Dec 16, 2017 ~ Eminem is absurdly smearing Donald Trump, 'get this Aryan a sheet' Violent fantasies about having Ivanka in the trunk of his car who he calls a 'dumb little blonde girl, motherfuckin' baton twirler'. Violent rape fantasies about Ann Coulter, 'fuck Ann Coulter with a lamp post'. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Dec 16, 2017 ~ Eminem raps Anti-Trump song - typical smears about Trump being a racist - says 'Fuck You' to any Trump supporters and the rest of America needs to say how they 'fucking hate Trump' - meanwhile his lyrics are very misogynistic [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Dec 26, 2017 ~ The Slate complains that Hallmark Christmas movies have too many white leads with 'white nationalist haircuts' Also that there are not enough Muslims in a Christmas movie! Ridiculously tie to Trump: 'they all depict a fantasy world in which America has been Made Great Again.' [TDS, Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia]
Dec 28, 2017 ~ Newsweek article, 'How Trump And The Nazis Stole Christmas To Promote White Nationalism'. Saying 'Merry Christmas' Is 'Promoting White Nationalism'. Article insanely links 'Merry Christmas' to White Supremacy, Nazis, Hitler, anti-Muslim, anti-minority white identity politics. [TDS, Fake Racism, Fake News, Loathsome Left, Fake Islamophobia, Holocaust Denial]
Dec 29, 2017 ~ BuzzFeed publishes yet another blatantly racist article titled '37 Things White People Need To Stop Ruining In 2018'. One of those 'things' was 'United States of America' because they voted for Trump. Such vile racism would be unacceptable if against any other group of people. [TDS, Racism]
Jan 2, 2018 ~ Lisa Bloom got donations to pay women big money to accuse Trump of sexual misconduct. Susie Buell donated $500k, David Brock $200k and other Hillary donors. One woman was offered $750k. Attempt to influence the election. Don't make accusations so lucrative if you want the truth. [TDS, Witch Hunt]
Jan 8, 2018 ~ Joy Behar says we're 'throwing democracy out of the window every single day' and Whoopie says though we're 'not yet' stoning gays in the street, we must be on the road to doing that. [TDS, Fake Homophobia]
Jan 11, 2018 ~ Trump could destroy the entire human species says Yale Psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee. Lee, who is totally sane, warned Congress of 'the greatest risk of danger, one that could even mean the extinction of the human species. This is not hyperbole. This is the reality.' [TDS]
Jan 13, 2018 ~ Terry McAuliffe and Chris Matthews indulge in thuggish fantasy about physically beating up President Trump - 'You would have to pick him up off the floor'. Matthews laughed while stereotyping Irish people saying McAuliffe, 'sounds like an Irish-American politician.' [TDS, Violent Left]
Jan 14, 2018 ~ Hawaii state agency falsely tells people missiles incoming - liberals stupidly blame Trump. Jamie Lee Curtis 'YOUR ARROGANCE. HUBRIS. NARCISSISM. RAGE. EGO. IMMATURITY and your UNSTABLE IDIOCY. Shame on your hate filled self. YOU DID THIS!' Trump Derangement Syndrome is real... [TDS, Fake News]
Jan 21, 2018 ~ Clemson Prof Bart Knijnenburg calls for violence against GOP. 'all republicans are racist scum'. 'I admire anyone who stands up against white supremacy, Violent or non-violent... by any means necessary. #PunchNazis' Demands 'denounce your affiliation, or admit you're a racist' [TDS, Violent Left, Fake Racism, Silencing]
Jan 21, 2018 ~ Cory Booker compares Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to a Nazi enabler - 'we know what happened in Europe when people just did their jobs.' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Jan 27, 2018 ~ Cher publicly shames Sarah Sanders on how she dresses. 'Would someone tell Sarah Huckabee Sanders to stop dressing like a sister wife'. Posts a picture to shame Sanders. Cher's twitter feed reveals what an awful person she is - the left treats women horribly and then lectures. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Sexism]
Jan 27, 2018 ~ Eminem says 'A fucking turd would have been better as a president.' [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jan 28, 2018 ~ Book 'Fire and Fury' trashes Trump and his family - Bannon is quoted saying Don treasonous and Ivanka dumb as rocks - book has so many known errors it can't be trusted for anything. Trump calls the book 'fiction'. [TDS, Fake News]
Feb 4, 2018 ~ After State of the Union Speech, James Clyburn says 'I 'can only equate one period of time with what we are experiencing now, and that was what was going on in Germany around 1934 right after the 1932 elections when Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor.' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Feb 4, 2018 ~ Black Democrats Boycott Trump's SOTU Over His 'Racism, Sexism and Bigotry,' But Swoon Over Racist, Mass-murdering Stalinists Like Fidel and Raul Castro [TDS]
Feb 6, 2018 ~ Stephen Moore, 'Are Democrats and Liberals Rooting Against America?' - so blinded by Trump hatred, they won't acknowledge where his policies benefit most Americans and actively work against him - the better things get for the US, the more unhappy they are [TDS]
Feb 6, 2018 ~ Dumb even by democrat standards - Schiff says The Russians 'really glad that we have' a second amendment because they 'would be thrilled if we were doing nothing but killing each other every day, and sadly we are' [TDS, Russia, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Feb 11, 2018 ~ Adam Schiff gets punked - falls for prank where he thought he was in communications with Russians who could provide naked pictures of Trump. Schiff was going to pay Russians for dirt on Trump while falsely accusing Trump of colluding with Russians for dirt on Hillary. [TDS, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
Feb 11, 2018 ~ Michelle Malkin pens 'Memo to Dan Rather: Shut Up About The Memo'. She thoroughly details his downfall and the history of why he is the father of Fake News. 'Perpetuated journalistic fraud of the highest order.' Yet he pompously and constantly criticizes everything about Trump. [TDS, Fake News]
Feb 11, 2018 ~ Erick Erickson, There is nothing Trump and the GOP can do that Democrats would not declare to be the end of the world from the Paris Agreement, to tax reform, to net neutrality, to releasing the memo - they look ridiculous and hysterical - we should all be dead already. [TDS]
Feb 11, 2018 ~ Trump keeps laying rakes down and Dems can't help but step on them - gets them to come out against honoring the troops and country with parade and anthem issue - gets them to be against the good economy and worker bonuses etc. Gets them to defend MS-13 by being against. [TDS]
Feb 20, 2018 ~ Sad new Trend - Olympic Athletes announcing their disapproval of Trump or Pence with no prompting and then becoming surprised when attention to their political statements overshadows their Olympic results. [TDS]
Feb 20, 2018 ~ Kurt Schlichter, 'Progressives Must Stop Using Terror To Try And Intimidate Conservatives' - White powder sent to Donald Trump Jr. - Bernie Bro shoots at Republican Congressman - Liberal physically attacks Rand Paul - assassination fantasies becoming common on the left. [TDS, Violent Left, Sanders]
Mar 5, 2018 ~ Barbra Streisand blames Trump for Parkland school shooting even though school shootings happened under Clinton, Bush and Obama. 'Trump brings out the violence in people' she offers as the explanation for the Parkland shooter. Also claims 2000, 2004 and 2016 elections were stolen. [TDS, Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Mar 27, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Trump, Adultery, Morality' Ridiculous to say that Trump's adultery overshadows the good he has done and continues to do for America and the world - see also JFK, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Martin Luther King Jr. and many many others. [TDS, Dennis Prager, Politics]
Apr 1, 2018 ~ Fake Outrage - Trump congratulates Vladimir Putin's election win - idiots lose their minds as if its the worst thing ever - except Obama did the same thing under similar circumstances. Trump did not call specifically to congratulate him - had other things to discuss. [TDS, Russia, Fake News]
Apr 5, 2018 ~ Sandra Bernhard explains why women voted for Trump because "It's being either under the thumb of your husband? or feeling inadequate, feeling like, 'How can somebody [like Hillary] be so educated". "A lot of women... have not had the luxury of being able to think for themselves' [TDS, Sexism]
Apr 7, 2018 ~ Washington Post Max Boot says stupid Russian Facebook ad buy 'Worst Attack on America Since 9-11' - other people equally deranged - making idiots of themselves. Most of the ads were bought after the election - did not affect the election. Total madness. They had almost no effect. [TDS, Russia Hoax]
Apr 7, 2018 ~ Sean Penn's debut novel is Trump assassination porn - 'we are a nation in need of an assassin' [TDS, Violent Left]
Apr 7, 2018 ~ Joe Biden threatens Trump with violence - 'If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him' - Trump responds of course - 'Don't threaten people Joe!' [TDS, Violent Left, Biden]
Apr 16, 2018 ~ Jimmy Kimmel 'insults' Trump by calling him gay and imagining him doing gay sex acts - some on the left don't get you can't claim its fine to be gay AND use being gay as an insult. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Homophobia]
Apr 20, 2018 ~ Comedian Maria Bamford files a restraining order from Donald Trump in court over his tweets about North Korea. [TDS, North Korea]
Apr 28, 2018 ~ Democratic Party files a lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign, and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 election. 'This constituted an act of unprecedented treachery... in league with a hostile foreign power to bolster its own chance to win the presidency.' Total loons! [TDS, Russia Hoax]
Apr 29, 2018 ~ Kevin McCullough, Why the 'Resistance' is failing besides just that it is idiotic - Trump's successes far outweighing the bad things - from the economy to foreign relation successes [TDS]
Apr 29, 2018 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'Revolution and Worse to Come' - VDH summarizes all of the ridiculous and embarrassing ways that the so called 'resistance' has tried to get rid of Trump by unconstitutional, undemocratic and profane ways [TDS, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Victor Davis Hanson]
Apr 29, 2018 ~ Students are surprised to learn Obama sent troops to the border, too. They were in the middle of declaring Trump a racist dictator or something for trying to secure our border. Time and again, Trump is called a racist for doing the EXACT SAME THINGS that dems did or advocated. [TDS, Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
May 5, 2018 ~ Snoop Dogg's Cousin Daz Dillinger sends message to Crip Gang Members. 'Yo national alert, all the Crips out there, y'all fuck Kanye up' because he supports President Trump. '. Better not ever see you around California... Cuz we got a Crip alert for Kanye.' [TDS, Violent Left, Silencing]
May 5, 2018 ~ So Called Comedian Michelle Wolf Targets Appearance of Huckabee Sanders At White House Correspondents Dinner. Really despicable display of hatred against Trump, Ivanka, Sanders, Conway etc. Abuse was so brutal that even liberals condemn. Mika Brzezinski, 'I hurt for Sarah.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Sexism]
May 6, 2018 ~ A mural at MAAC Community Charter School in Chula Vista California depicts President Trump's severed head on a spear. The spear is going through the back of his head and exiting through his mouth. [TDS, Violent Left, California]
May 6, 2018 ~ Two Laguna Hills High School teachers in California allow students to beat on a Donald Trump pinata - such extreme disrespect and violence would never have been tolerated against President Obama. [California, TDS, Violent Left]
May 14, 2018 ~ Leonard Pitts, a man who understands nothing, says 'I'm done trying to understand Trump supporters'. Claims he understands them and they are angry about whites becoming a minority and elected Trump to reverse that - but that has nothing whatsoever to do with it. The great smear. [TDS, Fake Racism]
May 17, 2018 ~ Heather Wilhelm, 'Tough Times for the Resistance' - The whole Resistance thing is looking more and more ridiculous - as they hyperventilate every day for over a year over nonsense, Trump keeps racking up successes, accomplishments and approval ratings. [TDS, Trump Win]
May 22, 2018 ~ Deranged Democrat Jonathan Oddi arrested for firing gunshots in the lobby of the Trump National Doral while shouting anti-Trump rhetoric. Oddi was shot multiple times in a firefight with police. [TDS, Violent Left]
May 22, 2018 ~ White House weighs in on Laurel vs. Yanny debate - Progressives get really upset - tell them to 'stop pretending they're human' - criticize their whiteness etc. Tell them to focus on going to jail for 'collusion'. TDS dems are just joyless, hate-filled angry people all the time. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
May 31, 2018 ~ More Fake News that many many liberals fell for. 'ICE Prison Bus For Babies'. Moby tweets 'what the hell is wrong with our country - Trump's America a land of belligerence and cruelty and unspeakable heartlessness, republican monsters' Picture from Obama era. Used for field trip. [TDS, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Jun 1, 2018 ~ Most if not all of the pictures dems are using to 'prove' the 'kids in cages' narrative are from the Obama era. Samantha Bee is one of the useless idiots who fell for the fake news. This leads her to call First Daughter Ivanka Trump a 'cunt' on TV- her vile crowd cheered. [TDS, Fake News, Illegal Immigration, Loathsome Left]
Jun 3, 2018 ~ Liberal Media Embarrasses Themselves Over Trump Hinting At Good Jobs Report - said it was 'Illegal & Unprecedented' for a President to hint at content of upcoming job report. Whatever Trump does is bad. But its ok when others have done the same thing. Forgot even Obama did it. [TDS, Fake News]
Jun 3, 2018 ~ Keith Olbermann tweets 'Fuck you @RealDonaldTrump Nazi Nazi fuck Nazi Nazi RACIST Nazi BIGOT go fuck yourself fucking Nazi fuckers' - rehired by ESPN - has made hundreds more equally offensive and deranged statements [TDS, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial, Fake Racism]