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Aug 27, 2018 ~ After the Mollie Tibbetts murder by an illegal alien, dems keeps insisting that immigrant crime rate is lower than non-immigrant crime rate but as usual they lump legal and illegal immigration together. Illegal immigrant crime rate is much HIGHER than the non-immigrant crime rate [Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Fake News, Crime]
Aug 26, 2018 ~ Amnesty program is being abused. 60K per month, 700K per year enter the US illegally claiming amnesty. More than 80% of those claims are false but democrats want us to release them to let courts sort out. But most don't go to court so dems are advocating defacto open borders. [Illegal Immigration]
Aug 25, 2018 ~ Antifa considers the American Flag to be a 'fascist symbol' and will beat people who have one and don't give it up to their violent thugs trying to take it. This is a perfect example of why Antifa does not get to decide what is 'fascist'. Most of what they call fascist is NOT. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Aug 25, 2018 ~ U.S. cuts more than $200 million in aid to the Palestinians under the direction of President Trump - It was long overdue to stop funding terrorists who accept no solution other than the destruction of Israel. [Trump Win, Israel, Terrorism]
Aug 25, 2018 ~ EPA Announces Trump Administration Replacement to Obama's Clean Power Plan called 'Affordable Clean Energy' - reduces burdensome regulations that would have greatly harmed the economy with no real environmental benefit. Still cuts emissions but gives more authority to the states. [Trump Win, Energy, Climate Change]
Aug 25, 2018 ~ Manafort and Cohen decisions - Manafort crimes had 0 to do with Trump - Trump did not violate campaign laws - paying extortion money not a campaign payment - allowed to donate to your own campaign - Obama had $2M in campaign violations. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Aug 25, 2018 ~ US reduces greenhouse gasses more than any country that signed the Paris agreement - China and India increased more than anyone decreased so world output increases. [Climate Change]
Aug 21, 2018 ~ Andrew Cuomo says Trump can't make America great AGAIN because 'America was never that great.' - His Democrat Party audience members were aghast and booed loudly - Just Kidding, they CHEERED WILDLY! Modern democrats hate America, past and present. [Loathsome Left]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Youth unemployment hits 52-year low! [Trump Win, Economy]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ John Wellington, 'US Internet Speed Has Gone From 12th To 6th Fastest Since End Of Net Neutrality' - so much for the hyperventilating about the internet being destroyed by net neutrality. Ending it is producing the positive results the GOP knew it would. [Trump Win, Net Neutrality, Regulations]
Aug 18, 2018 ~ Trump Administration rolls back Obama's absurd CAFE requirements making Driving Safer And Cheaper - new rules will save consumers $500 billion and SAVE 13,000 lives - heavier cars are safer and reduced costs allow people to replace old cars sooner. [Trump Win, Regulations, Climate Change]
Aug 16, 2018 ~ Paul Driessen, 'Rejecting Carbon Colonialism'. Trump is helping Africa far more than Obama enabling the African Development Bank, AfDB to invest in realistic energy vs. Obama who held them back trying to lock them into impractical renewables that would lock them into poverty. [Trump Win, Climate Change, Poverty]
Aug 13, 2018 ~ For two decades, Senator Dianne Feinstein employed a Chinese spy on her staff - was notified - tried to keep secret from the public - Trump campaign was not similarly notified when spying suspected in his campaign. [Spygate]
Aug 11, 2018 ~ Trump Economy is the story of the decade - New York Times say they've run out of words to describe how good it is - Unemployment Rate Falls to 18-Year Low; Solid Hiring. Metric after metric setting records. Pelosi says 'strong employment numbers mean little.' [Trump Win, Economy]
Aug 5, 2018 ~ Derek Hunter, 'Double Standards Are The Only Standards Liberals Have'. Liberals falsely label everything under the sun from border enforcement to exhaling as 'racist'. The only thing leftists won't label as racist is ACTUAL racism by leftists such as racism by Sarah Jeong of NYT. [Fake Racism, Racism, Derek Hunter]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ When will the Dem Party condemn their daily incidents of violence? Man indicted for threatening to kill Diane Black. Brick thrown through GOP window. Jason Lewis' daughters threatened. Man arrested outside Lee Zeldin's office for threatening to kill Trump supporters. On and on. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ The U.S. dethroned Hong Kong to retake first place among the world's most competitive economies according to annual rankings by the Switzerland-based IMD World Competitiveness Center - number 1 spot was lost during Obama admin [Trump Win, Economy]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ Four Blue States, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maryland file a ridiculous lawsuit claiming the Trump Tax Cuts $10K SALT deduction cap unfairly targets their rich people. They do this while simultaneously lying to the public that Trump's tax cuts are 'for the rich'. [Tax Cuts, Politics]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ New York Times hires extremely racist columnist, Sarah Jeong. 'Dumbass fucking white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.' Her 'plan' is for white people to go extinct. 'You'll all go extinct soon. This was my plan all along.' [Racism, Loathsome Left]
Aug 4, 2018 ~ New York Times hires extremely racist columnist, Sarah Jeong. Dems say its fine because she hates 'dumbass fucking white people', men, police - whites smell like dogs, 'fuck white women', '#CancelWhitePeople', 'fuck the police', 'kill men', 'kill more men', 'all are men garbage'. [Racism, Sexism, Loathsome Left, Violent Left, Police]
Jul 31, 2018 ~ Trump Announces E.U. Has Granted Trade Concessions in response to his trade war including unfair trading practices, including intellectual property- still working toward goal of 0 tariffs - got Germany to buy more US gas [Trump Win, Economy, Trade]
Jul 31, 2018 ~ Huge double standard - The rare white person that kills or assaults black person crime is met with street protests - 'White supremacy slashes throats, it stabs, it lynches' - But never protests or outrage for the far more common black person kills or assaults white person. [Race]
Jul 30, 2018 ~ The FISA applications confirm that the Carter Page warrant was obtained via a perfect circle of Steel Dossier composed of 'unverified' Russian Intel funded by Clinton, leaked to media and then those media reports were part of the application. Page spied on but did nothing wrong. [Spygate, Russia Hoax]
Jul 29, 2018 ~ Second-quarter GDP growth jumps to 4.1% - many said it couldn't be done. The Trump economy rolls on. [Trump Win, Economy]
Jul 29, 2018 ~ Trump rolls back Obama Antiquities Act monument massive overreach - Act says take 'smallest area compatible with proper care and management of the objects to be protected' But Obama grabbed 550 million acres!! Massive abuse. Returning to law's true intent and authority. [Trump Win, Regulations]
Jul 25, 2018 ~ Kyle Smith, 'No Detectable Lead Poisoning in Flint After All' - Scare not only overblown, it was a non-event - 0 children tested anywhere near the danger zone - water was actually fine - thousands of communities have higher levels as did all in the 70s. [Environment, Fake News, Kyle Smith]
Jul 23, 2018 ~ Trump-Putin Summit yields an agreement to restrain Iran in Syria. [Trump Win, Russia, Syria, Iran]
Jul 22, 2018 ~ The EU extorts $5 billion from Google over alleged antitrust abuse - The EU is the world's most powerful extortion consortium - It has previously extorted billions of dollars from Apple, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, airlines and many more - The EU has almost no other purpose. [Regulations]
Jul 22, 2018 ~ White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family refused service at restaurant Red Hen. Dems can't simply disagree anymore without vulgarity, violence or treating people as sub-human. They're so much better than the 'deplorables' they can't even be around them. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jul 19, 2018 ~ Mueller indicts 12 more Russian Nationals after previous 13 for allegedly 'hacking' into the DNC server - Knows will never have to prove it in court. Unprovable because the DNC won't turn over the server - also, password was 'password' - No Americans involved, no Trump collusion. [Russia Hoax]
Jul 16, 2018 ~ Larry Elder, 'What They Didn't Teach in about Slavery in My High School' - Arab traders enslaved far more Africans than European - Of the 10.7 million Atlantic slaves taken, most went to South America - less than 400K went to America - all races have been slaves and masters. [Slavery, Race, Larry Elder]
Jul 10, 2018 ~ Record 155,576,000 Employed in June - 10th Record for Trump - Workforce Participation Rate has been trending in the right direction - people who have dropped out of the workforce are coming back to work. [Trump Win, Economy]
Jul 10, 2018 ~ Now, supposedly you're a bigot and ignorant if you are a straight male or lesbian female and won't date a trans 'woman' who has a PENIS. Of course no one is doing that! People's attractions are hardwired by millions of years of evolution. They don't depend on how -you- identify. [Trans, LGBT]
Jul 9, 2018 ~ Brandon Straka, founder of the #WalkAway movement was denied service at a Manhattan camera store. Straka was questioned, 'Are you planning to use this equipment for alt-right purposes?' The clerk then said 'I'm sorry I just don't feel comfortable selling to you'. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, #WalkAway, Cancel Culture]
Jul 8, 2018 ~ Prager on why child separation is required and not fascist. 'American children are routinely separated from their parent when that parent is arrested? the only way to avoid separation is to place the children in detention? But this was expressly forbidden by the... 9th Circuit'. [Illegal Immigration, Dennis Prager]
Jul 8, 2018 ~ Dennis Prager: Donny 'Deutsch, Hayden and the myriad other fools who compare Trump to Hitler and the Nazis have utterly trivialized the Holocaust... it is actually a form of Holocaust denial.' They nullify the experience of Holocaust victims, survivors. Will lead to violence. [Holocaust Denial, Dennis Prager]
Jul 8, 2018 ~ Judicial Watch files an ethics complaint against Maxine Waters for inciting violence - Waters said 'crowds' of people should 'harass' Trump supporters wherever they go in public. 'Waters' incitement for violence, assault and riot sets a dangerous precedent.' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 8, 2018 ~ Prominent Democrats foolishly call to Abolish ICE. Several articles explain why this is a foolish and unrealistic idea - ICE took over enforcement from the INS - either have no enforcement or get INS back which dems would criticize too. ICE protects minority communities the most. [Illegal Immigration, Police]
Jul 5, 2018 ~ Trump administration rescinds Obama era directives that encouraged colleges and universities to use race in admissions processes to promote campus diversity - trying to move toward MLK's vision of not discriminating on race. [Trump Win, Affirmative Action]
Jul 3, 2018 ~ President Trump smartly keeps coal and nuclear plants open that were scheduled to close per Obama administration - would have left us no margin for unexpected weather or disasters, natural or man-made. [Trump Win, Energy, Economy]
Jul 3, 2018 ~ Maxine Waters orders Democrats to harass members of the Trump admin. 'If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.' [Loathsome Left, TDS, Violent Left]
Jul 2, 2018 ~ SCOTUS stands up for Public Sector Workers. Janus ruling says that workers cannot be forced to pay money to unions that will then use that money to support political causes that they are against - workers gain freedom, dems lose millions [SCOTUS, Politics, Unions]
Jul 1, 2018 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Yes, There's Too Much Due Process at the Border' - 80% of asylum claims are false but 90% of them pass initial interview - hundreds of thousands clogging up the system - most should simply be turned around at the border. [Illegal Immigration, Rich Lowry, Due Process]
Jul 1, 2018 ~ SCOTUS upholds Trump 'Travel Ban'. Democrats continue to lie by calling it a 'Muslim ban' with no real justification - ban affected only 8% of the Muslim population and was based on ability or inability to vet. [Trump Win, Politics, Immigration, Terrorism]
Jun 29, 2018 ~ Israel convicts a Jewish teen for a string of 2000 bomb threats against US Jewish Community Centers. These crimes were all falsely claimed to be evidence of increased hate crime activity by Trump supporters since Trump's Election. As usual, they had nothing to do with Trump. [Fake Hate Crime, Anti-Semitism]
Jun 28, 2018 ~ President Trump moves US Embassy to Jerusalem - Trump keeps his promise and Obama's - more than 50 Palestinians killed in renewed Hamas violence - Israel shows restraint but predictably falsely criticized by anti-Semitic left and media. [Trump Win, Israel, Terrorism]
Jun 24, 2018 ~ US withdraws from the hypocritical UN Human Rights Council. Nikki Haley 'For too long the human rights council has been a protector of human rights abusers'. Pompeo, 'worst human rights abuses going ignored some of the world's most serious offenders sitting on the council itself' [Trump Win]
Jun 24, 2018 ~ FBI agent Peter Strzok who bragged that the fake Russia probe was their 'insurance policy' should Trump actually win said of the possibility of Trump winning 'We'll Stop It' - He called Trump supporters called 'poor uneducated, lazy POS crazies', major bias [Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
Jun 24, 2018 ~ SPLC agrees to $3.3 million settlement to Maajid Nawaz over its 'Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists' - up to 60 other organizations looking at suing SPLC - they once did good work against the KKK but they've now lost all credibility and have become a hate group themselves. [Fake Islamophobia, Cancel Culture]
Jun 24, 2018 ~ The 'Kids in Cages' lie. Democrats outraged at illegal immigrant families being separated. Call Trump and supporters Nazis. Based on many many fake photos and real photos from the Obama years. Never cared when Obama did it. Does not happen if they apply for asylum the right way. [Fake News, Illegal Immigration]

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