Apr 4, 2019 ~ Some dems confused as to why Donald Jr.'s Trump tower meeting with the Russian woman promising info on Hillary was not 'collusion'. She did not work for the government and its not illegal. Hillary herself paid for info from Steele who got that info from real Russian operatives. [Russia Hoax]
Apr 6, 2019 ~ Former CIA head Brennan frequently falsely accused Trump of being a 'traitor', 'treason', 'high crimes & misdemeanors' and other baseless things. Hyped collusion. Now says 'I don't know if I received bad information but I think I suspected there was more' regarding Mueller. [TDS, Russia Hoax]
Apr 8, 2019 ~ Rush, 'How the Hoax Began' 'The FBI planted a story and then arranged for it to be sent back to the FBI as though nobody had heard it before.' Stefan Halper and Joseph Mifsud working for the FBI, fed Papadopoulos the Hillary email info to become the pretext for the investigation. [Russia Hoax, Spygate]
Apr 9, 2019 ~ Bret Easton Ellis says 'I want an apology... from every one of my friends or acquaintances or anyone I encountered on social media or watched blather away on TV for the last two years who insisted that the Mueller report was definitely going to implicate Trump in collusion.' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 10, 2019 ~ Liberal Michael Tracey lays into the MSM for spreading a conspiracy theory hoax, 'Journalists are in deep denial at how thoroughly their reputation has been trashed after this Trump/Russia debacle. Many of them will never be trusted again, and rightly so.' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 10, 2019 ~ Liberal Michael Tracey lays into intelligence ops for spreading a conspiracy theory hoax 'Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Steele, Halper and every other spook/security state flack who perpetrated this gigantic fraud should absolutely be hauled back before Congress' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 17, 2019 ~ Glenn Greenwald continues to take the liberal media to the woodshed for pushing the Russia Collusion Hoax. 'MSNBC hosts should collectively go on the air, bow their heads in shame, and apologize to the public for what they've done.' 'steady stream of conspiratorial bullshit.' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 17, 2019 ~ Ben Shapiro article, 'Criticism of Ilhan Omar Isn't Incitement' 'Speech is not violence - and violence is not speech. Equating the two is the hallmark of a tyrannical worldview: If I can treat your speech as violence, then I am justified in using violence to suppress your speech' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News, Omar, Ben Shapiro]
Apr 18, 2019 ~ Mueller report released. Confirms Barr summary. No collusion, No Obstruction. Dems quickly try to move the goalposts to grasp at straws for obstruction of justice, but if there was a case, Mueller would have made it. New York Post full page, 'TRUMP CLEAN Dem Hoax Destroyed.' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 18, 2019 ~ Barr addresses obstruction despite there being no crime to obstruct about. Though 'the president was frustrated and angered by his sincere belief that the investigation was undermining his presidency', 'the White House fully cooperated with the special counsel's investigation' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 18, 2019 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Where Does Carter Page Go to Get His Apology?' 'Remember when Carter Page was supposed to be a spy?' 'It'd be nice if all the people who were obsessed with Russia and always suggested the worst acknowledged how wrong they were, but instead it's on to obstruction!' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News, Rich Lowry]
Apr 20, 2019 ~ Noam Chomsky on the Russia Hoax after the Mueller Report. 'The Democrats invested everything in this issue. Well, turned out there was nothing much there. They gave Trump a huge gift. In fact, they may have handed him the next election.' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 22, 2019 ~ The Christopher Steele dossier that was the entire basis for the Russia Hoax was likely filled with Russian 'disinformation' bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Steele admits its very possible. Mueller report suspects Russian 'disinformation' and 'fabrications'. [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Apr 23, 2019 ~ Jared Kushner in Time, 'this investigation has done more damage to the American electoral system than Vladimir Putin and the Russians could have ever dreamed of.' 'to the perception that our elections are honest.' '42% think the Russians tampered with voting machines' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Apr 28, 2019 ~ Bill Maher tries to get Adam Schiff to wake up and face reality on the Mueller Report. 'But this was our big gun. Now it just looks like you're stalking him.' 'Left and right basically agreed, this is a guy of honor, this is an honest guy, an honest broker, whatever he says goes' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
May 1, 2019 ~ After relentlessly pushing the Russia Hoax for 2 years, CNN's prime time ratings dropped 26% after the release of the Mueller report. MSNBC dropped 14%. Fox News did not drop at all. Quite a few people are waking up to who is pushing fake news. [Russia Hoax, Fake News]
May 1, 2019 ~ Mueller sent a letter to Barr complaining that Barr's summary did not 'fully capture the context, nature, and substance' as if a 4 page summary of a 400 page report ever could. Dems act like this is another 'bombshell'. Mueller said nothing in Barr's summary was inaccurate. [Russia Hoax, Fake News, Witch Hunt]
May 1, 2019 ~ Dems falsely claim Barr committed perjury and should be impeached because he said he didn't know why 'members of the special counsel's team are frustrated' with his summary. He didn't understand Mueller's objection and cannot know what unspecified 'members of a team' are thinking [Russia Hoax, Fake News, Witch Hunt]
May 1, 2019 ~ Dems keep harping on Trump's joke about the Russians finding Hillary's 30,000 emails. Pretend not to know he was joking. Ignore the real crime that the 30,000 emails were illegally deleted and 'wiped' by Hillary after they were subpoenaed in classified document case. [Russia Hoax, Hillary Emails]
May 1, 2019 ~ Author Bret Easton Ellis is sick of the 'moral superiority that has engulfed and is now destroying, eating alive, the American left'. They are addicted to little else besides 'Russian conspiracies discussed on Reddit, Rachel Maddow detailing Russian conspiracies'. Textbook TDS. [TDS, Russia Hoax]
May 3, 2019 ~ Turns out the FBI had 2 spies covertly infiltrating in the Trump campaign. Stephan Halper and Azra Turk. Turk was posing as Halper's assistant. She flirted with Papadopoulos while trying to extract information about the Trump campaign's ties to Russia. Classic spy term 'honeypot' [Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
May 7, 2019 ~ Mitch McConnell on the Mueller Report, 'Two years of exhaustive investigation and nothing to establish a fanciful conspiracy that Democratic politicians and TV talking heads treated like a foregone conclusion... The Special Counsel's findings is clear: Case. Closed.' [Russia Hoax, Spygate]
May 9, 2019 ~ Liberal law professor Jonathan Turley exposes the dems 'Faced with a report that rejected the collusion theories of their running narrative, Democrats want to focus on those 2% of redactions rather than over 400 pages of findings.' They hold Barr in contempt for following the law [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
May 9, 2019 ~ National Review, 'Persecution of Bill Barr'. 'Barr has been far, far more transparent than governing law requires.' Dems insanely say 'constitutional crisis'. Barr released the report with very minimal redactions. Redactions were required by law. Dems can see unredacted report. [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
May 10, 2019 ~ After years of Trump being called a liar for claiming the Obama administration spied on his campaign, Comey admits to the surveillance with implants pretending not to be operatives secretly gathering intel to report back to intelligence agencies but says that was 'totally normal' [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
May 14, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren says 'I won't do a town hall with Fox News'. 'Fox News is a hate-for-profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists' Calls Fox a 'hate-for-profit machine'. Ironic that the networks she appears on were wall to wall Russia Hoax conspiracy theory. [Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Russia Hoax]
May 15, 2019 ~ The revelation that Russians breached 2 counties in Florida sets off another round of Russian collusion hysteria. But again its found that no votes were changed, added or subtracted. Gov DeSantis said 'It did not affect any voting or anything like that.' Info obtained was public. [Russia, Russia Hoax]
May 20, 2019 ~ Rich Lowry, Trump is refusing to play along with democrats wanting to re-do the 2 year Mueller Investigation. Ignoring subpoenas. Because dems are making 'a show of getting to the bottom of matters that have been as thoroughly investigated as anything in our recent politics.' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Rich Lowry]
May 23, 2019 ~ VDH, 'the FBI under Comey illegally leaked classified information to the media'. 'Comey says McCabe went rogue and did it.' McCabe says Comey authorized it. 'Comey also claims the Steele dossier was not the chief evidence for a FISA warrant. McCabe insists that it was.' [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Spygate, Victor Davis Hanson]
May 29, 2019 ~ Mueller makes a statement saying nothing different than what was in his 450 page report. Does not want to answer questions because he'll just refer to the report. Says Barr acted 'in good faith'. On obstruction, says Trump is not not guilty which in the US means presumed innocent [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
May 29, 2019 ~ President Trump authorized Attorney General Bill Barr to declassify documents that led up to starting 'the Russia investigation'. Wants to see if all the spying and leaking was legal. All of a sudden, dems don't want to know what happened. Bizarrely call transparency 'a coverup'. [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Spygate]
May 29, 2019 ~ Michael Wolff who was proven a liar in his last smear job book but then claimed his job 'has nothing to do with truth' is spreading fake news again. Wolff claimed that Mueller drafted an obstruction of justice indictment against Trump but Mueller's office flatly denies it. [Witch Hunt, Fake News, Russia Hoax]
May 30, 2019 ~ Pre-inauguration memo reveals that British national security officials knew and warned US intelligence that 'Steele's intelligence was unreliable.' 'they did not think Steele's information was credible or reliable' yet the Obama administration based the whole Russia Hoax on it! [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Spygate]
Jun 11, 2019 ~ As dems continue to claim Trump obstructed the investigation into a crime he didn't commit, Bill Maher points out Hillary obstructed the investigation into crimes she actually did commit. She destroyed devices with hammers and used bleach bit on 30,000 emails that were subpoenaed [Russia Hoax, Hillary Emails]
Jun 14, 2019 ~ Trump tells Stephanopoulos he might listen to dirt on a political opponent and might not call the FBI. Hypothetical - would depend on what it really was. Dems outraged. Forgot CLINTON SOLICITED FOREIGN DIRT from UK Intel MI6 Steele who used Russian sources still in the Kremlin. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Jun 17, 2019 ~ Paul Curry article 'Stop Using Government as a Weapon'. They've used every tactic they can to overturn the 2016 election. Endless investigations. Weaponizing Intel agencies with Russia Hoax. Now weaponizing the IRS, subpoenaing tax returns fishing for something. Next impeachment. [Politics, Witch Hunt, Spygate, Russia Hoax]
Jun 28, 2019 ~ President Carter answers 'yes' when asked if Trump is 'an illegitimate president.' 'If fully investigated would show that Trump didn't actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election, and he was put into office because the Russians interfered on his behalf.' [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jul 24, 2019 ~ New evidence reveals Comey was 'running a covert operation against' Trump and 'was secretly trying to build a conspiracy case against the president, while at times acting as an investigative agent.' 'Comey had an agent inside the White House who reported back to FBI headquarters' [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Jul 24, 2019 ~ Jim Jordan reacts to Comey spy revelations. 'If they can do this to the President of the United States. If they can go spy on two people, two Americans associated on his campaign based on this idea that there was some conspiracy? imagine what they can do to you and I.' [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Jul 25, 2019 ~ Dems drag Mueller to Congress to testify. Both sides agree it was a 'disaster' for dems. Mueller revealed to be a mere figurehead giving cover for partisan hacks running the show. He didn't really know what was in the Mueller report and never heard of basic things like Fusion GPS [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Jul 25, 2019 ~ Dems don't get what they wanted from Mueller hearing. He reveals that Trump did not interfere in the investigation. They again go for the 'not exonerated angle' but Mueller agrees prosecutors don't exonerate anyone. They charge if they have crime evidence and they did not charge. [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Jul 25, 2019 ~ Ted Lieu in a last ditch effort tries to get Mueller to say that the reason he did not indict Trump is because of OLC 'opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting president'. Mueller initially appeared to agree but later clarified that was not correct. [Spygate, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ Washington Post smears Mitch McConnell with article titled 'Mitch McConnell is a Russian asset'. 'McConnell has no shame. He is aiding and abetting Putin's dismantling of Americans' self-governance.' Rich Lowry explains why this is 'McCarthyism' and totally ridiculous. [Politics, Russia Hoax, Rich Lowry]
Jul 30, 2019 ~ Democrat 'Sore Loser' suit thrown out of court. The dems pathetically SUED the Trump administration for colluding with Russia to steal the election. Agreeing with Mueller, the Bill Clinton appointed judge said the claims were 'entirely divorced from the facts.' Based on Fake News. [Trump Win, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Aug 3, 2019 ~ Cory Booker receives the maximum 4 Pinocchios from the Washington Post for combining two total lies to explain why Trump won Michigan. 'We lost the state of Michigan because everybody from Republicans to Russians were targeting the suppression of African American voters.' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Russia Hoax]
Aug 6, 2019 ~ Prager, 'America Is Drowning in the Left's Lies About Trump'. Prager says the lie that Trump called Nazis and Klansmen 'very fine people' is 'one of the two great lies of our time -- the other being that all Trump supporters are racists' The Russia Collusion Hoax is the third. [Fake Racism, Russia Hoax, Dennis Prager]
Aug 14, 2019 ~ Pavlich: Judicial Watch obtained 'hundreds of documents showing the Obama Justice Department working directly with Fusion GPS, a research firm hired by the Clinton campaign, to frame President Trump.' Fusion's Nellie Ohr gave docs to husband Bruce Ohr in DOJ who sent to FBI. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Aug 23, 2019 ~ CNN hires McCabe. Molly Hemmingway on the absurdity, 'one of the central figures of the "Russia collusion" hoax, who was fired from the FBI for lying about his leaks to the media, has been hired by CNN, one of the media outlets that did the most to perpetuate the damaging hoax.' [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
Aug 28, 2019 ~ Lawrence O'Donnell tries to revive the Russia Hoax with ANOTHER fake news story. Trump's loans allegedly co-signed by Russian oligarchs close to Putin. He apologized for not putting the story through MSNBC's 'rigorous verification and standards process' which doesn't exist. [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Aug 28, 2019 ~ Rob Reiner amplifies the latest MSNBC fake news story. 'So now we have Russians co-signing Trump's loans. The mountain of Criminality is overwhelming. Impeachment is just the start. Vote him out. Then indict him.' Fake news gets created, spread by celebs, retractions not heard. [Fake News, Russia Hoax, Impeachment]