Apr 19, 2020 ~ NY Governor Cuomo continues to praise Trump's Covid19 response. 'The president brought in the Army Corps of Engineers. They built 2,500 at Javits ... It was a phenomenal accomplishment... What the federal government did working with states was a phenomenal accomplishment.' [Trump Win, Coronavirus] Apr 19, 2020 ~ As Pelosi tries to falsely score political points by calling Trump's Covid19 response 'a failure' and blaming him for deaths, Dem Governors on the ground like Cuomo are still telling the truth. 'What the federal government did working with states was a phenomenal accomplishment.' [Trump Win, Coronavirus] Apr 19, 2020 ~ Islamist Osama El Hannouny has been arrested for attempting to burn down a Palos Hills church with occupants inside. He was attempting to ignite a gas main outside the church. He was previously arrested for slashing tires at a church because he 'doesn't like Christians'. [Islam, Terrorism] Apr 18, 2020 ~ Some Americans protest the how extensive the Covid restrictions are in some states. MSNBC Joy Behar and Keith Ellison claim it has something to do with slavery? 'Trump talking in this sort of faux-Confederate language' 'Confederate side... massive plantations... slavocracy' WTF? [Coronavirus, Fake News, Slavery] Apr 17, 2020 ~ Pelosi continues to lie to blame Trump for the Covid crisis. 'the situation we're in is largely of his making'. Trump is right that this 'their new hoax'. Blaming Trump for a global pandemic that started in China. Its pathetic. The US response per capita stacks up well vs. world. [Coronavirus, Fake News] Apr 17, 2020 ~ Sen. Tammy Duckworth makes a false claim to blame Trump for Covid19 deaths. 'As he watches Americans die by the 1000s, Trump... *could* have saved lives by sending more ventilators, but he didn't'. False. No one has died due to lack of ventilators. Trump worked hard to make sure. [Coronavirus, Fake News] Apr 17, 2020 ~ James Barrett, 'Dan Crenshaw Dismantles WaPo Writer's Attempt To 'Rewrite History' On Trump's Coronavirus Response.' TDS Afflicted Jennifer Rubin says Trump responsible for 10s of thousands of deaths and massive unemployment. Crenshaw destroys the unfairness and absurdity of it. [Coronavirus, Fake News, TDS] Apr 17, 2020 ~ Biden repeats lies about Trump and then attributes them to Trump supporters. 'They really support the notion that, you know, all Mexicans are rapists and all Muslims are bad'. Trump never said those things and his supporters do not believe them. All dems have are divisive lies. [Fake Racism, Fake Islamophobia, Biden] Apr 17, 2020 ~ Washington Post writes fake story saying the COVID stimulus checks would be delayed by days to add Trump's name. Both the Treasury Dept. and the IRS debunked the fake news. 0 delay. Of course dems and 'celebs' work overtime to gin up outrage and spread the fake news far and wide. [Coronavirus, Fake News] Apr 16, 2020 ~ Mollie Hemingway 'CNN published 700 articles on Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey, beginning as soon as her story came out. For Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade, CNN is enforcing a strict ban'. 0 articles. What a joke of a fake news organization. 700-0 is a bit of a double standard. [Biden, Politics, Me Too, Kavanaugh, SCOTUS] Apr 16, 2020 ~ Katie Pavlich, 'Newly Unclassified Footnotes Show FBI Knew Documents Used for FISA Warrants Were Bogus' 'Details in the footnotes reveal the FBI knew the dossier wasn't credible before applying for FISA renewals.' Known even before appointing Special Counsel Robert Mueller. [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt] Apr 16, 2020 ~ Elon Musk has to correct fake news from CNN. 'to date we have not heard of any hospital system that has received a ventilator directly from Tesla or Musk.' Musk debunks it with example after example after example and says 'What I find most surprising is that CNN still exists.' [Coronavirus, Fake News] Apr 16, 2020 ~ Trump fights back against Pelosi trying to blame him for COVID19 deaths. 'Crazy Nancy Pelosi deleted this from her Twitter account. She wanted everyone to pack into Chinatown long after I closed the BORDER TO CHINA. Based on her statement, she is responsible for many deaths.' [Coronavirus, Fake News, Loathsome Left] Apr 16, 2020 ~ Two CNN 'journalists' spew the fake news that Trump is 'hoarding ventilators to give to Russia'. He's not 'hoarding'. US companies stepped up and made more than we needed. Trump is helping Russia, Italy, Spain, France, other nations. CNN left off those other nations to mislead. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Russia] Apr 16, 2020 ~ All liberals and dems defend the WHO because Trump criticized them. Michael Tracey, 'Why am I supposed to be a passionate defender of the WHO? Seems like they screwed up pretty bad' Glenn Greenwald, 'Because Trump is now against them. That's all that's needed.' #TDS [Coronavirus, TDS] Apr 16, 2020 ~ National Review, 'Trump Is Right about the WHO', Trump defunds the WHO. Dems go nuts but the WHO was dangerously incompetent in how it recognized the severity of COVID19. WHO said 'no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission' weeks after that was known to be false. [Coronavirus] Apr 16, 2020 ~ Mounting evidence that COVID19 was created in a Chinese 'high containment' bio lab. Wuhan has the only level 4 lab in China. Part of an effort to create and develop defenses for dangerous diseases. Possibly escaped by an employee being infected. Wet market story used to deflect. [Coronavirus] Apr 15, 2020 ~ Elizabeth Warren endorses Joe Biden. She completely ignores the sexual assault allegations against him even though she was dead set against putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court based on unproven, and in some cases ridiculous allegations. Warren even believed Swetnick! [Biden, Politics, Me Too, Kavanaugh, SCOTUS] Apr 15, 2020 ~ Recently released transcripts show that the FBI REPEATEDLY tried to pressure George Papadopoulos into claiming the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. GP thought that was an idiotic conspiracy theory which of course it was. He repeatedly denied but denials left out of FISA apps. [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt] Apr 15, 2020 ~ Two Florida doctors, Geoffrey Michael Fraiche and Laura Ann Webb-Fraiche, were arrested for stealing a Trump 2020 flag from their neighbor's yard. Charged with criminal mischief, trespassing, larceny and contributing to the delinquency of a minor because kids were with them. [TDS, Loathsome Left] Apr 15, 2020 ~ President Obama finally endorses his VP Joe Biden after there is no one else running to pick from. Obama notes that like the White House photographer, Biden was 'there' for his presidency. And he's not Donald Trump. [Biden, Politics] Apr 15, 2020 ~ Lindsey Graham on the democrats and the Fake News Media attempt to rewrite history to blame Trump for Covid deaths. 'This Effort to Destroy Trump No Matter the Cost of the Country Is Getting a Bit Old. It's Pissing a Lot of People Off' ' Far less deaths 'due to his leadership'. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Witch Hunt] Apr 15, 2020 ~ Former UK prisons minister Rory Stewart, 'when I was prisons minister, we had situations of male prisoners self-identifying as females then raping staff in prison.' 'the rights of women to feel safe trump the rights of somebody who's biologically male to enter that space.' [Trans, Crime] Apr 15, 2020 ~ Vice President Mike Pence defends the US response which has been criticized by the Fake News media, democrats and armchair quarterbacks. The European Union nations 'have nearly three times the mortality rate that the United States of America has today'. [Coronavirus, Fake News] Apr 15, 2020 ~ Several articles being written comparing the faulty COVID19 computer models to climate models. The models on deaths, hospitalizations have been off by orders of magnitude even taking distancing into account. Deaths revised from 2M to 60K. Climate models even harder to get right. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Climate Change] Apr 15, 2020 ~ Susan Rice blames Pres. Trump for 'many' deaths. 'we already lost more than 23,000 lives in barely two months. Lives that many of which necessarily did not need to be lost.' Disgusting Monday morning quarterbacking with hindsight. Not a chance dems would have handled it better. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left] Apr 15, 2020 ~ German police have arrested four members of the Islamic State in Berlin alleged to be planning an attack on American military facilities. 'Prosecutors said the men joined ISIS in January 2019 and were instructed to form a cell in Germany.' 'contact with high-ranking ISIS figures' [Islam, Terrorism] Apr 15, 2020 ~ Dan McLaughlin 'The New York Times Knows Nobody Believes It about Biden, Kavanaugh, and Sexual Assault' Many articles being written comparing how the NYT and others covered Kavanaugh vs Biden. Embarrassing double standard. Goldberg especially. No evidence Kavanaugh even met Ford. [Biden, Kavanaugh, Me Too] Apr 15, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Fixing College Corruption'. Williams highlights a study called 'Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship' 'Grievance scholars bully students, administrators' etc. 'The worldview they promote is neither scientific nor rigorous.' Bogus majors. [College, Education, Walter Williams] Apr 15, 2020 ~ John Lott, 'Headlines Around the World Say the U.S. Has the Problem with Coronavirus Deaths But the Data Says Otherwise' 'Headlines worldwide are announcing that the United States has more coronavirus deaths than any other country.' But per capita the US looks better than most. [Coronavirus, Fake News] Apr 15, 2020 ~ Marina Medvin, 'Israeli Professor Shows Virus Follows Fixed Pattern' Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv U. showed that 'irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way.' [Coronavirus] Apr 15, 2020 ~ GA State Democratic Representative Vernon Jones said he is backing Trump in 2020. 'President Trump's handling of the economy, his support for historically black colleges and his criminal justice initiatives drew me to endorse his campaign' black unemployment 'at historic lows'. [Trump Win, Politics, Economy, Race] Apr 14, 2020 ~ Hank Berrien, 'The Trump Administration Virus Response Didn't Lag Behind The Europeans. Here's The Timeline.' Berrien debunks the fake dem and MSM narrative that Trump did not react quickly enough to Covid19. Detailed timeline shows US was on par or ahead of most major countries. [Coronavirus, Fake News] Apr 14, 2020 ~ The Economist, 'Why a study showing that covid-19 is everywhere is good news' Cites study by Justin Silverman and Alex Washburne ' 7m Americans were infected from March 8-14, and official data show 7,000 deaths 3 weeks later. The resulting fatality rate is 0.1%'. Similar to flu. [Coronavirus] Apr 14, 2020 ~ Joe Rogan on Biden, 'they can't admit that he's in cognitive decline... He's in decline and they're gonna try to wheel him out' 'He doesn't beat Trump? He's gonna destroy him. He's gonna kill him man. I mean it's such an easy target, it's like Mike Tyson versus a three-year-old.' [Biden, Politics] Apr 14, 2020 ~ Politico, 'Economic meltdown gives Democrats new hope in Texas' Dems have known Trump would be hard to beat in a strong economy. Some like Bill Maher have openly wished for recession. As they advise on Covid, they can't unknow that economic hardship is good for them politically. [Coronavirus, Economy, Politics] Apr 14, 2020 ~ Rich Lowry, 'James Comey Should Apologize' 'The FBI was told multiple times that the dossier was fake.' They were told that it was (exact quote) 'part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations.' And FBI excluded exonerating info from Page FISA Ap. [Rich Lowry, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax] Apr 14, 2020 ~ Betsy McCaughey, 'Shutdown Could Kill More Americans Than COVID-19' Pre-Covid unemployment rate was 3.5%. Experts are now predicting 15-32%. 'Every 1% hike in the unemployment rate will likely produce a 3.3% increase in drug overdose deaths and a 1% increase in suicides', Lancet [Coronavirus] Apr 13, 2020 ~ Anayeli Dominguez Peña is arrested for faking at least 10 hate crime incidents at the University of La Verne. Racial slurs including the n-word, threats of violence, fire started in her car, assault on her that put a noose over her head. Caused fear, marches, protests, demands. [College, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Racism] Apr 13, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald, 'Do you think people won't notice that liberal institutions and media outlets spent months maligning Brett Kavanaugh's defenders as misogynistic rape apologists, only to now invoke all their arguments to defend Joe Biden & demean Tara Reade?' [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh] Apr 13, 2020 ~ Glenn Greenwald, 'The last thing you want to be is a woman who accuses an important Democratic Party leader of sexual misconduct or harassment. Few people are publicly treated worse. Ask Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Monica Lewinsky and so many others. And now Tara Reade.' [Biden, Me Too] Apr 13, 2020 ~ The Washington Post also runs interference for Biden against Tara Reade's claims of sexual assault. Rose Mcgowan, founder of Me Too, 'This is not journalism, this is an agenda. This is a hit piece. You've sunk to a new low in slanted journalism and victim shaming @washingtonpost' [Biden, Me Too, Fake News] Apr 13, 2020 ~ The New York Times is the first 'news' org to run interference for Biden against Tara Reade's claims of sexual assault. 'The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.' [Biden, Me Too, Fake News] Apr 13, 2020 ~ Democrats and the fake news media keep trying spin the narrative that Trump acted too late. Fauci shot that down saying Trump accepted his recommendations immediately. CBS Paula Reid asked if he's forced to say that. 'Everything I do is voluntary. Please. Don't even imply that.' [Coronavirus, Fake News] Apr 13, 2020 ~ Margot Cleveland, 'Declassified Info: DOJ, FBI Knew Trump Surveillance Was Based On Russian Disinformation' 'These facts establish the FBI used Russia's meddling with the 2016 election as a pretext to investigate Donald Trump and the special counsel's office was complicit'. [Russia Hoax, Spygate] Apr 13, 2020 ~ Perpetually confused Joe Biden explains his immigration plan 'to put millions of citizens on the pathway to citizenship'. [Biden, Illegal Immigration] Apr 12, 2020 ~ TDS afflicted Michael Rapaport called the First Lady Melania Trump 'a hooker'. 'Just a reminder. A hooker and a con man are running America'. Rapaport previously has referred to Melania as a 'dumb animal'. Imagine if a Hollywood actor said these things about Michelle Obama. [Coronavirus, TDS, Loathsome Left] Apr 12, 2020 ~ TDS afflicted Barbra Streisand says that Trump is responsible for every single COVID19 death in the US even though the virus originated in China and every country in the world is suffering its effects. 'with more than 20,000 people dead because of his incompetence and lies' [Coronavirus, TDS] Apr 12, 2020 ~ Academia forced biologist Colin Wright to choose between trans orthodoxy and actual biology. Wright chose biology, 'I have left academia.' 'I defend the position that biological sex is binary and not a spectrum... gender ideology... harms women, homosexuals, and children.' [Anti-Science, College, Coronavirus, Silencing, Trans] Apr 12, 2020 ~ Dr. Fauci pushes back against CNN as they try to rewrite history by claiming Trump didn't act soon enough. Fauci said that was 'unfair'. 'It isn't as simple as that, Jake, I'm sorry.' 'I don't think you can say we are where we are because of one factor. It's very complicated.' 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