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Jan 27, 2020 ~ Alan Dershowitz destroys the two articles of impeachment as partisan campaign rhetoric rather than anything that describes a high crime. If 'Abuse of Power' was impeachable he said, every president should have been impeached. And Article 2 has been repeatedly debunked. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Jan 27, 2020 ~ AOC encourages 'tipping people off if you start to see that ICE and CBP are in communities to try and keep people safe? Sanders has actually committed to breaking up ICE and CBP.' Former ICE Director Thomas Homan, 'ICE Is keeping the community safe' 1000s of criminals off street. [Loathsome Left, Illegal Immigration, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders]
Jan 27, 2020 ~ The Supreme Court allowed the Trump administration to enforce The Immigration and Nationality Act that will deny green cards to foreign nationals who are 'likely to become a public charge', i.e. a net economic drain, dependent on entitlements. Does not apply to refugees. [Trump Win, Immigration, Entitlements]
Jan 26, 2020 ~ SNL does a skit smearing Alan Dershowitz. The devil calls him the Greatest. Actor Dershowitz says 'As long as a client is famous enough to get me on TV, it's all good.' Ironic because he is saying the same things he's always said. Dems however all said different things in 1990s. [Impeachment, Loathsome Left]
Jan 26, 2020 ~ Rashida Tlaib spreads 'Blood Libel' Fake News 'KIDNAPPED & EXECUTED. 7 year old #Palestinian child Qusai was kidnapped by a Herd of violent #Israeli settlers, assaulted & thrown in a water well was found this morning frozen to death? Israeli forces assaulted search teams.' False. [Fake News, Tlaib, Anti-Semitism, Israel]
Jan 26, 2020 ~ Geraldo, 'Imagine being a new president & having elements of your #DOJ & #FBI trying for 2 years to entrap you in perjury after failing to prove you a traitor? Dems pontificating now about alleged misdeeds by Trump re Ukraine are same people who slandered him during Russia hoax.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Jan 26, 2020 ~ Geraldo, 'After hoodwinking the nation for over two years with their totally bogus, shamelessly partisan Russia Witch-hunt, the Democrats never apologized to @realDonaldTrump whom they slandered endlessly & recklessly. Then the Impeached him for conduct that was not criminal.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Jan 26, 2020 ~ Tim Pool, 'Democrats Accidentally Proved Trump Is INNOCENT With LEAKED Audio Tape, Impeachment Collapsing'. Theory is Trump wanted Ukraine investigation to damage opponent. But Maddow interview with Lev Parnas timeline shows Trump investigating a full year before Biden announced. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt]
Jan 26, 2020 ~ Ivanka Trump, 'The U.S. economy added 1.5 million jobs for women in 2019, 72% of total jobs added!' 'This party is leading on doubling access, we've eliminated child care wait lists in dozens of states across the country? passing into law' 12 weeks of paid family leave for govt. [Trump Win, Economy, Gender]
Jan 25, 2020 ~ President Trump becomes the first President in history to attend the March For Life. Pro-lifers thank him for his support. 'Together, we are the voice for the voiceless.' [Trump Win, Abortion]
Jan 25, 2020 ~ A Pro-Abortion protester arrested at the March For Life for telling a pro-life Robert Morris University student, 'I will slit your throat'. [Violent Left, Abortion]
Jan 25, 2020 ~ Trump's lawyers finally allowed to defend the President. Made opening arguments in Senate trial. In 2 hours they destroyed the entire House case. Revealed military aid was never withheld. Debunked the 'Obstruction' article. Turley, 'Time to dismiss article II... dead on arrival.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Jan 25, 2020 ~ Hillary can't stop saying insane things. Says that Facebook 'not just going to reelect Trump, but intends to reelect Trump.' Zuckerberg has said 'I'm no fan of Trump. I donated the max to Hillary?As a committed liberal I find myself desperately wanting to' prevent Trump 2nd win. [Hillary, Fake News, Tech Bias]
Jan 25, 2020 ~ A voter exposes the unfairness of Warren's student loan forgiveness program. Says it makes suckers out of people who sacrificed to save while rewarding people that lived it up. 'We did the right thing, and we get screwed.' Dan Crenshaw, 'That's the definition of buying votes.' [Entitlements, Politics, College, Debt]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ Chuck Thompson of The New Republic, 'Why Tourism Should Die - and Why It Won't' Says it is helping to destroy the planet via climate change. Responsible for 60% of air travel, more than 8% of carbon emissions. Etc. Followed to its logical conclusion, we should do nothing but die. [Climate Change]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ Yale University is cancelling its very popular art history course 'Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to the Present'. Some critics called it 'problematic' because it focuses mostly on Western and European art. Students say the cancellation is 'a disservice to undergrads.' [Cancel Culture, Political Correctness, Silencing, College, Fake Racism]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ Joe Biden says that DACA arrivals are 'more American than most Americans.' 'In many cases, they're more American than most Americans are because they have done well in school.' He recently said he would fire any ICE agent that deports for a non-felony including DUI. [Illegal Immigration, Biden]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler says 'I don't think the fires from Australia are directly from climate change. I don't think most rational people are saying that, either.' He dismisses Al Gore's alarmism on it, 'He's had a history of overstating on the climate change issue.' [Trump Win, Regulations, Environment]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ Christian Britschgi, 'Trump Administration Repeals Federal Protections on Puddles, Dry Stream Beds, Some Ditches' 'Hysterical reactions greet the White House's modest changes to federal clean water rules.' Trump again rolls back illegal regulatory overreach enacted by Obama. [Trump Win, Regulations, Environment]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ Jerry Nadler has a new fake reason Trump needs to be Impeached. Because he's a dictator. Nadler falsely claims 'He is a dictator. This must not stand. And that is another reason he must be removed from office.' Trump was *elected* by voters and is running in another election. [Impeachment, Fake News]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ Stephen Colbert says Trump needs to be impeached because 'Trump never won the popular vote; he's too corrupt to have the job, and 3 years is really enough.' The American people will decide when is enough in something called an election. Stop trying to overturn the 2016 election. [Impeachment, Loathsome Left]
Jan 24, 2020 ~ Tulsi Gabbard is suing Hillary Clinton for $50 Million for smearing her by saying 'she's a Russian asset, I mean totally.' Clinton also insanely said that Jill Stein is 'also a Russian asset.' Hillary seeking to 'smear my reputation and essentially implying that I'm a traitor.' [Hillary, Russia Hoax]
Jan 23, 2020 ~ Madeleine Kearns, "'Transwomen are Male,' Writes Trans Woman" Trans woman Debbie Hayton says 'The inconvenient truth is that transwomen are male, and, as a group, we present the same hazard that men present? self-identify into women's spaces... is a safeguarding nightmare.' [Trans]
Jan 23, 2020 ~ Robert VerBruggen, 'Why Pay Off Your Student Loans if the Government Will Do It for You?' Many people predictably taking advantage of these programs, running up big debt and just paying the minimum required until the rest is forgiven after 10 or 20 years depending on job. [Debt, Entitlements, College]
Jan 23, 2020 ~ Breitbart exposes the constant stream of death threats and vile, vulgar hateful messages sent to White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham by modern democrats. Some threats are handled by Secret Service. Constantly called the C word. Nothing they say can really be repeated. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Jan 23, 2020 ~ Katie Pavlich, 'It's Official: FISA Court Says Warrants Issued Against Carter Page Were Not Valid' 'there was insufficient predication to establish probable cause to believe that Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.' 'FBI submitted false information obtaining warrants' [Spygate, Russia Hoax]
Jan 22, 2020 ~ Trump working on shutting down 'Birth Tourism'. About 33,000 'anchor babies' are born to people with tourist visa's every year. There is a whole industry to make this happen allowing tens of thousands of people to take advantage of our 14 Amendment loophole, jumping the line. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration]
Jan 22, 2020 ~ Transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox was named the 'bravest athlete in history' by Outsports. Fox, a biological male, has destroyed female fighters, knocking one unconscious ending her career. Fox also gave Tamikka Brents a concussion breaking 7 orbital bones in her face. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Jan 22, 2020 ~ Trump makes great speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos. 'This is not a time for pessimism; this is a time for optimism? We must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse' Lists many fake catastrophes they've been predicting since the 60s [Trump Win, Climate Change, Fake News]
Jan 22, 2020 ~ Martin Weissgerber, another Bernie field organizer promising violence, ''I'll straight up get armed... I'm ready for the fucking revolution. Guillotine the rich.' 'Send All the Republicans to the Re-Education Camps.' Force billionaires into work camps. 'Nationalize everything.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Sanders]
Jan 22, 2020 ~ The attorneys general of 21 states sent a letter to the Senate saying the impeachment is 'setting a dangerous historical precedent' It is 'permeated with the clearly partisan objective of energizing a political party's base to, ultimately, influence a presidential election.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Politics]
Jan 22, 2020 ~ AOC 'No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars. You didn't make those widgets! You sat on a couch while thousands of people were paid modern day slave wages, and in some cases real modern-day slavery. You made that money off the backs of undocumented people' [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Ocasionomics, Illegal Immigration]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ Dr. Anthony Fauci was asked about the new Coronavirus in China. 'this is not a major threat for the people of the United States, and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.' [Coronavirus, China]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ Hillary Clinton says nobody likes Bernie Sanders and his supporters fell for baloney, 'Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It's all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it' Bernie responds weakly. [Hillary, Politics, Sanders]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ Roughly 2500 migrants were stopped at Mexico's southern border by the Mexican National Guard. Per the deal negotiated with President Trump, Mexico has not paid for the wall; Instead, Mexico has BECOME THE WALL. Mexico is deporting 500 a day back to Honduras on planes and busses. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ Patrice Motsepe, founder and CEO of the African Rainbow Minerals mining company said to President Trump, 'Africa loves America. Africa loves you. We want America to do well. We want you to do well. And the success of America is the success of the rest of the world.' [Trump Win]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ Impeachment trial begins in the Senate. Adam Schiff immediately begins lying again. Trying to parse 'Mr. Z' in text messages, Schiff claims Lev Parnas was repeatedly trying to arrange a meeting with Zelensky but it was a different Z! This whole thing is an embarrassing disgrace. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ Madeleine Kearns, 'Columnist Fired for Stating Sex Is Binary' Jon Caldara was fired from the Denver Post for saying 'There are only two sexes, identified by an XX or XY chromosome. That is the very definition of binary. The AP ruling it isn't so doesn't change science.' Orwellian [Trans, Silencing, Free Speech, Political Correctness, Cancel Culture]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Happy Anniversary to Citizens United' Democrats tried 'to ban a conservative non-profit group from showing a documentary it produced critical of then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton'. Stopped by the Supreme Court. Free speech upheld. Obama and dems upset. [Free Speech, Silencing, SCOTUS, Hillary]
Jan 21, 2020 ~ UFC star Conor McGregor praised President Trump, 'Phenomenal President. Quite possibly the USA [Greatest Of All Time]. Most certainly one of them anyway, as he sits atop the shoulders of many amazing giants that came before him... Early stages of term also. Incredible.' [Trump Win]
Jan 20, 2020 ~ Peggy Noonan exposes the vile Democrat playbook. '[T]heir entire program is accusation: you are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic; you are a bigot, a villain, a white male, a patriarchal misogynist, your day is over.  They never have a second move.' Bow and more will come. [Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Racism]
Jan 20, 2020 ~ Joy Behar repeats common fake smears against Trump, 'demonizes immigrants'. False. 'he created this lie that President Obama was not born in this country' False, the lie came from Obama. 'the Klan? good people on both sides.' The repeatedly debunked Charlottesville smear. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Charlottesville]
Jan 20, 2020 ~ John Sexton, 'Self-cancellation: Author asked magazine to remove story after being bullied online'. 'She needed this to be done for her own personal safety and health.' Author is trans but accused of not writing about trans 'correctly'. No win. Must 'toe the ever-changing line.' [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Trans, Political Correctness]
Jan 20, 2020 ~ Monica Showalter, 'The left's bid to smear Trump over Puerto Rico aid now looks skeezier than ever'. Trump was right. $15 Billion in aid sent and much of it sat in warehouses. 'Hundreds of pallets' of every kind of needed supply. Puerto Rican Disaster Relief Commissioner fired. [Fake News]
Jan 19, 2020 ~ WHO issues statement on the new Coronavirus. No human to human transimission. 'Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China.' [Coronavirus, China]
Jan 19, 2020 ~ AOC feeds into the false Virginia 2nd Amendment rally is 'racist' idea. She notes that there is less police presence at the totally peaceful 2A protest than there was at actual RIOTS where cities were burning and violence was occurring. She thinks 'racism' is the explanation. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Police]
Jan 19, 2020 ~ David Hogg says people only want 2nd Amendment rights to 'to enforce white supremacy'. Asks if the Virginia 2A protesters 'would support the Black Panthers right to carry'. Panthers were actually at the rally as were many black people who pushed back against this false narrative. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jan 19, 2020 ~ Media falsely smears the Virginia 2nd Amendment rally organized by the Virginia Citizens Defense League, a non-partisan pro-2A group. Ben Collins of NBC news called it a 'white nationalist rally'. MSNBC Craig Melvin said '1000s of gun rights activists, white nationalists...' etc. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jan 19, 2020 ~ Big 2nd Amendment Rally in Virginia to protest unconstitutional gun laws passed at the state level. Dems and the media kept trying to falsely portray it as some kind of 'white supremacist' thing. 100s of minorities were there. 'It's pure baloney. Two of our speakers are black.' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Jan 19, 2020 ~ Joe Biden speaks to a black church in Columbia, South Carolina and repeats the Charlottesville smear claiming that Trump said that Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists were 'very fine people'. Then links Trump to the klan. 'We can defeat this... president and his Ku Klux Klans'. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Biden, Loathsome Left, Charlottesville]

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