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Jun 14, 2020 ~ White Atlanta Officer Garrett Rolfe shot and killed black suspect Rayshard Brooks. Brooks was being arrested for vehicular intoxication passed out blocking a drive through. Brooks fought with Rolfe and partner, stole his taser and shot it at Rolfe. Was shot still pointing taser. [Police, Crime, Race]
Jun 14, 2020 ~ London Mayor Sadiq Khan ordered the statues of George Washington, Sir Winston Churchill and Mahatma Gandhi boarded up to protected them from mobs of left wingers wanting to vandalize or destroy them. Lefty mobs have been targeting anything associated with Western Civilization. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Western Civilization, Cancel Culture]
Jun 14, 2020 ~ Violent BLM, Antifa left wingers in Scotland write posters, graffiti, 'KILL A WHITE ON SIGHT / THEIR SILENCE IS VIOLENCE', 'KILL A COP / ALL WHITE POLICE ARE GUILTY', 'ALL WHITE MP'S SHOULD HANG FROM TREES' 'TO BE WHITE IS TO BE GUILTY PERIOD' Signed '#BLACKLIVESMATTER / #ANTIFA' [Antifa, BLM, Police, Race, Racism, Violent Left]
Jun 14, 2020 ~ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Israel will be establishing a town called 'Trump Heights' in the Golan Heights. We are 'establishing the community of Ramat Trump on the Golan Heights, Israel's sovereignty over which was recognized by President Trump.' [Trump Win, Israel]
Jun 14, 2020 ~ Penny Starr, 'HUD Issues Rule to Protect Women in Homeless Shelters' 'Homeless shelters designed to house females now have protections so that women don't have to share intimate spaces with biological men who "identify" as women'. Some of those women are sexual abuse victims. [Trump Win, Feminism, Gender, Trans]
Jun 14, 2020 ~ Rich Lowry, 'The Media Said Trump Didn't Have a COVID Testing Strategy. The Media Was Wrong' 'the country went from nothing to more than half-a-million COVID tests on some days' 'a tale of inspired private-public cooperation' 'More than 23 million tests have been run altogether.' [Trump Win, Rich Lowry, Coronavirus]
Jun 13, 2020 ~ Atlanta DA Paul Howard charged the officer who shot Rayshard Brooks with murder. Said not self-defense because taser is not a deadly weapon. Just 10 DAY EARLIER he argued a taser WAS a deadly weapon when the police used one on his client. Yes, he thinks you're that dumb. [Police, Crime, Race, Fake Racism]
Jun 13, 2020 ~ Matt Walsh on the Rayshard Brooks shooting, '"The man who drove drunk, assaulted a cop, stole his weapon and fired it at him, was shot because of racism" is an actual argument that people are making right now, because we live in the dumbest era in human history'. [Police, Crime, Race, Fake Racism]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Liberal Matt Taibbi on the toxicity of cancel culture, The left is 'replacing traditional liberal beliefs about tolerance, free inquiry, and even racial harmony with ideas so toxic and unattractive that they eschew debate, moving straight to shaming, threats, and intimidation.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Liberal Matt Taibbi on the toxicity of cancel culture, 'the American left has lost its mind. It's become a cowardly mob of upper-class social media addicts, Twitter Robespierres who move from discipline to discipline torching reputations and jobs with breathtaking casualness.' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ President Trump expresses the principle we strive for and almost all police encounters already uphold, 'Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement, regardless of race, color, gender, or creed.' [Police]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Rep. Vernon Jones said, 'I've watched countless videos of Trump supporters getting attacked in the streets simply due to their support of @realDonaldTrump Let's call this what this is: a hate crime.' Jones, a former democrat is learning how Trump supporters are treated in the US. [George Floyd, Police, Race]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Candace Owens, 'Fact: Black Lives Matter riots have destroyed more innocent black lives in the last month, than white police officers have in a decade.' [George Floyd, Police, Race, BLM]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Candace Owens exposes how Black Lives Matter funnels money to Democrats. 'Black Lives Matter donations go directly to a superpac called "ACT BLUE" that has given hundreds of millions to Democrats running for President. How is this legal? #BLM is LITERALLY a shell company.' [Politics, Race, BLM]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Thomas Sowell, 'Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?' [George Floyd, Violent Left, Slavery]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Jeremy Fox, 'Berklee College of Music apologizes for allowing Boston police to use restrooms during protest'. The virtuous people of Berklee College of Music are sorry for allowing the sub-human police who were protecting them from other virtuous people destroying the city. Sick. [George Floyd, Police, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Mariame Kaba, New York Times, 'Yes, we Mean Literally Abolish the Police'. After at least a week of Democrats trying to explain that abolish the police doesn't really mean abolish the police, they say yes it does. Tom Cotton trolls, 'Running this column puts lives in danger.' [George Floyd, Police]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ National Academy of Sciences study (con't), 'White officers are not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers... This suggests that increasing diversity among officers by itself is unlikely to reduce racial disparity in police shootings.' [George Floyd, Police]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ National Academy of Sciences study, 'Officer characteristics and racial disparities in fatal officer-involved shootings' Proves the narrative of racist police that is leading to riots is false. 'We find no evidence of anti-Black or anti-Hispanic disparities across shootings.' [George Floyd, Police]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ George Tekai tries to educate JK Rowling, 'When you defend so-called "biological sex," you sound scientifically ignorant and you elevate transphobia.' The left has become so anti-science that they deny the existence of 'biological sex'. They no longer live in the real world... [Trans, Gender, Anti-Science]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Alexandra DeSanctis, "Trump Administration Reverses Obama-Era Regulation That Redefined 'Sex'" Sex for health care purposes is back to its biological meaning instead of 'gender identity'. Treating based on gender identity led to improper health care in many cases. [Trump Win, Gender, Trans]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Biden tries to criticize Trump about Juneteenth but gets every detail wrong. The state, what Juneteeth was about, where and when a massacre happened. Even if he got the details right, all of that had exactly zero to do with Trump's campaign rally which was postponed due to Covid. [Biden]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Biden is staying mostly in his basement but he occasionally emerges to demonstrate he is still confused. Midway through talking, 'You know, the rapidly rising, uh, um, uh, in with uh, with uh, I don't know, uh' and then just gave up trying to remember what he was trying to say. [Biden]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Trump responds to the disgusting charges of racism and white supremacy for Trump's June 19 rally. 'As the Party of Lincoln, Republicans are proud of what Juneteenth represents and the Emancipation Proclamation.@realDonaldTrump has a solid record of success for Black Americans.' [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ Democrats falsely accusing Trump of EXTREME racism just because he scheduled a rally on June 19 which is Juneteenth. Kamala Harris, 'This isn't just a wink to white supremacists-he's throwing them a welcome home party' Al Green, 'overt racism' Maxine Waters, ' it's a jab at us.' [Fake Racism, Harris, Loathsome Left]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ While democrats are falsely painting all police as racist and evil even though probably less than 1% of them are, Trump has the courage to stand up for them. 'we will make no progress and heal no wounds by falsely labeling tens of millions of decent Americans as racist or bigots' [George Floyd, Police, Fake Racism]
Jun 12, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi "The Problem with Pick a Knee" Given an 'ugly false choice'. Pick a knee 'The one that knelt on a neck or the one that knelt to try to prevent it'. We can discuss policy change without kneeling before people or 'condemning our country as fundamentally unjust.' [George Floyd, Police, David Harsanyi]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ From Tom Ciccotta article, 'Arizona State University revoked a job offer from professor Sonya Forte Duhé after she praised "good police officers"... Duhé was scheduled to assume the role of dean of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State.' [Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, George Floyd, Loathsome Left]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Activists at Louisiana State University are protesting their mascot, a Tiger, demanding it be changed because it represents 'racism' and 'white privilege'. Change.org petition 'Change the Racist Mascot of LSU!' You can't make this up. A tiger! Cancel Culture out of control. [George Floyd, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, College]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Donald Trump Jr. highlights yet another case of extreme cancel culture. 'They're canceling the pastor of the largest (and most racially diverse) church in Alabama just because he liked some of [Charlie Kirk's] @charliekirk11's posts. Absolutely insane.' Kirk is not a racist. [George Floyd, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Left wing mobs are starting to target suburbs for their destruction. American flags displayed outside four homes in the Sungarden neighborhood of Citrus Heights in California were set on fire. Fortunately the fires were extinguished before catching the homes on fire. [George Floyd, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Dzenan Camovic ambushed a New York City police officer stabbing him in the neck. Camovic yelled 'Allahu Akbar,' which means 'God is Great' in Arabic while in the process of committing the crime. Camovic was charged with attempted murder. [Police, Islam, Terrorism]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Cancel Culture full on for anything police related. Lego cancelled any sets involving the police or police stations. Paw Patrol cartoon is under attack for portraying police in a good light. TV Shows Live PD and Cops are also cancelled. #AbolishPolice trends with left wing fools. [George Floyd, Cancel Culture, Police, Silencing]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Push at Cornell to fire Prof William Jacobson for writing, 'Reminder: "Hands up, don't shoot" is a fabricated narrative from the Michael Brown case' 'differences of opinion are not tolerated, trying to shut down debate through false accusations of racism... the preferred tactic.' [George Floyd, Fake Racism, Cancel Culture, Silencing, College]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Syracuse student Adrianna San Marco was fired as a columnist from the school paper, The Daily Orange for writing a column titled 'Why institutional racism is a myth' Research shows 'no overall evidence of anti-Black or anti-Hispanic disparities in fatal shootings'. Threatened. [George Floyd, Violent Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture, College]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ More people fired for questioning the orthodox narrative. One lost radio gig for debating white privilege, one fired for saying Canada not systemically racist. Nigel Farage fired from his show. Data scientist fired for sharing a study showing that rioting is counterproductive. [George Floyd, Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Left wing mobs continue their destruction of cities and monuments. Tearing down statues again including 3 of Christopher Columbus. They scream 'This is what democracy looks like' but its not. There is a democratic process in place that would allow people to decide these things. [George Floyd, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Mike O'Meara, the president of the NY Police Benevolent Assoc. bravely defends the police. '375 million interactions with the public every year. Overwhelmingly positive responses.' 'We've been vilified. It's disgusting.' Unjustified killings extremely rare. 'It's not what we do.' [George Floyd]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Andrea Widburg, 'A word about public-sector unions' Great explanation of why public-sector unions are bad. FDR understood. Normal union is labor vs. management. Both have skin in the game. Business fails if unreasonable. PSUs are workers+politicians vs. taxpayers who have no say. [Unions, Economics]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ Anarchists, Antifa, BLM take over 6 blocks of Seattle including a police station. They name it CHAZ, Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. They built a wall around it patrolled with armed guards. Sign on wall says 'You are now leaving the USA'. Helpless mayor pretends its not happening [Antifa, BLM, George Floyd, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Welcome to America's Cultural Revolution' 'To speak out in the wrong way is violence? Not to speak out in the way progressives dictate is violence.' 'That doesn't leave much room for dissent.' Anyone 'who doesn't conform risks being humiliated and ruined.' [George Floyd, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Race, BLM]
Jun 10, 2020 ~ John Davidson, 'If You Don't Support Black Lives Matter, You're Fired' Black Lives Matter but Facts do not. Facts and stats won't help you because discussion and debate are not allowed. 'If you dare to speak a word against BLM, you will be targeted, mobbed, and probably fired.' [George Floyd, Cancel Culture, Silencing, Race, BLM]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ Another corroborating witness comes forward supporting Tara Reade's sexual assault charges against Joe Biden bringing the total to 8. Joseph Backholm said, "She said, 'When I was in Washington, D.C. I was sexually assaulted by someone you would know'." [Biden, Me Too]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ Manufacturing plant 7-Sigma will not be rebuilding In Minneapolis after it was burned to the ground in riots. 'They don't care about my business. They didn't protect our people. We were all on our own. The fire engine was just sitting there but they wouldn't do anything.' 50 jobs [George Floyd, Violent Left, Economics]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ After accusing Trump of staging a George Floyd 'photo op', Democrat leaders pose in African Kente cloth. Many black people were offended. 'Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and them dressed up like they're trying to sneak into Wakanda is disrespectful and appropriative.' [George Floyd, Cultural Appropriation]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ Andrea Widburg, 'Just when you thought white virtue-signalers could not abase themselves more'. First, white people were asked to kneel before black people to atone for their role in 'systemic racism' and many did. Now white people are washing the feet of black people. [George Floyd, Racism, Fake Racism]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ Anti-Police hysteria is so strong that the 'Blue Lives Matter' website is taken down by host Defense Maven. Blue Lives Matter is dedicated to the many officers who are murdered doing their job. FAR more police are murdered by criminals than innocent people are murdered by police. [George Floyd, Police, Loathsome Left]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender explains how expecting a police force to fight crime and protect law abiding citizens is simply 'privilege'. After voting to abolish police she said questions about who to call about criminal activity come 'from a place of privilege' [George Floyd, Police, Loathsome Left]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ Rachel Alexander, 'The Vicious Fighting Between People Over Masks' The screaming, shaming and banning of people not wearing masks is not warranted. WHO, CDC, Surgeon General, experts have gone back and forth but evidence shows they're not effective for people without symptoms. [Coronavirus]
Jun 9, 2020 ~ KC Johnson & Samantha Harris, 'New Title IX Regulations in Sexual-Assault Cases Are Vindicated in Court'. The Trump administration's restoration of due process back into college sexual misconduct cases was upheld by U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.' [Trump Win, Due Process, College]

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