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Dec 24, 2019 ~ Heartland Institute releases policy brief 'Debunking the Scandinavian Socialism Myth: An Evaluation of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden' Despite Bernie talking points, these are not socialist countries. Yes they have high taxes but have freer markets than the US in many ways. [Socialism, Economics, Sanders]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Chris Matthews notes that Trump bringing Guaido to the SOTU was smart because it forced Pelosi to applaud him increasing dem rift. 'Pelosi stood up and applauded that. She knew where this country stands. We don't like those leaders. And Bernie does. And that's a problem for him.' [Socialism, Politics, Sanders]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ AOC does not like Trump criticizing socialism since she is campaigning for a socialist. She falsely accuses him of fascism. 'For a president who seems to care so much about socialism, he really doesn't seem to give a damn about introducing fascism into the United States.' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Fake News, Socialism]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ The left continues to panic as Bernie leads in the primaries. Chris Mathews, 'I've seen what socialism's like, I don't like it, OK? It's not only not free, it doesn't frickin work!' 'If Castro and the Reds had won the Cold War, there would have been executions in Central Park.' [Socialism, Politics, Sanders]
Mar 7, 2020 ~ New York Times article 'As Bernie Sanders Pushed for Closer Ties, Soviet Union Spotted Opportunity' 'Moscow saw a chance for propaganda' in Sanders and Sanders played the 'Useful Idiot' role willingly. He was 'targeted for propaganda' for his socialist and pro-Russia ideology. [Sanders, Socialism]
Mar 17, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Socialism's Past'. Prof. Williams catalogs a long list of failed socialist promises and predictions and equally untrue statements and predictions about capitalism. Among the quoted, 'Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Hugo Chavez, Maduro, and Bernie Sanders.' [Walter Williams, Economics, Socialism, Sanders]
Apr 29, 2020 ~ Left wingers vandalize city hall in Austin Texas. Break many windows, pour red paint all over and write on the walls in red paint, 'Socialist Revolution is the Cure' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Socialism]
Jul 7, 2020 ~ After passing the 'Amazon Tax', Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant threatens Amazon. Don't oppose it or 'We are coming for you and your rotten system.' and all of capitalism. 'We are coming to dismantle this... racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Socialism, Taxes]
Aug 6, 2020 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'The Worst Idea' Socialism is the idea that won't die no matter how much evidence of failure. 'historically, socialism has consistently delivered the opposite of its promises: more inequality, more poverty, more oppression, more environmental degradation'. [Kevin Williamson, Socialism]
Nov 2, 2020 ~ Kamala Harris tweets out a video saying, 'there’s a big difference between equality and equity.' She says unless we have equality of outcome for everyone, there is no equity. Equality of outcome is a Communist idea that doesn't work, kills all incentive and requires violence. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Harris, Socialism]
Nov 17, 2020 ~ Thousands protest against socialism in Argentina. Democrats want to bring it here to America. [Socialism]
Jul 14, 2021 ~ The Cuban people protest in the streets against Communism and for freedom ("libertad") waving the American Flag. Democrats and the #FakeNews who love socialism and Cuban dictators but hate the American Flag lie, saying the protest is about #COIVD19. Biden does not support them. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Socialism]
Jul 19, 2021 ~ Writer of Fake History Nikole Hannah-Jones says "Cuba has the least inequality between black and white people of any place really in the hemisphere." "Cuba actually has the least inequality and that’s largely due to socialism." Everyone is equally destitute, yes due to socialism. [Economics, Fake News, Identity Politics, Socialism]
Jul 21, 2021 ~ Star Parker, 'The Perverse Agenda of Black Lives Matter' "Cuba ranks as one of the world's least free countries. Out of a possible score of 100, Cuba scores 13. In political rights, out of a top score of 40, Cuba gets a 1." #BLM and fools like @AOC say this is the US's fault. [BLM, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Socialism]
Oct 10, 2021 ~ Socialist Venezuela slides deeper into its predictable poverty. Now 76.6% of Venezuelans now live in extreme poverty, rising nearly 10% in a single year. Long list of Democrats who had praised Venezuela's move toward socialism. They want to bring that kind of poverty to the USA. [Economics, Poverty, Socialism]
Oct 27, 2021 ~ John Stossel, 'Lessons from Venezuela' Everything the Democrats want to bring to the US has failed hugely in Venezuela. Hate speech laws, packing the Supreme Court, gun control, printing money leading to inflation and hyperinflation. [Economics, Guns-Mass Shootings, John Stossel, SCOTUS, Socialism]
Sep 10, 2022 ~ Mussolini, “The foundation of Fascism is the conception of the State, its character, its duty, and its aim. Fascism conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived of in their relation to the State.” [Politics, Socialism]
Feb 4, 2023 ~ 'Dying to Escape Socialism' "Between 25,000 and 40,000 people (men, women, and children, entire families at a time) have died trying to escape Castro and Che Guevara’s Cuba." All while Democrats and other useless idiots were praising how wonderful Cuba is. [Socialism]
Aug 27, 2023 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Democrats And The Hitler Lie' More progressive/left means more and bigger government. More govt. control. Limit is dictatorship. More conservative/right means less government, more freedom; limit is anarchy. Therefore, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol  Pot, Castro, Mussolini, Marcos, Chavez, Kim are all progressive/leftists. The Nazi party were the 'National Socialists.' [Derek Hunter, Loathsome Left, Politics, Socialism, Violent Left]
Aug 29, 2023 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Why Young Americans Are Not Taught about Evil' Because "nearly all the genocides of the 20th century were committed by Communists and the Left, which runs virtually all educational institutions, has always had a soft spot for communism." [Dennis Prager, Education, Loathsome Left, Socialism]
Jul 8, 2024 ~ Allen West, 'The Empty Wagon' Advice from his father: "An empty wagon makes a lot of noise," which is why Democrats "are loud, obnoxious, violent, full of maniacal rants, and publicly unhinged." An empty wagon is also "easy to tip over." Explains the emptiness of socialism. [Politics, Socialism, Violent Left]
Dec 9, 2024 ~ 'The Milei Revolution' "Between 1980 and 2023, Argentina was one of the few countries in the West that saw a relative decrease in living standard."   "Finally, the Argentine people had enough. They elected as president Javier Milei, an audacious and magnetic Austrian school economist dedicated to free markets. 'Viva la libertad, carajo!' he shouted while wielding a chainsaw -- signifying proposed cuts to government spending -- on the campaign trail. As Milei told the arrogant interventionists at Davos, 'Economic freedom, limited government and unlimited respect for private property are essential elements for economic growth. The impoverishment produced by collectivism is not a fantasy, nor is it an inescapable fate. It's a reality that we Argentines know very well.'"   "And the results are nothing short of astonishing. While shouting 'afuera!' he has cut the number of ministries from 18 to eight, fired members of the bloated public sector en masse and dumped the corrupt intermediaries in the welfare system. He has slashed the budget by 32%, brought a fiscal surplus for the first time in years, and brought inflation down from a month-on-month rate of 25% to 2%. The stock market has skyrocketed; investors are once again looking at Argentina as a target for their money." [Ben Shapiro, Economics, Economy, Politics, Socialism]

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