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Dec 1, 2018 ~ Parisians are now rioting against the Paris climate accords - For several weeks in a row there have been riots against carbon taxes - 5000+ tear gas canisters, water cannons deployed - Trump wisely steered us clear of this disaster. [Trump Win, Climate Change]
Nov 25, 2018 ~ GOP wants to enforce border laws and not allow 1000s to enter the US ahead of millions legally in line. Dems try to shame them by asking 'What would Jesus do?' Like when He fed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish, Jesus would take care of everyone by magic but our resources are finite. [Illegal Immigration]
Nov 19, 2018 ~ Honduran Caravan which does not exist according to dems and the FSM arrived in Tijuana - over 6000 - mayor says 'It's a tsunami' - Man in Tijuana says 'Donald Trump was right. It is an invasion'. 90-95% young males, at least 300 criminals despite picture media tried to paint. [Illegal Immigration, Fake News]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ FIRST STEP Prison Reform Act is a major achievement for President Trump - fixes unreasonable sentences and allows discretion in mandatory minimums - provides for education and job training to help prisoners re-enter society. [Trump Win, Crime, First Step]
Nov 18, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, "If Trump Is 'Racist', He Needs to Go Back to Racism School" From record low black unemployment to prison reform to inner city school choice, Trump has done more for the black community already than Obama ever did. Elder shows same 'racist' comments made about whites [Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Deadly CA forest fires are not due to climate change despite the fake narratives - 1920s had by far the most acres burned. The record is 5 times higher than 2017. Cause is failure to implement 'proactive forest management practices'. More deadly because more homes in forest areas [Climate Change, Fake News]
Nov 17, 2018 ~ Democrats say the caravan of 1000s from Honduras does not exist. And its racist to try to stop it. Its about the rule of law not race. They don't qualify for asylum and people are legally waiting in line from all over the world. If successful next caravan will be 3 times as big. [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Nov 14, 2018 ~ Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar who once said 'Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel' comes out in support of BDS after her election win. Jewish people in her district feel betrayed. [Anti-Semitism, Omar]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Trump fires Sessions as he's wanted to for some time for recusal. Sessions 'believed he not only had a legal and ethical obligation to do so, he also believed his recusal would be politically beneficial to the president because it would protect the integrity of the investigation' [Russia Hoax]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Site of Thousand Oaks Mass Shooting is a 'Gun-Free Zone' like 98% of all mass shootings. Democrats are confused as to why criminals ignore the 'gun free zone' they set up. Actually they don't ignore them - those zones *attract* shooters as the shooters themselves have explained. [Guns-Mass Shootings]
Nov 10, 2018 ~ Democrat Identity Politics has never made sense but its now become totally incomprehensible. Now Democrats are calling white people 'racist' if they voted for an actual Hispanic person, Ted Cruz instead of Beto, the 100% white guy who uses a Spanish nick name. Can't make this up. [Fake Racism, Identity Politics, Politics]
Nov 9, 2018 ~ President Trump enacts sensible rule which will require that migrants who wish to claim asylum do so at an official border crossing - current asylum overwhelmed with ineligible people. Now, sneaking in illegally will make you ineligible to claim asylum later. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ Transgender Woman Jessica Yaniv files a human rights complaints against 16 female estheticians who only serve women for refusing to wax his male genitalia. They don't have the right equipment or training and did not sign up to handle penises and scrotums and should not be forced. [Trans]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ Kavanaugh retrospective report released by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Very thorough 28 page main report, accompanied by 386 pages of supporting documents. Shows not a single accusation made against Justice Kavanaugh had evidence but many accusations were proven fraudulent. [Kavanaugh]
Nov 8, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Left-Wing Jews: a Jewish and American Tragedy' 'The current charge that the Pittsburgh massacre was caused by President Trump is one of the greatest libels in American history. Virtually every left-wing columnist and commentator has spread this lie'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News, Dennis Prager]
Nov 7, 2018 ~ Rashida Tlaib Democrat wins the Minnesota Congressional Race. She is the first Palestinian to be elected to Congress. She wrapped herself in the Palestinian flag after winning. Not the American Flag. It is unprecedented for a member of Congress to wrap oneself in a foreign flag. [Tlaib]
Nov 6, 2018 ~ The United States is now the top oil producer in the world the Department of Energy reports. For the first time since 1973, the U.S. leads the world in oil production. Tremendous strides have been made in energy independence since 'Drill Baby Drill' was mocked by Obama and dems. [Trump Win, Energy]
Nov 5, 2018 ~ 4 people are under FBI criminal investigation for making false statements to the Kavanaugh committee. Witness tampering being investigated as well. Democrats are FURIOUS that they have been misled in this way after demanding everyone be believed. Just kidding, they knew all along [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape]
Nov 4, 2018 ~ Vandalism of a New York Synagogue Is done by James Polite, a gay, black, Democrat activist. Another anti-Semitic hate crime not done by Trump supporter. 'Die Jew Rats' 'Hitler' 'End It Now' 'Jew Better Be Ready' The left owns Anti-Semitism but they keep trying to blame Trump. [Violent Left, Anti-Semitism]
Nov 4, 2018 ~ In the scramble to falsely blame Trump for the Synagogue shooting, democrats can't agree if Trump is to blame because he is too anti-Semitic or too pro-Israel and pro-Jewish people. They are about evenly split proving the reason to blame Trump is irrelevant. TDS inspired hatred. [TDS, Fake News, Israel, Anti-Semitism]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ Judy Munro-Leighton who accused Kavanaugh of rape now admits she never met him. She is the 4th person Grassley has referred to the FBI for criminal prosecution for making false statements to the committee. People were lying left and right but Kav supporters are 'rape apologists'. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ The left blames Trump because an anti-Semitic nut who didn't like Trump attacked Jews - Trump is the most Pro-Israel President in history and his daughter converted to Judaism and his grandchildren and son in law are Jewish. He is a great friend to Israel and the Jewish people. [Fake News, Anti-Semitism, Fake Anti-Semitism]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ The huge uptick in Jewish Community Center bomb threats after Trump election has been falsely blamed on Trump. 90% were called in by a mentally disturbed American Jewish teenager living in Israel, the other 10% were made by a black radical seeking to frame his ex-girlfriend. [Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake News, Anti-Semitism, Fake Hate Crime]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ Caravan of thousands from Honduras say they want to claim 'refugee' status in the US but they turned down Mexico's offer of both asylum and jobs proving they are not really refugees - They just want to jump the immigration line into the United States. [Illegal Immigration]
Nov 3, 2018 ~ Wages Rise at Fastest Rate in Nearly a Decade as Hiring Jumps - Unemployment rate held at a 49-year low in October; wages increased 3.1% - Unemployment rate continues to set new low records for minorities. [Trump Win, Economy]
Nov 2, 2018 ~ Unemployment rate hits a RECORD low for the 12th time under President Trump. 156,562,000 Americans Employed, 250K Jobs in Oct. Economy adding 1000 Manufacturing Jobs Per Day. Manufacturing coming roaring back. Obama in 2016 said Trump has no 'magic wand' to bring those jobs back. [Trump Win, Economy]
Nov 2, 2018 ~ African-American and Hispanic poverty rate is at an ALL TIME low as are their respective unemployment rates - 1.2 MILLION more black Americans are working under Trump than under Obama - 19.3 vs 18.1 million [Trump Win, Economy]
Nov 2, 2018 ~ CNN's Symone Sanders said Trump's remarks about enforcing our borders were a 'Defense of White Supremacy'. Those remarks that had exactly zero to do with white supremacy and are exactly like the comments of Barak Obama's, Bill Clinton and a host of democrats just a few years ago. [Fake Racism, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Trump Administration clarifies that in Title IX, sex refers to biological gender. Will be based 'on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable'. This was necessary as with over 100 claimed 'genders', the word gender no longer has a meaning. [Trump Win, Trans]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Downtown Hope Center, a women's shelter for battered women is being sued by Anchorage Equal Rights Com. for not accepting biological males. The policy exists because it's not safe and extremely distressing for recently raped or abused women to sleep in close proximity to males. [Trans, Feminism]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Trump declares he is a 'Nationalist'. He was clear in explaining exactly what it means. Looking out for the good of 'your nation' vs. a 'globalist' who is more concerned about the globe. Cries of Hitler, Racist and Nazi. People falsely claimed the N in Nazi was 'Nationalist'. [TDS, Holocaust Denial, Fake News]
Nov 1, 2018 ~ Barak Obama flashback, "We all agree on the need to better secure the border and to punish employers who choose to hire illegal immigrants. We are a generous and welcoming people here in the United States but those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the U.S., undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, lawfully to become immigrants in this country." Trump says the same thing and he's called evil and 'racist.' [Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia, Illegal Immigration, TDS]
Oct 24, 2018 ~ Trump signs SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act - bi-partisan, passed Senate 98-1 - aimed at Opioid Epidemic - makes medical treatment for opioid addiction more widely available while also cracking down on illicit drugs. [Trump Win, Health Care]
Oct 24, 2018 ~ Trump signs America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 - bi-partisan, passed Senate 99-1 - provides for water infrastructure improvements throughout the country including flood control, hydropower, etc. [Trump Win, Environment, Energy]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ Trump brings Canada back in and negotiates a New NAFTA Deal with Mexico and Canada called USMCA - Even Schumer and left wing economists admit that it is a better deal than original NAFTA - 10 yr drug patent protection means Americans don't subsidize the world. [Trump Win, Economics, Trade]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ The Office of Management and Budget, OMB, released a report that found 'the Trump Administration's regulatory reform efforts have saved American families and businesses $23 billion in Fiscal Year 2018' [Trump Win, Regulations]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ Biological male, Rachel McKinnon wins female World Cycling Championship - Beats women who trained their whole life for it - one by one, female records are being erased from record books - feminists should be outraged but most are silent. Those who are not are called 'radical'. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 20, 2018 ~ Hillary continues to lie about 'What Happened' in the election. She said 'the way Trump debated me, it was imbued with sexism'. Her example was that he made fun of her for preparing for the debate which he never did nor is that sexism. Hillary has no idea 'What Happened'. [Hillary, Fake Sexism]
Oct 18, 2018 ~ AIE, 'Thomas Sowell on Slavery and This Fact — There Are More Slaves Today Than Were Seized from Africa in Four Centuries' "Although slavery was a worldwide institution for thousands of years, nowhere in the world was slavery a controversial issue prior to the 18th century. People of every race and color were enslaved -- and enslaved others. White people were still being bought and sold as slaves in the Ottoman Empire, decades after American blacks were freed." [Slavery]
Oct 17, 2018 ~ Kanye West's support for Trump gets him called token negro, Uncle Tom, white supremacist. CNN commentator Bakari Sellers says 'Kanye West is what happens when Negros don't read.' Tara Setmayer calls West a 'token negro'. Don Lemon laughs. Herschel Walker calls this 'bullying'. [Racism, Silencing, TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Oct 16, 2018 ~ Judge dismisses Stormy Daniels' defamation lawsuit against Trump. Judge also orders Daniels to pay Trump's legal bills for the case which will be very hefty. There goes her original $125K extortion money and more. Ruling prevents further extortion. Total vindication for Trump. [Trump Win]
Oct 16, 2018 ~ Now we know what Peter Strzok meant in that 'insurance policy' text to Lisa Page - 'The Russia Story' based on a garbage dossier was going to be used if Trump lost and refused to accept the result. But instead it was used to try to reverse the outcome when Trump won. [Spygate, Russia Hoax]
Oct 14, 2018 ~ Breitbart lists 594 Acts of Violence and Harassment From Democrats and Leftists Against Trump Supporters so far. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. Victory for due process, the presumption of innocence and the rejection of mob rule. The GOP used to fold like a cheap tent but has now found its backbone under President Trump. Dems fail in their baseless takedown. [Trump Win, Kavanaugh, SCOTUS, Due Process]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Susan Collins Drove A Stake Through The Heart Of The Liberal Mob'. She became the deciding vote for Kavanaugh and in 'her finest moment' gave a thorough accounting of the entire situation and her vote 'leaving no stone unturned'. Victory for truth and due process. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape, Derek Hunter, Due Process]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ John Eidson, A modern review the 1990s computer model climate predictions was done - 117 computer models were analyzed - only 3 correctly predicted future warming - 114 models predicted TWICE as much warming as actually occurred on average. [Climate Change]
Oct 8, 2018 ~ FBI Investigation clears Kavanaugh. Again. Democrats' Complaints about it are absurd - this was the 6th FBI investigation of Kavanaugh - they did not need to re-interview Ford or Kavanaugh - already had hours of their sworn testimony - found 0 corroborating evidence. [Kavanaugh]
Oct 6, 2018 ~ David French, 'The Complete Case for Kavanaugh'. Normally the drip drip drip of new evidence and allegations make a case stronger but the case against Kavanaugh was the opposite - more and more allegations made the case ever weaker. Exposed that the real aim was just to stop him. [Kavanaugh]
Oct 5, 2018 ~ Unemployment Rate is at its lowest level since 1969 - Hispanic unemployment rate also hits a new all time low. [Trump Win, Economy]
Oct 5, 2018 ~ Julie Swetnick Gang Rape story falls apart. Backtracks all of her initial claims. Now says did not see Kavanaugh spike punch or rape anyone. Not one person could be found who backs up any of her story. Even her ex does not believe her. Circus of lies trying to destroy Kavanaugh. [Kavanaugh, Fake Rape]

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