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Oct 26, 2017 ~ DNC head Tom Perez falsely claims Electoral College 'not a creation of the Constitution'. [Politics, Fake News]
Oct 29, 2017 ~ New York Times story 'How Russia Harvested American Rage to Reshape U.S. Politics.' turns out to be fake. Russia spent insignificant $6500 in ads for the Green Party, Clinton, Bernie, Black Lives Matter, Trump. Ads not overwhelmingly pro-Trump or anti-Clinton. Did not help Trump. [Russia Hoax, Fake News, Sanders, Politics, BLM]
Nov 3, 2017 ~ NPR, 'Book Reveals Clinton Campaign Effectively Controlled DNC As Early As 2015' Donna Brazile explains how and why the DNC rigged the primary for Clinton against Sanders." "As Hillary's campaign gained momentum, she resolved the party's debt and put it on a starvation diet. It had become dependent on her campaign for survival, for which she expected to wield control of its operations." [Hillary, Politics]
Nov 6, 2017 ~ Disgusting political Ad. Perhaps worst ever. Worse than the typical smear of Republicans as racists etc. New low even by Democrat standards. The ad shows a white Gillespie voter chasing minority kids with his truck. They say 'Run!' but he corners them against a fence as it ends. [Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Politics]
Nov 6, 2017 ~ Donna Brazile finally admits that the Democrat race was rigged for Hillary against Bernie. Gave Hillary control of the DNC before she secured the nomination. Derek Hunter, 'Liberals Are Everything They Say We Are'. Accused Trump of cheating in election but they were the ones. [Hillary, Politics, Derek Hunter, Sanders]
Dec 6, 2017 ~ At Harvard Law school, 96-98 percent of political donations went to Democrats - At most colleges and universities liberals outnumber conservatives at least 25 to 1. There is no diversity of thought exists in higher education. [Politics, College]
Dec 13, 2017 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Don't Believe the Left's CFPB Narrative' Democrats set up the unconstitutional CFPB to launder money for liberal causes - Big unconstitutional power grab that funnels money to left wing causes - Also caught falsifying data against lenders - Trump should dismantle. [Ben Shapiro, Politics]
Dec 16, 2017 ~ Erick Erickson, 'The Media's Democratic Ties' - Long list of how so many powerful media people are married to or once were powerful democratic politicians or hold powerful positions in democratic administrations. Illustrates why the media is a wing of the Democratic Party. [Fake News, Politics]
Dec 23, 2017 ~ Katherine Timpf , 'Centrist Privilege' Is a Thing Now. In the effort for the far left to further and further sub-divide everyone into victims and privileged, now being centrist is not good enough. You must be radical or you contribute to oppression. [Politics, Kat Timpf]
Dec 27, 2017 ~ Jonah Goldberg, 'Trump's List Of Accomplishments Isn't Small, But The Party Is Running The Show' The main reason it was better to have Trump instead of Hillary was because Trump's 3000 appointees and advisors would be better than Hillary's, leading to this year of accomplishment. [Trump Win, Politics]
Dec 28, 2017 ~ Harvey Weinstein Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Anthony Weiner, Al Franken, John Conyers and many others show there was a huge double standard for who could get away with sex assault. Those who towed the liberal line or donate huge were allowed to get away with it but that's over. [Me Too, Politics]
Jan 2, 2018 ~ Atlantic Article, ''The Nationalist's Delusion' claims all income levels of whites voted for Trump. So if economics not a factor then the explanation must be racism. But only faulty exit polling showed that. Real random large studies show 2 upper income brackets voted for Clinton [Fake News, Fake Racism, Politics]
Jan 11, 2018 ~ Patricia McCarthy, Great article comparing Trump to Rocky Balboa - many similarities - a bruiser who no one took seriously until it was too late - didn't account for his heart and endurance and appeal. Apollo Creed, 'American history proves that everybody's got a chance to win.' [Politics]
Jan 20, 2018 ~ Jay Cost, Earmarks have been banned for good reasons - don't bring them back - once one guy gets one, everyone else will withhold support until they get earmarks as well - explode budget, corruption etc. [Economics, Politics]
Feb 4, 2018 ~ Obama referred to himself 142 times in the 2010 State of the Union. Donald Trump referred to himself 29 times in his first State of the Union - Who's the Narcissist? [Politics]
Feb 4, 2018 ~ Bob Barr, 'Trump's "Quiet Revolution'" - He's personally loud, stumbling from one gaffe to the next but he put in place a team of people who are quietly accomplishing a significant amount of conservative reforms [Trump Win, Politics]
Feb 5, 2018 ~ United States sadly comes only in 17th out of all nations in Freedom Ranking 1 and 2 are Switzerland and Hong Kong. [Politics]
Feb 21, 2018 ~ Really good explanation by Jim Geraghty for why a Utopia can't exist - There are no solutions, only trade-offs - You can't get the good side of every tradeoff and not get its associated negative consequences. Freedom vs. Security, Socialist equality vs. incentives for prosperity. [Economics, Politics]
Mar 5, 2018 ~ Alito skewers people bringing case to ban shirts at a polling place - demonstrates with humor that there are no reasonable lines that can be drawn and there is no way hundreds of poll workers can consistently decide what shirts have political connotations across all races. [Politics, SCOTUS]
Mar 10, 2018 ~ Jack Hellner, I'll take the 'incompetent' Trump over the supposedly brilliant Obama or the corrupt Hillary every day of the week - still the lesser of two evils - point by point Trump accomplishments vs. Obama's supposed accomplishments. [Politics]
Mar 10, 2018 ~ Why I Will Not Turn on President Trump. Rush addresses critics who accuse him of supporting things he once or would disagree with just because Trump is doing or saying them, doesn't actually defend. Defeating the left is more important than Trump flaws because they are far worse. [Politics]
Mar 27, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Trump, Adultery, Morality' Ridiculous to say that Trump's adultery overshadows the good he has done and continues to do for America and the world - see also JFK, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Martin Luther King Jr. and many many others. [TDS, Dennis Prager, Politics]
Mar 28, 2018 ~ Fallen Pedestrian Bridge At FIU Funded By Obama-Era Grant Program With Sketchy Review Protocol - Transportation Investments Generating Economic Recovery - way to spend stimulus dollars - grants given to dems and identity groups and not given due to merit. [Politics]
Apr 1, 2018 ~ National Review Editorial Board, The Omnibus Disgrace - Loaded with Pork - fiscally irresponsible and not what conservatives want - had to give dems everything just to get some additional military spending. [Politics, Deficit]
Apr 5, 2018 ~ Steve McCann, The left follows Plato, Hobbes, and Marx believes in sovereignty of the the state, rights permitted by state- The right follows Aristotle, Locke and Smith believes in sovereignty of the individual who has natural rights to be guaranteed [Politics]
Apr 18, 2018 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Why Conservatives Don't Become Democrats' If conservatives don't like Trump's behavior, past or present, why don't they just vote for democrats - Because they still agree with the GOP agenda and voting for democrats would get the wrong policies enacted. [Politics, Ben Shapiro]
May 5, 2018 ~ National Review, 'Guaranteed Bankruptcy' - Bernie and the dems now floating the idea of 'guaranteed jobs' from the government - it would not only bankrupt America faster, it would destroy all necessary market incentives to gain skills, relocate, etc. [Politics, Economics, Sanders]
May 14, 2018 ~ Michael Brown, 'Donald Trump Did Not Die for My Sins' How can Christians support Trump? The policies we get with him benefit everyone more than without. You have to weigh all the pros and cons. A flawed man can be a good president. Don't have to submit to leftist tyranny [Politics]
May 15, 2018 ~ Rachel Alexander, 'Will Rosie O'Donnell Serve Time Like Dinesh D'Souza' Caught contributing more than the legal limit to 5 dem political candidates. If she skates, further proof D'Souza prosecution was politically motivated. Obama also had millions in campaign finance violations. [Politics]
May 23, 2018 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'Trump Syndromes' - Victor Davis Hanson explains Trump and Trump voters - his supporters don't think he is perfect but is still the lesser of evils - also critics underestimate his appeal on working class and every day issues [Politics, Victor Davis Hanson]
Jun 4, 2018 ~ Trump Pardons Dinesh D'Souza - D'Souza says Obama's Goons Tried to Destroy My Faith in America, Trump Restored It. Prosecution was very obviously politically motivated. Anyone one else would have paid a small fine. Rosie and Obama had far far larger campaign finance violations. [Trump Win, Witch Hunt, Politics]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ Kevin Williamson explains the fundamental problem of why neither side can talk to one another anymore. 'Everything simple is false. Everything complex is unusable' but the dems insist that their simple yet false ideas are the only truth and you're a bad person if you don't agree. [Politics, Kevin Williamson]
Jun 16, 2018 ~ Democrat Party Strategy for 2018 election. Say Fuck Trump, Call Ivanka a Cunt, Dress like vaginas, support gangs and terrorists because Trump is against them, root for a recession, and make idiotic comparisons to Nazis, Fascists and HITLER, support open borders, call you a racist [Politics, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Jun 17, 2018 ~ Alan Dershowitz, 'The final nail in the ACLU's coffin'. It used to be an organization that prided itself on non-partisanship, unbiased defense of civil liberties. 'Today, the ACLU wears only one shoe, and it is on its left foot. Its color is blue.' Active in partisan elections. [Politics]
Jun 17, 2018 ~ Kyle Smith, 'The Democrats' Radical Turn'. Today's democrats are not only left of Bill Clinton, they are far to the left of even Barack Obama. Several of Obama's views and statements would get him called a 'racist' today. GOP appears 'reasonable and moderate' in comparison. [Politics, Fake Racism, Kyle Smith]
Jun 18, 2018 ~ Michael E. Young, 'Understanding the Left'. Young categorizes left wingers into 5 basic types. The Ideologues, The Dependents, The Snowflakes, The Virtue Signalers who can afford their virtue signaling and The Ruling Class. [Politics]
Jun 23, 2018 ~ Charles Krauthammer Announces He Has Weeks to Live - Krauthammer is the most well reasoned, well mannered, articulate, profound and just plain spot on of all the political pundits out there. [Politics]
Jun 24, 2018 ~ David Horowitz writes volume 9 of 'Blackbook Of The American Left' - Another Tour de Force - Is this his Curtain Call? [Politics]
Jul 1, 2018 ~ Democratic Socialist Ocasio-Cortez defeats a halfway sane democrat in a district with many illegals. The rest of the scared democrats trying to survive as democrats by going fully crazy - 'Abolish profit, Abolish prisons, Abolish cash bail, Abolish borders, Abolish ICE' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Politics, Socialism, Illegal Immigration]
Jul 1, 2018 ~ James W. Lucas, 'The Redistricting Cases Are Not About Gerrymandering, They're About Proportional Representation' - The Democrats' major problem is the geographic concentration of their voters, not how Republicans draw the lines. [SCOTUS, Politics]
Jul 1, 2018 ~ SCOTUS upholds Trump 'Travel Ban'. Democrats continue to lie by calling it a 'Muslim ban' with no real justification - ban affected only 8% of the Muslim population and was based on ability or inability to vet. [Trump Win, Politics, Immigration, Terrorism]
Jul 2, 2018 ~ SCOTUS stands up for Public Sector Workers. Janus ruling says that workers cannot be forced to pay money to unions that will then use that money to support political causes that they are against - workers gain freedom, dems lose millions [SCOTUS, Politics, Unions]
Jul 10, 2018 ~ Nancy Pelosi can't stop making a fool of herself with insanely hyperbolic descriptions - She once said the GOP tax bill was 'Armageddon' - Now says 'Civilization as we know it today is at risk in this election'. [TDS, Politics]
Jul 15, 2018 ~ Democrats out maneuvered on ICE nonsense - They propose a bill to abolish ICE to appease nutcase wing of their party - The GOP calls their bluff and brings the bill to the floor - The Democrats did not expect that and look ridiculous having to vote against their own bill. [Illegal Immigration, Politics]
Jul 15, 2018 ~ Nikki Haley, 'The United Nations' Patently Ridiculous Report on American Poverty' - dozens of countries are consumed by extreme poverty and they pick the nation where its extremely rare - very misleading - ignores the entire safety net. Based in anti-US bias, not in reality. [Poverty, Politics]
Jul 30, 2018 ~ Extreme Corruption - Claire McCaskill's husband scored $131 million in federal housing contracts during her Senate tenure - made 20 times the money with less than half of his properties. [Politics]
Jul 31, 2018 ~ Can We Trust Experts - Trump Skeptical About 'Official Government Findings - Who Isn't - Larry Elder and Walter Williams give many examples of how experts and intelligence agencies have been spectacularly wrong. [Politics, Walter Williams, Larry Elder]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Four Blue States, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maryland file a ridiculous lawsuit claiming the Trump Tax Cuts $10K SALT deduction cap unfairly targets their rich people. They do this while simultaneously lying to the public that Trump's tax cuts are 'for the rich'. [Tax Cuts, Politics]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Media's double standard concerning 'campaign finance laws'. Interested if Trump covered up a decades ago affair. Ignore Hillary Victory Fund, which collected and then laundered $84 million worth of questionable contributions. Obama and Rosie also had more violations than Trump. [Fake News, Politics]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ Charles Blahous, 'The Fiscal Implausibility of Medicare for All' - Total annual federal health spending under M4A would be $4.2 trillion in 2022 and rise to $6.9 trillion by 2031 but even that is an underestimate - article explains reasons why [Health Care, Politics, Entitlements]

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