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Mar 14, 2020 ~ Trump announces partnership with Walmart, Walgreens, Target, CVS and others to fight Coronavirus. 'They're the biggest business people, the greatest retailers anywhere in the world.' Walmart CEO, 'we were eager to do our part to help serve the country.' Testing, space, resources. [Trump Win, Coronavirus]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ Dr. Anthony Fauci explains on MSNBC why Trump's travel bans were 'smart' and are saving lives, 'Clearly, early on, we made a travel ban with regard to China. That was a very smart move because what that did was prevent a major influx from China. Today, the new China is Europe.' [Trump Win, Coronavirus]
Mar 10, 2020 ~ President Trump and Vice President Pence met with insurance companies and secured a deal whereby they will cover Coronavirus tests with no copay. Anthem, United Health, Humana, Centene, AHIP, Express Scripts, Cigna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AETNA/CVS, Kaiser. [Trump Win, Coronavirus]
Mar 9, 2020 ~ Jack Brewer addresses being called an 'Uncle Tom' by democrats who demand that black people do as they say or be vilified. 'after working as a loyal and motivated advocate for Barack Obama' nothing was done. Trump is 'the first president to have a real agenda for Black America.' [Race, Racism]
Mar 6, 2020 ~ Fake News MSNBC explains that 'Bloomberg spent $500 million on ads. The U.S. population is 327 million. He could have given each American $1 million and still have money left over.' This explains why Democrats think taxing billionaires can pay for all their unaffordable programs. [Fake News]
Mar 6, 2020 ~ Another huge jobs number. Nonfarm payrolls increased by 273,000 in February blowing out the economist estimate of 175,000. The unemployment rate fell even further to 3.5%. [Trump Win, Economy]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ The apprehension of migrant families illegally crossing the border in February fell by 92% from the 2019 peak in May due to Trump's policies both in and out of the US. Ending the 'catch and release' policy. The 'stay in Mexico' policy. Convincing Mexico to secure its own borders. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi on Schumer's SCOTUS threats. 'this an unprecedented attack on a justice of the Supreme Court... you won't be able to unearth a single instance in modern history of a member of Congress threatening a justice - by name, no less - for ruling against his wishes.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ McConnell rebuked Schumer for threatening SCOTUS Justices 'There is nothing to call this except a threat... He literally directed the statement to the justices, by name? His comments were astonishingly reckless' 'shameless efforts to bully... took a dangerous and disturbing turn' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 5, 2020 ~ Biden tells everyone who benefited from the Trump tax cuts (almost all taxpayers) that he's going to raise their taxes. He asked his crowd who benefited from Trump's tax cuts (maybe thinking no one had?) 'Guess what, if you elect me, your taxes are going to be raised, not cut.' [Biden, Tax Cuts]
Mar 4, 2020 ~ Because the MSM won't, Kim Kardashian highlights the good deeds Trump is doing by commuting sentences of deserving people. 'President Trump commuted the sentences of three really deserving women. I didn't hear much about it in the news so I wanted to share with you their stores!' [Trump Win, Crime, First Step]
Mar 4, 2020 ~ Chief Justice John Roberts responds to Senator Chuck Schumer's 'you will pay the price' threats against two sitting Supreme Court Justices. 'threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 4, 2020 ~ Chuck Schumer threatened 2 Supreme Court Justices if they don't rule the way he wants, 'I want to tell you Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Gorsuch: You have unleashed a whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 3, 2020 ~ President Trump nominates General Charles Q. Brown Jr. to be the Air Force chief of staff. If confirmed, he will be the first African American Air Force chief of staff. 'I am truly honored and humbled by the nomination to serve as the Air Force's 22nd chief of staff.' Brown said. [Trump Win, Race]
Mar 2, 2020 ~ Chris Matthews forced to resign at MSNBC after 23 years doing Hardball for 'Compliments on a woman's appearance' which he now says 'were never okay.' Ann Coulter calls it 'utterly embarrassing for the #MeToo movement.' 'You're a knockout' 'is now a hanging offense.' [Me Too, Cancel Culture]
Mar 2, 2020 ~ Day 3 of the 'Coronavirus is a hoax' hoax. How #FakeNews spreads. First outlets like NBC, Washington Post, Apple News, Politico make the false claim. The 2nd phase is 'celebs' repeat it to their millions of followers. Now dem politicians like Biden & Schumer are repeating it. [Fake News, Coronavirus, Biden]
Feb 29, 2020 ~ The US and NATO signed a peace agreement with Taliban militants to finally end the War in Afghanistan after 18 years! All 13,000 US troops will return home over 14 months. The Taliban will not allow anyone use Afghanistan soil to threaten the security of the US and its allies. [Trump Win, Afghanistan]
Feb 29, 2020 ~ Trump expands Coronavirus travel restrictions to Iran, advisories to parts of Italy and South Korea. Dr. Anthony Fauci on Trump's early criticized China travel ban 'If we had not done that, we would have had many many more cases right here that we would have to be dealing with.' [Coronavirus]
Feb 26, 2020 ~ Tom Cotton, 'The single most consequential and valuable thing done to stop this virus from already spreading throughout the United States was when President Trump decided to shut down travel to China'. Schumer called it an 'excuse to further his ongoing war against immigrants'. [Coronavirus]
Feb 25, 2020 ~ Global Times says US response to Coronavirus is 'white supremacist racism', 'US political, business and media circles work together, but function separately, to promote white supremacist racism and the advantage of their political system by fabricating "China threat" theory'. [Fake Racism, Fake News, China, Coronavirus]
Feb 25, 2020 ~ Stephen Moore, 'Natural Gas Is Crushing Wind and Solar Power' The cost of natural gas is down 90% since 2005 'thanks to fracking' which dems want to ban. Had to import natural gas 10 years ago. This boom has allowed the US to reduce CO2 emissions faster than any other country. [Economy, Economics, Energy, Climate Change]
Feb 24, 2020 ~ President and Melania Trump received very warmly in India, hosted by President Modi. Trump spoke to a crowd of over 110,000 people at Motera Stadium. 'The world's biggest democracy welcomes you, Mr. Trump.' 'America will always be faithful and loyal friends to the Indian people.' [Trump Win]
Feb 24, 2020 ~ Nancy Pelosi downplays the Coronavirus, 'Come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken...We think it's very safe and want others to come.' [Coronavirus]
Feb 22, 2020 ~ New York Post, 'President Trump made history this week after appointing Richard Grenell to serve as acting Director of National Intelligence. The new job, a cabinet-level position, makes Grenell the highest serving openly gay man to hold federal office in United States history.' [Trump Win, LGBT]
Feb 21, 2020 ~ Three Connecticut high school girls have sued the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference for Title IX infringement. Title IX prohibits excluding people from participation 'on the basis of sex'. Girl records, wins and spots eliminated due to biological males in the race. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Feb 16, 2020 ~ Joe Biden was asked by Univision's Jorge Ramos if he would apologize for the 3 million illegal immigrants deported by the Obama administration. Biden said 'It was a big mistake'. Biden said 'We didn't lock people in cages.' Ramos had to correct him, 'But you actually did'. [Illegal Immigration, Biden]
Feb 11, 2020 ~ Karlyn Borysenko, 'After Attending a Trump Rally, I Realized Democrats Are Not Ready For 2020' Excellent #WalkAway article about how attending a Trump rally made her realize how hateful & intolerant the dems have become and that GOP not the racist deplorables they're portrayed as [#WalkAway]
Feb 10, 2020 ~ Mayor Bill de Blasio downplays the Coronavirus, 'If you're under 50 & you're healthy, which is most NYers, there's very little threat here. This disease, even if you were to get it, basically acts like a common cold or flu. And transmission is not that easy.' [Coronavirus]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ Jorge Ramos acknowledges that Trump has accomplished his promise of building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. Trump's negotiations with Mexico has gotten Mexico to become the wall for him at their expense and manpower. 'Mexico is now the wall. President Trump got his wish.' [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ NY Times, 'President Trump frequently celebrates the experience of black workers, noting correctly that the group's unemployment rate is at its lowest on record... Their wages are also going up... wage growth for black workers has accelerated recently after lagging for' a decade. [Trump Win, Economy, Race]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the lawsuit filed by 215 members of congress. They tried to claim Trump was in violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause, claiming he was using his office to illegally profit in his private business. Total vindication for Trump. [Trump Win, Witch Hunt]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that U.S. economy added 255,000 jobs, exceeding expectations again. 'These are blow out numbers'. Wage growth continues to be strong. Hourly wages have grown at the 3% rate or better for 18 months straight. [Trump Win, Economy]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ NYC Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot continues to downplay the Coronavirus, 'We're telling New Yorkers, go about your lives, take the subway, go out, enjoy life? . If it were likely that it could be transmitted casually, we would be seeing a lot more cases.' [Coronavirus]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Alan Dershowitz on acquittal, Impeachment grounds of 'obstruction of congress and abuse of power. They're not constitutionally permissible grounds.' 'Today was a great day for the constitution. The constitution was saved from people who were trying to destroy it and diminish it.' [Trump Win, Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ President Trump is acquitted on Impeachment Charges. 'Chief Justice John Roberts. "Two-thirds of the senators present not having pronounced him guilty, the Senate adjudges that the respondent Donald John Trump, President of the United States, is not guilty' on both counts. [Trump Win, Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ Trump institutes quarantine rules and non-citizen travel ban from China as precaution for Coronavirus. Yahoo calls it 'discriminatory? rising xenophobia and nationalism, extreme measures to exclude foreigners under the *pretext* of a public health emergency.' Many dems criticize. [China, Coronavirus, Fake Xenophobia, Fake Racism, Immigration]
Feb 3, 2020 ~ Reuters, 'WHO chief says widespread travel bans not needed to beat China virus' 'World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Monday there was no need for measures that "unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade"'. [Coronavirus]
Feb 3, 2020 ~ Three recent Washington Post articles downplaying COVID19. 'Get a Grippe, America. The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus, for now.' 'How our brains make coronavirus seem scarier than it is.' 'Why we should be wary of an aggressive government response to coronavirus.' [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Feb 1, 2020 ~ In response to Trump's China travel restrictions, Biden says 'This is no time for Donald Trump's record of hysteria and xenophobia, hysterical xenophobia and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science.' Admin, 'taking every responsible precaution', listening to the experts. [Coronavirus, Fake Xenophobia, China, Biden]
Jan 30, 2020 ~ Presidet Trump declared the Wuhan Coronavirus to be a U.S. public health emergency and issued the ban on travel between the United States and China. He acted quickly, doing this the day after the WHO declares the Wuhan Coronavirus to be a global health emergency. [Coronavirus, China]
Jan 30, 2020 ~ WHO declares the Wuhan Coronavirus to be a global health emergency after confirming the first person to person transmission. [Coronavirus, China]
Jan 29, 2020 ~ President Trump signed the historic USMCA United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the USMCA fulfilling a campaign promise to replace the flawed NAFTA. Even democrats and union leaders agree that USMCA is far better than NAFTA. Expected to create 80,000 new auto jobs alone. [Trump Win, Economy, Trade]
Jan 28, 2020 ~ CNN Don Lemon laughs hysterically as panelists Rick Wilson and Wajahat Ali make fun of Trump supporters, i.e. 'the base' 'the credulous boomer rube demo? You elitists with your geography and your maps, and your spelling! Your math and your reading! All those lines on the map!' [Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jan 26, 2020 ~ Geraldo, 'Imagine being a new president & having elements of your #DOJ & #FBI trying for 2 years to entrap you in perjury after failing to prove you a traitor? Dems pontificating now about alleged misdeeds by Trump re Ukraine are same people who slandered him during Russia hoax.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Jan 26, 2020 ~ Geraldo, 'After hoodwinking the nation for over two years with their totally bogus, shamelessly partisan Russia Witch-hunt, the Democrats never apologized to @realDonaldTrump whom they slandered endlessly & recklessly. Then the Impeached him for conduct that was not criminal.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Jan 26, 2020 ~ Ivanka Trump, 'The U.S. economy added 1.5 million jobs for women in 2019, 72% of total jobs added!' 'This party is leading on doubling access, we've eliminated child care wait lists in dozens of states across the country? passing into law' 12 weeks of paid family leave for govt. [Trump Win, Economy, Gender]
Jan 25, 2020 ~ President Trump becomes the first President in history to attend the March For Life. Pro-lifers thank him for his support. 'Together, we are the voice for the voiceless.' [Trump Win, Abortion]
Jan 25, 2020 ~ Trump's lawyers finally allowed to defend the President. Made opening arguments in Senate trial. In 2 hours they destroyed the entire House case. Revealed military aid was never withheld. Debunked the 'Obstruction' article. Turley, 'Time to dismiss article II... dead on arrival.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ Tulsi Gabbard is suing Hillary Clinton for $50 Million for smearing her by saying 'she's a Russian asset, I mean totally.' Clinton also insanely said that Jill Stein is 'also a Russian asset.' Hillary seeking to 'smear my reputation and essentially implying that I'm a traitor.' [Hillary, Russia Hoax]
Jan 23, 2020 ~ Katie Pavlich, 'It's Official: FISA Court Says Warrants Issued Against Carter Page Were Not Valid' 'there was insufficient predication to establish probable cause to believe that Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.' 'FBI submitted false information obtaining warrants' [Spygate, Russia Hoax]

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