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Jul 11, 2020 ~ Left wing imbeciles keep mistaking the OK hand sign for a 'White Power' symbol. Seen at Portland courthouse they've been destroying. It was just an NBC Sports Trail Blazers poster. Symbol means 3 points. Antifa fools share widely. Encourage violence. 'White Supremacist' 'KKK'. [Antifa, Fake Hate Crime, Violent Left]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell on Dems, 'The are basically encouraging this type of chaos of what we see on the streets? They prop up a guy named Joe Biden who who's done NOTHING for people of color.' 'They don't want to give [Trump] credit' for First Step, HBC funding etc. [Biden, First Step, Politics, Race]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture being taken to the next level. Jessica Doty Whitaker, white mother of a 3 year old was shot to death by BLM 'protesters' for arguing 'All Lives Matter'. 'Multiple black assailants' shot her in the head. 'Why isn't anybody outraged about this?' her grandfather asks. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Police, Fake Racism, BLM]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Frank Camp, 'Why Are We Afraid To Stand Up To The Woke Mob?' Because they've rigged it so that facts no longer matter. "data and reason have been killed by the revolution' Are now 'something that could be used against you, to brand you as a 'racist.'" Like police crime stats. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Police, Fake Racism]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Kings of the Castle' 'Cancel culture is not discourse but antidiscourse, a genre of speech intended not to facilitate the exchange of views and ideas but to prevent such an exchange. It is free speech in the sense that shouting down a speaker is free speech.' [Kevin Williamson, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Another fake story about Trump goes poof. His niece Mary Trump claimed that Trump paid friend Joe Shapiro to take his SAT so he could get into The Wharton School of business. Shapiro's wife confirms that Trump met Shapiro in that very school where he was already in. [Fake News, TDS]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Andy Ngo continues to document the Portland Antifa riots that have been raging nightly for months. 'This is the violence that is happening every night in Portland by antifa. The stated goal is to deplete the city of resources so police are defunded.' Many police being injured. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Jul 11, 2020 ~ Bronson Stocking, 'Cancel Culture Targets Professors Who Like the 'Wrong' Things on Social Media' Physicist Mike McCulloch is almost canceled for saying things like 'all lives matter' and 'gender has a scientific basis'. Barely survived 'investigation' and 'disciplinary hearing'. [Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ Jihadist Mohiussunnath Chowdhury was sentenced to life for plotting deadly terror attacks on London landmarks including Madam Tussauds, an iconic open-top double-decker sightseeing bus, and the gay pride festival. Had previously attacked police with sword yelling 'Allahhu Akbar'. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ Detroit Police released body cam video showing that black man Hakim Littleton fired at officers before they shot and killed him. False claims spread that Littleton was unarmed. Sparked protests with 8 arrested as police were pelted with rocks and other projectiles at the protest. [Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ BLM protests the killing of Hakim Littleton by police. Video shows BLM yelling 'Black Lives Matter', 'No justice, no peace', 'Fire and jail the killer cop!'. Threw bottles and bricks at the police. They called black officers the N-word. Littleton was shooting at the cop's head. [Violent Left, Fake Racism, Police, BLM]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ Another hate crime hoax. Texas A&M student Isaih Martin claimed he got racist notes on his car. 'All lives matter' 'You don't belong here' 'n-word' etc. Big headlines. 'Racism is here in college station'. A&M apologized. Video footage reveals he put the notes there himself. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ Dems go predictably bonkers over Roger Stone's commuted sentence. Andrew McCarthy reminds them Clinton pardoned a key witness in the Whitewater investigation, 3 in the Ken Starr's probe, his CIA director, his HUD secretary, 8 convicted in an investigation of his Ag. Dept.' [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ President Trump commutes Roger Stone's sentence. McEnany, 'Roger Stone is a victim of the Russia Hoax that the Left and its allies in the media perpetuated for years in an attempt to undermine the Trump Presidency.' Trump, 'Roger was a victim of a corrupt and illegal Witch Hunt.' [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ Daniel Navarro intentionally drove his truck into motorcyclist Phillip Thiessen killing him. Chose white man. 'Navarro said that if President Donald Trump and white people are going to create the world we are living in, he has no choice and that people are going to have to die' [Violent Left, Racism, Race]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ The left wing cancel culture mob including AOC and Julian Castro target Goya Foods for cancelation. Hispanic CEO Robert Unanue said, 'We're all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump'. Oh HELLS NO says the mob. Boycott! No apology from Unanue. [Cancel Culture, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ President Trump held a White House event with Hispanic politicians and business leaders. Trump signed an expansion of the 'Hispanic Prosperity Initiative' that includes support for Opportunity Zones, charter schools, and tax benefits. Goya CEO praised Trump's leadership. [Trump Win]
Jul 10, 2020 ~ Mollie Hemingway, 'Brazen Lying Is Media's Latest Escalation In Campaign Against Trump' and Michael Barone, 'The most dishonest, biased news coverage of our lifetimes' 2 articles show how the media coverage of Trump's Mt. Rushmore speech doesn't even resemble the truth. Typical. [Fake News]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Seattle’s Office of Civil Rights runs very anti-white 'diversity training.' A "program designed to help white workers examine their “complicity in . . . white supremacy." White employees should "practice self-talk that affirms [their] complicity in racism” and work on “undoing [their] own whiteness.” [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Racism]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Supreme Court upholds Trump Administration rule exempting conscientious objectors from Obamacare's birth-control and abortifacient mandate. The Little Sisters of the Poor celebrate. Biden promises if he is elected, he will restore the mandate forcing the sisters to fund abortion. [Abortion, Health Care, Obamacare, Religious Freedom, SCOTUS]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Cesar Conde of NBCUniversal announces that they are setting a goal of having 50% people of color up from the current 26%. The current percentage of white people matches population percentage so to achieve the goal, illegal, racist, and discriminatory hiring practices must occur. [Racism, Identity Politics, Affirmative Action]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Thomas Bosco of the Indian Road Café in NYC is being canceled because he said he voted for Trump. The café hosted drag queen monthly bingo charity, has BLM signs. Bosco is 'truly sorry if this caused any hurt or pain'. The mob tells you how to vote. Obey or be canceled. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ BLM 'protesters' attack 58 year old disabled man Eldon Hawkins. Disturbing video. He 'accidentally missed the street he was supposed to turn on, the video shows a group of protesters swarm the man's car.' Trashed his car, threw bike at his windshield, kicked and opened his doors. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, BLM]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Biden continues to have embarrassing mental lapses that have to be seen to be believed. Can't even follow along on his teleprompter. Finally gives up, 'Look," a defeated Biden said as he gives up on the teleprompter. "I guess, I'm, I'm, I'm taking too much time, but you know...' [Biden]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Halle Berry has apologized and has removed herself from consideration for a role playing a trans woman. Didn't she learn from Scarlett Johansson's same mistake? The 'woke' left thinks actors can't take roles that pretend to be someone they are not. i.e. ACTING. Totally absurd. [Cancel Culture, Trans]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ New York Police are retiring so fast that limits have to be put in place because they cannot handle the numbers. Up 411% vs. same time last yr. Dems in charge of the city are on board with 'Defund the Police' Don't support police. Allow them to be attacked verbally and physically [Loathsome Left, Police]
Jul 9, 2020 ~ Guy Benson points out, 'They can either have "asking to see data is racist" or "we're the pro-science people." They cannot have both.' Dems know the data does not support their positions so the cancel data and anyone who wants to examine it via false racism accusations. [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ NY Post, Marisa Dellatto, 'Jodie Comer is getting canceled over supposed Trump-supporting boyfriend'. The Twitter mob tracked down her boyfriend's name and think he might be a Republican and maybe is a Trump supporter. The loathsome left wing mob CANNOT allow this! Cancel her! [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ Joe Biden declares that police have 'become the enemy'. 'Yes, absolutely' cut their funding. As part of the question, the interviewer claimed America has a 'commitment to white supremacy'. Biden gave zero pushback to that disgusting smear of the country he wants to lead. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Race, Police]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ NYC Council member Thomas Wrocklage brought his friend's nephew, to a meeting. This infuriated Council member Rachel Broshi, 'It hurts people when they see a white man bouncing a brown baby on their lap and they don't know the context. That is harmful.' Broshi called a 'racist'. [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Race, Identity Politics]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ Christopher Rufo exposes the racist propaganda that Seattle's white employees must endure. They must learn they have 'complicity in the system of white supremacy' that objectivity, individualism, intellectualization, comfort are all examples of 'Internalized Racial Oppression'. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Race]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture is so toxic, that the left is canceling those who signed the Harpers anti Cancel Culture letter. Noam Chomsky getting tons of hate. People are self-canceling after being shamed by the cancel culture mob. A Vox writer says she feels 'less safe' working with a signer [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ Harpers pens an Anti Cancel Culture letter. 'We uphold the value of robust and even caustic counter-speech from all quarters.' 'We need to preserve the possibility of good-faith disagreement without dire professional consequences.' The left is FURIOUS at those who signed. Cancels [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Jul 8, 2020 ~ Robert Doar, 'Denying Progress Is Key to the Left's Rhetoric' 'There are hundreds of ways to document how different America is today than it was 60 years ago.' Political, black president, 57 black members of Congress, black college graduation rates 4x, millions in upper income. [Race, Politics, Economics, College]
Jul 7, 2020 ~ A Trump supporter was punched in the face at Black Lives Matter Plaza in DC. Police saw and arrested the violent democrat. The crowd immediately started lying. 'He hit him first.' Its on video. 'Let him go. He didn't do nothing.' The mob started fighting with the police. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 7, 2020 ~ After passing the 'Amazon Tax', Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant threatens Amazon. Don't oppose it or 'We are coming for you and your rotten system.' and all of capitalism. 'We are coming to dismantle this... racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Socialism, Taxes]
Jul 7, 2020 ~ Madeline Peltzer, 'BLM Mob Repeatedly Attacks a Church in New York' BLM repeated enters Grace Baptist Church and disrupts services. Blocking church entrance. 'Whose street? Our street!' 'This is no house of God' Harassing mothers, children. Assaulting people. Many punches thrown. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, BLM]
Jul 7, 2020 ~ Ilhan Omar wants to 'Dismantle the whole system' meaning The United States Of America. 'we cannot stop at criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.' 'economy and political systems' [Omar]
Jul 7, 2020 ~ Black Lives Matter has a "Day Of Rage' in Brooklyn, NY. They chanted many anti-America and anti-Israel slogans. 'Death to Israel', 'Death to America', From Gaza to Minnesota, globalize the Intifada!' 'When a Precinct or a Cop Car Burns, It Feels Closer to Palestine.' [Israel, Anti-Semitism, Violent Left, Police, BLM]
Jul 7, 2020 ~ Oregon politician Jonathan Lopez said he got a letter saying. 'Don't waste your time trying to become anything in this county we will make sure you never win and your family suffers along with all the other fucking Mexicans in the area! Sincerely, America!' Surprise! He wrote it. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism]
Jul 7, 2020 ~ Deranged Democrat Omar Johnson Levi is arrested for 11 counts of aggravated assault, six counts of illegal discharge of a firearm, threatening to kill people and their family. Pointing guns at their heads, shooting guns near them. He was upset they had Trump flags on their truck. [Violent Left, TDS]
Jul 6, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager, 'If America Is So Racist, Why Are There So Many Race Hoaxes?' Dems and the left need this to be a racist society for political reasons but Americans are not cooperating. Prager lists over a dozen fabricated hate crimes designed to prove the false narrative. [Dennis Prager, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Hate Crime]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ The left is moving on to burning or banning books. Washington Post, 'While offensive TV shows get pulled, problematic books are still inspiring debate and conversation.' We can't have that, can we? No debate or conversation allowed! Ex. 'the unbearable whiteness of Jane Austen.' [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ JK Rowling speaks out for girls who she believes are being steered toward trans, 'a new kind of conversion therapy for young gay people, who are being set on a lifelong path of medicalisation that may result in the loss of their fertility and/or full sexual function.' Cancel her! [Trans, Cancel Culture, Health Care]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ Terry Crews is standing his ground against the left wing cancel culture mob's racial slurs and threats of violence. Crews just wants a color blind society, 'unite with good people, no matter the race, creed or ideology.' 'we are all in this together.' Dems despise those ideas. [Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ Snoop Dogg calls black conservatives like Herman Cain, Candace Owens, Paris Dennard, The Hodge Twins, Terrance Williams, David Harris Jr. Darrell Scott and Angela Stanton 'The Coon Bunch'. Black people are allowed to think only one way or Democrats call them racist slurs. [Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ The left wing cancel culture mob tore down a statue of Frederick Douglass, former slave, prominent abolitionist and intellectual. Dems continue to lie about them only tearing down Confederate generals. They also vandalized a statue of abolitionist Matthias Baldwin. Total fools. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ Cher is ready for the loony bin. 'WHAT IF trump DOESNT WANT 2 SAVE"EVERYONE"FROM THE VIRUS??.NO BLUE STATES,NO PPL OF COLOR,NO POOR, WHITE LIBERALS.WHAT IF trump ONLY WANTS WHITES & WHITE SUPREMACIST' Dem Govs Cuomo and Newsome praised Trump for his response to their needs. #TDS [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ Two BLM protesters hit by a car, one dead, one in critical condition. Dems blamed Trump supporters and 'right wing Nazis' for intentionally targeting BLM protesters. But driver was a black man. Accident. Protesters in the middle of I-5 at night dressed in black around a curve. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, BLM]
Jul 5, 2020 ~ Lloyd Marcus, 'America and the Police Presumed Guilty of Racism' The idea 'that white America and police are harming blacks... that simply is not true.' 'data confirms that the greatest defenders of black lives over the years have been police.' Defund cops equals more dead blacks [Fake Racism, Police]

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