Mar 27, 2023 ~ Trans activists got violent again. This time at the "Let Women Speak" conference in New Zealand. The violent thugs attacked Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull before she could speak. If not for the protection of her security, she could have ended up severely injured or dead. "I genuinely thought if I fell to the floor I would never get up again, my children would lose their mother and my husband would lose his wife. My security saved my life today, no words can express my gratitude." "If women can’t name ourselves, speak about our lives, our bodies, our boundaries and our rights, in public and in ordinary language - then we lose EVERYTHING. We cannot let these people intimidate us into silence. Time to stand up folks, like the lady says." [Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
Mar 27, 2023 ~ Another mob of spoiled, woke, violent children shut down Author Mary Eberstadt's speech at Furman University. Other conservative speakers were mobbed. Needed security. Never "experienced a crowd so uninterested in learning, and so unwilling to hear.” “filled with malice.” Typical [CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Mar 31, 2023 ~ Wayne State University professor Steven Shaviro criticized the Stanford Law spoiled children because they shouted down Judge Duncan instead of killing him. "I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down." Of course, sick bastards like Shaviro get to decide who is 'racist', 'homophobic' and 'transphobic' and thus worthy of being murdered. [Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Mar 31, 2023 ~ Hannah Kamake has been arrested for vandalizing a pregnancy center in Buffalo. The same pregnancy center, CompassCare was previously firebombed by abortion activists. Far more violence is committed by abortion activists than pro-life activists. [Abortion, Violent Left]
Apr 1, 2023 ~ #Antifa attacks a group of Trump supporters who were protesting his indictment in Berkley. Dressed in black and masked like the cowards they are. And as usual, they can't just counter speech with speech. They always resort to violence to try to silence their political opponents. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Apr 7, 2023 ~ Swimming champ Riley Gaines had to be barricaded in a safe room after being assaulted multiple and swarmed by transgender activists at San Francisco State University for having the very reasonable opinion that men and women's sports should be separate. Gaines lost events to men. The left, especially TRAs are getting more violent. Not content to just shut down speech they don't agree with, they physically attack those who defy them. Gaines was assaulted multiple times even WITH police protection and had to barricade in a room to prevent further injury. [Trans, Trans Athletes, Violent Left]
Apr 9, 2023 ~ More info coming out about the @Riley_Gaines_ assault and kidnapping. The trans activist thugs that assaulted her and would not let her leave the classroom she was hiding in were demanding money in exchange for releasing her. “Tell her to pay us, then she can go.” No arrests yet. [College, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
May 1, 2023 ~ Masked idiots stormed the stage accusing archaeologist Richard Hansen, researcher at Idaho State University, at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. They toppled chairs, shouted “This is stolen land!” and “Fuck imperialism!” People were injured. The event was shut down. Left wing activists are the scum of the Earth. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
May 25, 2023 ~ Left wing Hunter College Prof Shellyne Rodriguez vandalized the table of pro life students while screaming at them. Then when a reporter tried to question her about it she held a machete to his neck saying, "I’m gonna chop you up with this machete!" The violent loon was fired. [Abortion, College, Violent Left]
Jun 4, 2023 ~ Author and former Africana Studies professor at North Carolina State University, Dr. Kamau Kambon has died. Kambon once said "We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet" on a Howard University panel televised on CSPAN. That statement received applause. Kambon was not canceled. His 'Blacknificent Books' continued to sell on mainstream outlets. He continued to receive speaking engagements. He was a celebrated member of the Black Lives Matter #BLM movement. After his death, he received glowing obituary after glowing obituary. Examples: "His legacy is bravery, resilience, and challenging the status quo. His work has inspired generations of activists and students." "He was a strong voice for African-Americans and other people of colour, and his WORDS and actions continue to inspire those who seek social justice." "His WORDS and deeds will inspire generations. (emphasis mine) And on and on. Many more. [BLM, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Loathsome Left, Racism, Violent Left]
Jun 16, 2023 ~ Multiple Target stores were sent bomb threats by LGBT activists for “betraying the LGBTQ+ community” by toning down some of their pride line of merchandise. The #FakeNews tried VERY HARD to make it seem like the bomb threats came from the right. Their dishonesty knows no bounds. [Fake News, LGBT, Violent Left]
Jun 18, 2023 ~ Many death threats are being made against Republican lawmakers but the #FakeNews ignores it. "In the past week, two separate men have been arrested for reportedly making recent death threats against Republican Sens. Tommy Tuberville and Rep. Jim Banks. The week prior, another man was arrested for earlier threats he made against Republican Sen. Thom Tillis and former Sen. Richard Burr." [Violent Left]
Jun 18, 2023 ~ Lesbian bar La Part des Anges which has operated for over 10 years in France had to shut down due to death threats by trans activists. Vandalism and threats to kill 'TERFS' etc. The bar has been inclusive of trans people but defend lesbians' rights to want to date real females. [LGBT, Trans, Violent Left]
Jun 23, 2023 ~ Elie Mystal @ElieNYC frequently wishes violence on people he disagrees with. He called for someone to kill Justice Alito: "please take him to see the Titanic," after a sub doing that imploded. He has previously admitted to wanting to drive his car through the lobby of Trump Tower and said "I want pitchforks and torches outside this man's house," because the man held a political fundraiser for Trump. The man is unhinged and violent but #FakeNews@MSNBC continues to give him air time. [Fake News, TDS, Violent Left]
Jul 2, 2023 ~ 5th night in a row of riots all over France over the shooting of a black, Muslim immigrant. 45,000 police officers are deployed throughout the country to stop the civil unrest. 1000s of people have been arrested so far after 100s of cars and buildings have been set on fire and countless stores have been looted as Muslim jihadist immigrants that France was kind enough to take in shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ burning and destroying as they go. The victim was stopped for reckless driving, underage and other violations. Had priors. Police told him to exit the car. He would not. He attempted to drive off as one officer was partially on the car (vehicular assault). He was shot to avoid an officer dragging incident as well as protect the public. Different country but these cases are all the same. Non-compliant criminal does not follow lawful orders. Takes action to endanger the officers and public. Is shot. Then the left and #BLM scream racism because he is black. "He wasn't doing nothin." "He shouldn't be shot for a traffic violation." Etc. They always ignore what really happened to push the narrative of 'racist police.' [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Islam, Police, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ Feminist K. Yang was attacked by trans activist mob for holding a sign opposing dehumanizing terms for women like 'bleeder.' "I'm a former trans rights activist & LGBT non-profit whistleblower. I was just kicked, hit, pushed, mobbed by dozens of people in Washington Square Park.♂️who identify as♀️called me 'bitch' & assaulted me." They tried to destroy her sign but she would not let go. This is typical violent mob behavior that TRAs use to eliminate dissent to their ideology. [Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Violent Left]
Jul 4, 2023 ~ Rhode Island State Senator Joshua Miller (D) has been arrested for “keying” an SUV in the Garden City Center parking lot because the SUV had an 'anti-Biden' bumper sticker on it. Denied it but admitted after shown video. The bumper sticke rsaid "Biden Sucks." [Loathsome Left, Politics, Violent Left]
Jul 14, 2023 ~ Tom Slater, "‘Punch a TERF’: the violent misogyny of the trans movement" Trans activists, usually male are commonly advocating and committing violence against women who disagree with them. "if you see a TERF, punch them in the fucking face." [Trans, Violent Left]
Jul 20, 2023 ~ New York City will pay more than $13 million to 1300 people who were arrested during the George Floyd riots in 2020. As if these blue cities were not already unlivable crime ridden hell holes: they are now PAYING people to riot and loot. To quote 50 Cent: "Watch how bad it gets." [BLM, CRT DIE Wokeness, George Floyd, Violent Left]
Aug 1, 2023 ~ An entire large stadium of people in South Africa’s black party singing “kill the Boer (Whites), kill the White farmer” Genocide against an entire race of people is being gleefully called for and celebrated after many white farmers have already been killed. [Race, Racism, Violent Left]
Aug 1, 2023 ~ Michigan abortion doctor Theodore Roumell backed his car into a pro-life advocate Mark Zimmerman protesting outside the Saginaw Township abortion clinic. Roumell “plowed his car right into [Zimmerman] then backed it up off him." The pro-abortion side is more violent than pro-life by far. [Abortion, Violent Left]
Aug 4, 2023 ~ Flashback 1992: Al Sharpton encouraging black people to kill cops and white people after mocking them for not following through their threats. He is inciting them by telling them they have to admit they lost their courage if they don't back up their words. "All the Panther lovers, all the do or die, all the (indecipherable) negroes in Plainfield. I didn't see them stand up and do nothing. All the 'I don't believe in marching. I don't believe, I believe in offing the pigs.' Well they got pigs out here. You ain't offed one of them. What I believe in I do. Do what you believe in. Or shut up and admit that you've lost your courage and guts to stand up. 'I ain't having no march. I believe in fighting.' Well fight then. Nobody holding you. 'I'll off the man.' Well off him. Plenty of crackers walking right around here tonight. Ain't nobody come out and knock the gun out of your hand." [BLM, Police, Racism, Violent Left]
Aug 13, 2023 ~ The antifa thugs that attacked journalist Andy Ngo @MrAndyNgo were acquitted by an activist Portland jury sympathetic to antifa violence. Defense counsel Michelle Burrows told the jurors "I am Antifa," and explained "Resistance in this country has never been peaceful." [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Aug 23, 2023 ~ A judge has ruled that the Antifa thugs who viciously attacked and beat up Andy Ngo leaving him hospitalized for doing his job as a journalist in Portland must pay Ngo $300,000 in damages. They will not pay. They will continue to perpetrate violence against those who disagree with or report on them. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Aug 27, 2023 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Democrats And The Hitler Lie' More progressive/left means more and bigger government. More govt. control. Limit is dictatorship. More conservative/right means less government, more freedom; limit is anarchy. Therefore, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Mussolini, Marcos, Chavez, Kim are all progressive/leftists. The Nazi party were the 'National Socialists.' [Derek Hunter, Loathsome Left, Politics, Socialism, Violent Left]
Aug 31, 2023 ~ Andy Ngo reports, "A Portland #trans activist with a violent criminal history allegedly destroyed a teen girl's car & smeared feces all over. The suspect allegedly told police the girl was 'transphobic.' Vivian Shemansky was released the same day from jail." Its unclear what the girl did to offend 'Vivian', but he does not even come close to passing for a female so it was probably an honest mistake. [Crime, Trans, Violent Left]
Sep 11, 2023 ~ Shannon Brandt who pled guilty to manslaughter for fatally running over 18 year old Cayler Ellingson because he thought Ellingson was 'a Republican extremist.' He only got 5 years! Meanwhile they are locking up J6 protesters for more than 3 times as long. [2020 Election, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Sep 12, 2023 ~ Charlie Kirk reports, "The city of Denver just agreed to pay out $4.7 million to 300 BLM rioters arrested in 2020. Philadelphia is paying out more than $9 million. New York is doling out $13 million. Overall, more than $80 million is going to be paid out across 20+ U.S. cities. BLM burned our police stations and looted our stores. Now, they're looting the public coffers. When you reward and subsidize criminality, you'll get even more of it. Who could have predicted that Democrat cities would become crime-infested, drug-riddled hellscapes?" [BLM, Crime, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Sep 16, 2023 ~ Update on black BLM activist named Zyahna Bryant who falsely accused a white girl at UVA named Morgan Bettinger of wanting to run over #BLM protesters who were lying on the road to block traffic. Bettinger was expelled after a kangaroo court, UVA released public statements implying she’s a white supremacist, her dreams of going to law school over, she became unemployable and she ended up with ongoing psychological issues as a result of the Bryant led mob ruining her life. Years later UVA admitted they wrongly expelled her and Bryant admitted she didn't ever hear Bettinger say anything. But Bettinger's life remains in ruins. So who better for Dove company to make one of their spokespeople than Zyahna Bryant? Dove needed Bryant to make people "aware of the fact that people have different bodies" and what its like to be "maneuvering through spaces in a fat body." [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Oct 10, 2023 ~ After Palestinian terrorists enact the deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust (over 1000 dead inc. many children and elderly, people burned alive in their homes, 100s kidnapped and raped, #BLM says: "I stand with Palestine" under a picture of a para terrorist - a direct reference to the Hamas terrorists who parachuted into a music festival and mowed down over 300 defenseless teens and other young people who tried to hide as best they could. The terrorists were constantly laughing as they shot the kids. [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 10, 2023 ~ After Palestinian terrorists enact the deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust (over 1000 dead inc. many children and elderly, people burned alive in their homes, 100s kidnapped and raped, The Democratic Socialists of America blame Israel and express solidarity with her attackers. "DSA is steadfast in expressing our solidarity with Palestine. Today’s events are a direct result of Israel’s apartheid regime." [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 13, 2023 ~ EU pinhead Thierry Breton accuses @elonmusk of allowing X to spread 'disinformation.' Threatens big fines if X does not comply to his censorship. Musk tells Thierry to shove it! BTW if you asked AI to generate the perfect name for an EU pinhead, it would say 'Thierry Breton.' [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 13, 2023 ~ Ha ha, @ClimateDefiance ran Pete Buttigeig out on a rail for not being able to end all fossil fuels in transportation. "We just chased Secretary Pete Buttigieg off the stage at the Meyerhoff Symphony," the idiots brag. He tried to debate them but leftists don't debate. [Climate Change, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Oct 15, 2023 ~ Michelle Goldberg calls out the anti-semitism left in @nytimes article, 'The Massacre in Israel and the Need for a Decent Left.' She describes how Jewish Democrats are so surprised and disappointed by the amount of antisemitism coming from the left after the attack on Israel. Over 30 left wing student organizations at Harvard alone signed support for Hamas and the Palestinians after the massacre. Colleges all over the world are similar. Left wing organizations like #BLM and DSA also support the murdering, raping, baby killing terrorists. Normal Democrats seem to have no clue that their side (which falsely but routinely calls normal political opponants Nazis) is the one who has become the actual Nazis, cheering and celebrating the killing of Jews. "People who had lost close friends or family, or young Jews “completely shattered by the response of their lefty friends in New York,” who were either justifying Hamas’s atrocities or celebrating them outright. …the way keyboard radicals have condoned war crimes against Israelis has left many progressive Jews alienated from political communities they thought were their own." [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 15, 2023 ~ Matthew Continetti, 'The Shame of Academe' You many have known that so called 'higher education' institutions are toxic cesspools of hate that would cancel you for using the wrong pronoun but many are sad to discover how much pure antisemitism exists on these campuses. Worse is that the same left wing groups are staging large anti-Israel, pro Hamas demonstrations all over the world in cities like NYC, London, Toronto, Sydney etc. Chanting antisemitic slogans including "Gas the Jews." [Anti-Semitism, Cancel Culture, College, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 16, 2023 ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 'Hamas is another ISIS - whatever Western idiots say'
"Outside the Sydney Opera House, about 1,000 protesters lit flares and waved Palestinian flags — and some were filmed chanting: 'Gas the Jews.'
In the U.S., meanwhile, 31 student groups at Harvard signed an open letter claiming that the 'Israeli regime' was 'entirely responsible for all unfolding violence', while California's Stanford University displayed a banner declaring that Palestine would be made free 'by any means necessary' — a sinister slogan that tacitly justifies Hamas's slaughter of children in pursuit of its aims.
Not to be outdone, the Chicago 'chapter' of the Black Lives Matter movement posted an image of a paraglider alongside the slogan 'I stand with Palestine'. The reference, of course, was to Hamas paragliders who descended on Israel's Supernova music festival last Saturday to rape and butcher at least 260 young people.
In short, anti-Semites the world over have been emboldened by this crisis, and Jews are once again being blamed for their own massacre. And I am not remotely surprised. In my childhood, I was steeped in the Islamist movement's noxious anti-Semitism — which has been on such ugly display this week.
Born in Mogadishu, Somalia, I spent my early years escaping political strife after my father was imprisoned for being an anti-government activist. We moved between countries before settling in Kenya.
The worst insult in the Somali community was to be called a 'Jew', not that any of us actually knew one. To be called a 'Jew' was so abhorrent, some felt justified in killing anyone who so dishonoured them with this 'slur'.
As a teenager in Nairobi in the 1980s, I joined the Muslim Brotherhood — the strict Sunni Islamist movement, founded in Egypt in 1928, from which Hamas ultimately descends.
I vividly remember sitting with my female fellows in mosques, cursing Israel and praying to Allah to destroy the Jews. We were certainly not interested in a peaceful 'two-state solution': we were taught to want to see Israel wiped off the map.
When I was 16, my school's teacher of religion was Sister Aziza. She read to us the Koran's lurid descriptions of the everlasting fire that burns flesh and dissolves skin — the place reserved for Jews.
Sister Aziza described Jews as physically monstrous, with horns coming from their heads, out of which flew devils that would corrupt the world. Jews controlled everything, she told us, and it was the duty of Muslims to destroy them."
Until the world is ready to admit the problem is encoded into Islam itself, we will never understand or solve this problem. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Oct 19, 2023 ~ The Al-Ahli Arab hospital is hit in Gaza. The narrative pushed by the #FakeNews and the antisemites in Congress (and elsewhere) like Omar and Tlaib is that it was bombed by the IDF and killed 500 Palestinians including many children. Evidence later showed it was a rocket shot by Islamic Jihad which either went astray or was knocked down by the Iron Dome. The impact site is far too small for an Israeli bomb. The number of dead seems to also be extremely exaggerated ("50 at most") because it impacted in the parking lot, not the hospital. The hospital is still standing. It must be pointed out that a lot of these fake left wing narratives have a similar form. Compare narratives like these to the #BLM 'racist police' narratives for example. An incident happens and immediately a narrative comprised of lies gets pushed where the good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys. Democrats and the #FakeNews either fall for the narrative or simply play along because they want Israel or the police to be the bad guys. [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Fake Racism, Islam, Israel, Omar, Police, Terrorism, Tlaib, Violent Left]
Oct 22, 2023 ~ Bill Maher explains why many colleges like Harvard have become worthless cesspools of left wing garbage.
"As an Ivy League graduate who knows the value of a liberal education, I have one piece of advice for the youth of America. Don’t go to college. And if you absolutely have to go, don’t go to an elite college, because as recent events have shown, it just makes you stupid. There are few if any positives to come out of what happened in Israel, but one of them opening America's eyes to how higher education has become indoctrination, among them the simplistic notion that the world is a binary place where everyone is either an oppressor or oppressed. In the case of Israel, oppressors being babies and bubas. The same students who will tell you that words are violence and silence is violence were very supportive when Hamas terrorists went on a rape and murder rampage worthy of the Vikings. They knew where to point the fingers; at the murdered, and then it was off to ethics class."
"Siding with terrorists," "34 student groups at Harvard signed a letter saying 'the apartheid regime is the only one to blame,' proving they don't know what constitutes apartheid. They don't know much of anything, actually. But it doesn’t deter them from having an opinion. They’ve convinced themselves Israel is the most repressive regime in history because they have no knowledge of history or even a desire to know it. And actual history doesn’t come up in their intersectionality of politics and gender queer identities class.”
“If ignorance is a disease, Harvard Yard is the Wuhan wet market. The reason why despising Israel became pretty much a requirement of the American Left is colleges, elite colleges, the mouth of the river from which this and all manner of radical Left illiberal, yes, illiberal nonsense flows. Supporting all-black, that is segregated dorms, segregated graduation ceremonies, and orientation programs, which occur on hundreds of campuses is illiberal. So is the racism against Asian applicants and chasing speakers off of campus. When the First Amendment watchdog group Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression began ranking colleges based on their commitment to free speech and inquiry, Harvard came in dead last. There is only one set of acceptable opinions on campus, and it’s policed hard." "Elite schools should no longer be called elite. Just say expensive." Oddly, after excoriating Democrats and the left, Maher ends up attacking Republicans, perhaps annoyed that they figured all of this out long before he did? [Affirmative Action, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Israel, Loathsome Left, Political Correctness, Racism, Silencing, Violent Left]
Nov 5, 2023 ~ State University of New York at Albany sociology professor Renee Overdyke was arrested for violently disrupting a pro-life demonstration. She unplugged a projector and prevented the presentation and then she resisted arrest. This comes 2 weeks after a conservative speaker was shouted down and prevented to speak at the same university. The left despises free speech. They cannot allow any dissenting opinions to be heard. Its no mystery why. [Abortion, College, Free Speech, Silencing, Violent Left]
Nov 8, 2023 ~ Sam Harris on leftists who try to 'both sides' the war Hamas started. “The boundary between antisemitism and generic moral stupidity is a little hard to discern, and I’m not sure it’s always important to find it. I’m not sure it matters why a person can’t distinguish between collateral damage in a neccessary war and conscious acts of genocidal sadism that are celebrated as religious sacrament by a death cult. Our streets have been filled with people literally tripping over themselves in their eagerness to demonstrate that they cannot distinguish between those who intentionally kill babies and those who inadvertently kill them — having taken great pains to avoid killing them — while defending themselves against the very people who have just intentionally tortured and killed innocent men, women, and yes, babies. And who are committed to doing this again at any opportunity, and are using their own innocent non-combatants as human shields. If you’re bothsidesing this situation, or worse, if you’re supporting the wrong side, if you’re waving the flag of people who murder non-combatants intentionally, killing parents in front of their children and children in front of their parents, burning people alive at a music festival devoted to peace, and decapitating others and dragging their dismembered bodies through the streets — all to shouts of ‘God is Great.’ If you’re recognizing the humanity of actual barbarians, while demonizing the people who worry about war crimes, and who drop leaflets and call cell phones for days, in an effort to get non-combatants to leave specific buildings before they are bombed, because those buildings sit on top of tunnels filled with genocidal lunatics, who again have just sedulously tortured and murdered families as though it were a religious sacrament, because for them it is a religious sacrament. If you have landed, proudly and sanctimoniously on the wrong side of this asymmetry, this vast gulf between savagery and civilization, while marching through the quad of an Ivy League university, wearing yoga pants. I’m not sure it matters that your moral confusion is due to the fact that you just happen to hate Jews — whether you’re an antisemite or just an apologist for atrocity is probably immaterial. The crucial point is that you are dangerously confused about the moral norms and political sympathies that make life in this world worth living. What is more, you don’t even care about what you think you care about, because you have failed to see that Hamas and Jihadists generally are the principal cause of all the misery and dysfunction we see, not just in Gaza but throughout the Muslim world.” [Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Nov 9, 2023 ~ Anti-Israel protesters physically attacked Jews attending a screening of the Oct. 7th Hamas Massacre organized by actress Gal Gadot at the Museum of Tolerance. @gadsaad says, "What do you think will happen in ten, twenty, or fifty years if demographic trends continue as is?" An interviewed Muslim says, "When Muslims are in the majority, we will take control of Germany by force. Sharia law will replace German laws. When Germans oppose our Sharia, they will be attacked. According to Sharia, homosexuals will be thrown down from the mountains!" [Anti-Semitism, Immigration, Islam, Israel, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Nov 26, 2023 ~ Trans author Gretchen Felker-Martin known for threatening to slit Harry Potter author @jk_rowling’s throat said this of Osama bin Laden: "Blowing up the World Trade Center is probably the most principled and defensible thing he did." Left wingers have always been violent but only recently have their antisemitism and anti-Americanism revealed that they are genocidal in their hearts. And the people they want to commit genocide against most likely includes you... [Anti-Semitism, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Trans, Violent Left]
Dec 1, 2023 ~ Victor Davis Hanson, 'The Unhinged Among Us'
Very good summary of the Oct 7 attacks and and their vile support by modern leftists and progressives. Also good summary of how Muslims have been one of the biggest and most brutal 'colonizers' in history. [Anti-Semitism, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left]
Dec 9, 2023 ~ The presidents of @Harvard, @Penn and @MIT
(Claudine Gay, Liz Magill and Sally Kornbluth) were all asked the following question under oath at the congressional hearing on antisemitism: "Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate [your university’s] code of conduct or rules regarding bullying or harassment?" NOT ONE OF THEM would give a simple 'yes' answer. They all said it 'depended on context!' WTF? Magill insanely said that “If the speech turns into conduct, it can be harassment.” WHAT? Speech calling for genocide is only harassment at Penn if it turns into actual genocidal conduct?? Be very careful where you hire employees from and where you send your kids for an 'education' because many of these previously top schools have become toxic cesspools of hate and antisemitism. [Anti-Semitism, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Violent Left]
Feb 20, 2024 ~ "‘All Hell Broke Lose’: Harvard Economist Needed ‘Armed Guard’ After Study Found No Racial Bias In Police Shootings" Roland Fryer, The youngest tenured black professor in Harvard history "needed armed security with him to go out in public [for more than a month] after he published a study finding no evidence of racial bias in officer-involved shootings." Typical of the left which gets violent when their narratives are challenged. Fryer expected to find a different result after Michael Brown, not realizing that narrative was BS. He RE-DID the study to make sure when it didn't match the narrative. Fryer was placed on a 2 year leave by then dean Claudine Gay. Gay went on to become Harvard president but resigned due to scandals involving anti-semitism and plagiarism. @bariweiss asked, "Do you believe in karma?" [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police, Violent Left]
Mar 21, 2024 ~ Kyle Rittenhouse tried to speak at the University of Memphis. 100s of #BLM protesters disrupted the event chanting "lock his ass up" and "fuck his ass up", causing Rittenhouse to bail early. The BLM protesters then chased and prevented event attendees from exiting the parking garage. "Police had to intervene to stop the BLM demonstrators from injuring attendees as the activists continued to intimidate people attempting to leave." BLM never changes. Their tactics all involve becoming a violent mob. [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]