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Dec 31, 2016 ~ Pat Buchanan, 'Trump Right on Trade Predators' - According to the WTO, Britain, France, Spain, Germany and the EU pumped $22 billion in illegal subsidies into Airbus to swindle Boeing out of the sale of 375 commercial jets and other examples. Taken advantage of. [Trade, Economics]
Feb 18, 2017 ~ John Hawkins, 'Donald Trump's Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office' - moving fast. Including ordering agencies to cut two regulations for every new one they propose. Approving the Dakota and Keystone Pipelines, Killing the TPP, Selecting Neil Gorsuch for SCOTUS. [Trump Win, SCOTUS, Energy, Regulations, Trade]
May 13, 2017 ~ Walter Williams, 'Trade Ignorance and Demagoguery' Economist Walter Williams explains again why trade deficits are not a problem to be solved and trying to solve them will do more harm than good - his best attempt. [Walter Williams, Economics, Trade]
Aug 7, 2017 ~ Scott Rasmussen, 'Automation is Nothing New' In 1900 33% of Americans worked on farms, now its 1% displacing millions of workers - tons of examples of new jobs created when old jobs wen away. Don't need Universal Basic Income to deal with it - Global Trade still good for workers. [Economics, Trade]
Mar 10, 2018 ~ U.S. Steel to Call Back 500 Employees to Illinois Plant After Trump Announces Tariffs on Foreign Steel [Trump Win, Economics, Trade, Tariffs]
May 27, 2018 ~ Trump's trade war with China is already paying dividends - China Pledges $200 Billion in U.S. Purchases by Overhauling Trade Rules [Trump Win, China, Trade, Tariffs]
Jul 31, 2018 ~ Trump Announces E.U. Has Granted Trade Concessions in response to his trade war including unfair trading practices, including intellectual property- still working toward goal of 0 tariffs - got Germany to buy more US gas [Trump Win, Economy, Trade]
Aug 27, 2018 ~ Trump negotiates 'United States Mexico Trade Agreement', the new improved NAFTA without Canada - puts the pressure on Canada to do a similar deal that is better for both countries. Trump shows tough negotiating skills leaving Canada out until they are willing to do a fair deal. [Trump Win, Economy, Trade]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ Trump brings Canada back in and negotiates a New NAFTA Deal with Mexico and Canada called USMCA - Even Schumer and left wing economists admit that it is a better deal than original NAFTA - 10 yr drug patent protection means Americans don't subsidize the world. [Trump Win, Economics, Trade]
May 12, 2019 ~ Steve Moore article, 'Why free traders and all Americans should back Trump on China policy' 'I'm a free trader and I hate tariffs - which are consumer taxes' Everyone including Trump wants a level playing field but China's tariffs were 2.5 times ours. 'status quo is untenable' [Economics, Trade, China]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ The Trump Administration and House Democrats have reached an agreement on the United States, Mexico and Canada Agreement, USMCA. This replacement for NAFTA was something Trump always wanted to do. Nancy Pelosi says 'it's a victory for America's workers.' 'much better than NAFTA'. [Trump Win, Economy, Trade]
Dec 12, 2019 ~ Forbes, Trump signs 'Phase One' China Trade deal 'leading Wall Street investors to rejoice.' 'promises by China to buy more U.S. farm goods' existing tariffs cut by 50% covering '$360 billion of Chinese goods' Next round of tariffs cancelled covering '$156B of Chinese goods' [Trump Win, Economy, Trade, China]
Dec 15, 2019 ~ Larry Kudlow on USMCA and China deals, 'it does show that President Trump's example of being a tough hard nosed bargainer on trade and economic matters works? he has accomplished stuff here in the trading area that no one and I mean no one in our memory has been able to achieve.' [Trump Win, Economy, Trade, China]
Dec 22, 2019 ~ Labor Unions proclaim that the USMCA trade agreement Trump insisted on is far better than NAFTA for workers. United Steelworkers President Thomas Conway, 'certainly better than NAFTA'. AFL-CIO's Trumka 'a far cry from the original NAFTA, and that is a huge win for working people' [Trump Win, Economy, Trade]
Jan 16, 2020 ~ Trump signs the 'Phase One' trade deal with China after over a year of negotiations. Cuts tariffs in half. China agreed to stop many unfair trade practices and committed to purchasing $200 billion worth of American goods over 2 years, manufacturing, energy, agricultural exports. [Trump Win, Economy, Trade, China]
Jan 29, 2020 ~ President Trump signed the historic USMCA United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the USMCA fulfilling a campaign promise to replace the flawed NAFTA. Even democrats and union leaders agree that USMCA is far better than NAFTA. Expected to create 80,000 new auto jobs alone. [Trump Win, Economy, Trade]
Sep 10, 2020 ~ Biden admits that the U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade deal is 'better than NAFTA.' Biden helped pass NAFTA and he and Obama vowed to pass a better one but in 8 years they never did. Tapper, 'He renegotiated NAFTA and you didn’t.' Biden, 'It is better than NAFTA.' [Biden, Trade, Trump Win]
Sep 11, 2023 ~ The California Assembly passes AB 957 which allows the state to take custody of children away from parents who do not 'affirm' their child's trans or 'non-binary' gender. The still sane cannot flee California fast enough. [California, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Trade]

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