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Jul 28, 2020 ~ Barr exposes Dem lies at hearing. 'We're protecting federal property, specifically US Courthouses? We have the obligation to protect federal courts? Since when is it okay to try and burn down a federal court?... That's what we are doing in Portland... defending the courthouse.' [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 28, 2020 ~ Dem enthusiasm for Biden is even worse than for Hillary. Nina Turner, the co-chair of Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign said voting for Biden is like eating shit. Cornel West said, 'Biden is a mediocre, milquetoast, neoliberal centrist that we've been fighting against'. [Biden, Hillary]
Jul 28, 2020 ~ Rene Boucher, a man who has been praised by many democrats, was sentenced to 13 months for his brutal and blindsided attack on Rand Paul. Paul had broken ribs and needed part of his lung removed. Led to pneumonia and hernia surgery due to chronic coughing. [Violent Left]
Jul 28, 2020 ~ Pat Buchanan, "American 'Stormtroopers': A Bright, Shining Lie". Pelosi and Clyburn refer to federal law enforcement as 'stormtroopers'. Clyburn also called them 'Gestapo'. Democrats think federal officers protecting federal courthouses from being burned and destroyed are Nazis. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Jeff Jacoby 'Fear of Speech is Replacing Freedom of Speech' Cato Survey, In the current cancel culture environment 62% of adults said 'given the current political climate, they are afraid to honestly express their views.' 77% of Republicans. Strong liberals only ones comfortable. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Bode Lang, 'Banning comments to protect the fake news media monopoly'. Yahoo closes down the comment sections under articles. Lang notes, 'What's the point of publishing propaganda if anyone can scroll to the comment section and find' out why the associated story is fake news? [Fake News, Tech Bias, Silencing]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Prager, 'Of the more than 12 million African slaves shipped to the Western Hemisphere, only about 3%... were sent to the United States. The other 97% were sent to the Caribbean and Brazil.' 'the Arab world... enslaved far more blacks than the North and South Americas combined'. [Dennis Prager, Slavery]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Another violent democrat attacks Trump supporters. An almost daily occurrence. Joseph Goodman was arrested after trying to ram his car into a New England for Trump trailer, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery, destruction of property etc. Threatened to kill Trump [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'The Chicago Gun Myth' Mayor Lightfoot blames the dozens of shootings a day in her city on 'being inundated with guns from states that have virtually no gun control, no background checks, no ban on assault weapons'. Harsanyi demolishes this totally false argument. [Violent Left]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Violent democrats set fire to the Oakland courthouse, vandalized a police station and shot fireworks at officers. A lot of broken windows, graffiti etc. They attacked police officers including with lasers. The Fake News Media downplays and pretends this is not happening. [Violent Left]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Democrats have moved on from abolishing the border to abolishing the police to now abolishing the Department of Homeland Security. Masha Gessen, New Yorker, 'Homeland Security Was Destined to Become a Secret Police Force'. Sen Boxer, 'I made a mistake in 2002' voting for DHS. [Police]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Trump sat down for a tough interview with Chris Wallace but Biden ducked: 'not available'. Wallace on Trump, 'He's out there in this broiling heat with me for an hour; he took all the questions... Joe Biden hasn't faced that kind of scrutiny, hasn't faced that kind of exposure.' [Biden, Politics]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Christopher Caldwell, 'Ibram X. Kendi, Prophet of Anti-racism' 'He says we must fight discrimination with discrimination, and that it's racist to disagree' 'The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination.' Antiracist if it works toward equality of outcome. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Race, Racism]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ The Wall Street Journal assures 'the wave of progressive cancel culture would arrive at the Journal, as it has at nearly every other cultural, business, academic and journalistic institution' 'These pages won't wilt under cancel-culture pressure.' 'We are not The New York Times' [Cancel Culture]
Jul 26, 2020 ~ Cathy Areu's sexual harassment claims against Tucker Carlson falls apart. Besides absurdly claiming changing a jacket is sexual harassment, the night she claimed he implied he would be alone in his hotel room, he was with his wife. He and his wife were at the entire party as well [Me Too]
Jul 26, 2020 ~ Left wing mob gathers outside of the home of DHS Secretary Chad Wolf. Wolf has a wife and 2 children. 'We must make it uncomfortable for them. We will not be good Germans.' 'This man lives here quietly and is able to live just like us, and we need to do something about that,' [Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 26, 2020 ~ CDC Dir. Dr. Robert Redfield, 'It is critically important for our public health to open schools this fall? School closures have disrupted normal ways of life for children and parents, and they have had negative health consequences on our youth... low risk to school-aged children' [Coronavirus]
Jul 26, 2020 ~ Professor John McWhorter has one of the most definitive articles exposing how the MSM has created the 'racist police' narrative. They do it by simply ignoring all the (more numerous) white people killed by cops in nearly identical circumstances to the well known black victims. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 26, 2020 ~ Violent democrats vow to expand the riots that have been destroying major cities for 2 months, occupying police stations, courts. They chant, 'Every city, every town, burn the precincts to the ground'. James Woods @RealJamesWoods re-iterates, '#Vote like your life depends on it.' [Violent Left, Police]
Jul 25, 2020 ~ Jonathan Turley, 'The Obama administration targeted the campaign of the opposing party based on false evidence. The media covered Obama administration officials ridiculing the suggestions of spying on the Trump campaign and of improper conduct with the Russia investigation.' [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Fake News]
Jul 25, 2020 ~ The Hill 'Trump signs executive orders aimed at lowering drug prices' 'allowing states to develop plans to import cheaper drugs from Canada, eliminate a system of drug discounts known as rebates in a bid to simplify the system, and seek to make EpiPens & insulin more affordable'. [Trump Win, Health Care]
Jul 25, 2020 ~ Newly released documents reveal that the primary source for the Steele Dossier was Russian analyst Igor Danchenko. Not only is it ironic that it was the Hillary campaign getting the foreign help but this shows this source told the FBI the info was 'unreliable' 'rumors at best'. [Russia Hoax, Spygate]
Jul 25, 2020 ~ Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler walked among the rioters that have been destroying his city for 2 months. He pretended they have not been violently destroying the city. He thanked them for opposing Trump. The mob tried to assault him and yelled, 'Get the fuck out.' 'Your house next'. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 25, 2020 ~ In Portland, Black Trump supporter and conservative journalist Andrew Duncomb was almost stabbed to death by violent Democrat Blake David Hampe. The blade penetrated his back several inches narrowly missing his spinal cord and organs. [Antifa, Violent Left]
Jul 25, 2020 ~ Black Trump supporter Bernell Trammell is killed in broad daylight. Trammell, an enthusiastic Milwaukee Trump supporter was gunned down execution style. Investigation is pending. [Violent Left]
Jul 25, 2020 ~ Video released by Boko Haram jihadists show them killing five humanitarian workers. They warn Christians, 'This is a message to the infidels who are using you to... turn our people into unbelievers... you should repent and turn to God, or else' this fate 'will befall you too.' [Islam, Terrorism, Silencing]
Jul 25, 2020 ~ The Trump Administration revokes the Obama era 'Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing' (AFFH) rule which would force low income housing into the suburbs. HUD Secretary Ben Carson said 'Washington has no business dictating what is best to meet your local community's unique needs'. [Trump Win, Regulations]
Jul 25, 2020 ~ Dozens of officers have been injured in the Portland riots, otherwise known as 'peaceful protests' to the gaslighting dems and MSM. Some 'peaceful protesters' shined powerful lasers in the eyes of cops. 'At least three federal officers in Portland may not recover their vision.' [Antifa, BLM, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Jul 25, 2020 ~ Democrats entertain the theory that Trump would not leave if he lost the election. Nancy Pelosi says that if that happens, Trump 'has to be fumigated out of there'. Fumigation is a process used on insects and other vermin. This is an especially vile form of dehumanization. [Loathsome Left]
Jul 24, 2020 ~ Large crowds of Portland protesters sing 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' further proving these protests are largely based on a false narrative. Hands up, don't shoot are the words Michael Brown supposedly said before being shot by a cop because he was black. Narrative was totally false. [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 24, 2020 ~ Matt Walsh, 'I Looked Up Every Case Of An Unarmed Black Man Shot By Cops In 2019. Here's The Truth The Media And BLM Are Hiding.' As has been done several times, Walsh disproves the epidemic of unarmed police shootings narrative. Tiny number unarmed. Even fewer unjustified. [Police, Fake News]
Jul 24, 2020 ~ Trump waited 2 months for the dems in charge of Portland to get control of the rioters destroying federal buildings. Feds made some arrests and Pelosi says calls them 'stormtroopers'. The Chicago Fraternal Order of Police and rabbis objected to the Nazi party police reference. [Antifa, Holocaust Denial, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Jul 24, 2020 ~ Chicago's mayor surrendered two Columbus statues to the mob. She admits their violent tactics had worked, 'demonstrations that became unsafe for both protesters and police? an effort to protect public safety'. After getting what they wanted, the violent dems became peaceful. JK [Violent Left, Cancel Culture]
Jul 23, 2020 ~ Jake Curtis, 'Wisconsin and National Media Ignore a Murder That Defies Their Narrative' Daniel Navarro killed Phillip Thiessen simply because he was white. Chose a random white person to kill. 'Harley culture is made up of white racists.' No marches, no protests. No news story. [Racism, Fake Racism]
Jul 23, 2020 ~ For 2 months violent democrats have been destroying downtown Portland; millions of dollars of damage, injuring dozens of officers. Gaslighting dem politicians and the MSM deny its happening. Trump sends feds in to help. Dems are appalled. Lie about arresting peaceful protesters. [Antifa, BLM, Loathsome Left, Police, Violent Left]
Jul 23, 2020 ~ Syracuse U. student Adrianna San Marco will not be returning to campus in the fall due to harassment and threats of violence. She argued against systemic racism which is a defensible position but one unapproved by the violent left cancel culture mob. Now others know to be silent. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Jul 23, 2020 ~ Rep. Bobby Rush, "Trump wants to instigate a race war. He wants to have Black folks fighting White folks. So he can rise up and say, 'I'm the real Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan'". This insanity must be resisted. Its dems who want to divide us with lies exactly like this. [Fake Racism, Race]
Jul 23, 2020 ~ Larry Elder, 'John Lewis Helped Win the Civil Rights War; Why Are We Still Fighting It?' Elder wonders why modern dems want to pretend that all the gains won by civil rights leaders never happened. 12% of the House is Black, 2 term Black President, big city mayors, cabinet roles. [Larry Elder, Race, Politics]
Jul 22, 2020 ~ Biden says Trump is the first 'racist' president. Dems still have nothing but the race card. 'The way he deals with people based on the color of their skin, their national origin, where they're from, is absolutely sickening'. He just described Dems. Fake example was 'China Virus' [Fake Racism, Coronavirus]
Jul 22, 2020 ~ Alex Berenson debunks the NBC News story, '"All the Hospitals Are Full": In Houston, Overwhelmed ICUs Leave COVID-19 Patients Waiting in ERs'. This was Fake News. Berenson shows that Houston had thousands of empty beds with only a 1% growth week over week in COVID19 patients. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jul 22, 2020 ~ Activists using the law firm of Bottini & Bottini in La Jolla are suing Oracle, Facebook and Qualcomm for not having enough black people in executive and boardroom roles. No proof required in the shakedown that they discriminated against any qualified candidates. [Affirmative Action, Identity Politics]
Jul 22, 2020 ~ Biden says, 'We have a president who is determined to sow chaos and division? Homeland Security agents? are brutally attacking peaceful protesters' This is pure gaslighting, hoping to convince the truly ignorant. The people arrested have been violent and destructive for months. [Violent Left, Biden]
Jul 22, 2020 ~ President Trump secures up to 600 million doses of COVID19 vaccine from Pfizer that are being developed under 'Operation Warp Speed'. FDA statement, 'Americans will receive the vaccine for free consistent with U.S. government's commitment for free access for COVID-19 vaccines.' [Trump Win, Coronavirus]
Jul 22, 2020 ~ Pelosi says COVID19 is 'The Trump Virus' using a term coined by the Fake News NY Times. She repeated the lie that Trump said it was a 'hoax'. He did not. 'because of his inaction. Clearly it is the Trump virus.' Trump took massive action while Nancy encouraged mass gatherings. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Loathsome Left]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ President Trump is not allowing non-citizens to be counted for representation in Congress. CA Gov. Gavin Newsom said this policy is 'rooted in racism and xenophobia'. False. Its rooted in sanity. No sane country allows non-citizens governmental power over its citizens. [Illegal Immigration, Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ NYT article proven fake: 'Liberty University Brings Back Its Students, and Coronavirus Fears, Too: The decision by the school's president, Jerry Falwell Jr., to partly reopen his evangelical university enraged residents of Lynchburg, Va. Then students started getting sick.' Fake. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ Islamic Jihadist attacks party goers in a Paris suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis armed with a knife and a semi-automatic rifle. The terrorist shouted 'Allah hu Akbar' as he attacked guests. Fortunately, he was stopped by a quick thinking person with a car. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ Sen. Duckworth said of Tucker Carlson, 'I think he singled me out because I'm Asian-American.' She's totally lying which ironically is the real reason he singled her out. She claimed Trump spent all of his speech talking about 'dead traitors' when he spent no time doing that. [Fake Racism]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ Like NY and other places, police officers are retiring in droves in Minneapolis. 65 have already left and 200 more have begun the process for disability or retirement. With anti-police leadership, a veteran cop said, 'I'm still surprised that we've got cops showing up to work'. [Police]
Jul 21, 2020 ~ The violent left wing mob showed up at Oakland mayor Libby Schaaf's house and vandalized her home with 'Defund the Police' and red paint all over her house. Set off fireworks outside her house. Today's left is a violent mob and their goal is to rule by fear and violence. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police]

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