Apr 17, 2017 ~ Biological girl, Mack Beggs, transitioning to a boy wins TX state girls wrestling title supplemented by testosterone - Transgender Controversy - amounts to allowing trans kids to take performance enhancing drugs or males to compete against girls. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 27, 2017 ~ Transgender NZ weightlifter Laurel Hubbard wins the female weightlifting championship title. Hubbard competed as a male weightlifter before becoming transgender. Hubbard crushed the female competition. Biological females can't compete with biological males in contests of strength [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 25, 2018 ~ Transgender High School wrestler Mack Beggs is booed after beating a girl in the state semifinals. Beggs was on steroids because of transitioning to a boy but that would be disqualifying performance enhancement in any other case. Beggs went unsurprisingly 33-0 for the season. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 26, 2018 ~ Transgender High School wrestler Mack Beggs wins the Texas girls’ state wrestling title for second time. Mack was born female but takes testosterone to 'transition' to male. Testosterone would be considered a performance enhancing drug in any other circumstance. Obviously unfair. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 19, 2018 ~ Transgender woman Tifanny Abreu is dominating female Brazilian volleyball. Abreu who was male for most of her life has significant physical advantages over natural born females. If she makes the Olympics, she takes a female athlete's spot. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 17, 2018 ~ Two biological boys, Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood win track events in Connecticut shutting girls out from advancing. Miller set 2 state records. Female records are being erased one by one and the books are being filled with records unattainable for actual females. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 22, 2018 ~ The Guardian, 'Mexico: 15 fake transgender candidates disqualified from election'. Men were pretending to be trans to get political seats they could not otherwise win. '19 places designated for women ? were filled by men who say they're transgender.' Similar to sports problem. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ Biological male, Rachel McKinnon wins female World Cycling Championship - Beats women who trained their whole life for it - one by one, female records are being erased from record books - feminists should be outraged but most are silent. Those who are not are called 'radical'. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 6, 2018 ~ Trump 'Is The Women's Rights Champion' says Michelle Cretella, exec. director of the American College of Pediatricians. His new policy prevents 'female erasure' in sports etc. 'because he is preventing men from inserting themselves into the legal and cultural definition of women' [Trump Win, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 16, 2018 ~ Until 2016, Hannah Mouncey played for Australia's men's handball league. But after transitioning to a woman, the 6-2, 220-pound Mouncey is utterly dominating Australia's women's handball league. Absurdly bigger and stronger than the women. This farce has to end. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Dec 26, 2018 ~ Martina Navratilova stands up for female athletes being beaten by biological males. 'You can't just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women. There must be some standards and having a penis and competing as a woman would not fit that standard.' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 4, 2019 ~ USA Powerlifting Bans Transgender Women from Female-Only Competitions. 'Male-to-female transgenders are not allowed to compete as females in our static strength sports as it is a direct competitive advantage' - big win for sanity and for women. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 5, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar writes letter to USA Powerlifting, 'The myth that trans women have a 'direct competitive advantage' is not supported by medical science'. This patently absurd comment is not supported by medical science which has identified at least half a dozen significant advantages. [Trans, Trans Athletes, Anti-Science, Omar]
Feb 20, 2019 ~ LGBTQ Sports Group Expels Martina Navratilova After Transgender Criticism. 'Athlete Ally' called Navratilova 'transphobic' and said she 'has been removed from our Advisory Board and as an Athlete Ally Ambassador, effective immediately.' Martina is anti-LGBT say the loons. [Trans, Trans Athletes, LGBT, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Feb 20, 2019 ~ The LGBT L's are starting to war with the T's - L's don't like men invading what were supposed to be 'women's spaces' like sports and women's shelters - feminism is to blame for preaching only 'superficial physical differences' between the sexes for decades. [Trans, Trans Athletes, LGBT]
Feb 25, 2019 ~ Two male runners who identify as female continue to dominate high school girls' track in Connecticut. They took 1st AND 2nd place in the state championship. This nullifies the years of dedicated, brutally hard work of the female runners. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Apr 13, 2019 ~ Dems pass HR 5, 'Equality Act' to amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include 'sexual orientation and gender identity'. It would require all female athletics to allow trans females to compete. Julia Beck, self described 'radical feminist' says 'Men will dominate female sports.' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 1, 2019 ~ Transgender powerlifter Mary Gregory who spend most of her life as a man, won 9 out of 9 powerlifting events at the 100% Raw Weightlifting Federation competition and smashed 4 female world records. Male bodies will claim more and more female records until this madness stops. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 12, 2019 ~ Dr. Michelle Cretella, executive director of the American College of Pediatricians talks about the 'Equality Act'. 'There won't be anymore girls sports'. 'You don't get anymore anti-science than the claim that there are no biological differences between males and females.' [Trans, Trans Athletes, Anti-Science]
May 12, 2019 ~ The 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation has stripped transgender powerlifter Mary Gregory of the records she broke. She broke 4 female powerlifting world records in 1 day but the federation says they are invalid because Gregory actually 'is male.' Not all federations followed suit. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 17, 2019 ~ Twitter suspended Heritage Foundation Media Director Greg Scott for violating the rules of 'hateful conduct'. Scott said that real biological differences between males and females makes it unfair for transgender women to compete in powerlifting. Liberals are 'gender deniers'. [Trans, Trans Athletes, Silencing, Cancel Culture, Anti-Science]
May 17, 2019 ~ Democrats unanimously pass the 'Equality Act' that will force schools and all sport organizations to allow biological males to compete as females. Many say this would be the end of women's and girl's sports. Doctors say they would be forced to do unnecessary medical procedures. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
May 26, 2019 ~ CeCe Telfer ranked 390 among males continues to dominate taking 1st place in almost every woman's division collegiate event and continues to break records even though she was born male and only 'transitioned' last year. This is extremely unfair to her female competitors. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 5, 2019 ~ A new Rasmussen survey 'finds that just 28% of American Adults favor allowing transgender students to participate on the sports team of the gender they identify with, letting biological males, for example, play girls' sports.', something that is required by the 'Equality Act' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 18, 2019 ~ It turns out that one of the most widely cited studies on Transgender Athletes is essentially garbage. Study by Joanna Harper supposedly showed that transgender females do not have a performance advantage over biological females. 'only eight subjects who were self-reporting' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 19, 2019 ~ Three Connecticut high school girls have filed a federal discrimination complaint 'one of these male athletes now holds ten records inside the state of Connecticut that were once held by ten individual girls and were established over the course of about a twenty year period'. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 16, 2019 ~ Transgender woman Laurel Hubbard entered 3 weightlifting categories in the 2019 Pacific Games in Samoa and won 2 gold medals and a silver medal. Why is no one speaking up for biological women being denied their medals and having their records erased from the record books? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 29, 2019 ~ New study by the Journal of Medical Ethics. 'We conclude that the advantage to transwomen afforded by the IOC guidelines is an intolerable unfairness.' They detail at least six' 'natural advantages' that 'will be maintained' including bone density, heart and lung capacity etc. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 27, 2019 ~ Study conducted by the the Karolinska Institute shows that trans female athletes retain significant athletic advantages over biological females even after taking hormones for a year or more. Latest in a long line of studies showing the same thing. Everyone knows it. Literally. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 1, 2019 ~ Roller Derby leagues in the UK, Canada and the US are starting to allow trans-women who have big speed and strength advantages. It's a rough sport. Many women are worrying for their safety. But those that speak out are called bigots and shamed. Seeing that, others choose silence. [Trans, Trans Athletes, Silencing]
Oct 2, 2019 ~ Some UK rugby referees are quitting rather than see female players be injured by the bigger and stronger trans females who are now playing. 'being forced to prioritize hurt feelings over broken bones exposes me to personal litigation from female players who have been harmed.' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 14, 2019 ~ Cheryl Radachowsky in NY Post op-ed 'As a parent, it is gut-wrenching to know that no matter how hard my daughter works to achieve her goals, she will lose athletic opportunities to a pernicious gender ideology.' Will 'eliminate fair play for all biological females in all sports' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 16, 2019 ~ Kara Dansky of Women's Liberation Front 'It is unacceptable for males to compete in women's sports' face 'physical harm, social ostracization, risk to livelihood? fired from positions for voicing concerns for the rights, privacy and safety of women and girls' Total media blackout [Trans, Trans Athletes, Silencing]
Oct 21, 2019 ~ A transgender woman named Rachel McKinnon, won the women's World Cycling Championship AND set a women's world record. McKinnon wouldn't even place in the men's top ten. More women's championships and records being set by biological males. When will people say 'Enough'? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 21, 2019 ~ Rachel McKinnon, trans gender cycling 'champion' and world record holder says any woman who has a problem competing in sports with biological males is a 'loser'. 'Real champions want stronger competition. If you win because bigotry got your competition banned, you're a loser'. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Trans female runner June Eastwood finished first at the University of Montana's Invitational competition. Eastwood was also named the Big Sky Conference 'Female Athlete of the Week'. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 25, 2019 ~ The Babylon Bee satirizes the trans athlete issue, 'Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record' 'In an inspiring story... a motorcyclist who identifies as a bicyclist has crushed all the regular bicyclists, setting an unbelievable world record.' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 29, 2019 ~ Madeleine Kearns, 'Rachel McKinnon Is a Cheat and a Bully'. RM, a trans female who is the 'World Champion' of women's cycling is also taking female records. Kearns gives many examples of RM's nastiness and bullying. RM calls Martina Navratilova and Abigail Shrier a 'transphobe'. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 1, 2019 ~ Meghan Murphy stands up for women and girls. 'Women who have raised concerns about the impact of gender identity ideology and legislation, have been fired from their jobs, threatened, punched, kicked out of their left-wing political parties, ostracized' 'incredibly authoritarian' [Trans, Trans Athletes, Silencing, Violent Left]
Nov 4, 2019 ~ Trans woman Maxine Blythin is named Kent Woman Cricketer of the Year. No transition or hormones required. 'Fair Play For Women' says 'one day women's teams will only consist of just male "women"? Women will be on the bench watching their own sport played by second-rate males.' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Nov 7, 2019 ~ Joe Rogan stands up for women athletes, 'It's undeniable by the world records that these trans women are winning. They're beating biological women by giant numbers.' 'In every single case the biological women are getting fucked over.' Rogan attacked hard but 'a hill I'll die on.' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 22, 2020 ~ Transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox was named the 'bravest athlete in history' by Outsports. Fox, a biological male, has destroyed female fighters, knocking one unconscious ending her career. Fox also gave Tamikka Brents a concussion breaking 7 orbital bones in her face. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 21, 2020 ~ Three Connecticut high school girls have sued the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference for Title IX infringement. Title IX prohibits excluding people from participation 'on the basis of sex'. Girl records, wins and spots eliminated due to biological males in the race. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 26, 2020 ~ Connecticut Republicans award high school girls Chelsea Mitchell, Alanna Smith and Selina Soule the party's 'Courage Award' for filing a lawsuit against the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference for allowing biological males to unfairly compete in women's sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 27, 2020 ~ Rapper, author, and podcast host Zuby is suspended from Twitter for literally saying 'Ok dude.' He was reported for 'hateful conduct' because he was responding to Emily Gorcenski, who is a trans woman. Zuby previously illustrated the absurdity of allowing males in female sports. [Trans, Trans Athletes, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Feb 28, 2020 ~ Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard wins two gold medals, destroying all females, Piers Morgan says, 'This is insane. Women's rights to basic fairness & equality are getting destroyed at the altar of political correctness' 'rather obvious fact' trans women have huge advantage [Trans, Trans Athletes, Political Correctness]
Mar 3, 2020 ~ Biological male June Eastwood, formerly Jonathan Eastwood not only continues to place first in female events, he's setting records. He currently holds the fastest women's mile time in the Big Sky Conference. He previously won 'Women's Athlete of the Week!' Yay Women! [College, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 25, 2020 ~ Bill Barr and the Trump Administration defend women and girls. Say that biological males should not be able to take titles, records and spots from females. Title 9 guarantees 'single-sex athletic competitions' 'Girls... should never be forced to be spectators in their own sports' [Trump Win, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 25, 2020 ~ Trump Administration defends women and girls. Barr, Per 'Title IX, the basis for single-sex athletics is rooted in the reality of biological differences between the sexes. Clearly then, eligibility to participate in a single-sex team must be based on objective biological fact.' [Trump Win, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Mar 31, 2020 ~ Ohio signs the Fairness for Women in Sports Act prohibiting trans females from competing in female sports. 'When we ignore biological reality, female athletes lose medals, podium spots, public recognition, and opportunities to compete' Every female record will be held by males. [Trans, Trans Athletes]