Dec 15, 2019 ~ More than 90 Virginia counties have declared themselves to be 2nd Amendment Sanctuary cities. Like the Democrat Party pioneered illegal immigration sanctuary cities, these counties will not have to follow several upcoming gun control laws simply by declaring that they don't. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Politics, Illegal Immigration]
Dec 16, 2019 ~ New Jersey Democratic 'Rep. Jeff Van Drew will be switching to the Republican party following his party's decision to impeach President Trump. 'My district is red, a good chunk of it, and they're definitely anti-impeachment'. [Politics, Impeachment]
Dec 17, 2019 ~ Dennis Prager, 'The left doesn't concern itself with Islam, because it perceives Islam as an ally in its war against Western civilization, and because leftists do not have the courage to confront Islam. They know that confronting religious Muslims can be fatal' not so Christians. [Islam, Politics, Dennis Prager]
Dec 17, 2019 ~ Chris Matthews asks, 'Does it make sense for the country to elect a president impeached in his first term to a second?' There's the strategy of impeaching on groundless charges that will be thrown out in the Senate. You can say, 'you can't vote for him, he's been impeached!' [Impeachment, Politics]
Dec 19, 2019 ~ Nancy Pelosi goes all in on the fake democrat talking point of 'voter suppression'. She said 'more than 200,000 registered Wisconsin voters will be PROHIBITED from voting.' PolitiFact rates 'Pants On Fire'. Voters who moved are removed and can re-register even on election day. [Fake News, Politics]
Dec 24, 2019 ~ Mark Galli, editor of Christianity Today wrote an editorial saying Trump should be impeached and that evangelicals who support him are putting politics over morals. 200 Evangelical leaders denounce the editorial. Dennis Prager says 'it devalues policies that benefit millions'. [Politics, Dennis Prager]
Dec 27, 2019 ~ Warren is sabotaging her campaign with fabrications and hypocrisy. She has misrepresented many things about her past. Now her own brother is 'furious' she's claiming their dad was a janitor. Then she blasted Buttigeig for 'wine cave' fundraisers when she's done exact same thing. [Politics]
Dec 27, 2019 ~ U.S. District Judge Steve Jones denied the request from Stacey Abrams' group Fair Fight Action to stop the 'routine and legally required update' of the voter rolls. Abrams falsely thinks this is voter suppression when its simply necessary to remove people who have moved or died. [Fake Racism, Politics]
Dec 27, 2019 ~ AOC campaigning for Bernie looks ridiculous criticizing other dem candidates for taking money from billionaires. 'It is called having standards for your conduct to not be funded by billionaires'. AOC herself has taken money from billionaires including the max from Tom Steyer. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Politics, Sanders]
Dec 29, 2019 ~ Joe Biden keeps repeating one of Hillary Clinton's worst mistakes telling coal miners and other fossil fuel workers he'll be putting them out of a job. Even says about fossil fuel execs, 'We should put them in jail.' Its no problem: learn to code Biden advises the worried miners. [Climate Change, Politics, Energy]
Jan 2, 2020 ~ Biden's new ad includes the 'Charlottesville Lie'. He continues to imply that Trump called white supremacists and neo nazis 'very fine people'. This has been debunked many times but its Dem Party canon. Trump condemned those people repeatedly and excluded them from the comment. [Fake Racism, Politics, Biden]
Jan 6, 2020 ~ Young voter calls Biden on what PolitiFact called 'Lie of the year'. Obama said 'if you like your plan you can keep your plan' and plans would be 'cheaper' but the voter said his dad's heath insurance cost doubled after Obamacare. Biden said 'no one did understand Obamacare.' [Biden, Health Care, Obamacare, Politics]
Jan 14, 2020 ~ Warren claims Sanders once told her a woman cannot get elected president. Sanders denies. Warren says you're calling me a liar. Sanders says you're calling me a liar. Problem for Warren is that she has been caught lying several times and Bernie is on video saying a woman can win. [Politics, Fake Sexism, Sanders]
Jan 14, 2020 ~ Warren claims Sanders once told her a woman cannot get elected president. Sanders denies. Recall, Sanders was against Kavanaugh's nomination saying 'Kavanaugh faced credible accusations'. Well, Sanders has just been credibly accused. By a female! Sorry, Bernie, case closed! [Politics, Fake Sexism, Kavanaugh, Sanders]
Jan 17, 2020 ~ Joe Biden, who often doesn't know which state he is in, thought Beto O'Rourke was actually a Latino. When asked if he would consider him as a running mate, Biden said 'I can guarantee you that there's going to be Latinos in my cabinet'. Beto's father's plan to fool people worked! [Biden, Politics]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ Hillary Clinton says nobody likes Bernie Sanders and his supporters fell for baloney, 'Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It's all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it' Bernie responds weakly. [Hillary, Politics, Sanders]
Jan 22, 2020 ~ The attorneys general of 21 states sent a letter to the Senate saying the impeachment is 'setting a dangerous historical precedent' It is 'permeated with the clearly partisan objective of energizing a political party's base to, ultimately, influence a presidential election.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Politics]
Jan 25, 2020 ~ A voter exposes the unfairness of Warren's student loan forgiveness program. Says it makes suckers out of people who sacrificed to save while rewarding people that lived it up. 'We did the right thing, and we get screwed.' Dan Crenshaw, 'That's the definition of buying votes.' [Entitlements, Politics, College, Debt]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ Gallup Poll shows President Trump's approval rating is at an all time high of 49%. 63% approval on the economy. 50% of Americans say Trump deserves reelection, up from 41% just prior to the 2018 midterms. 48% of Americans identify as Republican now vs. 44% as Democrat. [Trump Win, Politics]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ 24 hours later and dems still can't release the Iowa primary results. But they think they can run healthcare and fix climate change. MSM: 'debacle', 'staggeringly embarrassing', 'chaos', 'unmitigated disaster', 'pathetic', 'catastrophe', 'can't even get a 3 car funeral organized' [Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Two days later, the Democrats still can't release the results of the Iowa primary. Brad Blakeman summarizes how bad this makes the Democratic Party look, 'The Democrats want to run a Country, and they can't run a Caucus.' They couldn't get 170K votes counted accurately. [Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Carville on dems 'We're losing our damn minds' 'talking about free college tuition or debt forgiveness' 'I'm scared to death' 'We're talking about people voting from jail cells. We're talking about not having a border' 'Do we want to be an ideological cult or be a majority party' [Politics, Illegal Immigration]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Van Jones warns dems to 'wake up' because 'What he [Trump] was saying to African-Americans can be effective?black colleges have been struggling... he threw a lifeline to them in real life in his budget. He talked about criminal justice reform. He talked about Opportunity Zones.' [Trump Win, Race, Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Michael Brown, 'A Friendly Word to the Never Trumpers' Despite being an evangelical Christian, Brown explains 'why I voted for Trump in 2016. And why I plan to vote for him again in 2020.' Despite character flaws, democrats are far worse and Trump not dem policies align with his. [Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Not only do dems sit stone faced while all things great for America are talked about, Nancy Pelosi breaks age old House tradition refusing to say its her 'high privilege and distinct honor' to introduce the President. She then disgracefully ripped up the speech behind the Trump. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Trump awards Rush Limbaugh Presidential Medal of Freedom. AOC who can't go 5 minutes without calling someone a racist says Rush is a racist. She and many dems say it was wrong because that award is meant for people like Rosa Parks. Obama gave it to Tom Hanks, Robert DeNiro, Ellen [TDS, Politics, Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Jonathan Turley, 'Nancy Pelosi should resign' 'Pelosi seemed to be intent on mocking President Trump from behind his back with sophomoric facial grimaces and head shaking, culminating in her ripping up a copy of his address.' 'shredded decades of tradition, decorum and civility.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Jody Jones, whose brother was killed by an illegal alien was invited to the SOTU address along with widows of fallen heros. Pelosi tearing up the speech, 'That was probably the most disrespectful thing I have ever seen in my life. Because, when she did that, it just tore us up.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Chris Matthews notes that Trump bringing Guaido to the SOTU was smart because it forced Pelosi to applaud him increasing dem rift. 'Pelosi stood up and applauded that. She knew where this country stands. We don't like those leaders. And Bernie does. And that's a problem for him.' [Socialism, Politics, Sanders]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ Three days later the Democrats still can't release the results of the Iowa primary due to unresolvable inconsistencies. DNC chair Tom Perez calls for 'the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.' Good for GOP. Who can now trust Democrats to run anything important? [Politics]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ The left continues to panic as Bernie leads in the primaries. Chris Mathews, 'I've seen what socialism's like, I don't like it, OK? It's not only not free, it doesn't frickin work!' 'If Castro and the Reds had won the Cold War, there would have been executions in Central Park.' [Socialism, Politics, Sanders]
Feb 11, 2020 ~ Incredibly, Joe Biden called a 21 year old student a 'lying, dog-faced pony soldier' during a New Hampshire town hall. Biden asked her 'You ever been to a caucus?' She said yes. Biden said, 'No, you haven't. You're a lying, dog-faced pony soldier.' She called that 'humiliating.' [Politics, Biden]
Feb 14, 2020 ~ Daily Mail reports that Ilhan Omar tried to pay off her husband $250k to keep her affair from becoming public. But didn't dems say that Trump paying Stormy Daniels $100k hush money was some kind of a campaign finance violation? Impeachable even? Double standards as usual. [Omar, Politics]
Feb 25, 2020 ~ Biden appears in mental free fall. Doesn't know what state he's in. Says he was arrested seeing Mandela. Says he is 'running for the United States Senate'. Says if you don't like what you see 'vote for the other Biden'? Said he worked on a 2016 treaty with someone who died in '97 [Politics, Biden]
Feb 25, 2020 ~ At least seven Bloomberg campaign offices have been vandalized over the last two weeks. Violence, property damage, vandalism, etc. are common tools of the left which they will even turn on other dem candidates during primaries. The right essentially never engages in this crap. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Feb 26, 2020 ~ Project Veritas catches ABC correspondent David Wright admitting the network refuses to cover Trump fairly. The results is that 'voters are poorly informed'. 'We're interested in the outrage of the day.' Don't give Trump 'credit for the things he does do.' Suspended, reassigned. [Fake News, Politics]
Feb 27, 2020 ~ Joe Biden who often didn't know what state he was in nor what office he was running for, 'running for the United States Senate' says 'I'm looking forward to appointing the first African American woman to the United States Senate.' Senators are elected not appointed by Presidents. [Politics, Biden, Identity Politics]
Feb 27, 2020 ~ Former Minnesota Vikings player Jack Brewer, who helped fundraise for President Obama said to President Trump, 'I gotta say this because it's black history month: man, you the first black president.' at a White House roundtable event Trump hosted for about 2 dozen black leaders. [Trump Win, Race, Politics]
Feb 28, 2020 ~ Bill Barr, 'The crux of the progressive program is to use the public purse to provide ever-increasing benefits to the public and to, thereby, build a permanent constituency of supporters who are also dependents.' Make us 25 yr olds in the basement fighting for a bigger allowance. [Economics, Politics, Entitlements]
Feb 28, 2020 ~ CNN commentator Angela Rye shamed black Trump supporters literally, 'You want to give Donald Trump kudos for throwing Cheez-It bits at you? Shame on you.' Katrina Pierson says this is what democrat 'Overseers' do to black people 'When people get too far out of line'. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Race, Politics]
Feb 29, 2020 ~ Biden's mental lapses are getting more concerning. Doesn't know what state he's in, doesn't know what office he's running for, thinks he can appoint people to the Senate, now says 'Folks, now we need to stand behind Jaime Harrison, the next president of the United? next senator' [Biden, Politics]
Mar 2, 2020 ~ Biden gaffes are constant. He said 'Tomorrow is Super Thursday' instead of Tuesday. He referred to Chris Wallace as Chuck. He tries to quote the Dec. of Ind., 'We hold these truths to be self evident. All men and women created by... go... you know, th... you know, the Thing!' [Biden, Politics]
Mar 7, 2020 ~ Joe Biden who frequently doesn't know where he is, now may no longer know who he is. He refers to himself as an 'Obiden Bama Democrat'. There have also been other times that he forgot Obama's name, the President he served as VP under for eight years. People are becoming concerned [Biden, Politics]
Mar 7, 2020 ~ Joe Biden keeps forgetting Obama's name! 'Are you gonna stick with President [pause] on the following, President [long pause], the last guy, on this issue?' 'He's saying that it was President [long pause] my boss. It was his fault.' Also referred to Bush as 'the last President'. [Biden, Politics]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ Biden gets 4 Pinocchios from the Washington Post for his very misleading video making Trump appear to say the Coronavirus is a hoax, and Trump appearing to say 'The American Dream is Dead'. Biden's lies are ironic given his repeated claims that President Trump is dishonest. [Biden, Politics, Coronavirus]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ FL Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum is found by police in a hotel room with two men, one was a naked gay escort who needed to be medically revived from probable drug OD. Bags of meth were in the room. Gillum was vomiting and was too altered to answer questions. [Politics, Drugs]
Mar 24, 2020 ~ Democrats delay Coronavirus aid by trying to load it up with tons of unrelated agenda. 1400 pages. McConnell called it an 'encyclopedia of unrelated demands'. Airline emissions targets, $15 minimum wage, solar tax credits, forgive Post Office debt, voting rules, diversity rules. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Mar 24, 2020 ~ The Senate Coronavirus relief bill was 500 pages in the Senate. House Majority Whip James Clyburn told caucus members the bill is 'a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.' All of a sudden its 1400 pages loaded up with unrelated democrat agenda items. [Coronavirus, Politics]
Mar 24, 2020 ~ As Joe Biden continues to appear confused and unwell, Democrats are forced to lower their expectations of him considerably. This is an actual headline in the Atlantic: 'Stay Alive, Joe Biden - Democrats need little from the front-runner beyond his corporeal presence.' [Biden, Politics]
Mar 29, 2020 ~ After delaying the relief package for days Pelosi says 'as the President fiddles, people are dying.' Hints of investigations 'What did he know and when did he know it?' Lindsey Graham, 'the most shameful disgusting thing I've heard' ' to blame another politician for people dying' [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Politics]