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Nov 27, 2019 ~ Walter Williams, 'Who Are the Racists?' 'Democratic claim of Trump-inspired white violence.' where 'blacks face a "mortal threat"' is 'a cruel hoax.' In reality of the 600K interracial crimes last year, 90% were black perp on white victim, 10% white perp on black victim. [Fake Racism, Race, Crime, Walter Williams]
Jan 1, 2020 ~ Walter Williams 'Colleges Dupe Parents and Taxpayers'. One reason why college costs have increased 4 times inflation is the cost of 'diversity and equity personnel'. University of Michigan for example has 93 full time diversity personnel on staff, 26 of whom earn more than $100K. [College, Race, Walter Williams]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Walter Williams debunks the idea that corporations pay taxes. 'Corporations are simply tax collectors for the government.' 'A corporation can shift the tax burden by raising its product prices, lowering dividends or laying off workers. The lesson is that only people pay taxes.' [Walter Williams, Economics, Taxes]
Mar 17, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Socialism's Past'. Prof. Williams catalogs a long list of failed socialist promises and predictions and equally untrue statements and predictions about capitalism. Among the quoted, 'Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Hugo Chavez, Maduro, and Bernie Sanders.' [Walter Williams, Economics, Socialism, Sanders]
Mar 25, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, "The Secret Shame: How America's Most Progressive Cities Betray Their Commitment to Educational Opportunity for All."' 'progressive cities, on average, have black/white achievement gaps in math and reading that are 15% and 13% higher than in conservative cities.' [Walter Williams, Race, Education]
Apr 1, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Managing a Disaster'. Professor Williams tries again to explain how price gouging laws cause the kinds of shortages we are seeing due to COVID19. Allows some to hoard while many others get none. Allowing prices to rise would signal more production, less hoarding [Walter Williams, Coronavirus, Economics]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Manipulation Through Racial Hoaxes' Democrats 'have a difficult time finding the racism that they say permeates everything. So they're brazenly inventing it.' 'a huge percentage of the horrific hate crimes cited as evidence of contemporary bigotry are fakes.' [Walter Williams, Fake Hate Crime]
Apr 15, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Fixing College Corruption'. Williams highlights a study called 'Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship' 'Grievance scholars bully students, administrators' etc. 'The worldview they promote is neither scientific nor rigorous.' Bogus majors. [College, Education, Walter Williams]
Jun 16, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Now What', Regarding 'the rioting and looting... politicians who call for law and order are often viewed negatively.' But 'Poor people are more dependent on law and order than anyone else.' Limousine liberals call for riots from their gated communities. [Walter Williams, George Floyd, Police, Violent Left]
Aug 12, 2020 ~ Walter Williams 'Are Today's Leftists Truly Marxists?' Prof. Williams surmises that current woke activists like BLM who call themselves 'Trained Marxists' haven't even read most of his works. Shows how very racist and Anti-Semitic Marx was including many n-words, 'lazy Mexicans'. [Walter Williams, Racism, Anti-Semitism]
Nov 18, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Correct Diagnostics Needed' By misdiagnosing the problems black people face as being caused by 'racism', we can't fix those problems because we're addressing the wrong cause. 60% grade school education gap between blacks and whites in DC but more money spent. [Education, Fake Racism, Race, Walter Williams]
Dec 10, 2020 ~ Economics giant, Walter Williams dies. He is revered and mourned by conservatives. "Prior to capitalism, the way people amassed great wealth was by looting, plundering and enslaving their fellow man. Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow man." [Economics, Walter Williams]
Feb 25, 2021 ~ Veronique de Rugy, 'Don't Overlook Minimum Wage's Negative Effects' Economist Walter Williams always explained why the negative effects of minimum wage outweighed the positive and good intentions. CBO estimates 1.4 million jobs lost for $15. Business go under. Less hours, hiring. [Economics, Minimum Wage, Walter Williams]
Mar 2, 2023 ~ Dr. Walter Williams on slavery: "Slavery has been mankind's standard fare throughout his entire history. And even the word, slave, in most languages, is Slav because the Slavic people are among the first to be enslaved. And Africans were among the last to be enslaved. And the great thing about the Western world is that we spent many resources on eliminating slavery." [Slavery, Walter Williams]

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