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Aug 7, 2019 ~ Trump donors in San Antonio speak out against their doxing by Joaquin Castro which he said was designed to get them to 'think twice'. 'what he did is sickening. I think it's disgusting? He's not a racist, I'm not a racist' as dems are 'totally trying to be brainwash people' [TDS, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 7, 2019 ~ Mitch McConnell's campaign account was suspended from Twitter because they showed the video of violent democrats chanting death threats outside of his home. This is important information that Americans should be aware of but Twitter does not want you to see what is happening. [Violent Left, Tech Bias, Silencing]
Aug 12, 2019 ~ Sarah Lawrence College Prof Samuel Abrams received harassment for exposing the 12 to 1 liberal to conservative bias on campus. 'I have received numerous threats to my safety, my family' False 'accusations of sexual assault went up around campus' Office was vandalized. [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Silencing]
Aug 13, 2019 ~ Rachel Alexander says add doxing to the list of dem silencing techniques. The left 'resorts to vicious attacks... from physical attacks to trying to destroy their careers.' 'they want to send a message as a deterrent to other people on the right that they had better lie low.' [Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Silencing]
Aug 13, 2019 ~ Sarah Silverman is sad about being kicked off a show after a black face picture of her for a comedy routine 12 years ago surfaced. But as an SWJ herself, this is the environment she helped to create. Admits its on 'the Left primarily' 'everyone is, like, throwing the first stone' [Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Aug 14, 2019 ~ University of South Dakota crates a flowchart asking white students to consider 'Are you taking up space?' 'Would your participation prevent helpful voices from being heard?' 'In practice, the flowchart asks non-minorities to not speak at all in many given situations.' [Silencing, College, Racism]
Aug 14, 2019 ~ University of Kentucky administrators joke while indefinitely denying conservative students a YAF Chapter. 'YAF activists "are going to be mad they waited forever and i denied them whoops.' Then laugh behind their backs as they string them along telling them 'resubmit, so sorry.' [Silencing, College, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Aug 19, 2019 ~ Minds.com to host an event titled 'Ending Racism, Violence and Authoritarianism' in New Jersey. The violent left has threatened to burn the theater down. 'locking them in and lighting a fire.' because they are hosting 'racist, transphobic speakers' which is totally false. [Violent Left, Silencing, Fake Racism]
Aug 20, 2019 ~ Piers Morgan acknowledges that modern liberals have become 'unbearable'. 'Populism is rising because liberals have become unbearable' 'Liberals have become utterly, pathetically illiberal... don't allow anyone else to have a different view'. No one can step one toe off their line [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Aug 20, 2019 ~ Michael McConnell, Conservative students do not feel free to express their opinions on campus 'even mainstream, reasonable views... for fear of attracting a torrent of abuse from fellow students and occasional disapproval from a small minority of ideologically intolerant faculty' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College, Cancel Culture]
Aug 21, 2019 ~ ABC puts Sean Spicer on Dancing with the Stars. Receives much unhinged hate. Queer Eye co-star Karamo Brown says hey, Spicer is 'a good guy, really sweet guy.' Brown gets so much unhinged hate, he has to DELETE TWITTER. Bobby Berk defends Brown but then has to DELETE his tweets. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Aug 25, 2019 ~ Derek Hunter, 'To the modern left, someone who agrees with them 99.99% of the time is their complete enemy.' 'They will not rest until everyone not as "pure" as they are is either dead or afraid to speak. And after that rest, they'll go after those who are afraid to speak.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture, Derek Hunter]
Aug 26, 2019 ~ #BoycottOliveGarden trends as many dems buy into the fake news that the Olive Garden or its parent co. donates to Trump. Was fake news but reveals that dems can't simply disagree. 'Never going to Olive Garden again screw you and Trump as well as the whole GOP your all scumbags' [TDS, Fake News, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Aug 26, 2019 ~ Cancel Culture is turned against the New York Times warns, 'The operation has compiled social media posts from Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and stored images of the posts that can be publicized.' I.e. exactly what the NYT and others have been doing to conservatives for years. [Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Aug 26, 2019 ~ Rich Lowry, 'I think it's a bad idea for either side to rummage through old social-media postings and writings looking for firing offenses. It's an inherently punitive project, and often an unfair one... But the rules of this game were established by the Left long ago.' [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Rich Lowry]
Aug 27, 2019 ~ The Complete Evergreen Story series. Falsely accuse Weinstein then won't let him defend 'You're going to use your rational bullshit. Fuck you, dude?You need to stop demanding that everybody use logic and reasons and white forms of knowledge to fucking prove yourself to the world' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Aug 27, 2019 ~ Dennis Prager to Harvey Spevak of Equinox, 'It is not a class act to throw your partner under the bus in order to curry favor with America's bullies - left-wing organizations that seek to crush all dissent' 'just one more frightened executive who fed the totalitarian beast' [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Dennis Prager]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Eric McCormack wants The Hollywood Reporter to provide a list of Trump supporters so they can be blacklisted by the industry in McCarthy like fashion. 'Hey, @THR, kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don't wanna work with.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Aug 30, 2019 ~ Debra Messing retweets a tweet saying black people who vote for Trump are mentally ill. She also wants McCarthyesque outing of Trump supporters for blacklisting. 'Please print a list of all attendees'. And wants the burning ashes of shooting victims thrown in 'Dana Loesch's eyes' [Loathsome Left, Racism, Silencing]
Aug 31, 2019 ~ Latino CNN contributor Steve Cortes has been sidelined by CNN for publicly debunking the Charlottesville Lie on PragerU and Townhall. That lie is central to the 2020 democrat platform and CNN could not allow a Latino on air to debunk the official 'Trump is a racist' narrative. [Silencing, Dennis Prager, Charlottesville, Fake News, Cancel Culture]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ Antifa attacks peaceful marchers & police in the Straight Pride Parade. Justify by saying, 'They are fascists, 100%. How else are you going to get them to shut up?' 'We're covered in black so when we attack these guys we can't be prosecuted' Dems have their backs with bail fund. [Antifa, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Holocaust Denial, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 3, 2019 ~ Ben Penn of Bloomberg Law falsely smears Trump Labor Department's new senior adviser Leif Olson as an anti-Semite. Pats himself on the back for forcing his resignation. So breathtaking was the dishonesty that left and right rallied around Olson and got him reinstated. No apology. [Silencing, Cancel Culture, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Sep 4, 2019 ~ The blacklisting continues. Democrats creating 'a database of Trump-supporter owned businesses in the Pittsburgh area, as well as tips for how to get those specific businesses closed down.' This is way beyond a 'boycott'. Targets small business to be 'closed down.' [TDS, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Sep 5, 2019 ~ A Finnish politician is accused of a 'Hate Crime' for sharing a Bible verse on Facebook. Police are investigating. Could face charges. Precisely why the US cannot outlaw 'hate speech'. Hate speech cannot really be defined so anyone can be a criminal if someone hates what you say. [Silencing, Fake Hate Crime, Cancel Culture]
Sep 5, 2019 ~ Tim Pool podcast titled 'Far Left Cancel Culture is Creating Secret Trump Supporters'. Many people 'are scared to say they support the President because they could lose their jobs or be blacklisted'. 73% of college GOP withhold their views in class. Secret voters favor Trump 2:1 [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Randolf and Diana Scott forced to put away their Besty Ross American Flag or be kicked out of Major League Soccer game. Told 'the Colonial flag has been adopted as a symbol for hate groups' which is untrue but even if it were, should we allow a hate group to own our original flag [Silencing, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Actor Isaiah Washington explains that walking away from the democratic party is risky. 'You got a lot of conservative or centric libertarian-minded people that really care about other people, but they are terrified to... say anything that's not in line with the Democratic Party' [Silencing, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Sep 6, 2019 ~ Natalie Wynn, transgender YouTube star tries to explain to the twitter mob that going around announcing pronouns makes some trans people uncomfortable. Everyone doing only cause they are there but she is just trying to blend in. Mob not having it. Wynn has to delete her account. [Trans, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Sep 9, 2019 ~ Eric Cervone laments how civil debate is no longer possible thanks to the left.' I had regular, vociferous debates with several of my teachers' 'Today, however, it seems that all it takes is a minor policy disagreement before epithets are thrown and calls for silencing are made' [Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Sep 13, 2019 ~ Another unhinged democrat screams at conservative Marilyn Synek of the Nebraska Family Alliance. 'You are fucking bigoted trash, and we do not want you in our restaurant, so get out and don't come back! If you do try to come back we will all refuse any service to you.' Too common [Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 17, 2019 ~ North Stanly High School in NC cheer squad is placed on probation for posing with a Trump 2020 sign in a picture. The school said we don't allow political statements unless they are songs about Obama, kneeling for the anthem, climate change protests or union contributions to dems [Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Sep 19, 2019 ~ Samuel Vanderwiel disrupted a pro life event with a bomb threat. Was arrested on one felony count of terroristic threats with reckless disregard, one count of 5th degree assault; one count of disorderly conduct; and one count of public nuisance annoy/injure/endanger safety. [Violent Left, Silencing, Abortion]
Sep 23, 2019 ~ A group of leftist activists shut down a Georgetown University College Republicans event designed to rebut the MSNBC climate change townhall. Blew horns, disrupted the event with shouting until they silenced it. Know their ideas don't hold up to scrutiny so can't allow debate. [Climate Change, Silencing, Loathsome Left]
Sep 23, 2019 ~ Democrats thugs once again assaulting Turning Point USA students and stealing their signs. This time at University of Maryland. Ironically they take a sign saying 'Free Speech Has No Zone in America.' Modern democrats despise free speech and shut it down at every opportunity. [Violent Left, Silencing, College]
Sep 25, 2019 ~ Dave Rubin has Mohawk College event cancelled due to threats of violence by Antifa. School demands 10x the security costs which Rubin offers to cover. Rubin is falsely accused of leading a 'neo-nazi' movement. Rubin, 'I lost family in the Holocaust and grew up around survivors' [Antifa, Cancel Culture, College, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 25, 2019 ~ Dr. Samuel Abrams article warning, 'Don't Write Off the Power of a Few Intimidating Undergraduates' Details his experience of being falsely labelled a racist and misogynist by activist students. Only 7% of the faculty would publicly support him. Bullied into silence by students [Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Silencing, College, Cancel Culture]
Sep 25, 2019 ~ Cancel Culture is getting out of control. Carson King raised over $1 million for Children's Hospital. Des Moines Register reports he had racist tweets back in high school which were really Tosh.0 quotes. Ironically Aaron Calvin, article author also fired for inappropriate tweets. [Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Sep 30, 2019 ~ Destructive democrats have vandalized the University of Minnesota College Republicans for the 4th year in a row! Writing crap like 'White Supremacy Kills' on their mural, democrats never debate - they just vandalize, assault, threaten and silence the opposition by any other means [Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 30, 2019 ~ Intolerant and violent leftists circulate a petition to try to ban a Ben Shapiro speech at Boston University. Falsely call him a 'racist hatemonger'. University responds by moving the talk to a much smaller location and charging $13K for security. Typical that security is needed. [Violent Left, Silencing, Fake Racism, Ben Shapiro]
Oct 1, 2019 ~ Roller Derby leagues in the UK, Canada and the US are starting to allow trans-women who have big speed and strength advantages. It's a rough sport. Many women are worrying for their safety. But those that speak out are called bigots and shamed. Seeing that, others choose silence. [Trans, Trans Athletes, Silencing]
Oct 2, 2019 ~ Charity game called The Blue Bowl to raise money for the families of fallen officers was cancelled by Thousand Oaks Police Chief Tim Hagel because Trump supporters would be speaking at the event. Hagel demanded Republicans be silenced. Cancelled event when they were not. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Police, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Oct 3, 2019 ~ Another democrat, David Jarvis, thinks its ok to take and destroy the signs of pro-life protesters. This time in Columbus, Ohio. Police question him and he admits, 'I pulled some signs down.' Jarvis charged with criminal damage/endangering. Dems shut down speech almost every day. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Abortion]
Oct 8, 2019 ~ Protesters shut down the Georgetown University speech of Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan. Typical vile behavior of today's spoiled democrats who won't let anyone hear a opposing point of view. Constant interrupting and chanting until speaker is silenced. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Oct 8, 2019 ~ FaceBook gets it right saying they will not fact check political speech. Only democrats want 'a self-appointed referee for everything that politicians say' 'our job is to make sure the court is ready, the surface is flat, the lines painted, the net at the correct height.' Obvi. [Politics, Silencing, Free Speech]
Oct 11, 2019 ~ The left again shows who they are. Many people who went to the Trump rally in Minneapolis were called 'Nazis' and punched. MAGA hats stolen off heads, lit on fire. Threw urine bottles. 'Endless vulgarities. Intimidate Trump supporters & media Surround cars' and blocked them. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Oct 15, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren thinks Facebook should become the Ministry of Truth. Criticizes it for running Trump political ads. 'It's up to you whether you take money to promote lies.' This is moronic. There is no possible way Facebook could fact check well enough to censor political speech [Silencing, Free Speech, Politics]
Oct 15, 2019 ~ Violent leftists are stopping the new documentary about Jordan Peterson from being shown. The thugs write 'Do the right thing. As much as we joke about it, we really don't want to have to bring out the guillotine to fix society.' Many theaters are caving and cancelling the show. [Violent Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Oct 16, 2019 ~ Kara Dansky of Women's Liberation Front 'It is unacceptable for males to compete in women's sports' face 'physical harm, social ostracization, risk to livelihood? fired from positions for voicing concerns for the rights, privacy and safety of women and girls' Total media blackout [Trans, Trans Athletes, Silencing]
Oct 16, 2019 ~ Another deranged democrat decides that he's not going to permit people to read signs he doesn't like. He's on video at UNLV stealing Turning Point USA signs and punching them into the garbage. Sadly this kind of silencing is almost a daily occurrence always from the left. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Oct 17, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris tries to decide which democratic value is more important, silencing dissent or false accusations of racism. She sadly calls for Twitter to ban Trump but when a reporter liked how Warren dismissed such nonsense, Harris insanely calls her tweet a 'whiteness manifest'. [Fake Racism, Harris, Silencing]

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