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Dec 10, 2019 ~ Dan Bongino, 'The FBI knowingly lying and manipulating about Carter Page pretending he wasn't an asset for the CIA, but an asset for the Russians.' 'they manipulate the email. Carter Page was a CIA asset. Let's insert the word "not" in there. Carter Page was not a CIA asset.' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Chuck Grassley, 'there's a lot of constitutional rights that were compromised to get reasons from the court to spy on the Trump campaign. And if it could happen to Trump, it could happen to... anybody else in America.' 'Even after he became president, finding ways to get him' out [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Jim Jordan, 'Didn't tell the Court the guy who wrote the dossier was desperate to stop Trump. Didn't tell the Court the guy who wrote the dossier was working for the Clinton campaign' 'The president was told he wasn't under investigation, when in fact they were investigating him' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Attorney General Barr, 'The FBI ignores it... withholds critical exculpatory information from the court... It also withholds from the court clear cut evidence that the dossier that they ultimately relied on to get the FISA warrant was a complete sham... that's hard to explain.' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 10, 2019 ~ Kimberley Strassel of the Wall Street Journal, 'The culmination of this IG report is that the FBI played fast and loose with the FISA court, and violated policy and procedures six ways from Sunday.' 'it's really hard... to not believe that the FBI did have it in for Donald Trump.' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 9, 2019 ~ Mollie Hemingway, 'One of the most interesting things to come out of this report is that the FBI and the DOJ knew by January 2017 that the dossier was complete rubbish.' But used it to spy on the Trump administration anyway. 'This is the greatest scandal of this generation.' [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 9, 2019 ~ Mollie Hemingway, 'IG Report Confirms Schiff FISA Memo Media Praised Was Riddled With Lies'. Shows point by point how the Nunes memo was true and the Schiff memo was false. Devastating piece that exposes how all the big names in the Fake News Media insisted the opposite was true. [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 9, 2019 ~ The IG Report showed that the FISA application said a 2016 Yahoo article by Michael Isikoff corroborated the Steele dossier when it did not because Steele himself was Isikoff's source. The FBI falsely claimed that Steele was not a source for the story. Ohr connection also omitted [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
Dec 9, 2019 ~ The IG Report listed 17 'inaccuracies and omissions' made by the FBI while obtaining the Carter Page FISA warrant. Not random errors because went 100% against Trump. Made Page look like an agent by disclosing contact with the Russians leaving out contact was on behalf of the CIA. [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
Dec 9, 2019 ~ Byron York, 'It's Official: The Dossier Was Malarkey'. The document the FBI used to get FISA warrants on the Trump Admin 'never had even a shred of credibility. Steele had no first-hand knowledge of anything' It was Clinton paid opposition research. Hearsay from foreign sources. [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
Dec 9, 2019 ~ IG Report showed that the Steele Dossier was 'central and essential' to obtaining FISA warrants. Devin Nunes said this in a 2018 memo. Adam Schiff released a memo claiming otherwise which the MSM ran with as 'the truth'. IG Report showed Nunes was right, Schiff, who knew, lied. [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax, Fake News]
Dec 9, 2019 ~ The DOJ Inspector General Report said the decision to start an investigation on the 2016 Trump campaign was legitimate. Attorney General Barr disagrees but what is clear is that once begun, it was kept secret from Trump and conducted dishonestly and was very biased against Trump. [IG Report, Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax]
Dec 9, 2019 ~ The New Scientist says having pets destroys the planet. 'cats and dogs in the US consume the same amount of energy as 60 million people' and their poop generates '64 million tonnes of greenhouse gases' 'pet ownership is another unsustainable aspect of modern consumer lifestyles.' [Climate Change]
Dec 8, 2019 ~ Treasury Department Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs Monica Crowley, 'Since the president's election in November 2016, the economy has added more than 7 million jobs? 5.1 million more jobs than the Congressional Budget Office, CBO, projected? before the 2016 election.' [Trump Win, Economy]
Dec 8, 2019 ~ LGBT activist and deranged democrat, Warren supporter Keaton Hill physically attacks Floyd Johnson II, former Pres. of Sacramento State's College Republicans. Hit him twice and then held back as he said 'Motherfucker, You're going to end up fucking dead.' Then hit Johnson again. [Violent Left, Silencing, College]
Dec 7, 2019 ~ AOC looks totally ridiculous 'waiting on the haters to apologize after we were proven right on Amazon'. She killed a HEADQUARTERS that was bringing up to 40K jobs and $30B in revenue in her district. Amazon now adds 1500 ad jobs outside her district. Was probably going to anyway. [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Ocasionomics]
Dec 7, 2019 ~ Al Green gives more reasons why Trump must be impeached besides preventing his re-election. 'We have to deal with slavery. Slavery was the thing that put all of what President Trump has done lately into motion.' and 'discrimination as a relates to the LGBTQ community' Not satire. [TDS, Impeachment, Slavery]
Dec 7, 2019 ~ Saudi airman training in the US, Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, went on a shooting spree at U.S. Navy base in Pensacola. Killed 3 people before quick responders killed him. 'act of terrorism'. Quoted Osama bin Laden hours before. Claimed to be against America because 'against evil'. [Islam, Terrorism, Guns-Mass Shootings]
Dec 6, 2019 ~ Michael Bloomberg apologizes for saying that Cory Booker is 'well spoken'. 'I was taken aback by it' said Booker. Just like any criticism of a POC can't be legitimate and thus must be due to racism. That is apparently true for compliments as well. Can't be legit. Must be racism. [Fake Racism]
Dec 6, 2019 ~ PJ Media, '5 Times Democrats Didn't Care When Obama Committed Obstruction of Justice', Obstructing the NBPP voter intimidation investigation, Not providing subpoenaed Solyndra docs, Not allowing Ben Rhodes to testify on the Iran nuclear deal, Iran ransom payments investigation. [Impeachment]
Dec 6, 2019 ~ CNN writes story 'Trump still uses his personal cell phone despite warnings and increased call scrutiny'. Trump calls fake news, 'I haven't had a personal cell phone for years. Only use government approved and issued phones.' CNN admits that's true but 'stands by' fake story. [Fake News]
Dec 6, 2019 ~ Sensing that quid pro quo and bribery evidence is lacking, dems switch to idea that Trump thinks he's a king. Support by taking quote 'Article II says I can do whatever I want.' hugely out of context. Was talking about a very specific situation, firing Mueller which he didn't do. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Dec 6, 2019 ~ Dem voter asks Joe Biden if there is anything wrong with Hunter following Joe getting jobs in countries he has power over. Biden gets upset, calls the man 'fat', challenges him to a pushup contest and an IQ test. Calls him a damn 'liar' and says 'you're too old to vote for me'. [Politics, Biden]
Dec 6, 2019 ~ U.S. economy created 266,000 nonfarm jobs in November, better than expected again. Unemployment remains at a 50 year low. CNBC's Jim Cramer, 'I don't see inflation. I don't see recession.' 'These are the best numbers of our lives.' Stock market powers to new record highs. [Trump Win, Economy]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ So much evidence that democrats have been planning the impeachment before they found a pretext. Back in 2017 Nadler campaigned that he was the 'strongest' lawmaker 'to lead a potential impeachment'. In '98 'The effect of impeachment is to overturn the popular will of the voters.' [Impeachment]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ Just when you think dems can't get any more hyperbolically ridiculous, Nancy Pelosi says 'The damage that this administration has done to America? Civilization as we know it today is at stake in the next election, and certainly, our planet.' Sure? [TDS]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ Eddie Mauro makes despicable ad showing Joni Ernst shooting guns as bullets are flying past him hitting the fence behind him. Almost as bad as Northam ad showing white Gillespie voter chasing minority kids in his truck, cornering them against a fence. Dems want ads fact checked! [Guns-Mass Shootings, Politics, Loathsome Left]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ Trump Admin enacts new food stamp rules requiring work when possible similar to the successful Clinton welfare reform. AOC lies saying it applies to families with children and the disabled when it applies to neither. Says 'many people will' 'starve'. Her fake news goes viral. [Fake News, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Entitlements]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ Trump Admin enacts new food stamp rules requiring work when possible similar to the successful Clinton welfare reform. Targets only the approximately 3 million able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) that are not working. Projected to save $5 billion in the first 5 years. [Trump Win, Entitlements]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ Sports analyst Tim Ryan was suspended for saying about Lamar Jackson 'when you consider his dark skin with a dark football with a dark uniform, you could not see that thing.' Had to apologize. But Richard Sherman said 'what he was saying was a great point.' 'It 100% is an issue.' [Fake Racism, Cancel Culture]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ Buttigieg participates in the great smear against Trump supporters. Learning nothing from Hillary's 'basket of deplorables' smear that cost her the election, he says, 'Anyone who supported this President is, at best, looking the other way on racism'. At BEST. The rest ARE racists [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ Professor Ole Wæver's solution If "every country was told 'this is your emission target, it's not negotiable, we can actually take military measures if you don't fulfil it', then you would basically have to get that down the throat of your population, whether they like it or not." [Climate Change, Violent Left]
Dec 5, 2019 ~ Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, 'President Trump Is Orchestrating NATO's Revival' NATO 'is stronger than ever before thanks to President Trump's emphasis on burden-sharing.' MSM falsely portrays Trump 'as an opponent of NATO' but he supports it and his actions have made it stronger. [Trump Win, Nato]
Dec 4, 2019 ~ Trans Woman Jessica Yaniv who once sued a bikini wax salon because they would not Brazilian wax 'her' penis and balls is now going after gynecologists who will not take her as a patient. Rickey Gervais again makes fun of the absurdity of it. The 'woke' call him 'transphobic'. [Trans, Cancel Culture]
Dec 4, 2019 ~ President Trump secured an additional $130 Billion dollars from NATO members by the end of 2020 that they were supposed to be paying all along. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg 'This is unprecedented progress, and it is making NATO stronger'. On track for $400B 2024 target [Trump Win, Nato]
Dec 4, 2019 ~ Andy McCarthy, on what a sham this 'no due process' process and report has been. 'In no serious, objective investigation would the tribunal deny one side the opportunity to present its case, and then write a report concluding that no evidence supported that side's position.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Due Process]
Dec 4, 2019 ~ Andy McCarthy, 'Schiff continues to ignore significant evidence that Ukrainian government officials meddled in the 2016 election to promote Clinton and hurt Trump' 'no contradiction in believing both that Russia hacked to harm Democrats and that Ukraine meddled to harm Trump.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Dec 4, 2019 ~ Steve Scalise exposes the sham. '16 Dems on the Judiciary Committee already voted to impeach the President back in July.' This is the 4th attempt to impeach President Trump. Democrats have been grasping from straw to straw over 3 years in search of a pretext that will stick. [Impeachment, Witch Hunt]
Dec 4, 2019 ~ Jonathan Turley was the only witness Republicans were allowed to call by Nadler. The democrats called three hyper partisan witnesses and allowed the GOP one witness who is a democrat that voted for Hillary Clinton. No attempt is being made to make the process even appear fair. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Dec 4, 2019 ~ Jonathan Turley testified 'I remain concerned that we are lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger.' Told Congress 'is an abuse of power. It's your abuse of power.' Was 'inundated with threatening messages and demands that I be fired.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Dec 4, 2019 ~ Pamela Karlan who can't walk on the same side of the street as the Trump Hotel once said 'conservative people, tend to spread out more, perhaps because they don't even want to be around themselves.' This is who democrats think is an impartial 'witness' in an impeachment hearing. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, TDS]
Dec 4, 2019 ~ The next ridiculous 'witness' the democrats called, Pamela Karlan is so afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, she explained how she has crossed streets so as not to walk on the same side of the street as the Trump Hotel. Not one 'witness' had anything resembling -evidence-. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, TDS]
Dec 4, 2019 ~ Noah Feldman in Apr. 2017 said Trump should be impeached for 'undercutting' the press with talk about 'fake news'. And also for a 'Mar-a-Lago Ad'. And also for tweeting his dislike of being 'wiretapped' by the Obama admin. This is one of today's important 'witnesses' for the dems [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Dec 3, 2019 ~ Adam Schiff 'Impeachment Report' hits new low as he releases the phone records of people in Congress like Devin Nunes, journalists he doesn't like such as John Solomon and people associated with Trump like Rudy Giuliani. Exactly the kind of abuse of power he claims to be against. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Dec 3, 2019 ~ Adam Schiff releases 300 page 'Impeachment Report'. The report includes all of the hearsay and speculation. And leaves out how the only actual witnesses to the incident, President Zelensky, Kurt Volker, Tim Morrison, Ambassador Sondland said 'No quid pro quo'. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Dec 3, 2019 ~ Flashback. In 2017 Maxine Waters said Trump should be impeached for using the term 'crooked Hillary' BECAUSE it 'was a play from Putin's playbook? I think that was developed strategically with people from the Kremlin, with Putin.' Dems waited for a *slightly* better pretext. [Impeachment, Russia Hoax]
Dec 3, 2019 ~ Lauren Duca falsely blames 'White Supremacy' for the fact that Booker and Castro did not qualify for the next Democrat debate and Kamala Harris dropped out. She throws in a false smear of Fox News for good measure. 'White supremacy is not just a Fox News problem, folks.' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Harris]
Dec 3, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris drops out and the MSM and dems can only explain it by racism and sexism. Even though black people and women support Biden much more. Tucker Carlson, 'For the left there are now only 3 possible explanations for why things on earth happen: racism, sexism and Russia' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Harris, Russia Hoax]
Dec 2, 2019 ~ Iran slaughtered 100 protestors in a single incident. About 1000 have been killed & 2000 wounded in gas price protests. Omid Memarian, 'The recent use of lethal force against people throughout the country is unprecedented, even for the Islamic Republic and its record of violence' [Iran]
Dec 2, 2019 ~ Bernie Sanders pushes the totally bogus claim, 'Nearly half our college students are going hungry'. Based on phony 'food insecure' concept that is not actual 'hunger'. But even so, the claim is 762% more food insecure than the general pop. Total hoax. Obesity is the real problem. [Fake News, Sanders]

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