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Feb 8, 2020 ~ Andrew McCarthy, 'Impeachment and Amnesia'. Dems made Hunter and Joe Biden dealings in Ukraine relevant by claiming the ONLY reason Trump wanted the investigation was 'political'. I.e. they claim there was no corruption to investigate. But Trump justified if there was corruption. [Ukraine Hoax, Impeachment, Biden]
Feb 8, 2020 ~ Mayor Bill de Blasio finally admits that the big spike in NYC crime including violent crime this year is the result of their new 'bail reform' program that eliminates bail in most cases. Many Dem Pres. candidates vowed to eliminate cash bail, Gillibrand, Warren, Sanders, Harris. [Crime, Harris, Sanders]
Feb 8, 2020 ~ AOC explains the theories of 'famed economist Milton Keens' who predicted that by 2030 GDP and technology would have advanced so much that it 'would allow for everyday people to work FIFTEEN HOURS a week.' She may have meant Milton Friedman or John Maynard Keynes? [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Fake News, Ocasionomics]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ The left continues to panic as Bernie leads in the primaries. Chris Mathews, 'I've seen what socialism's like, I don't like it, OK? It's not only not free, it doesn't frickin work!' 'If Castro and the Reds had won the Cold War, there would have been executions in Central Park.' [Socialism, Politics, Sanders]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ Jorge Ramos acknowledges that Trump has accomplished his promise of building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. Trump's negotiations with Mexico has gotten Mexico to become the wall for him at their expense and manpower. 'Mexico is now the wall. President Trump got his wish.' [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ Bernie Sanders says all of American society is racist, 'We have a racist society from top to bottom impacting healthcare, housing, criminal justice, education, you name it.' People of all races flock here from all over the world because they know this Dem view of the world is BS. [Fake Racism, Sanders]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ NY Times, 'President Trump frequently celebrates the experience of black workers, noting correctly that the group's unemployment rate is at its lowest on record... Their wages are also going up... wage growth for black workers has accelerated recently after lagging for' a decade. [Trump Win, Economy, Race]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ German doctor, Cornelia Strunz sounds the alarm on large numbers of FGM cases in Germany due to Muslim migration. Over 70,000 cases. Details horror stories of women who can't menstruate properly, can't have sex, 'passing stools through the vagina'. Enabled by Chelsea Clinton. [Islam, Immigration]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ Buttigieg tries to pander for black votes. Blames Trayvon Martin's death on 'white supremacy'. 'How many 25th birthdays have been stolen from us by white supremacy'. Martin was killed in self defense by a man who was part Hispanic, part black. Nothing to do with white supremacy. [Fake Racism]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the lawsuit filed by 215 members of congress. They tried to claim Trump was in violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause, claiming he was using his office to illegally profit in his private business. Total vindication for Trump. [Trump Win, Witch Hunt]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that U.S. economy added 255,000 jobs, exceeding expectations again. 'These are blow out numbers'. Wage growth continues to be strong. Hourly wages have grown at the 3% rate or better for 18 months straight. [Trump Win, Economy]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ Kyle Smith 'Plastic-Bag Bans Are Bad for the Environment' Many cities ban single-use plastic bags. Multiple analyses have shown that plastic bags are better for the environment. The alternative needs to be re-used 173 times to be better, but they are re-used only 15 times on avg. [Environment, Regulations, Kyle Smith]
Feb 7, 2020 ~ NYC Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot continues to downplay the Coronavirus, 'We're telling New Yorkers, go about your lives, take the subway, go out, enjoy life? . If it were likely that it could be transmitted casually, we would be seeing a lot more cases.' [Coronavirus]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ Breitbart interviews persecuted Christian Iranians 'the majority of Iranians they support President Trump and his policies toward Iran' They say the majority support the killing of Soleimani who killed 1000s of Iranians. '1000s more thrown into prison for blasphemy' many will die [Iran, Terrorism, Islam]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ California Gov. Gavin Newsom wants a three-year suspension on BMI (body mass index) testing of students because its discriminatory to 'non-binary students' since it has separate male and female tables but none for non-binary. Physical sex is not supposed to be non-binary. [Trans, Political Correctness, California, Gender]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ U.S. drone strike kills Qasim al-Raymi in Yemen. Al-Raymi was a founder and the leader of a-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and was a deputy for Ayman al-Zawahiri, the current leader of al-Qaeda. 'The United States, our interests, and our allies are safer as a result of his death' [Trump Win, Islam, Terrorism]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ Politico, Warren organization is toxic to people of color. 'A half-dozen women of color have departed Elizabeth Warren's Nevada campaign in the run-up to the state's caucuses with complaints of a toxic work environment in which minorities felt tokenized.' 'routinely silenced' [Racism, Silencing]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ AOC discovers that it is physically impossible to lift yourself up by your bootstraps, thus disproving that age old myth. 'It's a physical impossibility to lift yourself up by a bootstrap, by your shoelaces? It's physically impossible. The whole thing is a joke.' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Ocasionomics]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ Patrick Pizzella, deputy secretary of Labor, 'The Deregulatory Achievements of the Trump Labor Department' Intelligent deregulation to unburden employers, 'We target only regulations whose good intentions never materialized or whose burden outweighs whatever supposed benefit' [Trump Win, Economy, Regulations]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ Larry Elder, "Trump Critics Denounce Pro-Trump Blacks as 'Sellouts' - While Criticizing Trump for Not Having More 'Sellouts'" CNN criticized Trump's Coronavirus team as not diverse enough. Elder gives many examples of democrats bad-mouthing black people trying to work with Trump. [Larry Elder, Fake Racism, Race]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ Three days later the Democrats still can't release the results of the Iowa primary due to unresolvable inconsistencies. DNC chair Tom Perez calls for 'the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.' Good for GOP. Who can now trust Democrats to run anything important? [Politics]
Feb 6, 2020 ~ New York City Councilmember Mark Treyger downplays the Coronavirus 'we will not tolerate rising xenophobia and anti-Asian/anti-Chinese sentiment we've seen related to Coronavirus. The virus of misinformation is a greater threat than Coronavirus itself.#FactsMatter'. [Coronavirus]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Lierre Keith, 'Children's bodies... future fertility and sexual function, are being destroyed, permanently. The left has become unrecognizable... we've been thrown from the movements that we've spent our lives building.' For 'knowing that a woman is an adult human female.' [Trans, Violent Left, Feminism, Silencing]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Lierre Keith of left wing Deep Green Resistance explains how violent the trans activists are. Not 'able to speak in public unless surrounded by a phalanx of armed men' Women have lost jobs, publishers, custody of their kids, assaulted, threatened so badly they've had to move etc. [Trans, Violent Left, Feminism, Silencing]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ AOC does not like Trump criticizing socialism since she is campaigning for a socialist. She falsely accuses him of fascism. 'For a president who seems to care so much about socialism, he really doesn't seem to give a damn about introducing fascism into the United States.' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Fake News, Socialism]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Twitter suspends Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe after he exposes many Sanders campaign staffers calling for violence. Twitter says that calling them 'staffers' was inaccurate because the were 'volunteers'. They were people working on Sanders' election campaign. [Violent Left, Tech Bias, Silencing, Sanders]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Chris Matthews notes that Trump bringing Guaido to the SOTU was smart because it forced Pelosi to applaud him increasing dem rift. 'Pelosi stood up and applauded that. She knew where this country stands. We don't like those leaders. And Bernie does. And that's a problem for him.' [Socialism, Politics, Sanders]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Jody Jones, whose brother was killed by an illegal alien was invited to the SOTU address along with widows of fallen heros. Pelosi tearing up the speech, 'That was probably the most disrespectful thing I have ever seen in my life. Because, when she did that, it just tore us up.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Deranged dem threatens 'Students for Trump' at ASU. Screams at the top of his lungs, 'Slash his throat! Every fucking Republican! Slash Republican throats. Slash fascists throats. Death to fascists' Charlie Kirk, 'This is the type of violence our students face every single day.' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, College, Holocaust Denial]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Rashida Tlaib on Trump being acquitted, 'It's worse than letting a criminal get off. Their vote created a dictatorship.' For low information voters who only listen to unhinged Democratic politicians and fake news media outlets, DON'T WORRY! No dictatorship was in fact created! [TDS, Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Tlaib, Fake News]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Alan Dershowitz on acquittal, Impeachment grounds of 'obstruction of congress and abuse of power. They're not constitutionally permissible grounds.' 'Today was a great day for the constitution. The constitution was saved from people who were trying to destroy it and diminish it.' [Trump Win, Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ President Trump is acquitted on Impeachment Charges. 'Chief Justice John Roberts. "Two-thirds of the senators present not having pronounced him guilty, the Senate adjudges that the respondent Donald John Trump, President of the United States, is not guilty' on both counts. [Trump Win, Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Jonathan Turley, 'Nancy Pelosi should resign' 'Pelosi seemed to be intent on mocking President Trump from behind his back with sophomoric facial grimaces and head shaking, culminating in her ripping up a copy of his address.' 'shredded decades of tradition, decorum and civility.' [TDS, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Trump awards Rush Limbaugh Presidential Medal of Freedom. AOC who can't go 5 minutes without calling someone a racist says Rush is a racist. She and many dems say it was wrong because that award is meant for people like Rosa Parks. Obama gave it to Tom Hanks, Robert DeNiro, Ellen [TDS, Politics, Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Not only do dems sit stone faced while all things great for America are talked about, Nancy Pelosi breaks age old House tradition refusing to say its her 'high privilege and distinct honor' to introduce the President. She then disgracefully ripped up the speech behind the Trump. [TDS, Loathsome Left, Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ In SOTU Trump describes why America is doing great, 7 million new jobs, lowest unemployment ever for Blacks, Latinos, women, lowest unemployment in 50 years, 7 million Americans lifted off food stamps, black poverty lowest rate ever, USMCA, top terrorists killed, border secured. [Trump Win]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Michael Brown, 'A Friendly Word to the Never Trumpers' Despite being an evangelical Christian, Brown explains 'why I voted for Trump in 2016. And why I plan to vote for him again in 2020.' Despite character flaws, democrats are far worse and Trump not dem policies align with his. [Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Walter Williams debunks the idea that corporations pay taxes. 'Corporations are simply tax collectors for the government.' 'A corporation can shift the tax burden by raising its product prices, lowering dividends or laying off workers. The lesson is that only people pay taxes.' [Walter Williams, Economics, Taxes]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ CNBC, 'Private payrolls soar in January, the best monthly gain in nearly 5 years' 'Private payrolls rose by 291,000 in January, the best month since May 2015, according to ADP and Moody's Analytics.' 'nearly twice the expected gains.' 'Growth came across a swath of industries.' [Trump Win, Economy]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Van Jones warns dems to 'wake up' because 'What he [Trump] was saying to African-Americans can be effective?black colleges have been struggling... he threw a lifeline to them in real life in his budget. He talked about criminal justice reform. He talked about Opportunity Zones.' [Trump Win, Race, Politics]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ A French teenager, Mila has to be taken out of school and placed under police protection for criticizing Islam. She says she does not regret speaking her opinion despite all the death threats she now faces. Denis Lacorne 'What is worrisome is' people will self-censor out of fear. [Islam, Terrorism]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Young Turks contributor Hasan Piker, nephew of Cenk Uygur, mocked Kayla Mueller in a Bernie shirt. 'Oh, she likes CBT (cock and ball torture) and S&M (sadism and masochism).' Mueller was kidnapped by ISIS and spent 18 months as a sex slave for al-Baghdadi before being murdered. [Loathsome Left, Islam, Terrorism, Sanders]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Carville on dems 'We're losing our damn minds' 'talking about free college tuition or debt forgiveness' 'I'm scared to death' 'We're talking about people voting from jail cells. We're talking about not having a border' 'Do we want to be an ideological cult or be a majority party' [Politics, Illegal Immigration]
Feb 5, 2020 ~ Two days later, the Democrats still can't release the results of the Iowa primary. Brad Blakeman summarizes how bad this makes the Democratic Party look, 'The Democrats want to run a Country, and they can't run a Caucus.' They couldn't get 170K votes counted accurately. [Politics]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ Former Senator Claire McCaskill calls black people 'things' saying about Ben Carson, 'One of these things is not like the others. Hint: they made him squat in the aisle so he was visible.' implying lack of diversity. Katrina Pierson said there were 2 other 'things' 'IN THAT ROW!' [Loathsome Left, Identity Politics, Race, Racism]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ Trump institutes quarantine rules and non-citizen travel ban from China as precaution for Coronavirus. Yahoo calls it 'discriminatory? rising xenophobia and nationalism, extreme measures to exclude foreigners under the *pretext* of a public health emergency.' Many dems criticize. [China, Coronavirus, Fake Xenophobia, Fake Racism, Immigration]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ Iowa U.S. Sen. candidate Kimberly Graham harasses America Rising tracker who was simply filming a public climate parade. Graham is very rude and condescending to the tracker for minutes, then threatens to call the police on her and then says she's going to sue her for harassment. [Loathsome Left, Free Speech, Silencing, Climate Change]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ 24 hours later and dems still can't release the Iowa primary results. But they think they can run healthcare and fix climate change. MSM: 'debacle', 'staggeringly embarrassing', 'chaos', 'unmitigated disaster', 'pathetic', 'catastrophe', 'can't even get a 3 car funeral organized' [Politics]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ MSNBC Zerlina Maxwell 'The Iowa caucus is essentially the perfect example of systemic racism... The reason you're seeing a drop in turnout is that white children are not in the cages... Black and brown people feel a sense of urgency because their kids are being put in cages' WTF! [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Feb 4, 2020 ~ Dem Congresswoman Kathy Castor continues to demand that YouTube censor, demonetize and label as 'climate misinformation' any videos she doesn't agree with. She previously ordered Google to stop working with organizations that are 'working to block progress on climate legislation' [Free Speech, Silencing, Climate Change]

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