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Feb 22, 2018 ~ Harvard professor of psychology Steven Pinker 'Universities are becoming laughing stocks of intolerance, with non-leftist speakers drowned out by jeering mobs, investigations for unorthodox opinions... guidelines on microaggressions... students mobbing and cursing a professor.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Feb 21, 2018 ~ Really good explanation by Jim Geraghty for why a Utopia can't exist - There are no solutions, only trade-offs - You can't get the good side of every tradeoff and not get its associated negative consequences. Freedom vs. Security, Socialist equality vs. incentives for prosperity. [Economics, Politics]
Feb 20, 2018 ~ Did the Progressive 'Broward County Solution' Cost 17 Student Lives - Obama put in place rules to reduce numbers of blacks and Hispanics school kids arrested - Hispanic Cruz brought bullets to school but no arrest - he would have failed his gun background test otherwise. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Race]
Feb 15, 2018 ~ Parkland School Shooting - 19 dead - extremely preventable. FBI and Police failed. Should have had an arrest record. Obama PROMISE program allowed him to get a gun after offenses that should have prevented it - dems trot out useless gun control demands - vilify those who oppose. [Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Feb 13, 2018 ~ While negotiating immigration Trump allegedly says he doesn't want more people from 'shithole' countries like Haiti and in Africa - prefers Norway - negotiations are blown up - Trump is called racist - Yet oddly immigration only flows one way - from those countries to the US. [Illegal Immigration]
Feb 11, 2018 ~ Man Who Killed Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson in Car Crash Is a Twice-Deported Illegal Immigrant - liberals are annoyed that Trump rightly points out this was very preventable were it not for democratic policies of sanctuary cities and open borders. [Illegal Immigration]
Feb 11, 2018 ~ Several articles written about how many prominent democrats said very similar things to what Trump is saying now about illegal immigration and boarder enforcement. Schumer, Bill Clinton, Obama, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Feinstein etc. But Trump is a bigot for saying it now. [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Feb 11, 2018 ~ Democrats' Immigration Radicalism - The Gift That Keeps on Giving for Donald Trump - Democrats have gotten so extreme, their own positions from just a few years ago are now called racist, bigoted and xenophobic. Comparison quotes Trumps to dems are hilariously similar. [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism]
Feb 11, 2018 ~ Democrats Boo America - Trump makes a pretty good State of the Union Speech - Those Democrats who actually went look horrible and rude never clapping for any good news including strong economy, lowest black unemployment, our flag etc. [Loathsome Left]
Feb 11, 2018 ~ The Trump Administration is working to end the campus "Kangaroo Courts" by restoring Due Process. Colleges willing participants in creating a system that threw out due process, and replaced properly trained police and courts with inquisitors not competent in investigating crimes. [College, Due Process]
Feb 11, 2018 ~ Trump Win - U.S. jobless claims drop to near 45-year low. [Trump Win, Economy]
Feb 10, 2018 ~ Major Hypocrisy from dems regarding the Trump Tax Cuts - they lie non-stop about it being 'tax cuts for the rich' while at the same time HOWL about how taxes are being raised on the very wealthy and only the wealthy in blue states. They even can't make their lies consistent. [Tax Cuts]
Feb 8, 2018 ~ 100s of large companies and more every day have announced bonuses, raises, new hiring, expansion, money repatriation, etc. due to Trump Tax Cuts - Democrats said it wouldn't happen. Then when it did, they dismiss it all as 'crumbs'. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Feb 6, 2018 ~ 2005 Photo of Obama and racist anti-Semite Farrakhan all buddy buddy is revealed. Was kept Secret to Protect Obama's Career - Dershowitz would not have campaigned for Obama if he knew - Trump gets criticized about David Duke but he doesn't hang out with him or even know him. [Anti-Semitism, Racism]
Feb 2, 2018 ~ Trump Triumphs at Davos Economic Forum - treated like a rock star - says 'America is open for business' - gets incredible reception to the annoyance of liberals. [Trump Win, Economics]
Jan 21, 2018 ~ John Lott study, 'Undocumented Immigrants, U.S. Citizens, and Convicted Criminals in Arizona' shows Undocumented immigrants are at least 142% more likely to be convicted of crime than other Arizonans - 163 percent more likely to commit first degree murder than are U.S. citizens. [Illegal Immigration]
Jan 21, 2018 ~ Katie Pavlich, 'Blockbuster DOJ Report Shows Vast Majority of Convicted Terrorists in America Were Born Abroad'. 75% of convicted terrorists were foreign born. 'Many convicted terrorists came to the U.S. through chain migration.' [Terrorism, Immigration]
Jan 21, 2018 ~ Appointee Mick Mulvaney, submitted a budget request for the CFPB that may be a first in the history of government - $0. 'I have been assured that the funds currently in the bureau fund are sufficient for the bureau to carry out its statutory mandates for the next fiscal quarter.' [Trump Win]
Jan 20, 2018 ~ Trump Announces 2017 Fake News Award Winners. Krugman wins with economy will 'never' recover. 2nd place to Brian Ross who tanked the stock market with fake Russia news. CNN takes 4 of 11 spots for their work on HUGE, but fake stories. [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Jan 14, 2018 ~ Hawaii state agency falsely tells people missiles incoming - liberals stupidly blame Trump. Jamie Lee Curtis 'YOUR ARROGANCE. HUBRIS. NARCISSISM. RAGE. EGO. IMMATURITY and your UNSTABLE IDIOCY. Shame on your hate filled self. YOU DID THIS!' Trump Derangement Syndrome is real... [TDS, Fake News]
Jan 11, 2018 ~ Stephen Moore, 'One Year in Office, Trump Keeps Defying His Critics' - long list of economists and pundits predicting he would tank the stock markets and economy which would never recover - exact opposite happened - he defeats those who call him a moron [Trump Win, Economics]
Jan 9, 2018 ~ President Trump signs The Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Park Act, designating Martin Luther King Jr. birthplace a national historic park Says 'It was my great honor to sign H.R. 267', a bill sponsored by Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewis. [Trump Win]
Jan 8, 2018 ~ Over 1 Million Workers Have Received a Bonus Since The Trump Tax Bill Became Law - dems either silent or still trying to pretend this is a tax cut for the rich. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economics]
Dec 31, 2017 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Give Trump Credit Where It's Due - As the year ends, he is compiling a solid record of accomplishment' ANWR, Repealing the individual mandate, Gorsuch and other judges, Israel Embassy, Pulling Iran, Paris Deals, Tax Cuts, massive dereg, Title IX due process, Keystone [Trump Win, Rich Lowry]
Dec 31, 2017 ~ Trump gets ANWR, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, open for oil drilling. Democrats have been blocking it for 40 years. More than 10 billion barrels of oil - 1.5 million barrels daily - up to 14% of domestic production. Trump is moving the US toward true energy independence. [Trump Win, Energy]
Dec 31, 2017 ~ Trump eliminates Obama era rules for fracking on federal lands. Would have cost companies 'hundreds of millions of dollars in compliance costs without any corresponding safety benefits'. Trump is moving the US toward true energy independence. [Trump Win, Energy]
Dec 30, 2017 ~ Jews are fleeing France over increasing Anti-Semitism. Other European countries experiencing the same thing. 1000s leaving France alone every year. 'most of the violent attacks they experienced came from Muslims'. In some areas 'forced to hide their kippas or their Star of David' [Anti-Semitism, Immigration, Islam]
Dec 30, 2017 ~ Bernie Sanders says the Trump Tax plan 'is a very good thing, and that's why we should have made the tax breaks for the middle class permanent'. LOL! The only reason they're not permanent is because the democrats insisted they expire. Pelosi is fuming Bernie told the truth. [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Sanders]
Dec 29, 2017 ~ Bret Weinstein says what's happening in higher education 'would be MLK's nightmare' Told 'we shall not focus on the content of our character, but instead must focus primarily on the color of our skin (and our gender identification, sexual orientation'. Everyone afraid to dissent. [College, Identity Politics, Silencing]
Dec 28, 2017 ~ Katherine Rodriguez, 'Seven Reasons 2017 Was the Year of the Food Stamp Turnaround.' More than 1.3 million people have dropped off the food stamp rolls since Trump became President dropping to the lowest usage and cost in 7 years. [Trump Win, Entitlements, Economy]
Dec 28, 2017 ~ Fake News Debunked, Blockbuster Report from DOJ, DHS destroys liberal myth that non-citizens are less likely to commit crimes than citizens. Its actually far higher especially for illegal immigrants. 20% of federal inmates foreign born, 94% are illegal. Non-citizens 22% of murder [Fake News, Immigration, Illegal Immigration, Crime]
Dec 28, 2017 ~ Trump and Mattis defeat ISIS - All of the territory ISIS occupied in Iraq and Syria since 2014 has been retaken. Trump policies should get credit. 10s of thousands of ISIS casualties - 'utterly defeated'. Major military operations liberated Raqqa and Iraq. Not getting much press. [Islam, Syria, Terrorism, Trump Win]
Dec 27, 2017 ~ Consumer Confidence Climbs to 17-Year High [Trump Win, Economy]
Dec 27, 2017 ~ After Trump decides to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, At least ten more countries are in talks with Israel to move their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Brave leadership allows others to follow. [Trump Win, Israel]
Dec 27, 2017 ~ Jonah Goldberg, 'Trump's List Of Accomplishments Isn't Small, But The Party Is Running The Show' The main reason it was better to have Trump instead of Hillary was because Trump's 3000 appointees and advisors would be better than Hillary's, leading to this year of accomplishment. [Trump Win, Politics]
Dec 26, 2017 ~ Hans A. von Spakovsky & Roger Clegg "The Bogus Science behind 'Implicit Racism'" The left's theory about how every white person is implicitly racist whether they even know it or not does not hold up to scrutiny. Article explains why Implicit Association Test (IAT) is very flawed. [Fake Racism]
Dec 23, 2017 ~ Socialism is crushing Venezuela. Shame how far it fell and how wonderful it used to be there before they tried socialism. Left wingers that praised the transition are now no where to be found - people are literally starving. Socialism still popular with clueless American youth. [Socialism]
Dec 23, 2017 ~ Black conservative Candace Owens exposes how the dems who have done nothing for black people falsely accuse opponents of racism. Get votes by sprinkling the word 'racist' on anything that is opposed to their agenda. She implores people to not let these false accusations work. [Fake Racism]
Dec 22, 2017 ~ Appointed Four Times as Many Federal Appeals Judges as Obama in His First Year - a record number - packing the lower courts with conservative judges [Trump Win]
Dec 22, 2017 ~ Rosie O'Donnell Offers $2M Bribe to 2 Senators if they will vote the way she wants. A clear felony. Offered money to a public official to influence an official act. 'i promise to give 2 million dollars to senator susan collins and 2 million to senator jeff flake if they vote NO.' [Crime, Tax Cuts]
Dec 22, 2017 ~ The Big Lie is disproven. Liberals claim immigrants commit less crime than citizens. Non-citizens were responsible for 22 percent of all murder, 18 percent of fraud, 33 percent of money laundering, 29 percent of drug trafficking, and 72 percent of all drug possession convictions. [Crime, Immigration, Illegal Immigration]
Dec 20, 2017 ~ Trump signs historic tax cut and reform bill, 'Tax Cuts and Jobs Act' Dems lie predictably saying it goes only to the wealthy, middle class increase etc. But fair analysis shows its a reduction for almost all except the very wealthy. Then dems mock people happy to get money back [Trump Win, Tax Cuts, Economy]
Dec 18, 2017 ~ Dow rises 5,000 points in a year for the first time ever. [Trump Win, Economy]
Dec 18, 2017 ~ Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years according to the BLS. [Trump Win, Economy, Race]
Dec 16, 2017 ~ Trump Admin Reverses Net Neutrality. Jimmy Kimmel calls Ajit Pai a 'jackhole'. Death of the internet predicted. But in reality Netflix and Google which account for 50% of internet bandwidth lobbied for Net Neutrality so they couldn't be charged more for being a bandwidth hog. [Trump Win, Net Neutrality]
Dec 16, 2017 ~ Teaching Assistant Lindsay Shepherd at Wilfrid Laurier University abusively dressed down and accused of creating a 'toxic environment' with 'Nazi propaganda' for merely letting students hear Jordan Peterson's side of a debate on gender. Compared to playing a speech of Hitler. [Trans, Silencing, College, Holocaust Denial]
Dec 15, 2017 ~ Ta-Nehisi Coates article, 'The First White President' claims the only reason conservatives opposed Obama's policies was because they were racist. They voted for Trump to undo the 'n-word presidency'. Claims Trump's 'ideology is white supremacy' Very false and divisive accusations [Fake Racism]
Dec 15, 2017 ~ Daniel Shaver was a real 'Hands up, don't shoot' police killing unlike Michael Brown, but because Shaver was white, it didn't become a big story. No riots, no accusations of racism etc. 'He was crawling on his hands and knees, crying, and begging police not to shoot him.' [Police, Race]
Dec 15, 2017 ~ Trump is restoring the Antiquities Act to its original intent reversing improper land grabs. The act was supposed to preserve national monuments with the minimum amount of land needed to do so. But it now consumes 840 million acres. Obama grabbed most of that, 554 million acres! [Trump Win]
Dec 14, 2017 ~ The United States under the Trump Administration recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and announces plans to move our embassy there. Does what 4 administrations promised but did not deliver. Many dems look silly denouncing the move as they voted for it multiple times. [Trump Win, Israel]

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