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Mar 17, 2020 ~ Walter Williams, 'Socialism's Past'. Prof. Williams catalogs a long list of failed socialist promises and predictions and equally untrue statements and predictions about capitalism. Among the quoted, 'Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Hugo Chavez, Maduro, and Bernie Sanders.' [Walter Williams, Economics, Socialism, Sanders]
Mar 17, 2020 ~ John Stossel explains why laws against 'Price Gouging' do more harm than good. When prices are allowed to adjust to supply and demand, 'people don't experience long lines and shortages.' Otherwise, 'Only the first customers get what they want.' 'Price "gouging" saves lives.' [John Stossel, Economics, Coronavirus]
Mar 17, 2020 ~ Melania Trump who has exhibited nothing but dignity and class continues to the subject of profane verbal abuse from hateful democrats who think it's the Trumps who are bad people. Most recently, Chrissy Teigen repeatedly refers to Melania as a 'wifebot' and tells her 'Fuck you' [Loathsome Left]
Mar 17, 2020 ~ Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post spreads fake news, 'The failure to take an immediate vote on the House's relief package last week was emblematic of the sloth and irresponsibility of... Mitch McConnell? fiddling while Rome burns.' Senate got the bill 1 day before her column! [Coronavirus, Fake News, TDS]
Mar 17, 2020 ~ Members of 'The Resistance' are getting annoyed that not everyone is abiding by the 'Trump is always wrong' rule. Dana Bash, 'He is being the kind of leader that people need'. Gov. Cuomo, 'he's sincere. He's acted on it... he's doing what he has to do and I respect him for it.' [Coronavirus, Trump Win]
Mar 16, 2020 ~ Tim Morrison, "No, the White House didn't 'dissolve' its pandemic response office. I was there." Numerous dems and 'news' organizations including the Washington Post reported this. Morrison corrects the record on yet another piece of fake news. 'I know the charge is specious.' [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Mar 16, 2020 ~ More context for how fake the New York Times 'you're on your own for ventilators' claim was. Trump said 'We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.' Of course use your local supply chain first. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Mar 16, 2020 ~ David Ng, 'At least 8 NY Times authors shared a deceptively edited quote, creating the false impression that the president is denying federal support for ventilators that are needed in hospitals treating coronavirus patients.' Let out the crucial, 'We will be backing you.' #Fake. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Mar 16, 2020 ~ President Trump declared Sunday to be a National Day of Prayer regarding the Coronavirus pandemic. Rashida Tlaib retweeted, 'Fuck a National day of prayer.' spitting on millions of believers. Catholic League president Bill Donohue asks the House Ethics Committee to reprimand her. [Loathsome Left, Tlaib, Coronavirus, Religion]
Mar 15, 2020 ~ Rep. Clyburn needs 'to sound the alarm' about how Trump is just like Hitler and the GOP allows it! 'I used to wonder how could the people of Germany allow Hitler to exist. But with each passing day, I'm beginning to understand how. And that's why I'm trying to sound the alarm.' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Mar 15, 2020 ~ Biden and Sanders debate. Biden tried to talk about Ebola but couldn't think of the name. Called it "what happened in Africa". He mixed up Coronavirus with H1N1 which he called N1H1. 'We've been through this before with the coronavirus... I mean, excuse me... the N1H1 virus.' [Coronavirus, Biden]
Mar 15, 2020 ~ Ellen Atkinson, 'Trump came to Nashville to assess damage from the tornado. He visited each area via helicopter 2 avoid burdening traffic flow in the city. With no publicity he wrote PERSONAL checks 2 many in need. He brought his own personal accountant. No other Pres' has done. [Trump Win]
Mar 15, 2020 ~ Completely serious analyst Eric Boehlert on totally real news organization MSNBC said, 'Fox News has been getting people killed for years.' [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Mar 15, 2020 ~ Huffpo and other 'News Organizations' call Trump a liar over website announcement. 'Administration Officials Fail To Answer For Trump Lie About Google Coronavirus Site'. Google issues statements today confirming what Trump said. Trump thanks Google for correcting the Fake News. [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Mar 15, 2020 ~ Briahna Joy Gray, Press Secretary for Bernie Sanders said '500 mil Americans go bankrupt from medical debt every year.' MSNBC says it could have been avoided if Bloomberg had given every American $1 million. Biden said would have been more if 157 mil hadn't died of gun violence! [Fake News, Sanders, Biden]
Mar 14, 2020 ~ Fake News CNN continues to perpetrate the 'Coronavirus is a hoax' hoax. Ran TV banner 'Trump On Coronavirus: From "Hoax" To National Emergency'. President Trump never said that the Coronavirus was a hoax. This is one of the many lies that are constantly spread by dems and the MSM [Coronavirus, Fake News]
Mar 14, 2020 ~ Biden taps Ezekiel Emanuel as his Coronavirus expert which is an odd choice since Emanuel had declared 75 years old as a good age to die in a piece titled, 'Why I Hope to Die at 75' '75 is a pretty good age to aim to stop.' For ex. deteriorating 'mental functioning'. Biden is 77. [Coronavirus, Biden, Health]
Mar 14, 2020 ~ Trump announces partnership with Walmart, Walgreens, Target, CVS and others to fight Coronavirus. 'They're the biggest business people, the greatest retailers anywhere in the world.' Walmart CEO, 'we were eager to do our part to help serve the country.' Testing, space, resources. [Trump Win, Coronavirus]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ FL Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum is found by police in a hotel room with two men, one was a naked gay escort who needed to be medically revived from probable drug OD. Bags of meth were in the room. Gillum was vomiting and was too altered to answer questions. [Politics, Drugs]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ Never Trumper Max Boot has to be against anything Trump does, 'Why ban travel from Europe when the United States already has more coronavirus cases than many European countries? Trump has just created a crisis with some of our closest allies.' Fauci has to explain it to the fools [TDS, Coronavirus]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ Dr. Anthony Fauci explains on MSNBC why Trump's travel bans were 'smart' and are saving lives, 'Clearly, early on, we made a travel ban with regard to China. That was a very smart move because what that did was prevent a major influx from China. Today, the new China is Europe.' [Trump Win, Coronavirus]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ When Trump was declaring a National Emergency, Steven King says 'Note that Trump's coronavirus team is all male, all old, and all white'. Katie Pavlich, 'this is completely irrelevant and ridiculous during a pandemic but it's also very wrong.' Wrong on both claims. Constant lies. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Identity Politics]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ Trump declares the Coronavirus to be a National Emergency. Announces new money programs and initiatives and money allocated to combat including drive through testing. The usual idiots spend time counting the race and gender of the surrounding people. And getting it wrong... [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Identity Politics]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ Biden gets 4 Pinocchios from the Washington Post for his very misleading video making Trump appear to say the Coronavirus is a hoax, and Trump appearing to say 'The American Dream is Dead'. Biden's lies are ironic given his repeated claims that President Trump is dishonest. [Biden, Politics, Coronavirus]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ Iran launched rockets in Iraq at the Taji Base killing two Americans and a British national, injuring 12. The US responded forcefully targeting multiple bases used by Iranian-backed Shia militias. Iranian Revolutionary Guard Top Commander General Siamand Mashhadani was killed. [Iran]
Mar 13, 2020 ~ MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell made the vile and claim that 'More people are sick in American tonight, because Donald Trump is president. More people are dead and dying in America tonight because Donald Trump is president.' Dr. Fauci has said Trump's actions have saved lives. [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, Fake News]
Mar 12, 2020 ~ Dems change the definition of the word 'racist' by the day to use as a weapon. The Federalist '17 Diseases Named After Places Or People' shows how common names like German Measles and Spanish Flu are. Hilarious vids of the very people screaming 'racism' using term 'Wuhan Virus'. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Mar 12, 2020 ~ Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson test positive for Coronavirus in Australia. Former CNN contributor and Temple University professor Marc Lamont Hill tweeted, 'I'm Black. Call me when Will and Jada got it.' Any white professor making a similar joke would be instantly fired. [Coronavirus, Racism]
Mar 12, 2020 ~ Trump extends travel restrictions to Europe to combat Coronavirus. Most of Europe is becoming a hotspot. UK is exempt for now. Complete idiots like Ana Marie Cox theorize that Trump exempted the UK because 'they're more white than the rest of Europe'. Deranged and not even true. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism, TDS]
Mar 12, 2020 ~ Acting very swiftly again, President Trump imposes travel restrictions to Europe and elsewhere the day after the WHO declared the Wuhan Coronavirus to be a worldwide pandemic. [Coronavirus]
Mar 12, 2020 ~ The WHO declares the Wuhan Coronavirus to be a worldwide pandemic. [Coronavirus]
Mar 11, 2020 ~ John Solomon 'FBI's Russia collusion case fell apart in first month of Trump presidency'. 'James Comey's G-men had substantially debunked the theory that Donald Trump's campaign conspired with Moscow by' Jan 2017. Similar to W's Witch Hunt. Fitzgerald knew real leaker very early. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Mar 11, 2020 ~ The National Legal Policy Center filed Ethics Complaints against Chuck Schumer with the Senate Ethics Committee and New York bar for Schumer's threats against sitting Supreme Court Justices. 'The Senate must immediately reprimand if not censure... outrageous and dangerous attack' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Abortion, SCOTUS, Kavanaugh]
Mar 11, 2020 ~ Berin Szóka, tech lobbyist and president of TechFreedom which receives funding from Google and is part of Google's Public Policy Fellowship program tweets, 'Serious question: could there possibly any greater poetic justice in the universe than for Trump to die of the #CPACvirus?' [Coronavirus, Loathsome Left, TDS, Tech Bias]
Mar 11, 2020 ~ Protests including property damage in Raleigh, NC over the police shooting of Javier Torres who is black. Protestors believed false social media information saying he was unarmed, was carrying a pizza, not a gun. Body cam footage shows he did not follow orders to drop the gun. [Fake Racism, Police]
Mar 11, 2020 ~ John Stossel, 'Government Outlaws Freelance Work' New law requires reclassifying freelance workers as employees. 'people who hire them must now give them benefits like overtime, unemployment'. Vox calls it 'a victory for workers everywhere', then lays off hundreds because of it. [John Stossel, Regulations, Economics]
Mar 10, 2020 ~ Harvey Weinstein, whose crimes launched the #MeToo movement has been sentenced to 23 years in prison for rape and sexual assault in New York. Weinstein still faces additional charges in California where he faces up to 28 additional years in prison. [Me Too]
Mar 10, 2020 ~ President Trump and Vice President Pence met with insurance companies and secured a deal whereby they will cover Coronavirus tests with no copay. Anthem, United Health, Humana, Centene, AHIP, Express Scripts, Cigna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AETNA/CVS, Kaiser. [Trump Win, Coronavirus]
Mar 10, 2020 ~ Joe Biden goes off on another potential voter asking him about his plans to take away guns? Biden has vowed to put 'Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15's' Beto in charge and has vowed to 'take the AR-14s [sic] away'. Biden called the man 'a horses ass' and 'full of shit'. [Biden, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Mar 9, 2020 ~ Jack Brewer addresses being called an 'Uncle Tom' by democrats who demand that black people do as they say or be vilified. 'after working as a loyal and motivated advocate for Barack Obama' nothing was done. Trump is 'the first president to have a real agenda for Black America.' [Race, Racism]
Mar 9, 2020 ~ The Trump Campaign sent a letter to Twitter after they said one of its videos 'contains misleading and edited audio'. The letter lists many very misleading anti-Trump videos not so labelled that falsely implied Trump called Nazi's 'very fine people' or called COVID-19 'a hoax'. [Fake News, Tech Bias]
Mar 9, 2020 ~ Kevin McCarthy makes fools of the MANY dems screaming 'RACISM' when he called COVID-19, 'Chinese Coronavirus'. He showed articles in the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN and even Congressional Hearing docs calling it that and 'Wuhan CoronaVirus'. What's 'racist' changes by the day. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Mar 9, 2020 ~ After weeks of everyone calling COVID-19 'The Wuhan Virus' the woke have decided that is racist and have started vilifying anyone as a racist for using that term. But its not uncommon or racist. West Nile Virus, Spanish Flu, Chinese Flu, MERS is Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. [Coronavirus, Fake Racism]
Mar 9, 2020 ~ California Gov. Gavin Newsom praises the Trump administration's response to the Coronavirus. 'He said everything I could have hoped for. And we had a very long conversation and every single thing he said, they followed through on.' [Coronavirus]
Mar 9, 2020 ~ Stephen Green "Coed Receives 'Onslaught' of Hate, 'Threats of Violence' for Saying Socialism More Dangerous Than COVID-19" The undeniably true statement caused her to receive a sickening amount of threats and profanity laced hate from the hateful, intolerant left. Sadly, typical. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Coronavirus, Cancel Culture]
Mar 9, 2020 ~ Alan Dershowitz voted for Obama twice. Says he 'would now reconsider my 2nd vote for him, he conned me... He ordered his representative to the U.N. to not veto a resolution which declared the Western Wall, the holiest place in Judaism to be occupied territory. It was outrageous.' [Israel]
Mar 8, 2020 ~ Fauci on the effectiveness masks. 'There's no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better... it's not providing the perfect protection... often, there are unintended consequences.' [Coronavirus]
Mar 8, 2020 ~ Day whatev of the 'the coronavirus a hoax' hoax. At this point, the fake news has become a 'fact' for most democrats. Now many are happily pointing out the irony that a CPAC attendee tested positive because 'Maybe now, they'll admit that the #CoronavirusOutbreak is NOT a "hoax."' [Fake News, Coronavirus]
Mar 8, 2020 ~ The Bojangles Famous Chicken n' Biscuits restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina locked its doors after a nearby Trump rally stating that they refused to serve Trump supporters. To the restaurant's credit, they fired the deranged democrat who was managing, and re-opened to all. [Loathsome Left, Cancel Culture, Silencing]
Mar 7, 2020 ~ New York Times article 'As Bernie Sanders Pushed for Closer Ties, Soviet Union Spotted Opportunity' 'Moscow saw a chance for propaganda' in Sanders and Sanders played the 'Useful Idiot' role willingly. He was 'targeted for propaganda' for his socialist and pro-Russia ideology. [Sanders, Socialism]

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