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Feb 22, 2017 ~ Walter Williams, 'Pawns of Liberals' Dr. Williams explains again the stats of race and policing - how proactive policing has saved 10,000 black lives in NYC alone and eliminating it is leading to many more black deaths thanks to liberals creating the Ferguson Effect. [Police, Crime, Race, Walter Williams]
Feb 18, 2017 ~ General Flynn resigns - did nothing actually wrong when meeting with Russian ambassador but misled Pence and Trump about what was discussed for some reason - discovered due to another White House leaker. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Feb 14, 2017 ~ Protesters initially physically block DeVos from entering a DC school she is trying to help - screaming 'shame shame shame' at her. She said 'No school door in America will be blocked from those seeking to help our nation's school children.' This is the modern left. [Violent Left, Education]
Feb 13, 2017 ~ Riot Forces Cancellation Of Milo Talk At UC Berkeley. Violent democrats do over $100K in damage, people attacked, beaten, pepper sprayed, spit on, fires started, police attacked, then stood down. Lower standards for leftists. Violence becoming a common silencing tool of the left. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Free Speech, College, Police]
Feb 13, 2017 ~ Black Lives Matter Toronto co-founder Yusra Khogali white people are 'sub-human', 'genetic defects', less intelligent, etc. than black people. 'Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today' 'Justin Trudeau is a white supremacist terrorist'. [Racism, Fake Racism, BLM]
Feb 12, 2017 ~ Piers Morgan told to 'Fuck off' by Jim Jefferies because Piers said 'There is no Muslim ban' which is true. Jefferies then compared Trump to Hitler. Morgan says 'Trump is not the new Hitler'. Jefferies then sticks his middle finger in Morgan's face. Real Time audience cheers! [TDS, Fake News, Fake Islamophobia, Holocaust Denial]
Feb 4, 2017 ~ Sarah Silverman goes further than crazy Rosie calling for Marshall Law to stop Trump. Silverman calls for military coup against 'fascist' Trump. 'WAKE UP & JOIN THE RESISTANCE. ONCE THE MILITARY IS W US FASCISTS GET OVERTHROWN. MAD KING & HIS HANDLERS GO BYE BYE'. Insane TDS. [TDS, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial]
Jan 29, 2017 ~ Jonah Goldberg, "What Trump Means When He Says, 'America First'". He just means he will put America's interests before any other country. It has nothing to do with some very old uses of the term despite Democrats trying to associate Trump with those. [Politics, Fake News]
Jan 29, 2017 ~ Trump executive orders approve Keystone and Dakota pipeline which have been blocked for 6 years - victory for energy independence and for the environment. [Trump Win, Energy, Environment]
Jan 22, 2017 ~ Steve Harvey, Kanye West, Darrell Scott, Dr. Ben Carson, and Martin Luther King III are called 'Mediocre Negros' by Marc Lamont Hill on CNN for daring to be black and work with Donald Trump. Black people who don't support democrats are put in their place by Democrats. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Racism]
Jan 22, 2017 ~ CNN leaks that CIA gave Trump a dossier of very unsupported assertions by an unknown investigator trying to make a buck. Buzzfeed prints the dossier. Turns out to be totally implausible garbage written by Trump opponents. Trump calls CNN 'fake news' [Fake News, Russia Hoax, Spygate]
Jan 21, 2017 ~ Women's march. Millions in cities day after inauguration dressed as genitalia, protesting supposedly losing their rights. Madonna says she dreams of blowing up the white house. Tells Trump to 'suck a dick'. Ashley Judd, 'I feel Hitler in these streets' Pro Life women not welcome. [TDS, Women's March, Violent Left, Holocaust Denial, Abortion]
Jan 20, 2017 ~ Washington Post article, 'The Campaign to Impeach President Trump Has Begun'. Article was posted just 2 hours after Donald Trump was inaugurated. Trump obviously hasn't done anything yet. Democrats signal therefore that impeachment will be just another tool to undo the election. [Impeachment]
Jan 20, 2017 ~ Donald Trump is inaugurated the 45th President of the United States. [Trump Win]
Jan 14, 2017 ~ Rosie O'Donnell calls for martial law to delay the inauguration. 'FULLY SUPPORT IMPOSING MARTIAL LAW - DELAYING THE INAUGURATION.' tweeted the person suffering from severe Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just imagine the outrage if anyone suggested that about Obama's inauguration. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Jan 14, 2017 ~ 67 House Democrats announce they are skipping President Trump's Inauguration. Some cite Trump's 'disrespect' of John Lewis which was simply a response to Lewis' greater disrespect of calling him an 'illegitimate president'. No other President has been treated so disgracefully. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Jan 4, 2017 ~ Unhinged 'celebrities' ever hopeful they are going to stop the inauguration take out full page NYT ad, 'No! In the Name of Humanity We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America? actively build, this resistance and refusal.' This is anti-democratic insanity ironically from 'democrats'. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial]
Jan 4, 2017 ~ Mentally disabled white man kidnapped, gagged, tortured and beaten by 4 black people in Chicago. 'This n-word right here represents Trump. One says he will put the victim in the trunk of a car and 'put a brick on the gas.' They cut off a piece of his scalp. 'Oooo, that bit's gone' [Loathsome Left, Racism, TDS, Violent Left]
Jan 4, 2017 ~ Mentally disabled white man kidnapped, gagged, tortured and beaten by 4 black people in Chicago. Cursed white people and Trump. Made him say he loves black people, made him drink toilet water. Repeatedly kicked and hit while making him say 'fuck Donald Trump' 'fuck white people'. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Jan 3, 2017 ~ Ford cancels Mexico plant after America First pressure from Trump. Will create 700 jobs in the US instead. Ford CEO Mark Fields said 'This is a vote of confidence encouraged by pro growth policies, particularly reform around tax and regulatory policies' proposed by Trump. [Trump Win, Economy, Regulations, Tax Cuts]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Elizabeth Nolan Brown, "There Is No Violent Hate-Crimewave in 'Trump's America' - Please stop spreading unsubstantiated stories of Trump-induced terror" Hoax hate crimes being spread around social media and the news to make Trump voters look bad - being uncritically believed. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Democrats have a new excuse for Hillary losing - The Russians hacked democrat party emails and the TRUE contents were damaging - only an unnamed source at CIA saying it was for sure Russians and the story is unravelling - Assange denies the Russians were the source of the leak. [Russia Hoax]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Deroy Murdock, "Beyond 'Angry White Men' - Trump won by appealing to all races, genders, and education levels." The smear that Trump won by appealing to angry white men is debunked. He won higher black, Hispanic, and Asian vote percentages than Romney and McCain. [Trump Win, Fake Racism]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Ivanka Trump is harassed on a JetBlue flight. Unhinged democrat keeps yelling at her and her kids until he was kicked off the plane - then he whined that he was being removed for his opinion - His husband bragged he went over to 'harass them' - disgraceful but common on the left. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Dec 31, 2016 ~ Unhinged democrats explain election with claim that half of America is sexist, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, KKK, Nazi, stupid, anti-gay etc. The democrat playbook is to label those who disagree as 'haters' and 'bigots' of various kinds. Unhinged and Fake News [TDS, Loathsome Left, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Fake Islamophobia, Fake Xenophobia]
Dec 27, 2016 ~ Larry Elder, "Trump's Victory: Even Charlie 'Race Card' Rangel Doesn't Blame 'Whitelash'" Charles Rangel - long list of profoundly unfair false charges of racism against Republicans and the Tea Party. Ex. He said wanting to cut taxes is code for calling people 'spic and n-word' [TDS, Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Dec 23, 2016 ~ National Review, 'Obama's Shameful Parting Shot at Israel' Obama and Kerry stab Israel in the back on the way out the door - UN Resolution and Kerry speech declare Western Wall and Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem 'occupied territory' [Israel]
Dec 21, 2016 ~ Justin Holcomb, 'Trump Lands Huge Deal with Japanese Company SoftBank, $50 Billion Investment and 50,000 More Jobs for Americans'. Very strange: Trump is not waiting to take office before getting to work? Meeting with CEO after CEO convincing them to bring jobs back to the US. [Economy, Trump Win]
Dec 17, 2016 ~ Riots in Charlotte. Keith Lamont Scott is killed by a black officer with black police chief. Hillary blames 'White People'. Brother calls white people the devil. Story of being unarmed was false. Scott was told to drop his gun 10 times but he did not drop it. 12 officers injured. [Fake Racism, Police, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Dec 17, 2016 ~ Rachel Alexander, 'Watch Out, Everything Is Racist Now'. Liberals reflexively label any criticism of any minority as racist - its almost always a false accusation but it still has power - conservatives need to stop being afraid to fight back and call them on their lies. [Fake Racism]
Dec 17, 2016 ~ Rich Lowry, 'Can Democrats Quit Identity Politics'. They can't even when its hurting them. Republicans want to treat all equally. Dems want to slice up the electorate, Tim Ryan, 'We try to say You're black, you're brown, you're gay, you're straight, you're a woman, you're a man.' [Rich Lowry, Identity Politics]
Dec 17, 2016 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Dear Media - Please Stop Normalizing the Alt-Right'. Less than 300 people show up for a white power rally and more than 50 journalists cover it like its an important story. They want to create a narrative that this is relevant to Trump and his supporters. [Fake News]
Dec 14, 2016 ~ Vanity Fair article, 'Democrats Are Paving the Way to Impeach Donald Trump'. Its truly bizarre that democrats are talking about impeaching a President who has not yet taken office. They do not accept losing the election. Impeachment is only one method being discussed to undo it. [TDS, Impeachment]
Nov 28, 2016 ~ Mike Pence, booed and then rudely lectured by the cast at Hamilton Broadway play. 'are alarmed and anxious that you and your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights' Pence handled it graciously. [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Nov 28, 2016 ~ Assassination threats against Trump flood Twitter and other media - Electoral voters 'deluged' with death threats in multiple states by the tolerant, love trumps hate crowd - now they are engaged in a recall recount of several states. Dems throwing a tantrum because they lost. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Nov 17, 2016 ~ Walter Williams, The nation's most dangerous cities 'for decades, all of them have been run by Democratic and presumably liberal administrations. Some cities - such as Detroit, Buffalo, Newark and Philadelphia - haven't elected a Republican mayor for more than a half-century.' [Walter Williams, Crime, Politics]
Nov 17, 2016 ~ President Trump on 60 Minutes is asked about the hate crimes supposedly being done after his election by his supporters. He said, 'Stop it. Don't do it. That's terrible because I'm going to bring this country together.' He didn't know at the time most if not all have been hoaxes. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News]
Nov 13, 2016 ~ Aaron Sorkin writes garbage letter explaining Trump's win. Gets everything totally wrong. Repeats the smears that got Trump elected, 'The Klan won last night. White nationalists. Sexists, racists and buffoons.' 'deep and prolonged recession.' 'Trump's fans are not fans of Jews.' [Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, TDS]
Nov 13, 2016 ~ A. Griffee, 'Mob of Black Thugs Beat and Kick Elderly White Trump Voter' Disturbing video. 'He voted Trump, he voted Trump' 'You gonna pay for that shit!' they shout as they beat and kick him and then steal his car - this is what voter intimidation really looks like. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Nov 10, 2016 ~ Election protests go three nights and turn violent as usual for democrats. Riots, much property destruction, fires, smashed windows, destroyed cars, traffic stopped and obstructed, several officers injured. 217 charged with felony rioting. Dems riot because they lost an election. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Nov 10, 2016 ~ Democrats protest against democracy in cities all across the country. Chant 'Not My President' and discuss ways to overturn the election including persuading electors to vote against the people of their states, the 25th Amendment, Impeachment, Emoluments Clause, Logan Act, Russia [TDS, Impeachment, Loathsome Left, Russia Hoax]
Nov 9, 2016 ~ Van Jones explains Trump's win 'This was a whitelash against a changing country. It was whitelash against a black president in part' So a country that votes for a black person twice is racist because it doesn't vote for a white person. These are arguments that make sense to dems. [TDS, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Nov 9, 2016 ~ Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times that Trump winning means 'we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight.' 'If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.' [Fake News, Economy]
Nov 8, 2016 ~ Donald Trump wins the 2016 Presidential Election. 304 electoral votes (30 states) to 227 (20 states). Trump wins despite Clinton being caught cheating twice: 1) debate questions fed from CNN, 2) DNC rigging the nomination against Bernie. And despite being far outspent by Clinton. [Trump Win]
Nov 7, 2016 ~ Election Eve. New York Times, 'Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance to win.' Many similar articles. Earlier articles: Newsweek, 'Hillary Clinton on Track for Electoral College Landslide'. The Hill, 'Clinton holds double-digit lead over Trump in national poll'. [Fake News, Politics]
Nov 7, 2016 ~ Election Eve. Almost all major polls show Clinton leading by 4 points on average. Dozens of polls. NBC News: 51%-44%. ABC News: 49%-46%, CBS News: 47%-43%, Washington Post: 49%-44%, New York Times: 47%-43% etc. Pundits discuss how much of a landslide Hillary will win by. [Fake News, Politics]
Nov 7, 2016 ~ Politico, 'Economists: A Trump win would tank the markets' 'If GOP nominee [wins] Wall Street would face a Brexit-like stock plunge.' 'even though... it's all but certain Clinton wins, it's best to hedge' 'You would see incredible pressure on stock prices if Trump wins.' [Fake News, Economy]
Nov 6, 2016 ~ Hillary Clinton is caught cheating again. First she had the DNC rig the nomination against Bernie Sanders. Now Donna Brazile is caught feeding the Clinton Campaign debate questions prior to the CNN debate. Brazile is fired from CNN but is still head of the corrupt DNC. [Hillary, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Oct 31, 2016 ~ Hillary starting the Russia Hoax: "Donald Trump has a secret server. It was set up to communicate privately with a Putin-tied Russian bank called Alfa Bank. When a reporter asked about it, they shut it down. One week later, they created a new server with a different name for the same purpose." Every bit of this is a lie. [Fake News, Hillary, Russia Hoax]
Oct 31, 2016 ~ Hillary Clinton begins the #RussiaHoax by tweeting "Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank [Alfa]." Her campaign sends this bogus, unvetted info to the FBI and several #FakeNews outlets on election eve. [Fake News, Hillary, Russia Hoax]

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