Oct 29, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald resigns from The Intercept, the news outlet HE FOUNDED because they will not allow him to publish anything critical of Joe Biden. One side seeks to censor, silence and control every aspect of the narrative. Do you think that is because they have truth on their side? [Biden, Free Speech, Silencing]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ Departures of @bariweiss from the @NYT and @sullydish from the New Yorker, @ggreenwald from The Intercept shows that if you don't play along with every narrative (no matter how fake) and suppress stories that would hurt dems (no matter how real), you can't publish in today's env. [Fake News, Free Speech, Silencing]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ The @nypost account was suspended for 3 weeks for daring to write a story critical of @JoeBiden. @tedcruz questioned Twitter CEO @jack, 'Who the hell elected you? And put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report, and what the American people are allowed to hear.' [Biden, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ Amy Coney Barrett's sorority, Kappa Delta was the next to cave to the left wing #CancelCulture mob. They can't even congratulate their own sister for becoming a Supreme Court Justice without the left demanding retraction. Very disappointing that everyone caves to the bullies. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, SCOTUS, Silencing]
Oct 30, 2020 ~ After 10 years Pamela Gellar's organization, The American Freedom Defense Initiative is allowed to run ads in Detroit offering to help people wanting to leave Islam. It can be very difficult to leave Islam as becoming non-Islamic is not permitted by Sharia under penalty of death. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]
Nov 2, 2020 ~ New York Post, '11 arrested after cops clash with anti-Trump protesters in Manhattan'. 'Anti-Trump demonstrators had gathered at Madison Square Park to confront pro-Trump caravans crisscrossing the New York region.' As usual, Democrats try to shut down speech with violence. [Free Speech, Silencing, Violent Left]
Nov 2, 2020 ~ George Leef, ''College Campuses Gave Us Cancel Culture' The era where people are ok with disagreement is 'fading fast'. The left now 'demonizes.' 'Silencing the faintest dissenter by any means necessary, even if it involves destroying their reputations, careers, and livelihoods.' [Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 2, 2020 ~ Will Alexander "'Fugitive Slave Act' Shackles Runaway Rappers" 'Liberal masters and overseers took the whip to a few saucy runaways who had the gumption to think they could escape the Democrats’ ideological plantation. The public whippings are designed to' silence the rest. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Racism, Silencing, Slavery]
Nov 2, 2020 ~ Santa Clara University profusely apologizes for a ‘Blue Lives Matter’ sign that was visible during a Zoom meeting by a campus Safety Official. The University made clear that Blue Lives do not matter. No lives matter except black lives, especially if they are shooting at police. [BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Police, Silencing]
Nov 3, 2020 ~ Over 1000 Muslims in NYC protested against French President Emmanuel Macron’s 'vilification of Islam'. Macron stood up for free speech and denounced several killings in France recently including 2 public BEHEADINGS. But it is Macron who needs to 'say sorry to Muslims' they say. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Nov 17, 2020 ~ Tens of thousands of Trump supporters peacefully descend on Washington for the 'Million MAGA March' to support President Trump's election challenge. As usual, #BLM and Antifa violently attack them. Widespread attacks on women, children, elderly people. Liquids thrown on people. [Antifa, BLM, Free Speech, Silencing, Violent Left]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ After firing a guy for saying 'all lives matter', The Sacramento Kings hire announcer Mark Jones who has called @realDonaldTrump 'a white supremacist terrorist', spells America with a KKK in it and keeps lying about how police 'shot up THE WRONG HOUSE' in the Breonna Taylor case [Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police, Silencing]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Matthew Yglesias, a co-founder of Vox becomes the next liberal to leave his own org. 'It’s a damaging trend in the media in particular because it is an industry that’s about ideas, and if you treat disagreement as a source of harm or personal safety, then it’s very challenging.' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Out.com, 'Norway Has Made Biphobic, Transphobic Speech Illegal' "The penal code states that those who are guilty of hate speech face a fine or up to a year in jail for private comments, and a maximum of three years in jail for public remarks." No free speech. [Free Speech, LGBT, Silencing, Trans]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Tim Stone is banned from publishing on @rockpapershot where he has been a writer for 13 years for saysing the trans orthodoxy that male bodied trans women should compete in female sports is debatable. He says 'forbidding debate' silences and cancels people. They canceled him. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 28, 2020 ~ UTSA student Jaycie Barton was kicked out of the Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) sorority for “Trump 2020,” “All Lives Matter,” and “Back the Blue,” messages. They falsely called her a racist and said those messages were “extremely hurtful” and “unsisterly.” Be 'woke' or be silent. [BLM, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police, Silencing]
Dec 3, 2020 ~ Arthur Milikh, 'The Cost of Losing Free Speech' Necessary for political liberty. Necessary for a free mind. Necessary for enabling people to get practiced in critical thought and debate. Democrats want to throw that all away 'under the guise of regulating “hate speech.”'[Free Speech, Silencing]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'The Disgraceful Hunter Biden Cover-Up' Dems and the #FakeNews media got away with falsely calling the story 'Russian Disinformation.' Social Media sites banned the story. Now we find out that Hunter has been under FBI investigation for some time. Laptop is his. [Biden, Fake News, Russia Hoax, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Dec 14, 2020 ~ LinkedIn bans paper 'The Global Mean Temperature Anomaly Record' written by two of the top climate scientists in the world, Richard Lindzen and John Christy. Fully factual and fully sourced but refutes part of the man made climate change orthodoxy. Falsely labels misinformation.[Climate Change, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship]
Dec 19, 2020 ~ Chris Tomlinson, 'French Academic Under Police Protection After Criticizing Islam' 'Islam does not recognize freedom of conscience. It’s still absolutely terrifying.' Receiving death threats. Under police protection after a teacher was recently beheaded by Muslims in the area.[Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Dec 20, 2020 ~ Doug Bandow, 'Are You Committing Blasphemy?'84 countries have blasphemy laws, almost all are Muslim majority nations. 'Due process for defendants is often entirely absent. Attorneys who represent accused blasphemers are sometimes killed. Judges who fail to convict face attack.' [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]
Jan 8, 2021 ~ The great purge has begun. Twitter and Facebook bans Trump and others. Apple and Google are banning Parler app. The #WalkAway movement has been banned from Facebook along with their thousands of testimonials. #Silencing [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Apple, Google and Amazon shut down the Parler app, the only real competitor to Twitter and Facebook. This goes far beyond Twitter, Facebook censoring their own sites. Now big tech is shutting down independent sites. FYI Twitter has always allowed calls for Trump to be killed. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship, Violent Left, Violent Right]
Jan 10, 2021 ~ Matt Walsh, 'Facebook and Twitter engaged in an ideological purge, forcing conservatives to Parler. At which point Apple, Amazon, and Google teamed up to kneecap Parler and drive the heretical voices out of the public square completely.' I.e. alternative sites also banned. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ The House will Impeach Trump for the 5th time, this time for calling for peaceful protests. Alan Dershowitz, 'to impeach a president for having exercised his First Amendment rights would be so dangerous to the Constitution. It would lie around like a loaded weapon' for either party. [Free Speech, Impeachment, Silencing]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Lawyer Lin Wood is one of the reasons Parler has been canceled by big tech. Made posts such as this: 'Get the firing squads ready. Pence goes FIRST.' Calls to violence should never be allowed. The post was removed by Parler. Twitter is no better or faster at removing threats. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Censorship, Violent Right]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ For years, people have told conservatives who complained about censorship on FaceBook and Twitter to build their own platform. So they built Parler but then Apple, Google and Amazon conspired to shut down Parler. Bottom line is that Big Tech will not allow conservatives to speak. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 11, 2021 ~ Alexey Navalny on banning Trump, 'We have seen many examples in Russian and China of such private companies becoming the state's best friends and the enablers when it comes to censorship... This precedent will be exploited by the enemies of freedom of speech around the world.' [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 12, 2021 ~ Twitter 'strongly condemns' censorship in Uganda. Especially ahead of an election. Also Twitter: Negative stories about Joe Biden ahead of the US Presidential Election are banned on our site. And we'll shut down the account of any News organization writing any such stories. [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 14, 2021 ~ Elise Stefanik was kicked off the Senior Advisory Committee of the Harvard Kennedy School. Her crime, 'Elise has made public assertions about voter fraud in November’s presidential election that have no basis in evidence.' You can't be just wrong. Must be canceled. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jan 14, 2021 ~ Antifa violently shuts down a Portland bookstore that dared to try to sell Andy Ngo's book about them 'Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy' "We will shut down the store every day!" say the violent thugs proving the truth of the book they are trying to ban. [Antifa, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ The left wing cancel culture mob is demanding that the degrees of Rep. Elise Stefanik, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Rep. Dan Crenshaw be revoked by Harvard. Stefanik was kicked off of the Harvard Institute of Politics Senior Advisory Committee. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Jan 16, 2021 ~ Amazon suspends donations to lawmakers who voted against Biden certification. Big tech monopolies like Amazon, Google and Apple are using their enormous power to shut down competition like Parler and canceling politicians they disagree with. #CancelCulture [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Jan 22, 2021 ~ The National Association of Realtors bans 'hate speech and harassing speech' covers all communication, PRIVATE and professional, written and spoken, online and off. Problem is people define anything they don't like as 'hate speech.' No one will be able to disagree even in private [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jan 22, 2021 ~ Two American Muslims face prison sentences of up to ten years for blasphemy in Pakistan. Their website TrueIslam.com was deemed not to be the correct version of Islam and is therefore “blasphemous” against Islam and must be silenced. #silencing [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ U. of Central Florida professor Charles Negy will be fired for controversial tweets like 'black privilege is real.' They couldn't fire him for speech so they requested students and faculty to come forward with accusations of discrimination. Many were anonymous. No way to defend. [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ The U. of Michigan community is calling for Board of Regents member Ron Weiser to resign because he replied “I don’t know” when asked if he believes Trump is to blame for the Capitol Hill riot. A petition says his comment means 'Complicity in Capitol Violence.' Has 1000s of sigs. [Cancel Culture, Capitol Riot, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jan 23, 2021 ~ Gay and Trans people are saying they receive far more hated and intolerance for coming out as conservative. Brandon Straka, "The amount of violence/harassment/targeting & gaslighting I’ve received as a conservative now far exceeds the homophobia I experienced growing up." [#WalkAway, Homophobia, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Trans]
Jan 26, 2021 ~ Democrats embrace #cancelculture to the max. Stephanie Murphy is trying to prevent Trump supporters from federal jobs or joining the military if they were at the Stop the Steal rally. Dems trying hard to get FoxNews, OAAN, Newsmax booted off cable. Canceled Josh Hawley book deal. [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Feb 1, 2021 ~ Douglass Mackey AKA Ricky Vaughn has been arrested and faces 10 years in federal prison for making memes. He did a common prank of giving people misinformation about when and where to vote. He told people they could vote by texting to a phone number. Clear 1st amnedment violation [Free Speech, Politics, Silencing]
Feb 9, 2021 ~ Democrats kick Marjorie Taylor Greene off of all of her committees for past views that she no longer supports. Its unprecedented for the majority party to police the minority party. Rep. Mike Rogers says 'we’re going to do the exact same thing to them. They’ve got more nuts.' [Cancel Culture, Politics, Silencing]
Feb 10, 2021 ~ French teacher Didier Lemaire was placed under police protection because he wrote a letter defending the Samuel Paty, the teacher who was beheaded by Islamists showing pictures of Mohamed in class. [Free Speech, Islam, Silencing, Terrorism]
Feb 11, 2021 ~ Disney and talent agency fire actress Gina Carano for a post comparing our politically divisive U.S. culture to Nazi Germany. Dems and the left compare Trump to Hitler and Republicans to Nazis and Fascists ALL THE TIME but if a conservative does it, she's canceled. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, Fake Anti-Semitism, Silencing]
Feb 13, 2021 ~ #BLM activist Cameron Dequintez Williams is fired from his library job for removing conservative books from the library collection and burning them. Been arrested several times for obstructing intersections and emergency vehicles and for stealing a Sheriff flag and burning it. [BLM, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Feb 13, 2021 ~ The University Of Wisconsin asks students to take a 21-Week ‘Equity Challenge’. Other schools are doing a similar 21 day challenge. All created by The United Way. Students are indoctrinated in 'systemic racism', 'internal bias', 'allyship' etc. Dissent means immediate cancelation [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Racism, Silencing]
Feb 13, 2021 ~ Alana Mastrangelo, '15 Liberals Who Compared Conservatives to Nazis But Weren’t Canceled for It.' Gina Carano was canceled for a Nazi Germany comparison. This article shows the hypocritical double standard where liberals and Dems make these comparisons constantly including Biden. [Cancel Culture, Holocaust Denial, Silencing]
Feb 13, 2021 ~ The great purge and #Silencing continues. Project Veritas is permanently banned from Twitter. The high tech overseers are brazenly banning everyone from one side of the debate while trying to claim they are a neutral 'platform.' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship]
Feb 14, 2021 ~ Wayne Allyn Root, 'I've Been Banned By Twitter. You're Next.' Twitter bans conservative radio host Root and Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft. Unspecified reasons. They have previously expressed unapproved thoughts about the efficacy of lockdowns and election fraud. #CancelCulture [2020 Election, Cancel Culture, Coronavirus, Free Speech, Silencing]
Feb 14, 2021 ~ Richard Taylor sues St. Johns University after being fired for 'racism'. Only 1 student complained. Misinterpreted a discussion claiming he was justifying slavery. He was not. He was fired with no hearing. 500 former students signed a petition of support saying he is not a racist [Cancel Culture, College, Education, Fake Racism, Silencing, Slavery]
Feb 14, 2021 ~ Chris Harrison has now 'stepped away' from hosting 'Bachelor' for “perpetuating racism” by saying a Bachelor contestant should be given “grace” and allowed to explain attending an “antebellum” themed costume party when she was a teenager in college. #CancelCulture [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Silencing, Slavery]