Oct 20, 2018 ~ Lloyd Marcus, Comparing left wing 'protesters' to the Tea Party is absurd - dems own political violence, vandalism, screaming at people, profanity, protesting with feces, stopping traffic, shouting down speakers, harassing people etc [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ Wilfred Michael Stark was arrested for assaulting Kristin Davison, female campaign manager for GOP candidate for Nevada Governor Adam Laxalt, Leaving Bruises. 'Stop Hurting Me!' Would not stop the attack for quite a while. Arrested for battery. Violent democrats, every day. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 24, 2018 ~ Vandals Throw Giant Boulder Through Rep. Kevin McCarthy's Office Window - also A Republican Party office in Wyoming was intentionally set on fire just two days after it opened in September. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 25, 2018 ~ Man Confronted For Ripping Cruz Signs From Yards Freaks Out - starts screaming like a maniac 'I Hate Ted Cruz!' - democrats ripping out and destroying GOP political signs is big all over the country - even more than usual. Modern Dems: daily violence, vandalism, harassment. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 25, 2018 ~ More presidential assassination porn - this time from the New York Times - The publish a short story about President Trump being assassinated. 'He sighted on the center of the president's back, and squeezed the trigger'. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 29, 2018 ~ A teen is harassed in Seattle for wearing a 'MAGA' hat. Hat is knocked off his head and spat on. They yell at him 'Get the Fuck Out of This City' 'You're not welcome here.' Deranged democrat thugs don't get to decide who is welcome in Seattle. Democrat violence happens every day. [TDS, Violent Left]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Director James Cromwell says 'If we don't stop [President Trump] now, then we will have a revolution for real. Then there will be blood in the streets.' Sounds like a promise. Democrats don't even believe in democracy anymore. Do as we say or violence will occur. [TDS, Violent Left]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ A mob at the University of Texas became enraged by students with signs supporting Kavanaugh. Students wanted debate but large mob shouted obscenities, destroyed their signs, screamed in their faces. Called 'rape apologists' even though almost all the accusations were proven false [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, College, Silencing]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ There have been more than 40 Acts of Left-Wing Thuggery in October ALONE. Death Threats, Assaults, Vandalism, Harassment. More than 40 per month means it literally happens every day. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Volusia County Republican Headquarters has its windows SHOT OUT - Gun shots were fired into the headquarters - 99 out of 100 acts of political violence and harassment come from the left. This is the modern democratic party. Vote for them if you want to reward this behavior. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 30, 2018 ~ Gavin Wax, 'What makes Antifa so dangerous is not their fighting skills, which are subpar at best, but it is their immense establishment support? they operate with near impunity'. Supported by leftist lawyers, judges, journalists, school admins, eager to enable their violence. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ Don Lemon says 'I Don't See Democrats Killing People' Over Politics - he doesn't see Republicans doing it either - mail bomber was a Trump supporter - Trump family received Ricin - Dem shot at GOP baseball practice - dems own almost ALL political violence, threats and harassment. [Violent Left, Violent Right]
Nov 4, 2018 ~ Human form political dummy was hung from a tree in Shelbyville, Tennessee with Sign saying 'GOP' on it and another sign with 'Marsha Marsha Marsha' crossed out in black paint referring to Marsh Blackburn. [Violent Left]
Nov 4, 2018 ~ Vandalism of a New York Synagogue Is done by James Polite, a gay, black, Democrat activist. Another anti-Semitic hate crime not done by Trump supporter. 'Die Jew Rats' 'Hitler' 'End It Now' 'Jew Better Be Ready' The left owns Anti-Semitism but they keep trying to blame Trump. [Violent Left, Anti-Semitism]
Nov 5, 2018 ~ Police arrest FSU student Gillum intern Shelby Shoup for pouring milk on a Republican volunteer at a table on campus - kicked over signs -'fascism is here... you are normalizing and enabling Nazis'. Sadly, this is typical behavior for democrats these days. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial]
Nov 5, 2018 ~ New Black Panther Party has been posing in front of Stacey Abrams for Governor signs with very high power rifles. Recall that the Obama DOJ allowed them to be outside of polling places with billie clubs so now they feel comfortable amping up the show of force. [Violent Left]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ Hate crimes against Jews represent 'half of all hate crimes in New York this year' according to NYT article - 142 crimes - 'During the past 22 months, NOT ONE person caught or identified ... has been associated with a far right-wing group' despite dem attempts to blame the right. [Anti-Semitism, Crime, Violent Left]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ Subway Bomber Akayed Ullah a Bangladeshi immigrant convicted on terrorism charges for detonating a pipe bomb in a NYC subway station said 'I was angry with President Trump'. 'did it for the Islamic State' 'It was about martyrdom'. Wanted to kill as many commuters as possible. [TDS, Violent Left, Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ George Lopez tweets gruesome photo of El Chapo beheading Trump - Chapo is holding up Trump's head dripping with blood - Pic is from 2016 but it surfaced after Lopez got into fight with Trump supporter. More left wing Trump assassination porn. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Mob of Deranged Democrats showed up at Tucker Carlson's house in black masks, damaged his door, spray paint driveway, chant 'racist scumbag, leave town!' 'Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!' 'you are not safe'. The modern left. Threats and violence. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism]
Nov 11, 2018 ~ Vox.com co-founder Matthew Yglesias defended a group of left-wing Antifa members terrorizing Tucker Carlson's wife - she had to lock herself in a closet because they were breaking the front door. Yglesias says he has 'no empathy' for her. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Nov 16, 2018 ~ Kat Timpf Chased Out of Brooklyn Bar because she works at Fox. A female deranged dem wouldn't stop screaming in her face. Timpf forced to flee for her safety when it was clear no one had her back. Others were laughing and egging on attacker. 'third time this has happened to me.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Kat Timpf]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Police arrest Daniel Brito for assaulting a Tucson man wearing MAGA hat in public with vote GOP sign. The deranged democrat jumped him from behind to grab the hat blabbering about 'Hitler', 'Nazis' and Trump. Ripped the hat off and broke the man's ankle in 4 places. Hospitalized. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Holocaust Denial]
Nov 29, 2018 ~ Marc Lamont Hill supports Palestinian violence against Israel in UN Speech. 'We must recognize the right of an occupied people to defend itself. We must prioritize peace, but we must not romanticize or fetishize it'. Fired from CNN. Peace is not a fetish. Violence not the answer. [Violent Left, Israel, Anti-Semitism]
Nov 29, 2018 ~ David French, 'Dear Progressives, Do Not Whitewash Marc Lamont Hill's Anti-Semitism'. He not only excused Palestinian violence and has expressed love for Farrakhan and lamented Israel's Iron Dome, he knows calling for 'from the river to the sea' means the elimination of Israel. [Violent Left, Israel, Anti-Semitism]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ A Deranged Democrat sets fire to a 'Trump 2020' flag while it flew on a Vermont vet's lawn. Anything related to Trump from hats, to bumper stickers to flags have become daily targets for violent and deranged democrats. They don't talk or allow you to talk. They attack and destroy [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ Bette Midler fantasizes about and writes about Trump and his family being hanged good and high. 'Bob Mueller's marching, Trump Trump Trump And here is why Trump Trump Trump He's gonna hang you Hang the fam'ly GOOD AND HIGH!' Really sad what has happened to these people. [Loathsome Left, Russia Hoax, TDS, Violent Left]
Dec 1, 2018 ~ 2 Antifa thugs were arrested for attacking Marine Reservists in Philadelphia, maced, punched, kicked. Falsely called them 'Nazis' and 'white supremacists' as they were attacking them. 3rd thug is at large. Tom Massey upset he didn't get to 'punch a Nazi. The police stopped me.' [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Dec 14, 2018 ~ North Dakota man Gregory Lee Leingang was arrested for stealing a forklift he intended to use to assassinate President Trump. Leingang pleads guilty. [TDS, Violent Left]
Dec 14, 2018 ~ Reporter Andy Ngo was filming Antifa in Seattle. They were impeding the movement of passerbys and Ngo tried to use the sidewalk. The thugs surrounded him 'Are you willing to die for YouTube shit? Death is coming to you'. Police told Ngo, HE was inciting conflict by reporting. [Antifa, Police, Silencing, Violent Left]
Dec 14, 2018 ~ Young America's Foundation, YAF wins lawsuit against Berkeley. Berkeley can no longer put 3pm curfew on or ban YAF speeches to remote locations, or make YAF pay for security from violent leftists. Berkeley to pay $70K legal fees. Slap down to those who want to silence speech. [Violent Left, Free Speech, Silencing, College]
Dec 18, 2018 ~ Sean Penn says 'we are a nation in need of an assassin' - but its OK, don't worry! He's wasn't referring to Trump. That is just what a fictional character said in Penn's novel about a fictional President who sends a lot of tweets and had a 'piddly inauguration'. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Dec 27, 2018 ~ Benicio Del Toro Eulogizes mass murderer and tyrant Che Guevara in Havana but Denounces President Trump as a 'Cruel Monster!' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jan 6, 2019 ~ AOC proposes a 70% tax rate - Steve Scalise who was shot by left winger James Hodgkinson politely tried to debate that policy on Twitter - AOC supporters said 'Snipe his ass', 'Kick his cane', 'she's got better aim than James Hodgkinson'. Debate, no. Violence, yes. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Jan 18, 2019 ~ Flyers with Ben Shapiro's face X'ed out in red saying 'Get Security' were distributed around the campus of George Washington University failed to discourage a conservative youth organization from hosting Shapiro - petrified of free speech [Violent Left, Silencing, Ben Shapiro]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Disney Producer Jack Morrissey advocates for the violent deaths of the Covington kids, '#MAGAkids go screaming, hats first, into the Woodchipper' - Disney, a company created for children now has producers fantasizing about killing kids in woodchippers. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ LA DJ Michael Buchanan, stage name 'House Shoes' calls for them to be killed in various ways. 'LOCK THE KIDS IN THE SCHOOL AND BURN THAT BITCH TO THE GROUND.' 'If you are a true fan of Shoes I want you to fire on any of these red hat bitches' 'Fire on the maga cocksuckers!' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ More prominent and powerful grownups calling for violence against innocent children - CNN legal analyst Bakari Sellers, 'He is deplorable. Some ppl can also be punched in the face.' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ More prominent and powerful grownups calling for violence against innocent children - former CNN host Reza Aslan said 'Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid's' - Aslan was previously fired from CNN for calling Trump 'a piece of shit'. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ More prominent and powerful grownups calling for violence against innocent children - Trevor Noah of the Daily Show, 'everyone that sees that smug look wants to punch that kid. He just looks like an asshole.' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Musician Wheeler Walker Jr., 'If you know this little shit, punch him in the nuts and send me the video of it and I'll send you all my albums on vinyl, autographed.' All of this is just a fraction of the violence demanded by the violent liberal mob against innocent kids. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ More prominent and powerful grownups calling for violence against innocent children - Erik Abriss, of Vulture, 'I just want these people to die. Simple as that. Every single one of them. And their parents' 'young white slugs f'ing die' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left, Racism]
Jan 19, 2019 ~ Many of the Covington Kids and their parents are receiving death threats - the high school has not reopened due to numerous credible threats of violence - sad but unsurprising after so many well known people have called for violence against them with a national audience. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 21, 2019 ~ SNL Writer Sarah Beattie offers oral sex in exchange for committing violent assault on an innocent minor child - 'I will blow whoever manages to punch that maga kid in the face' then calls him 'evil homophobic racist misogynistic sociopath' [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism, Fake News, Covington, Violent Left]
Jan 29, 2019 ~ Smollett demonized Trump and his supporters regularly. '45 and all his white hooded cohorts' And fantasized violence, 'I think someone should kick Donald Trumps ass'. Staged the hate and violence himself when the 'cohorts' didn't deliver the racism he and dems claim is everywhere [Fake Hate Crime, Smollett, Violent Left]
Feb 1, 2019 ~ Police respond to call. Body cam clearly shows Antifa member Charlie Landeros pull gun and fire twice on cops before they killed him. Landeros previously said 'Time to start killing pigs'. Many crying 'murder' and 'racism' by the police. Was wearing a 'Smash the patriarchy' shirt [Antifa, Fake Racism, Police, Trans, Violent Left]
Feb 7, 2019 ~ Kellyanne Conway reveals that she was assaulted in a restaurant by another rabid and deranged democrat - 'She was out of control', 'screaming her head off' in front of Conway's middle school daughter - on video - heads to trial next month. Daily harassment and violence from dems. [TDS, Violent Left]
Feb 12, 2019 ~ Protestors outside a rally held by 'Beto' O'Rourke used bats to beat a piñata made to look like President Donald Trump. [TDS, Violent Left]