Aug 26, 2018 ~ Laura Hollis, 'When the President's Behavior Is Reprehensible' - Most of Trump's bad behavior has precedent in previous presidents - all of them democrats. Democrats have ignored bad behavior in their own President's but act like Trump is the end of the world. [TDS, Politics]
Sep 2, 2018 ~ John McCain, R.I.P. Legendary War Hero, faithful public servant and patriot. [Politics]
Sep 7, 2018 ~ Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md introduces a meaure to create a panel to evaluate if Trump should be declared 'unfit' and removed from office via the 25th Amendment. This stunning example of Trump Derangement Syndrome has 67 co-sponsors. Dems still trying to overturn the 2016 election. [Loathsome Left, Politics, TDS]
Sep 8, 2018 ~ Ron DeSantis told FL not to 'monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda'. Dems despicably claim that is a racist 'dog whistle' because his opponent Gillum is black. Gillum says it was a 'bullhorn'. Many provided long lists of democrats using same term including Obama. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Is the President a Bad Role Model for Children?' Good role models have been bad President's like Carter - JFK and Bill Clinton were bad role models - will take Trump's character over Hillary's any day. [Politics, Dennis Prager]
Sep 28, 2018 ~ Brian Fallon, 2016 Campaign Advisor to Hillary Clinton admits the strategy. 'Saving the Supreme Court from Trump's clutches has always involved a very complicated two-step- first block Kavanaugh, then fight like hell to win back the Senate'. Revealing motive to destroy Kavanaugh. [Kavanaugh, SCOTUS, Politics]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ Carl Jackson, 'Black Conservatives Aren't Sellouts, Black Liberals Are Just Duped' - Jackson shows how historically Republicans have been far better for black people than Democrats - today democrats control the worst cities for black people in the country. [Race, Politics]
Oct 21, 2018 ~ Dems keep pushing 'Medicare-for-All' - would be a fiscal disaster and create health care rationing - It's easy to be a democrat - just promise everything for free - doesn't matter if it is affordable or sustainable. [Health Care, Politics, Entitlements]
Oct 23, 2018 ~ National Review take on the Khashoggi killing. Yes, the Saudi government is behind the killing but 'there is no good alternative to this regime' - alternatives are far worse - clean break would jeopardize alliance against Iran - sanction. [Politics]
Oct 27, 2018 ~ The everything is Trump's fault double standard. A lone Trump supporter sends bombs to dems, Trump's fault. A Trump hater shoots up a synagogue, Trump's fault. A dem sends Ricin, a Bernie fan shoots up GOP baseball game, a Hillary Fan shoots up Pulse Night Club, not their fault. [Politics, Sanders, Hillary]
Nov 9, 2018 ~ Midterm elections were more of a 'blue ripple' than a 'blue wave' - yes they retook the House by a lower than historical margin - lost seats in the Senate - most red state democrats are out in the Senate - all democrats that opposed Kavanaugh lost. [Politics, Kavanaugh]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Dems are furious at white women for mid-term losses. Say white women who vote for the GOP are stupid at best, racist at worst. 'There's a lot of work to do, white women. A lot of learning. A lot of growing' says the racist, condescending Women's March. 'white women gonna white'. [Racism, Sexism, Politics, Women's March, Identity Politics, Loathsome Left]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Democrat Identity Politics has never made sense but its now become totally incomprehensible. Now Democrats are calling white people 'racist' if they voted for an actual Hispanic person, Ted Cruz instead of Beto, the 100% white guy who uses a Spanish nick name. Can't make this up. [Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Politics]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Michael Moore claims the only way Republicans can win is by 'Preventing Black People from Voting' - more nonsense from a man who spews nothing but lies. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Politics]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ The only explanation democrats can come up with when black democrats lose elections is 'Republicans are Racist'. It can't have anything to do with all of those policy differences that Republicans have with Democrats. Dems who don't vote for black GOP candidates are not racist. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Nov 11, 2018 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Georgia Smear' - Dems are trying to falsely claim that Kemp's more than 50,000 vote win is illegitimate - 'There are a number of charges, none of which have merit'. Lowry debunks all of them one by one - rules known ahead of time and they were not unreasonable. [Politics, Fake News, Rich Lowry]
Nov 14, 2018 ~ Macron says 'Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism.' No, the opposite of nationalism is internationalism or globalism. People also falsely claim the N in Nazi stands for Nationalist or Nationalism - This is false. Nazi is short for the German word 'National'. [Politics]
Nov 16, 2018 ~ Amy Clark, "Vote-Shaming is the New 'Get Back in the Kitchen'". Feminism used to be about empowering women but now women better do as they say or they will be falsely accused of as racism. Articles continue to run trying to explain 'What's Wrong' with white women who vote GOP. [Feminism, Fake Racism, Politics]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Democrats are claiming Gillum lost because of racism but that doesn't hold water. Obama won FL twice, and Gillum was ahead in polls until his socialism became known. Only 86% of black voters voted for him vs. 95% for Obama. Were those black Obama voters racist against Gillum? [Fake Racism, Politics, Socialism]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ National Review Editors, 'The Brexit Crisis' - May's deal betrays all of the red lines she said she would not cross. Still subject to EU regulations, cannot negotiate trade deals independently from the EU. Still subject to the European Court of Justice so what is the point then? [Politics]
Nov 20, 2018 ~ Brian Kemp Did Not Steal the Georgia Governor's Race - David French debunks the claims of voter suppression and fraud - totally bogus - margin of victory too large and several problems they complain about were created by democrats. Democrats keep clinging to this fiction. [Fake News, Politics]
Nov 25, 2018 ~ Many people criticizing Trump over his sober and reasonable response to Khashoggi murder. The same people loved Obama even though he had American citizens executed with no oversight, transparency or due process - accuser, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner. [Politics, Due Process]
Nov 25, 2018 ~ Statement from Trump on Standing with Saudi Arabia and Khashoggi - We don't condone the murder - sanctioning those responsible - but cutting ties with Saudi Arabia would harm the US and Israel, and benefit Iran, Russia and China. [Politics, Iran, Russia, Israel, China]
Nov 28, 2018 ~ New book by Mark Melcher and Steve Soukup: 'Know Thine Enemy, A History of the Left', almost 1000 pages - 'Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Mao, Pol Pot, Antifa, Castro, Che Guevara and the like use power to reduce the sanctity of the individual for the common good' Alleged common good. [Antifa, Politics]
Nov 29, 2018 ~ According to a Yale study by Cydney Dupree, white Democrats make themselves seem dumber when speaking to minorities in campaign speeches ... because they perceive minorities to be less competent - Democrats still think Republicans are the racist ones. [Racism, Race, Politics]
Dec 16, 2018 ~ Mazie Hirono says Democrats have a hard time connecting with voters because they are too smart - 'Democrats know so much that is true. We have to kind of tell everyone how smart we are' but fail to connect with the heart. Reagan, 'they know so many things that aren't so.' [Politics]
Dec 21, 2018 ~ George H.W. Bush is being remembered fondly by most but is still criticized for the Willie Horton Ad. However it was legit info for voters. The MA legislature tried to ban murderers from receiving furloughs but Dukakis had poor judgement and vetoed them allowing Horton out. [Fake Racism, Crime, Politics]
Dec 21, 2018 ~ Nikki Haley said Trump's bombast and unpredictableness has turned out to be very useful - 'He would ratchet up the rhetoric, and then I'd go back to the ambassadors and say if we ... it will keep him from going too far'. Good cop, bad cop diplomacy? [Politics]
Dec 21, 2018 ~ Marina Medvin, SDNY 'DOJ Prosecutors Wrongfully Accuse Trump of Campaign Finance Crimes'. Not campaign money used. Payoffs to extortionists are not campaign donations. John Edwards case proved it. If it were, 100s in congress are guilty with 268 hush money payments, $17 million. [Fake News, Politics]
Dec 29, 2018 ~ The FEC leveled a $375K fine against Obama's 2008 presidential campaign for failing to properly report almost $2 million in contributions and other campaign violations but Democrats are saying Trump should go to prison for $100K hush money which isn't even a campaign finance vio. [Politics, Witch Hunt]
Dec 31, 2018 ~ Sheriff David Clarke, 'The Progressive Movement's Sordid Past '. History that liberals want everyone to forget. The most extreme racism against black people has been from progressives and democrats. 'Progressive ideology architects were racist to their very core... eugenicists' [Race, Racism, Politics]
Jan 17, 2019 ~ Nancy Pelosi insanely cancels Trump's upcoming State of the Union address that is traditionally hosted by the House due to the shut down - Trump responds by cancelling Pelosi's overseas trip so she can remain available to negotiate shutdown. Check. [Politics]
Jan 24, 2019 ~ Walter Williams article, 'Who Benefits From Democratic Control' - 19 of the 20 poorest and most dangerous cities have a Democratic mayor, most have been run exclusively by democrats for decades - blacks hit hardest - Why would them keep voting for Democrats he asks? [Walter Williams, Crime, Politics, Race]
Feb 1, 2019 ~ Ralph Northam, Dem Gov of VA was in photo of black face guy next to KKK guy. Recall Northam falsely called his election opponent a 'racist' and ran the most despicable ad OF ALL TIME; showed white Gillespie voter chasing minority kids with his truck, corners them against a fence. [Racism, Fake Racism, Politics]
Feb 11, 2019 ~ Sen. Gillibrand possible campaign finance violation - used 'footage of herself on the House floor during the President's State of the Union address to improperly solicit campaign donations'. Violation of federal law and Senate ethics rules. [Politics]
Feb 28, 2019 ~ The cost of the Green New Deal is now topping $93 Trillion over 10 years. This is massive insanity even by democrat standards. Are they are just pandering to the loony left only to ditch it after the primary or are they really this stupid? [Green New Deal, Politics]
Mar 28, 2019 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'Proposed Voting Changes Are about Power, not Principles' - Eliminating the electoral college, allowing felons and illegal aliens to vote, no id, changing voting age to 16. These are all bad policy except that they will net democrats votes or wins they think. [Politics]
Apr 2, 2019 ~ McConnell ends the intentional Democrat obstruction on Trump nominees. Dems abuse power to 'resist' so rules had to change. 128 cloture votes so far vs 24 for Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama COMBINED. Forcing 30 hours of debate per nominee. Crucial jobs remain empty [Politics]
Apr 3, 2019 ~ Biden accuser Lucy Flores called a 'fraud' by Bernie staffer. 'someone who was racist, who also implemented retaliation' Has 'a long history of her picking the perfect timing quote, unquote on speaking on these issues'. Example of Me Too being weaponized for political reasons? [Me Too, Politics, Sanders, Biden]
Apr 3, 2019 ~ Yuval Levin article 'Correcting the Record on the Electoral College'. Debunks latest dem fake news. Historian Sean Wilentz lays 'out the evidence and to conclude it was neither the goal nor the effect of the electoral college to protect slavery or empower the slave-owning states' [Politics, Fake News]
Apr 22, 2019 ~ Dem platform to re-elect Trump: Green New Deal, reparations, infanticide, open borders, Supreme Court packing, abolish Electoral College and ICE, free college tuition, student loan forgiveness, Medicare for all, wealth tax, 70% tax rate, voting rights for 16-year-olds and felons [Politics]
Apr 22, 2019 ~ Dem platform to re-elect Trump part 2: Falsely accuse tens of millions of Americans of racism, white supremacy, white nationalism, bigotry, Islamophobia, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, nazism, fascism, sexism, Anti-Semitism, misogyny, white privilege and toxic masculinity. [Politics]
Apr 25, 2019 ~ Crazy Bernie Sanders advocates plan to allow all felons to vote even while still in prison. Including 183 thousand murderers, 164 thousand rapists and even terrorists. Even most dems can't get on board with this level of lunacy and vote grabbing at any cost. [Politics, Sanders]
May 3, 2019 ~ Democrats have all but given up on democracy. They have never conceded elections well since 2000 but this is a new level. Stacey Abrams says 'We Don't Have to Concede Elections Anymore'. Hillary now claims her election was 'stolen'. 'at least one county in Florida was breached.' [Politics, Fake News, Hillary]
May 3, 2019 ~ Stacey Abrams is exposed as a hypocrite for saying 'We Don't Have to Concede Elections Anymore'. She lost by more than 55,000 votes. In 2016 she said, 'Trump's refusal to concede the election if he loses proves he is a petty man uninterested in our national stability.' Stunning. [Politics]
May 10, 2019 ~ WSJ article, 'Fugees rapper Pras Michel was indicted on charges of funneling millions of dollars in foreign money to then President Obama's 2012 re-election effort'. This adds millions more to the millions in campaign finance violations that Obama campaigns have already racked up [Politics]
Jun 5, 2019 ~ Nancy Pelosi is afraid impeachment is a losing strategy for the dems but she does want to see Trump imprisoned. 'I don't want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison.' [TDS, Witch Hunt, Politics, Impeachment]
Jun 6, 2019 ~ Christian Toto, 'Confessions of an Accidental Culture Warrior'. Why people who were apolitical in the past must fight back. 'the Left declared war on' us. 'chased out of restaurants', 'homes under assault', 'deplatformed', false charges of racism and other isms, careers destroyed [TDS, Silencing, Politics, Violent Left]
Jun 12, 2019 ~ Joe Biden promises that he will cure cancer if he is elected. 'I promise you, if I'm elected president, you're going to see the single most important thing that changes America. We're going to cure cancer.' Obviously, this is not a promise he can reasonably make. [Politics, Biden]
Jun 14, 2019 ~ Biden claims 'For eight years there wasn't one single hint of a scandal or a lie.' Harsanyi reminds him of the PolitiFact 'lie of the year' about Obamacare. Fast and Furious, cash planes to Iran, spying on journalists and leg, IRS targeting, destroying evidence, Lynch tarmac [Obamacare, Politics]