twitter praise. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Feb 12, 2019 ~ Sarah Silverman tweets to Trump, 'FUCK YOU, and also add that you are a smelly penis hole with balls that touch water. Eat shit, you greedy twat.' because Trump poked fun at Amy Klobuchar talking about fighting global warming in a blizzard. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Feb 20, 2019 ~ Conservative attacked by violent, deranged dem at UC Berkeley. Zachary Greenberg approached TPUSA recruiting table, knocked over the table, knocked cell phone out of hand, punched TPUSA recruiter repeatedly, threatened to shoot him. 'Motherfucker. You racist little inbred bitch.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Fake Racism]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Joe Biden outrages his side by calling VP Pence 'a decent guy'. Most trot out the debunked idea that Pence supports gay conversion therapy. Biden didn't realize the era of honest disagreement is over. You must brand your opponents as evil for face the liberal mob. He apologized. [Loathsome Left, LGBT, Biden]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren is asked about Biden calling Pence 'a decent guy' for which he has apologized for. Warren says that 'No', Pence, a guy many think is 'too nice' for politics, is not a decent guy. She can't think of -anyone- decent in Trump admin. She's on board with the new rules [Loathsome Left, LGBT, Biden]
Mar 6, 2019 ~ DNC bars Fox News from hosting presidential primary debates. There is no one on any network with higher integrity than Chris Wallace, Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. Recall CNN was caught feeding the Clinton campaign debate questions TWICE but they think Fox is not fair. [Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Mar 7, 2019 ~ Thugs who called themselves 'anti-fascist' protestors shut down speaker Michael Strickland. Event hosted by the College Republicans at Portland State. Blocked the projector, rang a bell constantly so no one could hear anything. One side shuts down the speech of the other daily. [Antifa, College, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Mar 7, 2019 ~ Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens spoke at Utah Valley University. Protesters held up signs that said 'End White Supremacy' even though Owens is black. Accusations of racism and white supremacy from the left are 99.9% false. Why do they still work? [Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, College]
Mar 11, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar dehumanizes President Trump by saying he is not even human. On comparing President Trump to President Obama, Omar says 'One is human the other is not.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Omar]
Mar 12, 2019 ~ Dennis Prager says the way the students and teachers treated Dianne Feinstein so rudely is typical of the left. 'It is inconceivable that a group of 10-year-old conservative kids, accompanied by their teachers, would ever treat an 85-year-old, senator or not, so condescendingly.' [Loathsome Left, Dennis Prager]
Mar 13, 2019 ~ Breitbart meticulously documents with links to the original stories 332 incidents perpetrated against Trump supporters since September 2015. Almost all of them are actual violent assaults against Trump supporters, harassment, vandalism or other property damage. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Mar 14, 2019 ~ Phoenix woman slashed the tires of an SUV when she spotted a MAGA hat inside. Arrested thanks to video surveillance of the parking lot. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Mar 14, 2019 ~ John Cusack says 'Fuck that pathological liar /criminal' talking about President Trump. 'The only way democracy survives him is if he rots in prison. Let's get on with it'. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Rapper The Game on Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren. 'Cum gargling? slut' 'all that black athlete semen you swallowed at UNLV' 'grandma pussy'. 'semen chugger' 'racist slut who sucked and swallowed her way into her job'. Says she's 'getting put in her motherfuckin place' by him. [Loathsome Left, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ Evil Leftists approach Eric Bolling at Trump hotel, DC. Said 'Eric Bolling's son killed himself because he was embarrassed by his dad.' Eric actually died from an accidental overdose. Men kept big grin on their face through the whole incident. 'I came face to face with true evil' [Loathsome Left]
Mar 25, 2019 ~ Arson attack on the Tulane Turning Point USA President's dorm room - 3 arrested. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Keith Olbermann singles out a hunter who shot a turkey. Instructs millions 'we should do our best to make sure the rest of his life is a living hell.' REST OF HIS LIFE. Also calls for firing 'the nitwit clown' who wrote the article. Olbermann has done ads for turkey sandwiches. [Loathsome Left]
Mar 29, 2019 ~ Its ok to body shame people or make fun of their looks as long as they are conservatives or Donald Trump. MSNBC's Donny Deutsch commenting on Donald Trump's appearance, ' he's just disgusting to look at. He's obese. He's one of the [most] repulsive physically looking human' [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Mar 29, 2019 ~ AOC smears the Tea Party,'the grounding of the Tea Party was xenophobia, the underpinnings of white supremacy'. Which is totally false. Ironically just prior she said 'we're not calling anyone names'. 'Exactly!', said Rep. Rashida Tlaib who recently called Trump a 'motherfucker'. [Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Loathsome Left]
Apr 4, 2019 ~ 74 yr old Jewish man wearing a MAGA hat in Starbucks harassed by crazed woman afflicted with TDS. She screams, 'This guy's a racist! This guy hates brown people!' Encouraged everyone to harass him. 'I am going to organize protests where he works to make him feel unsafe' 'fascism' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Apr 4, 2019 ~ Lloyd Marcus article, 'It Is Outrageous that Supporting Trump Is Dangerous'. Marcus had his car vandalized because of a Trump sticker which is not uncommon. Trump supporters now regularly receive vandalism, harassment and violence. People keeping quiet rather than risk all that. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, TDS, Silencing]
Apr 4, 2019 ~ Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens harassed again while trying to speak. This time at Louisiana State University. One deranged dem jumped on stage shouting obscenities. Another shouted 'death to white nationalism' - stupid even by dem standards as Owens is black. [Loathsome Left, TDS, Silencing, Fake Racism]

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