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Aug 1, 2020 ~ Bronson Stocking, 'Family of 68-Year-Old White Woman Attacked on Subway Believes Crime Was Racially Motivated'. Black man randomly picks her, 'pushed to the ground, beaten, and shoved onto the tracks.' '5 broken bones in her spine and 1 broken rib.' Called her 'cracker', no theft [Racism, Crime]
Aug 1, 2020 ~ Daily Mail, 'The land with no face masks: Holland's top scientists say there's no solid evidence coverings work and warn they could even damage the fight against Covid-19' No one wears. 'There is no benefit and there may even be negative impact.' 'give a false sense of security.' [Coronavirus]
Aug 1, 2020 ~ The cancel culture mob said boycott Rachel Marshall, founder of Rachel's Ginger Beer because. 'She is a white woman with dreadlocks... no one has confronted her about how her choice to willfully appropriate Black hairstyling is highly problematic' She's 'deeply sorry' for 'harm'. [Cancel Culture, Cultural Appropriation, Race, Racism]
Aug 1, 2020 ~ Cuban community fights back against BLM demands being made of Cuban restaurant La Bodeguita de Mima. Owners say BLM used 'mafia tactics' 'vandalism and extortion' List of demands including money. Must comply 'so your business is not fucked with'. Other restaurants have signed. [Violent Left, BLM]
Aug 1, 2020 ~ BLM threatens businesses in NULU section of Louisville. Owners say BLM used 'mafia tactics' 'vandalism and extortion' List of demands include 23% black staff, displaying signs supporting reparations. 'Donating' 1.5% of net sales. Must comply 'so your business is not fucked with'. [Violent Left, BLM]
Aug 1, 2020 ~ Rep. Hakeem Jeffries claims in Barr 'hearing' that 'President Trump irresponsibly suggested that the American people inject themselves with bleach. That's exactly what he said.' Trump was asking a question about 'disinfectant'. Never suggested people inject 'bleach' themselves. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ AOC points out a statue of Father Damien, canonized Catholic Saint and beloved 'hero' in Hawaiian history. Spent his life and 'gave his life' caring for people with leprosy which he died of himself. AOC explains, 'This is what patriarchy and white supremacist culture looks like!' [Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Loathsome Left]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ Biden looks absurd giving his COVID plan. 'The president... should have started three months ago to put someone in charge of how specifically, like waging a war. How are you going to distribute the vaccine when it arrives' Trump already did it. Operation Warp Speed. 3 months ago. [Coronavirus, Biden]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ The women's advocacy group 'Save Women's Sports' sent a letter to the NCAA asking them to protect women's sports from biological males. More than 300 current and former professional, Olympic, and collegiate female athletes including world champions signed. Used science, examples. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ Oliver Stone trashes 'Cancel Culture' again. 'Do you think I could have made any one of those films? I can tell you that if I made any of my films, I don't think I'd last. I'd be vilified. I'd be attacked. Shamed. Whatever you want to call that culture, cancel fucking culture.' [Cancel Culture]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ Police around the country show tremendous restraint as 'woke' democrats scream obscenities in their face for long periods of time including calling black officers 'race trading ass fucking coons' 'fucking pigs', 'fucking piece of shit', 'little dick bitch', 'fuck the po-lease'. [Loathsome Left, Police]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ Dr. Anthony Fauci testifies before Congress. Despite the false Dem political narrative, Fauci said Trump's policies saved many lives. Did stopping flights from China and Europe save lives? 'Yes.' Did early domestic strategies to slow the spread save lives? 'I believe it did.' [Trump Win, Coronavirus]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ A U.S. Appeals Court has overturned the death sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the two Boston Marathon Bombers. Dzhokhar and his brother were radical Islamists who bombed the Boston Marathon in 2013 killing three and severely wounding hundreds. [Islam, Terrorism]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ A group of 80-100 protesters were walking through a residential neighborhood in Seattle looking to harass a City Council member. A man who came out to ask them to quiet down so people could sleep was physically attacked by the mob. Lasers in eyes. Hospitalized for a head injury. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ Shaun King is blatantly lying again. This time about the BLM protester shot in Austin. 'That's Garrett Foster. He was an unarmed non-violent demonstrator? A man tried to run protestors over with car.' All false. Car was stopped, blocked by protesters. Foster pointed RIFLE at car. [Fake News, Guns-Mass Shootings, BLM]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ After the Obama DOJ already exonerated Darren Wilson for killing Michael Brown, St. Louis prosecutor Wesley Bell decided to investigate all over again. He announced that again no charges can be brought. The 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' narrative was false. Brown was attacking Wilson. [Fake Racism, Police, BLM]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ Antifa 'protesters' in Portland put a bloody pig's head onto an American Flag, put a police hat on the pig's head and set it all on fire. Without brave journalist Andy Ngo, we would know little of what goes on in Portland as the Fake News covers it up for Dems who lie about it. [Antifa, Fake News, Police, Violent Left]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer announces 'I am a racist.' and so are all white people. Uses a bunch of fake reasons why. Didn't challenge Clinton's harsh sentences for drug offenders. But those were asked for by black leaders. The 'racist police' narrative unsupported by crime stats. Etc. [Fake Racism, Police]
Jul 31, 2020 ~ NR Interview with independent journalist Michael Tracey on the riots. 'The scale of the destruction is unlike anything I have personally seen before' The media ignores them or lies about and says they have been 'peaceful' because coverage would hurt the democrats and help Trump. [Violent Left, Fake News]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ James Lindsay, 'No, the Woke Won't Debate You. Here's Why.' More than knowing they would lose. They reject reason, logic, debate as tools of the oppressive system they seek to destroy. Can't destroy it from within it. Using the tools makes them complicit. See opponents as Nazis. [Identity Politics, Silencing]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ University of Maryland Professor William Blake said that 'the Electoral College remains a system born from white supremacy'. The electoral college is a system to guarantee a minimum representation of all 50 states. But the left must make false accusations for racism every day. [Fake Racism]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Obama makes very political speech at John Lewis' funeral. Compares police to 'George Wallace' 'George Wallace may be gone but we can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas and batons against peaceful demonstrators.' Lies about voter race based suppression. [Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Jordan Lancaster, 'Bed And Breakfast Removes Norwegian Flag After People Mistake It For Confederate Flag' Their B&B is called The Nordic Pineapple. Endured hateful emails which then turned threatening. The two flags don't look that much alike but violent dems are clueless. [Violent Left, Cancel Culture]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Larry Elder, 'Biden's Lies for Black (and White-Privilege Guilt) Votes' Elder goes through Biden's MANY blatant lies. 'The NAACP has endorsed me', arrested trying to see Mandela, marched for civil rights, 'They're going to put y'all back in chains', 'you ain't Black'. All lies. [Biden, Fake News]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ The Democratic Party Maricopa County Headquarters in Phoenix was burned down. Oh no! Are Republicans beginning to act like Democrats by doing stuff like this? Nope, Dems still own this behavior. Matthew Silvanus Egler, who volunteered there but was banned was arrested for it. [Violent Left]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Newsweek, 'Charles Barkley Blasted For Supporting Players Who Stand For National Anthem' 'The national anthem means different things to different people? if people don't kneel, they're not a bad person? should not be vilified.' Dems are furious. Hating the USA is mandatory. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Lynne Lechter on Cancel Culture, 'control what America says... who is allowed to speak, and how America acts. Defy them at your own peril. If you don't, you will probably lose your job, your reputation, your Twitter account, your business, your safety, and even your city.' [Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Biden forgets where he is. Again! 'Welcome to the Kingswood Community Center' LONG PAUSE. 'Actually, that's the one down where I used to work. That's a joke. I didn't know where we were'. Then he forgets what year it is. 'The 2020 census which is now two censuses ago.' Ho boy... [Biden]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Violent Democrat Isiah Cordova is arrested for trying to plow his SUV into a group of 'Back The Blue' demonstrators supporting their local police in Eaton, CO. People were diving out the way. Weld County Commissioner Kevin Ross, 'It is an absolute miracle that no one was hurt.' [Violent Left, Police]
Jul 30, 2020 ~ Peter Kirsanow, 'The Systemic Racism Canard's Consequences' The left asserts any disparity must be caused by racism. These lie have consequences. Less students are be suspended, less people are arrested to equalize numbers. Big increases in school violence and violent crime. [Fake Racism, Education, Crime]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ John Kass, 'What happened to an America where you could freely speak your mind?' The mob tried to 'cancel' him but he's winning. Falsely accuse him of Anti-Semitism for reporting the causes George Soros funds and how much. 'I will not bow to those who've wrongly defamed me.' [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ Allum Bokhari, 'Election Interference: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results' Google has promised to use their power to influence future elections. Were upset they could not turn it in 2016. Breitbart and other conservative sites no longer shown in Google search results. [Tech Bias, Silencing]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ BLM 'protesters' terrorize drivers in Georgetown. They blocked streets and would not let drivers drive around. 'This particular white woman tried to cut through a gas station. Me and a couple other protestors stood in front of her car and demanded she turn around.' Banged on cars [Violent Left, BLM]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ Many Democrats were extremely rude in the Barr hearing. Did not allow him to speak, demanding he answer yes or no, etc. they were hostile and rude. They were extremely upset that Barr would defend courthouses from mob destruction. They lie about arresting peaceful 'protesters' [Loathsome Left]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ More than 100 police agencies are pulling out of security agreements for the Democratic National Convention. Democrats have consistently sided with the people killing and attacking police on a daily basis. They created and feed the false narrative that the police are the enemy. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ At every turn Dems and the Fake News Media lie about the police and protects the criminals. Chris Hayes falsely claims a woman was 'kidnaped' by the police. NYPD sets the record straight. Put in van quickly because arresting officers were being pelted with rocks and bottles. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Police, Crime]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ Andrew McCarthy, "Democrats Make Mockery of Barr 'Hearing'". 'It was an embarrassing spectacle' Dems were extremely rude. Made vile false accusations. Would not let Barr answer. 'It is impossible that Democrats do not know the difference between peaceful protesters and rioters'. [Loathsome Left, Crime]
Jul 29, 2020 ~ Vijay Jayaraj, Despite alarmist claims, 'The [arctic] sea-ice cover today is at its highest in the Holocene, except for the Little Ice Age.' I.e. in 10,000 years. 'the Antarctic sea ice levels during the past 100 years or so are the most extensive in 10,000 years!' [Climate Change, Fake News]
Jul 28, 2020 ~ Rep. Pramila Jayapal says to Barr, 'When White men with swastikas storm a government building with guns, there is no need for the president to activate you'. Totally ridiculous. They were not Nazis. The swastikas were to protest the Gov. And they were not destroying the building! [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 28, 2020 ~ Barr exposes Dem lies at hearing. 'We're protecting federal property, specifically US Courthouses? We have the obligation to protect federal courts? Since when is it okay to try and burn down a federal court?... That's what we are doing in Portland... defending the courthouse.' [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jul 28, 2020 ~ Dem enthusiasm for Biden is even worse than for Hillary. Nina Turner, the co-chair of Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign said voting for Biden is like eating shit. Cornel West said, 'Biden is a mediocre, milquetoast, neoliberal centrist that we've been fighting against'. [Biden, Hillary]
Jul 28, 2020 ~ Rene Boucher, a man who has been praised by many democrats, was sentenced to 13 months for his brutal and blindsided attack on Rand Paul. Paul had broken ribs and needed part of his lung removed. Led to pneumonia and hernia surgery due to chronic coughing. [Violent Left]
Jul 28, 2020 ~ Pat Buchanan, "American 'Stormtroopers': A Bright, Shining Lie". Pelosi and Clyburn refer to federal law enforcement as 'stormtroopers'. Clyburn also called them 'Gestapo'. Democrats think federal officers protecting federal courthouses from being burned and destroyed are Nazis. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Holocaust Denial]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Jeff Jacoby 'Fear of Speech is Replacing Freedom of Speech' Cato Survey, In the current cancel culture environment 62% of adults said 'given the current political climate, they are afraid to honestly express their views.' 77% of Republicans. Strong liberals only ones comfortable. [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Free Speech]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Bode Lang, 'Banning comments to protect the fake news media monopoly'. Yahoo closes down the comment sections under articles. Lang notes, 'What's the point of publishing propaganda if anyone can scroll to the comment section and find' out why the associated story is fake news? [Fake News, Tech Bias, Silencing]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Prager, 'Of the more than 12 million African slaves shipped to the Western Hemisphere, only about 3%... were sent to the United States. The other 97% were sent to the Caribbean and Brazil.' 'the Arab world... enslaved far more blacks than the North and South Americas combined'. [Dennis Prager, Slavery]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Another violent democrat attacks Trump supporters. An almost daily occurrence. Joseph Goodman was arrested after trying to ram his car into a New England for Trump trailer, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery, destruction of property etc. Threatened to kill Trump [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'The Chicago Gun Myth' Mayor Lightfoot blames the dozens of shootings a day in her city on 'being inundated with guns from states that have virtually no gun control, no background checks, no ban on assault weapons'. Harsanyi demolishes this totally false argument. [Violent Left]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Violent democrats set fire to the Oakland courthouse, vandalized a police station and shot fireworks at officers. A lot of broken windows, graffiti etc. They attacked police officers including with lasers. The Fake News Media downplays and pretends this is not happening. [Violent Left]
Jul 27, 2020 ~ Democrats have moved on from abolishing the border to abolishing the police to now abolishing the Department of Homeland Security. Masha Gessen, New Yorker, 'Homeland Security Was Destined to Become a Secret Police Force'. Sen Boxer, 'I made a mistake in 2002' voting for DHS. [Police]

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