Mar 20, 2019 ~ Deroy Murdock article 'The War on Red Caps Roars On: The beatings will continue until MAGA hats are removed'. Murdock lists about a dozen recent physical attacks by the left on people just for supporting Trump. Most now keep a quiet low profile for safety but will speak on ballot [TDS, Violent Left, Silencing]
Mar 21, 2019 ~ President Trump signs an executive order saying schools must protect free speech on college campus or risk losing federal grants. For too long conservatives speakers and groups have been deplatformed, threatened, shouted down, and often literally assaulted for trying to speak [Trump Win, Silencing, Violent Left]
Mar 27, 2019 ~ Alan Dershowitz was banned from CNN. 'I received off-the-record information that an order had come from the very top: CNN executive Jeff Zucker didn't want me on CNN any more. My centrist, nuanced perspective was anathema to CNN's emerging brand as the anti-Trump network.' [Fake News, Silencing]
Apr 2, 2019 ~ Facebook, Instagram step up their censoring of controversial figures. Ban Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Paul Nehlen, Laura Loomer and Louis Farrakhan. Washington Post and Atlantic ridiculously call Farrakhan 'far right'. Loomer in tears. Woods leaves Twitter [Silencing, Tech Bias]
Apr 4, 2019 ~ Lloyd Marcus article, 'It Is Outrageous that Supporting Trump Is Dangerous'. Marcus had his car vandalized because of a Trump sticker which is not uncommon. Trump supporters now regularly receive vandalism, harassment and violence. People keeping quiet rather than risk all that. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, TDS, Silencing]
Apr 4, 2019 ~ Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens harassed again while trying to speak. This time at Louisiana State University. One deranged dem jumped on stage shouting obscenities. Another shouted 'death to white nationalism' - stupid even by dem standards as Owens is black. [Loathsome Left, TDS, Silencing, Fake Racism]
Apr 9, 2019 ~ A Turning Point USA, TPUSA event at Park City High School was disrupted by a violent democrat with pepper spray. Many students were treated by medical professionals with at least one hospitalized. The left despises free speech and shuts it down constantly, violently if necessary. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Apr 9, 2019 ~ Texas State bans TPUSA from campus because they 'harass, intimidate, threaten student and faculty as they see fit.' They do none of that, but ironically violent leftists do just that all the time. They screamed 'fuck you' and 'race traitor' at chapter president Stormi Rodriguez. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Apr 10, 2019 ~ Young Americans for Freedom speech disrupted by at least a dozen protestors that shut the event down with shouting and violence. A violent leftist sprayed unknown liquid on the speaker which caused the sprayer to be arrested. 'Men are not Women' called an 'extreme viewpoint'. [Violent Left, Silencing, Trans]
Apr 11, 2019 ~ Omar's comments that minimized 9/11 drew criticism and reminders that we said we'd 'Never Forget'. Dems immediately claim criticism of her is 'racist', 'Islamophobic' and 'inciting violence' against her. Dan Crenshaw says those claims are 'just an attempt to silence your critics' [Fake Islamophobia, Fake Racism, Silencing, Omar]
Apr 11, 2019 ~ AOC goes even farther than saying Omar should be immune from criticism. 'First they came for?' Ben Shapiro says, 'there's something deeply disturbing about AOC making Holocaust references to defend an open and unrepentant anti-Semite who is merely being criticized.' [Holocaust Denial, Silencing, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Ben Shapiro]
Apr 15, 2019 ~ Antifa openly discusses the violence they plan to use to shut down Candice Owens speech at UPenn like what things to throw at her including bottles of urine. They stupidly call Owens who is black a 'white nationalist'. Owens says 'I am neither intimidated, nor will I be silenced' [Antifa, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Apr 16, 2019 ~ A black man wearing a MAGA hat was repeatedly punched in the head and upper body by two men, also black who also destroyed the man's property. Democrats let black people know again and again that the consequences for not doing and thinking exactly as they say are severe. [Violent Left, Silencing]
Apr 16, 2019 ~ Mount Holyoke College Chief of Police with 30 years of service put on administrative leave for clicking 'like' on a few Tweets from Trump supporting a border wall and the NRA wishing people a 'Merry Christmas' [TDS, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Apr 18, 2019 ~ Canada's Concordia University disinvites Harvard prof 'one of the most accomplished scholars and eminent teachers of political philosophy in the world' 'We are saddened that some alumni thought it appropriate to silence a scholar with whose views they happen to disagree' [Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Apr 18, 2019 ~ Laura Loomer files a lawsuit against Twitter and CAIR. 'The greatest threat to free speech today is political pressure being placed on corporate forums like Twitter.' 'collusion between Twitter and the terrorist front-group, CAIR in their efforts to silence me' [Silencing, Tech Bias]
Apr 18, 2019 ~ Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow on high tech strategy to silence conservatives. 'They are not only suppressing us... they target us, not because we are getting things wrong. They're targeting us because we are getting things right. We got these key stories right' [Silencing, Tech Bias]
Apr 18, 2019 ~ Left wing students at University of the Arts try to get Camille Paglia fired because she dares to disagree with some of the crazy left wing dogma. They want her at least banned from holding speeches on campus. Have pulled fire alarms, shouted down, and shut down her talks. [Silencing, Loathsome Left]
Apr 22, 2019 ~ Henry Kissinger attempting to address Yale's WFB Society is the latest speaker to be shouted down at NYU by rude left wing children who despise free speech. Was called a 'Nazi' even though he was a Jew who fled Nazi Germany and received the Bronze Star for fighting actual Nazis. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Holocaust Denial]
Apr 23, 2019 ~ Tyrannical children at Williams College had a meltdown after faculty circulated a petition supporting free speech on campus. 'Free Speech Harms' they cried. Yelled at white male profs to sit down and 'acknowledge their privilege'. Students screaming 'we were trying to kill them'. [Silencing, Loathsome Left]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ American Icon Kate Smith is the next on the SJW chopping block to erase history. Her 'God Bless America' song was removed from Yankees and Flyers for allegedly racist song in 1930. Song was a parody of racists sung also by black people. Yankees were far more racist in the past. [Fake Racism, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ Dr. Allan Josephson was Division Chief of the University of Louisville Medical School's Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology. Had impeccable record of success. Was demoted and forced to resign after expressing unapproved ideas on treating trans children. [Trans, Silencing]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ George Eaton, a deputy editor of the New Statesman tried to smear Sir Roger Scruton as a racist, Islamophobe, homophobe and an anti-Semite. Fired by conservative cowards who did not check the story. Eaton celebrated with champagne. Released interview tapes reveal it was all fake. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Homophobia, Fake Islamophobia, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Apr 24, 2019 ~ Wake Forest is excluding white people from 'listening sessions' that aim to unironically promote 'inclusivity'. 'For staff who identify as staff of color ONLY' Anon prof not allowed to speak openly, 'ridiculous accusation that Wake Forest tolerates or encourages white supremacy' [Racism, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Apr 25, 2019 ~ Film, 'The Hunted Individual' about what happened to Bret Weinstein after he disagreed with an event where all white people had to leave campus. Violent protestors were allowed to take over the campus. A violent mob was after him. Weinstein had to leave town for his safety. [Racism, Violent Left, Silencing]
Apr 25, 2019 ~ Violent Left wing mob deplatforms another speaker at Middlebury College. 'In the interest of ensuring the SAFETY of students, faculty, staff and community members, the lecture by Ryszard Legutko scheduled for later today will not take place.' The left despises free speech. [Violent Left, Silencing]
Apr 25, 2019 ~ Protestors set off stink bomb during speech by Jeff Sessions at Amhurst College. Liberals despise free speech and they prevent audiences from listening to speakers they choose to. The violent, tyrannical left decides who is and who is not allowed to speak on a daily basis. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
May 1, 2019 ~ Once again, despicable democrats who despise free speech disrupted a pro-life talk at the University of Texas by setting of a smoke bomb and set of the fire alarm. The left shuts down speech any chance they get. Texas legislature enacts HB 2100 to try to address this thuggery. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Abortion]
May 1, 2019 ~ DePaul professor Dr. Jason Hill has been facing massive protests and death threats simply for his support of Israel on a college campus where the violent and anti-Semitic left reigns. He 'now needs security when he walks around campus.' 'It's an agenda to shut down free speech.' [Violent Left, Anti-Semitism, Silencing, College]
May 2, 2019 ~ LPGA golfer Lexi Thompson was forced off social media after the liberal mob launched a vicious smear campaign against her. Her crime was that she golfed with Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh. The mob claimed another victim. 'I will be taking a break from social media' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
May 3, 2019 ~ North Korean defectors in DC wearing MAGA hats were harassed and assaulted by a group of thugs led by 'Bigalow Black'. Took their hats and stomped on them. 'We came here to speak out about human rights abuses. And we had no right to wear a hat?' 'it was an assault on free speech' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
May 7, 2019 ~ Maya Forstater, was fired for expressing unapproved opinions about transgender issues. 'I lost my job for speaking up about women's rights, in a careful way... I worked for a think tank and I thought you ought to be able to think and talk about things. I found out I was wrong.' [Trans, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
May 7, 2019 ~ An arsonist set fire to a poster promoting a Kristan Hawkins speaking event at Western Washington University. Hawkins is the president of the pro-life student group, Students for Life of America. The left routinely shuts down dissent with fires, violence, shout downs, etc. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Abortion]
May 7, 2019 ~ Jillian Ward, a student at the University of North Carolina started punching two people in the pro-life group, Created Equal. Several punches were thrown. She was screaming that the person she was punching was a 'terrible person'. Police cited Ward for misdemeanor assault. [Violent Left, Silencing, Abortion]
May 7, 2019 ~ Mike Harlow at a Walk Away event describes the bullying and hatred that the left engages in if you step one toe out of line. 'If you think that the left loves any of these groups, try being one. Try being black or gay or transgender and disagree with them once. See what happens.' [Loathsome Left, #WalkAway, Silencing]
May 10, 2019 ~ Many states are passing bills making it illegal for therapists to 'that seeks to change an individual's gender identity, including efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions.' Transition is only permitted option to discuss even though 80% of children lose trans identity. [Silencing, Trans]
May 10, 2019 ~ Michelle Malkin facing censorship from Facebook and Instagram for supporting Laura Loomer and Gavin McInnes who those platforms have banned. 'I can to use my voice to speak for the voiceless... I do not know how much longer it will be before I am next. my days here are numbered' [Silencing, Tech Bias]
May 14, 2019 ~ Student at University of North Carolina is arrested for stealing the signs of pro life demonstrators. She was stopped by the police just as she was about to throw the signs off the building. This happens quite a bit but its never pro life people stealing pro choice signs. [Abortion, Silencing, Loathsome Left]
May 14, 2019 ~ The University of Pennsylvania, which replaced a portrait of Shakespeare with that of a black lesbian poet, no longer allows Amy Wax to teach 'any first-year required courses at Penn Law.' She had the nerve to call out the actual behaviors that lead people to poverty. [College, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
May 17, 2019 ~ Twitter suspended Heritage Foundation Media Director Greg Scott for violating the rules of 'hateful conduct'. Scott said that real biological differences between males and females makes it unfair for transgender women to compete in powerlifting. Liberals are 'gender deniers'. [Trans, Trans Athletes, Silencing, Cancel Culture, Anti-Science]
May 17, 2019 ~ Candace Owens again suspended from Twitter 'for posting that white supremacy is not a threat to black America as much as father absence and & liberal policies that incentivize it, are. I am censored for posting the poverty rates in fatherless homes' Violated 'community standards' [Silencing, Race, Tech Bias, Cancel Culture]
May 18, 2019 ~ Left wing protestors in the UK have been dumping milk shakes on political opponents like Tommy Robinson, Carl Benjamin etc. So much so that 'Police ordered a McDonald's in Scotland to stop selling milkshakes over fears people would dunk them over Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage.' [Violent Left, Silencing]
May 19, 2019 ~ The Muslim Defense League tries to shut down speech they disagree with by throwing eggs and bricks. 'VIOLENT clashes erupted at a Tommy Robinson rally yesterday as eggs and bricks were hurled into crowds.' Criticism of Islam is not allowed. Even women and children targeted. [Islam, Silencing]
May 21, 2019 ~ Left Wing fool who doesn't respect settling differences via debate or elections pelts Nigel Farage with a milk shake. Left wingers are constantly throwing things at people they disagree with like toddlers throwing a tantrum. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Silencing]
May 21, 2019 ~ Ruth Townsley, Happy City UK Policy Director openly advocates taking the milkshake attacks to the next very violent level. 'Great that milkshakes have become a thing when it comes to the racists in our midst. I'd prefer acid but milkshakes will do for now I guess'. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Silencing]
May 21, 2019 ~ Google engineer warns of 'outrage mobs and witch hunts' at Google that permit or deny speech. 'If left unchecked, these outrage mobs will hunt down any conservative, any Christian, and any independent free thinker at Google who does not bow down to their agenda.' [Silencing]
May 21, 2019 ~ United Kingdom proposing to criminalize 'Islamophobia' which they ridiculously claim 'is rooted in racism'. But Islamophobia is impossible to define. And this will end up criminalizing any criticism of a dangerous ideology which has aspects that are necessary to criticize. [Islam, Silencing, Fake Racism]
May 28, 2019 ~ Star Parker article, 'Hayley Tschetter Is a Hero'. Hayley started a chapter of YAF, Young Americas Foundation at the University of Northwestern and invited Parker to speak. The university informed her that Parker would not be allowed to speak and the YAF chapter is shut down. [Silencing, College, Cancel Culture]
May 30, 2019 ~ Boris Johnson has actually been charged in the UK with 'misconduct in public office' for making an inaccurate political claim. This 'crime' carries a maximum of life in prison. Johnson claimed the UK sends the EU 350M pounds a week which allegedly does not account for discounts. [Silencing, Free Speech]
Jun 1, 2019 ~ Left wing animal rights activist ripped the microphone out of Senator Kamala Harris's hand and started ranting. Entitled violent children have done this several times before but ALWAYS from the left. BLM took mics out of the hands of Bernie Sanders and Milo in the past. [BLM, Loathsome Left, Sanders, Silencing, Violent Left]