Jun 24, 2018 ~ North Korea agreed to begin returning the remains of the Honored Dead of the United States, missing for nearly 70 years so they can be buried alongside their fellow heroes in a place of honor. [Trump Win, North Korea]
Jun 23, 2018 ~ Charles Krauthammer Announces He Has Weeks to Live - Krauthammer is the most well reasoned, well mannered, articulate, profound and just plain spot on of all the political pundits out there. [Politics]
Jun 21, 2018 ~ New York Times, 'Disability Applications Plunge as the Economy Strengthens'. Torsten Slok, chief international economist of Deutsche Bank said, 'This is a big deal. We thought the numbers for disability would go up forever.' [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements]
Jun 17, 2018 ~ North Korea suspends nuclear missile testing after negotiations with President Trump - Meetings, smiles and handshakes taking place between North and South Korea for the first time in a long time - South Korea and even many democrats saying Trump deserves much of the credit. [Trump Win, North Korea]
Jun 17, 2018 ~ Two biological boys, Terry Miller and Andraya Yearwood win track events in Connecticut shutting girls out from advancing. Miller set 2 state records. Female records are being erased one by one and the books are being filled with records unattainable for actual females. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jun 16, 2018 ~ Democrat Party Strategy for 2018 election. Say Fuck Trump, Call Ivanka a Cunt, Dress like vaginas, support gangs and terrorists because Trump is against them, root for a recession, and make idiotic comparisons to Nazis, Fascists and HITLER, support open borders, call you a racist [Politics, Fake Racism, Holocaust Denial]
Jun 16, 2018 ~ Bret Weinstein says What happened at Evergreen State 'would be MLK's nightmare' - instead of the old liberal idea of everyone being treated equally, the school was allowed to be run by a violent minority who wanted to turn the tables of oppression - 'operated like a cult' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2018 ~ Scott Adams summary of the Spygate narrative progression - 'There was no spy in the Trump campaign. The spying that did NOT happen was totally justified. It would be bad for national security to identify the spy who doesn't exist. His name is Stefan.' [Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
Jun 11, 2018 ~ Cambridge professor Stefan Halper outed as FBI informant inside Trump campaign - Trump says Obama administration spying on his campaign 'worse than Watergate' - Trump's initial claim was widely ridiculed. Now the Russian Collusion narrative is completely imploding. [Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
Jun 11, 2018 ~ Samantha Bee calls Ivanka a 'cunt' for posting a picture of her son while her dad enforces his nation's border. Sally Field and Minnie Driver say that's an insult to cunts. Huge difference from how former first families were treated. Trump's detractors are 1000X worse than he is. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Illegal Immigration]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ Bill Maher is rooting for a recession to happen to 'get rid of Trump' - 'I'm hoping for it' says the wealthy man - His audience cheers - None of them understand the connection between Trump's policies and the roaring economy. [TDS, Economy]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ Supreme Court rules in favor of Jack Phillips, the guy who didn't want to be forced to bake a cake for a gay wedding - he won but people say the ruling was too narrow - National Review editors say it was 'Broad Enough to Matter'. [Religious Freedom, SCOTUS]
Jun 10, 2018 ~ The United States Restores Top Ranking As Most Competitive Global Economy [Trump Win, Economy]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ The Dakota Access Pipeline just celebrated one year of operation - has been transferring half a million to a million barrels of oil per day - very safe - leaked less than 4 barrels out of 61 million - Is helping to create U.S. energy independence. Dems were totally against it. [Trump Win, Energy, Economy]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ President Trump passes 'right to try' legislation whereby terminal patients can try experimental treatments that might save their lives. Unreal that this was not already allowed. Embarrassing that liberals and democrats are against it because Trump is for it. [Trump Win, Health Care]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Navy Sailor Kristian Saucier is pardoned by President Trump - Saucier took some pictures on a submarine that were deemed to be classified but he did not realize it at the time - other sailors did the same - what Hillary did was far worse and intentional but she skated. [Trump Win, Hillary]
Jun 9, 2018 ~ Commutes Alice Johnson unfair life sentence for one non-violent drug offense 27 years ago - libs who should be celebrating can only criticize because Trump did it and Kim Kardashian lobbied for it [Trump Win]
Jun 1, 2018 ~ Most if not all of the pictures dems are using to 'prove' the 'kids in cages' narrative are from the Obama era. Samantha Bee is one of the useless idiots who fell for the fake news. This leads her to call First Daughter Ivanka Trump a 'cunt' on TV- her vile crowd cheered. [TDS, Fake News, Illegal Immigration, Loathsome Left]
May 31, 2018 ~ More Fake News that many many liberals fell for. 'ICE Prison Bus For Babies'. Moby tweets 'what the hell is wrong with our country - Trump's America a land of belligerence and cruelty and unspeakable heartlessness, republican monsters' Picture from Obama era. Used for field trip. [TDS, Fake News, Illegal Immigration]
May 28, 2018 ~ Eleanor Goldberg, '80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.' - very dangerous for them to make the trip - one reason its important to shut down the border and that trafficking. This is why Trump connected illegal immigration to rape during campaign. [Illegal Immigration]
May 27, 2018 ~ Trump Has Secured the Release of Another American Prisoner Overseas, Joshua Holt being held for bogus reasons in Venezuela for 2 years [Trump Win]
May 27, 2018 ~ The United States is now the world's top producer of petroleum and natural gas hydrocarbons - Now have long desired energy independence - recall how 'Drill Baby Drill' was mocked as not workable. [Trump Win, Energy, Economy]
May 27, 2018 ~ Trump's trade war with China is already paying dividends - China Pledges $200 Billion in U.S. Purchases by Overhauling Trade Rules [Trump Win, China, Trade, Tariffs]
May 24, 2018 ~ Fake News of the highest order - Trump calls MS-13 gang members 'animals' justifiably - Pelosi and many dems claim he was calling 'immigrants' animals - fake news media plays along disgracefully. New York Daily News, 'Trump Hurls Pure Hate At Immigrants'. Fake News, Fake Smears. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Immigration]
May 24, 2018 ~ Bipartisan Dodd-Frank Reform Bill Moves to Trump's Desk - Trump lessens the regulatory burden of Dodd-Frank especially for smaller financial institutions - Raised limit regulations kick in to $250 Billion [Trump Win, Economy, Regulations]
May 22, 2018 ~ White House weighs in on Laurel vs. Yanny debate - Progressives get really upset - tell them to 'stop pretending they're human' - criticize their whiteness etc. Tell them to focus on going to jail for 'collusion'. TDS dems are just joyless, hate-filled angry people all the time. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
May 17, 2018 ~ Heather Wilhelm, 'Tough Times for the Resistance' - The whole Resistance thing is looking more and more ridiculous - as they hyperventilate every day for over a year over nonsense, Trump keeps racking up successes, accomplishments and approval ratings. [TDS, Trump Win]
May 16, 2018 ~ Trump scraps the Obama Iran Deal - Was never a legit treaty because never signed by Congress - Israel proved Iran was already cheating and money to Iran was going to terrorists. [Trump Win, Iran]
May 14, 2018 ~ North Korea releases 3 American prisoners ahead of Trump visit - Unfairly imprisoned - Pompeo returns with them - The president's 'maximum pressure' tactics have borne fruit [Trump Win, North Korea]
May 14, 2018 ~ David Harsanyi, Trump is able to undo so much of Obama's legacy because Obama did it all by executive order instead of the right way. With his pen and phone. Individual mandate, Paris, TPP, pipelines, net neutrality, other regulations, DACA, Iran etc. [Trump Win]
May 8, 2018 ~ U.S. job growth picks up, unemployment rate falls to 3.9 percent. [Trump Win, Economy]
May 6, 2018 ~ NATO members increase defense spending and contributions to NATO after Trump makes it an issue. Fulfills another campaign promise and makes the situation more fair for the US. No other president dared even ask NATO members to pay their agreed share. [Trump Win, Nato]
May 5, 2018 ~ African-American and Hispanic unemployment hits lowest rate in history - lowest in 45 years which is the longest records have been kept - Vindicates Black and Hispanic people who voted for Trump - They ignored the false charges of racism. Know Dems have only made things worse. [Trump Win, Economy]
May 5, 2018 ~ So Called Comedian Michelle Wolf Targets Appearance of Huckabee Sanders At White House Correspondents Dinner. Really despicable display of hatred against Trump, Ivanka, Sanders, Conway etc. Abuse was so brutal that even liberals condemn. Mika Brzezinski, 'I hurt for Sarah.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Sexism]
May 5, 2018 ~ Guy Benson, 'Netanyahu's Extraordinary Intel Presentation Proves the Basis of the Iran Deal Was Always a Sham' Israeli Spies infiltrated Iran and smuggled out thousands of documents proving they have been cheating and developing nuclear weapons. [Iran, Israel]
May 5, 2018 ~ Ronan Farrow told George Stephanopoulos that Hillary Clinton's team threatened to cancel her interview with him because he was working on the story about her friend Harvey Weinstein. Her campaign 'sounded very concerned' 'We hear you're working on a big story.' [Me Too, Hillary]
May 3, 2018 ~ Trump is securing American energy independence by bringing online the Keystone XL and Dakota pipelines, opening Alaska - They are a win for the environment as well - US soon to be a net exporter. Steve Moore article, 'Goodbye, OPEC' [Trump Win, Energy, Environment]
Apr 30, 2018 ~ Hillary Clinton Broke Federal Election Laws by funneling the payments to Fusion GPS to fund the oppo research Trump Dossier through a law firm under the line item of 'Legal Services' - it was not legal services - purpose was to hide [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Apr 29, 2018 ~ Trump Investigation Hoax Unravels in Spectacular Fashion - Comey lied, McCabe lied, Clapper lied, used dem oppo research to spy, House Intelligence Report released and finds 0 Collusion between Trump campaign and Russians. [Trump Win, Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
Apr 20, 2018 ~ Coldest winter in 150 years in the US - people complaining about the winter that will never end - snow storms in almost May - we're very far from the unusual heat of the 1990s but alarmist still scaring [Climate Change]
Apr 17, 2018 ~ Steve Moore explains how Trump tax cuts are already paying for themselves due to the economic growth they are creating - this is the dynamic scoring the CBO could not take into account and dems said wouldn't happen. [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Apr 15, 2018 ~ Staffs of The #FakeNews New York Times and The #FakeNews Washington Post jointly win the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in journalism for their #FakeNews reporting about the entirely fake #RussiaHoax (i.e. the alleged 'collusion' between the Trump adminstration and Russia to influence the 2016 election). These brave 'journalists' heroically kept the fake story alive and on the front pages for years, damaging the Trump Administration substaintially enough to warrant this prestigious honor. That the story was false is completely irrelevant because the damage it inflicted was the entire purpose. [Fake News, Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Apr 7, 2018 ~ Joe Biden threatens Trump with violence - 'If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him' - Trump responds of course - 'Don't threaten people Joe!' [TDS, Violent Left, Biden]
Apr 2, 2018 ~ Economy booming - Jobless Claims Hit Lowest Level Since the Nixon Administration - now more than 4 million workers have received tax cut bonus, plus countless benefit improvements rolled out to workers - most Americans got a tax cut. [Trump Win, Economy, Tax Cuts]
Apr 2, 2018 ~ Candace Owens is a young black woman who created a YouTube site she calls Red Pill Black - She is a conservative black woman exposing the lie that the democrat party has been good for black people - going viral [#WalkAway]
Mar 20, 2018 ~ The House's Collusion Investigation Ends - No collusion was found between Russia and the Trump Administration. It was just a political witch hunt from the beginning. [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Mar 20, 2018 ~ Secret Society revealed within the FBI determined to exonerate Hillary no matter the evidence and convict Trump no matter the lack of evidence - McCabe Resigns - Nunos releases memo showing DNC funded bogus dossier basis for FISA spying. [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Mar 19, 2018 ~ FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is fired after 'Both the OIG and FBI OPR reports concluded that Mr. McCabe had made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor - including under oath - on multiple occasions.' according to Attorney General Sessions statement. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Mar 18, 2018 ~ Federal judge dismisses civil rights lawsuit filed by father of Ahmed Mohamed - Judge dismisses 'Clock Boy's' lawsuit against the school 'with prejudice' - A ridiculous FAKE STORY orchestrated by his Muslim activist father that every idiot on the left from Obama on down fell for. [Fake Islamophobia, Fake News]