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Apr 10, 2020 ~ Cake Maker Jack Phillips is sued again for not making a cake related to 'gender transitioning'. At this point it is obvious that activists seek him out to try to force him to make cakes that conflict with his values. He has already won at SCOTUS regarding same sex marriage. [Religious Freedom, Trans, LGBT, SCOTUS]
Apr 10, 2020 ~ Philip Gourevitch of the New Yorker joked about Trump getting the Coronavirus. In response to a tweet that said, 'Boris Johnson's illness has helped unite Britain. Would America unite if Trump became ill?', Gourevitch said 'only one way to find out'. [Coronavirus, TDS, Loathsome Left]
Apr 9, 2020 ~ Somehow the question 'Is Stage-4 TDS considered an underlying morbidity?' gets past the CNN screener and ends up on the air as a question for CNN's panel of medical experts. [Coronavirus, TDS]
Apr 9, 2020 ~ Former "Bachelor" Colton Underwood got COVID-19 and said hydroxychloroquine 'worked magic for me.... Right away, it was sort of a little bit of relief? It saved my life.' Underwood got 'hateful messages' from people rooting against chloroquine working to prove Trump is stupid. [Coronavirus, TDS]
Apr 9, 2020 ~ Fake News of the day. CNN, ABC News, 'Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November' 'detailed in a November intelligence report by the military's NCMI.' Anonymous sources as always. NCMI debunked. 'is not correct. No such NCMI product exists.' [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 9, 2020 ~ Like the New York Times has done, CNN changes their original accurate headline to appease dems who demanded that it be altered. The original headline, 'Democrats block GOP-led funding boost for small business aid program' to 'Republicans and Democrats block competing proposals' [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ As more details emerge, the fake news story of the couple who ingested fish tank cleaner on Trump's say so is now looking 'suspicious'. Woman who gave her husband poison is very anti-Trump, long time dem donor, had been charged with assault against her husband, wanted divorce. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ The bar keeps getting lower and Biden still can't clear. NY Magazine Will Leitch, 'I am relieved to know that there is a podcast that proves the man is upright, or at least capable of speech. But? If they can't get something this simple right, what's going to happen in November?' [Biden]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ Detroit News, 'Southfield city clerk charged with 6 felonies tied to November election' Sherikia Hawkins is charged with altering 193 voter records including making '"unauthorized and inaccurate" changes to absentee ballots'. Exactly why GOP is wary of a full 'mail in election'. [Loathsome Left, Politics]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ Trump convinces India to release millions of hydroxychloroquine pills for America after they were initially going to disallow exports of their supplies. 'I called Prime Minister Modi of India... and I said I'd appreciate it if they would release the amounts that we ordered.' [Coronavirus, Trump Win]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ Alyssa Milano says Trump should be impeached for his chloroquine profit scheme. 'Trump can make history as the first President to be impeached twice.' For 'putting lives in danger by pushing a drug for personal gain during a pandemic.' This hoax is insane even by TDS standards. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Impeachment, TDS]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'The Left's Ugly Reaction to Hydroxychloroquine' The latest hoax started by the NY Times & amplified by dems is that Trump is hyping chloroquine as a money making scheme. Harsanyi shows that given Trump's positions the BILLIONAIRE might net $300 'if all goes well' [Coronavirus, Fake News, TDS]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ Molly Hemmingway 'Trump Was Right, Cuomo Was Wrong About Ventilator Needs' Trump doubted Cuomo's claim that NY needed 40000 ventilators. Everyone went nuts as usual. Guardian, CBS News, Washington Post, Vox, USA Today. De Blasio 'he's not looking at the facts' Peak was about 5000 [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ National Review, 'WHO Failed' 'WHO has lent its imprimatur to Chinese disinformation and blessed China's slow response to its domestic outbreak, which likely caused a 20-fold increase in cases, according to a University of Southampton study' Did not declare Emergency despite data [Coronavirus, China]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ Trump freezes funding to WHO after getting everything about COVID19 wrong. 'They could have called it months earlier. They should have known and they probably did know' Said no human 2 human transfer Jan14. The WHO still recommended AGAINST travel bans from China in February. [Coronavirus, China]
Apr 8, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Manipulation Through Racial Hoaxes' Democrats 'have a difficult time finding the racism that they say permeates everything. So they're brazenly inventing it.' 'a huge percentage of the horrific hate crimes cited as evidence of contemporary bigotry are fakes.' [Walter Williams, Fake Hate Crime]
Apr 7, 2020 ~ Main Stream Media looks ridiculous reporting impossible Coronavirus numbers from China as fact. NBC News, 'U.S. reports 1,264 coronavirus deaths in over 24 hours. Meanwhile in China, where the pandemic broke out, not a single new coronavirus death was reported.' #FakeNews [Coronavirus, TDS, Fake News]
Apr 7, 2020 ~ CNN Jake Tapper retweets comment about President Trump from George Conway, 'He's 100% insane, and nobody in the administration has the balls to tell him that.' This illustrates the extreme bias that exists at all levels of networks like CNN. They are deeply and openly anti-Trump. [Coronavirus, TDS, Fake News]
Apr 7, 2020 ~ New York Times runs fake news story about Trump having a financial stake in chloroquine implying that is his motivation. Evidence is embarrassingly stupid. Billionaire Trump owns 2.9% of $15,000 worth of a stock related to a drug produced almost at cost due to being GENERIC. [Coronavirus, TDS, Fake News]
Apr 6, 2020 ~ CNBC, 'Trump and 3M strike deal to bring 55.5 million masks a month to US to help coronavirus response' After a brief dispute Trump said, 'So the 3M saga ends very happily.' 3M CEO, 'I want to thank President Trump and the Administration for their leadership and collaboration.' [Coronavirus, Trump Win]
Apr 6, 2020 ~ Mika Brzezinski suspects that Trump must be pushing hydroxychloroquine as some kind of money making scheme. 'A lot of people would say, follow the money. There's got to be some sort of financial tie to someone somewhere that has the president pushing this repeatedly.' Major TDS. [Coronavirus, TDS, Fake News]
Apr 6, 2020 ~ FCC Chairman Ajit Pai dismissed a petition demanding the agency stop networks from airing Trump's coronavirus press briefings. Pai, 'The federal government will not and never should investigate broadcasters for their editorial judgments' or 'how to cover... our nation's leaders.' [Coronavirus, Trump Win, Free Speech, Silencing]
Apr 6, 2020 ~ MI Dem State Rep. Karen Whitsett thanks Trump for enabling her to use hydroxychloroquine which she credits for saving her life. Turned around in 2 hrs after going downhill fast. 'a lot to do with the president ? bringing it up... to make it a priority... I do thank him for that.' [Coronavirus, Trump Win]
Apr 6, 2020 ~ CBS News falls for a fake story. 'In tears, a nurse says she quit her job after she was asked to work in a coronavirus ICU without a face mask'. Being called Nursie Smollett because fake and story not plausible. But as usual the MSM and dems fall for it but conservatives didn't. [Coronavirus, Fake News, Smollett]
Apr 6, 2020 ~ EXTREME TDS. Dem Rep. Tavia Galonski says, 'I've been to The Hague. I'm making a referral for crimes against humanity'. This is for Trump recommending chloroquine like 1000s of doctors. Glenn Kirschner 'Trump's conduct easily satisfies all 3 elements of involuntary manslaughter.' [TDS, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 5, 2020 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'Joe Biden is racking up Pinocchios briskly during the pandemic' Biden has 'collected a total of eleven Pinocchios from the Washington Post in just the past few weeks. ' Sadly, no one is sure if Biden is lying or just has no idea what is really going on in the world. [Biden]
Apr 4, 2020 ~ Joe Rogan who would likely support Bernie said he would vote for Trump over Biden, 'the Democratic Party. They've essentially made us all morons with this Joe Biden thing.' 'I can't vote for that guy. I'd rather vote for Trump than [Biden]. I don't think he can handle anything.' [Biden]
Apr 4, 2020 ~ More than a week after being debunked, 'journalists' like Mehdi Hasan are still pushing the fake news story that a man 'listened to Trump last time round & died after taking chloroquine... This president has blood on his hands... literally no debate'. 'Literally' no truth to it. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 4, 2020 ~ Sudanese refugee Abdallah A.O perpetrated a knife attack in Romans-sur-Isère France shouting 'Allahu Akbar!'. The Jihadist killed 2 and wounded at least 7 others before being taken into custody. 5 victims remain in critical condition. 3 other Sudanese refugees taken into custody. [Immigration, Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ Dr. Anthony Fauci says it's 'mind-boggling' that China's wet markets are still operating. 'It boggles my mind how, when we have so many diseases that emanate out of that unusual human-animal interface, that we just don't shut it down. I don't know what else has to happen...' [Coronavirus, China]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ Jonathan Tobin, 'Conservative Pundits Weren't the Only Ones to Get the Pandemic Wrong' 'Media figures on both sides of the aisle failed to appreciate the extent of the threat until it was too late. Liberals shouldn't pretend otherwise.' NYTimes, The Post, etc. Trump on it earlier [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ Senator Martha McSally is calling for Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of WHO to resign. 'their cover-up of this virus that originated with them has caused unnecessary deaths around America and around the world.' WHO helped the human 2 human coverup for 2 months. [Coronavirus, China]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ Candace Owens breaks the story that Gov. Ned Lamont lied about an infant dying of COVID-19 in Connecticut. Lamont said 'We believe this is one of the youngest lives lost anywhere due to complications relating to COVID-19.' The death was a tragic accident, nothing to do with COVID [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ Greg Gutfeld is suing Andrew Lawrence of Media Matters for falsely claiming "Greg Gutfeld says Fox's 'The Five' sounded the alarm on coronavirus back in January??BUT he's lying". Gutfeld posted a show clip proving Lawrence wrong but Lawrence refused to retract. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ More evidence that false charges of racism played a roll in the spread of Coronavirus. Lombardy Gov. Attilio Fontana 'You were the ones who told me that I was racist when I asked for checks on all citizens who came back from China' They chanted 'shame' like US left wing toddlers. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ Islamic Jihadist Hasher Jallal Taheb plead guilty to attempting to destroy, by fire or an explosive. planning 'an attack in the US against targets such as the White House and the Statue of Liberty' He told the FBI informant 'jihad was the best deed in Islam and the peak of Islam' [Islam, Terrorism]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ Mississippi State head football coach Mike Leach apologized for tweeting, 'After 2 weeks of quarantine with her husband, Gertrude decided to knit him a scarf.' The scarf was in the shape of a noose and some falsely called it a 'lynching joke'. Which of course it was not. [Fake Racism, College]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ John Solomon, 'Mueller's hidden evidence: Translator exonerated Don Jr. in Trump Tower meeting' Translator 'Samochornov's eyewitness account entirely debunks the media's narrative, the FBI memos show.' Mueller omitted most of his testimony 'nearly all of it exculpatory' to Trumps [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake News]
Apr 3, 2020 ~ Rich Lowry 'We Are All Restrictionists Now' Trump's criticized for his European travel ban by the European Council, 'The coronavirus is a global crisis, not limited to any continent and it requires cooperation rather than unilateral action' Days later they announced their own ban [Rich Lowry, Coronavirus, Immigration]
Apr 2, 2020 ~ Monica Showalter, "So Trump was right all along about medical equipment 'going out the back door'" TDS causes the MSM (Politico ABC News, Vox, Washington Post, Newsweek etc.) to say whatever Trump says is wrong. Cuomo confirms, 'actual thefts'. And now someone has been charged. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 2, 2020 ~ Me Too advocates who support Biden are looking ridiculous. People are tweeting out Alyssa Milano's Kavanaugh tweets. Ex) 'You can't pretend to be the party of the American people and then not support a woman who comes forward with her #MeToo story.' Clap emojis between every word [Biden, Me Too, Kavanaugh]
Apr 1, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Armchair Quarterbacks Try to Rewrite History on Coronavirus' Harsanyi shows how so many dems like Schumer and media people like Joe Scarborough are lying that Trump should have known earlier how bad it would be. No one did but now they want to pretend they did. [Coronavirus, Fake News, David Harsanyi]
Apr 1, 2020 ~ Gavin Newsom again praises Trump's COVID19 response. 'I'd be lying to you to say that he hasn't been responsive to our needs. He has. Every time I called the President, he's quickly gotten on the line... Mercy ship... 2,000 of these field medical sites... because of his support.' [California, Coronavirus]
Apr 1, 2020 ~ Jazz Shaw, 'It took 27 days for CNN to say what they previously accused Trump of lying about' All over CNN they were outraged that Trump said the real COVID19 death rate was 'lower than 1%'. 'Misled', 'Astoundingly irresponsible', etc. The Lancet now estimates 0.66% CNN reports. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 1, 2020 ~ Joe Scarborough criticizing Trump's response, 'Everybody saw this coming in early January' Beyond fake news. Morning Joe first mentioned Jan 24. WHO still said no human transmission Jan 14. Pelosi, De Blasio, other NY dems were downplaying into March long after Trump travel bans. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Apr 1, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Managing a Disaster'. Professor Williams tries again to explain how price gouging laws cause the kinds of shortages we are seeing due to COVID19. Allows some to hoard while many others get none. Allowing prices to rise would signal more production, less hoarding [Walter Williams, Coronavirus, Economics]
Apr 1, 2020 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Stop Pretending Pandemic Politics Are the New Norm' Conservatives, libertarians don't advocate NO Government. 'The government is a giant, lumbering idiot. Sometimes we need a giant, lumbering idiot. Almost always, we do not.' Needed in a crisis, harmful otherwise. [Ben Shapiro, Coronavirus, Politics]
Mar 31, 2020 ~ Trump Admin enacts Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule, a much more sensible alternative to Obama's CAFÉ increases. Cars can be heavier, thus safer, and will save American's $1000s. Unrealistic CAFÉ standards necessitate unsafe cars killing thousands a year. [Climate Change, Economy, Environment, Trump Win]
Mar 31, 2020 ~ TDS afflicted Rob Reiner, 'Donald Trump is causing people in NY to DIE' 'Donald Trump's mental illness is killing people' 'you tell the public that a deadly viral pandemic is a hoax & countless citizens accept that? you might be an accessory.' Trump NEVER said COVID19 was a hoax. [TDS, Coronavirus, Fake News]
Mar 31, 2020 ~ TDS afflicted Judd Apatow called Trump, McConnell and other GOP 'murderers'. 'all of these politicians should be prosecuted when this is done for the lies which cost thousands of deaths. Trump is a con man who lied to everyone to delay bad news... They are all murderers.' False. [TDS, Coronavirus, Fake News]

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