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Dec 20, 2016 ~ David S. D'Amato, 'The Importance of Free-Market Banking Reforms' - Dodd-Frank has made it very difficult for smaller banks to compete with larger banks which can better absorb all of the increased costs - consumers are big losers. [Economics, Regulations]
Dec 23, 2016 ~ Obama administration adds 97,000 pages of regulations in 2016 alone [Regulations]
Dec 23, 2016 ~ Obama unilaterally declares an 'indefinite' ban on oil exploration in certain parts of the Atlantic and Arctic. Makes it hard for future president to reverse and become energy independent. Massive execute overreach and abuse of power. Going scorched earth on the way out the door. [Energy, Environment, Regulations]
Jan 3, 2017 ~ Ford cancels Mexico plant after America First pressure from Trump. Will create 700 jobs in the US instead. Ford CEO Mark Fields said 'This is a vote of confidence encouraged by pro growth policies, particularly reform around tax and regulatory policies' proposed by Trump. [Trump Win, Economy, Regulations, Tax Cuts]
Feb 13, 2017 ~ Trump looking to repeal the Durbin Amendment to Dodd-Frank - This will tremendously reduce fees and minimum account requirements for consumers and allow banks and CUs to offer free checking and cheaper services. [Trump Win, Economy, Regulations]
Feb 14, 2017 ~ Unintended but predictable Consequences of the Philadelphia soda tax - stores outside city limits doing much better - stores in city limits harmed - the poor are harmed - more gas is burned driving farther to get soda - no one is any thinner. [Taxes, Regulations]
Feb 18, 2017 ~ John Hawkins, 'Donald Trump's Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office' - moving fast. Including ordering agencies to cut two regulations for every new one they propose. Approving the Dakota and Keystone Pipelines, Killing the TPP, Selecting Neil Gorsuch for SCOTUS. [Trump Win, SCOTUS, Energy, Regulations, Trade]
Feb 22, 2017 ~ John Stossel, 'Repeal! No, Wait!' Stossel explains why regulations are so hard to undo no matter how bad - gives several examples of horrible regulations that were impossible or nearly impossible to repeal due to special interests. [John Stossel, Regulations, Economics]
Feb 22, 2017 ~ Woman who owns a hairdresser businesses tries to explain to Bernie Sanders why Obamacare prevents her from expanding and being able to provide more jobs - he is clueless like most dems trying to rule over us. [Health Care, Obamacare, Regulations, Sanders]
Mar 11, 2017 ~ Ed Feulner, 'The Anchor of Over-Regulation' and why it needs to be reduced - Costs economy $2 Trillion annually - $200 Billion added in the last 15 years - 300,000 regulators - REINS Act needed to require congressional approval of $100B regs. [Regulations, Economy]
Mar 28, 2017 ~ Rafael A. Mangual, 'The Left's Tendency to Over criminalize' - 5000 federal criminal statutes and 30,000 federal criminal regulations not even including state and local - Famous WSJ article about it, 'You Commit 3 Felonies a Day' unknowingly. You could never know all the laws. [Regulations, Crime]
Apr 10, 2017 ~ EPA Cr6 Regulations beyond unreasonable - want to go from 100ppb to 0.07 ppb which is far below what is naturally occurring - no evidence 100 ppb was harmful. No actual benefit. Just a way to attack coal plants. [Environment, Regulations]
Apr 10, 2017 ~ Trump signs executive order rolling back Obama-era energy over regulation called the 'Clean Power Plan' which classified CO2 as a pollutant. Would be an economic disaster for no measurable climate benefit. If we're going to 'fight climate change', plan must come from Congress. [Trump Win, Economy, Regulations, Climate Change]
Apr 29, 2017 ~ Veronique de Rugy, 'It's Time to Repeal FATCA' - Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act - supposed to catch off shore tax shelters but compliance costs are enormous to recoup less than $1 Billion in taxes annually [Taxes, Regulations]
Jun 11, 2017 ~ Dodd-Frank doubled regulations - benefiting the big banks - led to mergers to deal - 1000s of smaller banks and credit unions have disappeared, while those 'too big to fail' institutions are even bigger than they were before the crisis [Regulations]
Jun 19, 2017 ~ George Will, 'Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act' - It was enacted to openly prevent blacks from being able to compete in the workforce - it currently just enriches protected classes of people costing the economy tens of billions of dollars [Regulations]
Jun 30, 2017 ~ EPA to rescind Obama 'Waters of America' power grab - It was spectacular overreach - Benefits to water quality would be miniscule to non-existent in exchange for tons of red tape for businesses and farmers [Trump Win, Regulations, Environment]
Jul 9, 2017 ~ US nonfarm payrolls total 222,000 in June vs 179,000 expected - Trump signs an executive order seeking to expand apprenticeship and vocational training, close the skills gap and reduce regulatory burdens. [Trump Win, Regulations, Economics]
Aug 4, 2017 ~ Trump Administration squashes the burdensome and very misleading GMO labels approved by the Obama Administration. [Trump Win, Regulations, Health]
Aug 22, 2017 ~ California farmer John Duarte has to pay feds $1.1 million fine for plowing his own field. Tyrannical EPA fining people under Waters of the US Act for puddles on their own property. The fines were $2.8 million before agreement reached. Trump trying to make these rules sensible. [Environment, Regulations, California]
Sep 28, 2017 ~ John Stossel, 'Disabled by Government' - Universities have made vast amounts of courses available online but are having to take them down because they don't comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and its too expensive to add captions to all. Unintended consequences. [John Stossel, Regulations, College, Education]
Oct 9, 2017 ~ Leah Barkoukis, 'Trump Admin Has Rolled Back More Than 800 Obama-era Regulations' - so far he has eliminated 16 regulations for every new one - Trump ahead of Reagan's record in cutting regulations. [Trump Win, Regulations, Economy]
Oct 11, 2017 ~ Katherine Timpf, 'Florida Threatens to Throw Woman in the Slammer for Giving Unlicensed Diet Tips' A Florida woman is being threatened with jail time for charging for nutritional advice. Licensed nutritionists disagree with each other but this woman is not allowed to speak. [Regulations, Kat Timpf]
Oct 14, 2017 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Great Regulatory Rollback' Scott Pruitt takes the first step to rein in Obama's executive overreach on energy. Starting to unwind the Obama 'Clean Power Plan' which unlawfully used the EPA to regulate carbon after Congress chose not to. Only congress lawfully can [Trump Win, Climate Change, Environment, Regulations]
Oct 21, 2017 ~ Jonathan S. Tobin, 'Chicago Repeals Its Soda Tax' - Even liberals fed up with the nanny state - tax hit the poor the hardest and did not have the desired effect as was easily predicted. It neither decreased soda consumption nor raised revenues. [Regulations, Economics]
Nov 5, 2017 ~ EPA and Scott Pruitt get rid of the 'sue and settle' method of extortion. Caused the EPA to issue more regulations - Obama EPA 'imposed a record-breaking 55 federal implementation plans under the Clean Air Act', 135 regulations. [Trump Win, Environment, Regulations]
Nov 28, 2017 ~ Why Net Neutrality must be dismantled - government has a long history of blocking technology powerful lobbies want suppressed - FM Radio, Cellular Phones etc. - Government can't be trusted with that power [Net Neutrality, Regulations]
Jan 11, 2018 ~ Punish Poor People - Store owner Kamal Saleh was hit with thousands of dollars in fines for charging 11 cents too little for cigars - extreme taxes on tobacco hurt the poor the most - slippery slope - could tax tons of risky things [Regulations]
Jan 13, 2018 ~ Miami Ends Red-Light Camera Program. Other Cities Should Too - Perfect example of unintended consequences of government intervention - cameras actually cause significantly more accidents - strong evidence - no doubt [Regulations]
Jan 24, 2018 ~ Tom Purcell, 'Hey, Feds, Take Your Ethanol Mandate and Shovel It!' - Ethanol continues to destroy the fuel systems of cars, boats, lawn equipment and other engines - provides absolutely no benefits in exchange for all the harm. [Economics, Regulations, Energy, Climate Change]
Jan 27, 2018 ~ California is America's Poverty Capital - has the highest poverty rate in the US - predictable result given they've implemented every left wing idea and regulation they could - bankrupting themselves in many ways but keep adding more [Regulations]
Jan 27, 2018 ~ California is considering a bill that would punish waiters at sit-down restaurants with up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000, for offering customers straws before they ask [Regulations]
Mar 11, 2018 ~ California which already has the most unaffordable housing in the country thanks to too much regulation has just added many more very costly regulations determined to make the problem much worse - Bruce Bialosky [Regulations]
Mar 20, 2018 ~ Philip H. DeVoe, 'Rolling Back Dodd-Frank' - not enough but some of the worst parts of Dodd-Frank are being fixed or removed by the Republicans in charge. [Trump Win, Regulations, Economics]
Apr 16, 2018 ~ Jonah Goldberg, 'Tighter Regulation Would Probably Make Facebook More Profitable' - Facebook welcomes regulation as all big business does - seems paradoxical until you realize they can afford it but keeps smaller competitors out - liberals don't get [Regulations]
Apr 29, 2018 ~ Bruce Bialosky, 'How Liberals Vote to Harm Their Own Interests' - have an ah ha moment - 'It's no wonder that there are so few small businesses in California. California makes it nearly impossible for small businesses like ours to succeed' [California, Regulations]
Apr 30, 2018 ~ Rick Moran, 'Worst-case scenario has happened' for California bullet train' - costs have risen $13 to $33 Billion in just 2 years vs. original projections - this always happens - federal government on the hook for most of that [California, Regulations]
May 15, 2018 ~ Erich Reimer, 'The Obama Era ELD Rule Is Hurting The Trucking Industry And Our Nation' - causing accidents and hurting the very people its supposed to benefit - i.e. it is a typical government regulation where the unintended consequences are worse [Regulations]
May 20, 2018 ~ Megan Henney, GOP votes to repeal auto loan regulations that were based on the false premise that blacks were getting less loans because of racism - Mike Kelly blasts Maxine Waters for falsely playing the race card again and dividing us. [Fake Racism, Regulations]
May 24, 2018 ~ Bipartisan Dodd-Frank Reform Bill Moves to Trump's Desk - Trump lessens the regulatory burden of Dodd-Frank especially for smaller financial institutions - Raised limit regulations kick in to $250 Billion [Trump Win, Economy, Regulations]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, The problem with California - staggering wealth on the coasts contrasted with dire poverty in the north and interior, some the result of years of open borders and illegal immigration - cost of high regulation falls hardest on poor [California, Regulations, Illegal Immigration, Victor Davis Hanson]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Elizabeth Warren created the CFPB to be a politicized rogue agency never dreaming it would fall into the hands of the GOP - GOP is not allowed to kill it but is doing a good job taming it as best as legally possible. Mick Mulvaney Fires Entire CFPB Advisory Board. [Trump Win, Regulations]
Jul 22, 2018 ~ The EU extorts $5 billion from Google over alleged antitrust abuse - The EU is the world's most powerful extortion consortium - It has previously extorted billions of dollars from Apple, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, airlines and many more - The EU has almost no other purpose. [Regulations]
Jul 25, 2018 ~ Santa Barbara Straw Ban - Food Service Employees Could Face Up To Six Months In Jail For EACH Straw they give out - could rack up years in jail for one night of waitressing - totalitarian insanity that could only be passed by democrats. [Environment, Regulations]
Jul 29, 2018 ~ Trump rolls back Obama Antiquities Act monument massive overreach - Act says take 'smallest area compatible with proper care and management of the objects to be protected' But Obama grabbed 550 million acres!! Massive abuse. Returning to law's true intent and authority. [Trump Win, Regulations]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Trump Administration rolls back Obama's absurd CAFE requirements making Driving Safer And Cheaper - new rules will save consumers $500 billion and SAVE 13,000 lives - heavier cars are safer and reduced costs allow people to replace old cars sooner. [Trump Win, Regulations, Climate Change]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ John Wellington, 'US Internet Speed Has Gone From 12th To 6th Fastest Since End Of Net Neutrality' - so much for the hyperventilating about the internet being destroyed by net neutrality. Ending it is producing the positive results the GOP knew it would. [Trump Win, Net Neutrality, Regulations]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ Rep. Tom McClintock R-CA said President Donald Trump 'is absolutely right' to link CA wildfires to the state's poor management of water and forest - Fires started to get more intense after environmental regulations that prevented management. [Environment, Regulations, Climate Change]
Aug 19, 2018 ~ George Will, 'The Scourge of Domestic Protectionism' - North Carolina Doctor wants to offer low cost MRIs but NC 'certificate of need' law prevents him from getting his own machine - hospitals back those regulations so they can charge 4 TIMES as much. [Regulations, Health Care]
Sep 16, 2018 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'California Regulates Barber And Tattoo Shops Out Of Business' - businesses having to close shop because of new very burdensome regulations involving when workers can be considered contractors - Is California the most anti-business state? [Regulations, California]

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