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Sep 28, 2023 ~ The no bail, no law enforcement, defund the police, theft is 'equity' Democrats have destroyed their cities. Law abiding people are fleeing and so are businesses. Target is closing 9 stores in NYC, Seattle, Portland, San Fran and Oakland. This is after MANY others pulled out too. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Sep 28, 2023 ~ #BLM criminals looted countless stores in Philadelphia after a judge dropped the murder charges against police officer Mark Dial for the fatal shooting of Eddie Irizarry. Irizarry had a knife which the officers mistook for a gun. This was MASSIVE looting over so far 2 nights involving well over 100 thugs, only a few of whom were arrested as they fought with police. The thieves cleaned out Foot Locker, Lulumelon, an Apple store ("Free iPhones! Free iPhones!"), liquor stores, weave shops, Wells Fargo and other businesses. [BLM, Crime, Police]
Sep 28, 2023 ~ Professor Elizabeth Weiss @eweissunburied, 'Discussing sex is no longer allowed at Anthropology conferences' Both the the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) informed her that her scheduled panel: "Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology," is no longer allowed due to the ridiculous claim that very real and foundational to anthropology scientific discussion about the sex of human remains will "cause harm to members represented by the Trans and LGBTQI of the anthropological community as well as the community at large." Once again, science and truth are sacrificed at the alter of the anti-science called 'modern gender theory.' [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing, Trans]
Sep 28, 2023 ~ John Miller of CNN explaining that Blue cities are crime ridden hell holes because of Democrat policies. "You are seeing this kind of looting happening — I mean shoplifting and organized retail theft happen in places like New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia. If you look at where Target closed nine stores yesterday, four stores in San Francisco, stores in Seattle, stores in Portland, stores in New York, these are places where bail reform laws, criminal justice reforms have taken the inside of a jail cell out of the equation. So shoplifting is a crime where a judge can’t set bail.   Think about this. In New York City there are just over 300 people who have between them 4,000 arrests, 70 percent of them are not in jail, and they account for 30 percent of all shoplifting in New York. This is actually their job. They go out to steal every day, and that has gone up significantly because they know getting put in jail is not in the equation any longer because of the laws that say it’s a no bail offense and D.A.’s policies are they don’t want people in custody for what they call nonviolent crimes. …   The National Retail Federation shows that the part of it covered by theft is actually rising. Interestingly, they did a survey of stores, the Retail Federation, in 22 that said 81 percent of their store associates feel that the people stealing are becoming more violent and aggressive when confronted, and 54 percent of them feel that this bail reform where they have shoplifters telling them there is nothing you can do and I am not going to jail is a factor there. So, is it going up as dramatically as some of the stories portray? If you look at it nationally, that’s a harder statistic to grapple with. But if you look where it’s going up significantly, it’s going up in cities where you have these policies and people realize this is just like shopping without money." [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left]
Sep 26, 2023 ~ Joshua Diemert is suing Seattle’s Human Services Department (HSD) where he has worked with excellent work evaluations since 2013. The frequent DIE training has made it a toxic, anti-white environment. DIE initiatives are simply a license to be racist and sexist toward white people.   "Despite his hard work, Joshua endured years of harassment and racial discrimination with no escape, no recourse, and no way to shed his employer-prescribed badge of inferiority except to leave the job…   The workplace hostility stems from Seattle’s Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI), a citywide effort that began in 2004 as city council and mayoral directives to end city government’s purported “institutional racism” and to achieve racial equity in the community. Led by the Seattle Office for Civil Rights, the initiative forces city employees to apply a 'Racial Equity Toolkit'—derived from critical race theory—to every city function imaginable.   For Joshua’s department, this meant required trainings that aggressively promoted notions such as “white privilege” and collective guilt that white employees must shoulder for societal inequities."   "According to Diemert, a supervisor berated him for refusing to step down and yield his job to a person of color. He says he was asked, 'What could a straight white male possibly offer our department?' And he says he was frequently made to participate in RSJI training, which involved insulting games and activities designed to address his alleged complicity in white supremacy.   “On multiple occasions in the trainings, I was forced to do things like play privilege bingo or stand up in front of everyone and rank myself within a racist continuum,” he says…   “If I disagreed or offered another opinion, I was told I had cognitive dissonance, and my defensiveness was evidence of being a racist white supremacist,” he says." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Racism]
Sep 26, 2023 ~ Paul Bois, 'Transgender Man Who Raped Daughter Forced on Female Inmates' Its no surprise that the majority of 'trans' women put in women's prisons are sex offenders. Misogynists are laughing and celebrating what trans rights activists have accomplished. [Crime, Trans]
Sep 25, 2023 ~ Flashback: #FakeNews @TIME magazine, 'Your Baby Is a Racist - and Why You Can Live With That' Congrats to Time for making false accusations of racism way back in 2014, before it was all the rage. Damn those 'racist' babies! [Fake News, Fake Racism]
Sep 25, 2023 ~ Sen. Bob Menendez was charged with secretly aiding the government of Egypt and trying to thwart the criminal prosecution of a friend in exchange for gold bars and cash. More than $100,000 worth of gold bars, and over $480,000 in cash was found in his home, much of it hidden in closets, clothing and a safe. Evidence shows he's already sold $200K to $400K worth of gold bars. They have him dead to nuts but like any good Democrat is taught, when the going gets tough, play the race card. "It is not lost on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a Latino and push him out of his seat." Any time Democrats are claiming 'racism,' they are lying. 100% [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Sep 24, 2023 ~ Craig Rucker, 'Net Zero grid batteries alone would bankrupt America' Yet another article that exposes the obvious fantasy that is 'net zero.' "Just the batteries needed to back up wind and solar electricity generation in a 'net zero' USA would cost $23 trillion." "Trillions more would be needed to cover financing, repairs, maintenance, replacements, burying broken and worn out non-recyclable equipment, and building systems strong enough to survive hurricanes." "Professional engineer Ken Gregory determined that grid-backup battery costs could reach $290 trillion." All to maybe affect the temperature a fraction of a degree 100 years from now. [Climate Change]
Sep 23, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Did BLM actions save Black lives?' "Leaving aside the huge drop in quality of life for everybody [due to the resultant massive increase in crime], the number of people killed has increased dramatically. For every life 'saved' – and let’s be clear, almost all of the people 'saved' were criminals who were engaging in life-threatening crimes - 15 people died who would not have if BLM hadn’t destroyed our policing system."   "The truth is that the BLM/Defund the Police activists were able to have such a dramatic impact on policing for 2 reasons: they themselves engaged in violent behavior to intimidate people into making criminal activity easier (riots, which largely unpunished), and most people were too weak-kneed to push back.   Being accused of racism is a social death sentence. Few people can or are willing to endure it. So when activists scream 'Racism' and throw violent tantrums the powers that be melt like candles to a flame.   People die as a result. Thousands of people.   Politicians virtue signal on these issues because they get rewarded for doing so, and refuse to do the right thing because they are punished for it.   The result is societal decline and thousands of unnecessary deaths. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Sep 23, 2023 ~ The grift/scam is about up for Ibram X. Kendi (Henry Rogers). Boston University hired him to run the “Center for Antiracist Research.” The center burned through more than $40M, with nothing to show for it. Boston U is investigating where the money went. Gone, similar to #BLM. [BLM, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism]
Sep 22, 2023 ~ Competetor Makani was disqualified from a Pokemon tournament in North Carolina for laughing nervously when asked for and gave 'his pronouns.' The judge who was 'non-binary' said he was being a jerk but as a student, he was just just caught off guard. Trans 'inclusion' at work. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Trans]
Sep 22, 2023 ~ Jacob Sullum, 'Trump's Preposterous Defense in the Purloined Documents Case' Really good summary of Trump's classified document case including all the stupid ways he knowingly lied and committed crimes and why his defense is 'preposterous.' [Crime]
Sep 22, 2023 ~ Wendell Husebø, 'Third IRS Agent Says Biden‘s DOJ Blocked Weiss from Charging Hunter' Biden administration corruption is naked and out in the open. They know they can operate above the law with impunity. [Biden, Crime]
Sep 22, 2023 ~ House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. James Comer said that it was “unfortunate” House Republicans have started an impeachment inquiry, but President Biden and his legal team “have blocked and obstructed” their investigation at “every turn.” “We’re having an impeachment inquiry because we have gotten to the point to where there is so much evidence of wrongdoing by the Biden family, and Joe Biden has lied so many times to the American people about his knowledge of his family’s wrongdoings.” [Biden, Impeachment]
Sep 22, 2023 ~ Like a house of cards, trans ideology collapses under the slightest critical examinations of its claims. The next foundational card to fall is the idea that modern 'gender affirming care' is needed to prevent suicides. There were only 4 suicides out of 15,032 patients 2010-2020. [Fake News, Health Care, Trans]
Sep 21, 2023 ~ Ryan Ellis, 'Joe Biden’s 95% Drug Tax That You Didn’t Know About' With no authority, unelected government bureaucrats will set the Medicare price for many drugs and if companies don't accept the 'negotiated' price, those drugs will be taxed 95% on all sales. [Biden, Health Care, Regulations, Taxes]
Sep 21, 2023 ~ James Taylor, 'Fewer hurricanes are hitting New England' As usual, reality is the opposite of the #FakeNews narrative. Several #FakeNews outlets like @AP and @USATODAY blame hurricane Lee on climate change but historical data indicates that is total BS. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 21, 2023 ~ Incredibly, Joe Biden issued an Executive Order creating a new Climate Corps, 20,000 strong. Congress voted it down but he created it anyway by EO. He acts like a dictator, bypassing congress and the constitution to 'create' anything he wants. He had NO authority to do this. [Biden, Climate Change]
Sep 21, 2023 ~ Haley Strack, '40% Of Baltimore High Schools Don’t Have a Single Math-Proficient Student' 75% scored a 1 out of 4, the lowest score possible. School officials blame “chronic underfunding,” but Baltimore schools spend far more than average per student than the rest of the country. [Baltimore, Education]
Sep 21, 2023 ~ Biological male Rachel McKinnon who has taken many wins, championships AND records from women in women's cycling says there is no evidence that trans women have advantage in sport (a massively false claim). He then ridiculously claims that being against trans women in female sport "has had history of racism built into it over the years... who gets singled out for scrutiny is based on white women's conceptions of femininity... protecting the fragile cis white women from the rest of us." This is absurd and entirely false. Most of the trans women athletes who are criticized are white like him but he thinks that if he plays the race card in addition to the trans card, he can doubly protect himself from criticism because people will be afraid to be called a 'racist' for disagreeing in addition to being called a 'transphobe.' [Fake Racism, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 19, 2023 ~ John Nolte, "There’s Nothing ‘Comedic’ or Traditional About Hasan Minhaj’s Lies" "His primary goal is to smear Americans as racist, including specific individuals (like a white girl who did not stand him up for homecoming), as he paints himself as a righteous crusader and victim." [Fake Racism, Fake Xenophobia]
Sep 19, 2023 ~ Heather Mac Donald's new book, "When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives" shows how almost all medical institutions have abandoned merit in the name of 'equity' and 'Antiracist Allyship.' The average black MCAT score is a standard deviation below white students. Many medical schools responded by dropping the MCAT. Black scores on the United States Medical Licensing Exam were also a standard deviation below white doctors so USMLE dropped grades and went to pass/fail. Medical schools are requiring courses in 'system racism' and literally spending billions of dollars on Diversity and Inclusion programs. This poison is pervasive and no one can speak out against it or their careers are over. Figure out how to vet your doctor because you can't use medical school or scores. The new 'equitable' system ensures that the best and worst doctors have indistinguishable records. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care]
Sep 19, 2023 ~ John Sexton, 'The BLM trade-off: Fewer police killings, more murders' #BLM's 'defund/abolish the police' legacy has traded approximately 200 (mostly justified) police shootings for 3000-6000 murders of innocent people, ironically most of them black. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police]
Sep 19, 2023 ~ Via @nypost, 'YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off the streaming site after sex assault claims' 4 women have accused Brand of rape or sexual assault. None of the incidents are recent. Without any due process or presumption of innocence, YouTube has demonitized all of Brand's channels. [Cancel Culture, Due Process, Me Too, Tech Censorship]
Sep 19, 2023 ~ The top five money winners in the Bronx 10 Mile 'non-binary' category are of course ALL men (as always). This is why having a trans or non-binary category doesn't work either. Men will get 2 thirds of the prize money and women, only 1 third. Trans rights destroy women's rights. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 18, 2023 ~ Ryan Mills, "California EV Rules ‘Totally Impractical,’ Truckers Say; May as Well ‘Build a Spaceship and Go to Mars’" All of these many problems were forseeable by all but Democrat politician pinheads. The US needs to route supply chains around CA fast. [Climate Change, Economics, Economy, Regulations]
Sep 16, 2023 ~ Update on black BLM activist named Zyahna Bryant who falsely accused a white girl at UVA named Morgan Bettinger of wanting to run over #BLM protesters who were lying on the road to block traffic. Bettinger was expelled after a kangaroo court, UVA released public statements implying she’s a white supremacist, her dreams of going to law school over, she became unemployable and she ended up with ongoing psychological issues as a result of the Bryant led mob ruining her life. Years later UVA admitted they wrongly expelled her and Bryant admitted she didn't ever hear Bettinger say anything. But Bettinger's life remains in ruins. So who better for Dove company to make one of their spokespeople than Zyahna Bryant? Dove needed Bryant to make people "aware of the fact that people have different bodies" and what its like to be "maneuvering through spaces in a fat body." [BLM, Cancel Culture, College, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Violent Left]
Sep 16, 2023 ~ John Sexton, 'Comedian's stories of victimization are mostly made up' Hasan Minhaj has many stories about how he's been a victim of racism and Islamophobia. Turns out that they are made up. Its sad people seek to tear us apart and divide us with lies. []
Sep 16, 2023 ~ Over 8000 Africans illegally entered the small Italian island of Lampedusa which has about 6,000 Italian residents. All were young, fighting age males. In one day, they more than doubled the population of the island, expecting to be fed and housed. Being called an invasion. [Illegal Immigration]
Sep 16, 2023 ~ The EU, whose primary purpose is to extort money from successful and popular businesses, fines TikTok $386 Million allegedly for privacy violations. The EU has previously extorted billions from FaceBook, Apple, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Google, airlines and many more. The EU is a criminal organization that legalizes their own theft. [Regulations]
Sep 16, 2023 ~ Two teens (Jzamir Keys and Jesus Ayala) one black and one Hispanic, steal a car and intentionally run over 3 white cyclists killing 1, Andreas Probst, a husband, father and retired police chief. Laughed about it as they did it. "Hit his ass!" No national coverage. Local coverage did not mention race. Reverse the races and its a huge national story with protests. As is common Ayala's arrest race was recorded as 'white', a practice that negatively skews crime statistics for whites. [Crime, Race, Racism]
Sep 15, 2023 ~ Tropical storm Daniel dumped a lot of rain on Libya and thousands died in the resultant flood. The #FakeNews blamed 'climate change' as they do for every weather event in today's world. In reality, that area flooded many times in the past so they built dams. Those dams both broke because they were old and poorly maintained. And a massive amount of people lived downstream from them. According to Derna's deputy mayor, Ahmed Madroud, the first dam that broke had not been maintained since 2002! After that dam broke, the second one failed because it could not hold the water on its own. They didn't maintain the dams for more than 20 years in a region that is prone to flooding before fossil fuels and the #FakeNews ignores all that and simply moos, 'climate change.' This is a religion. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 15, 2023 ~ "The three men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer have been acquitted." This was clearly a setup by the feds. All the key actors were either law enforcement or FBI informants. The accused didn't even fall for the blatant entrapment attempt. [Crime, Fake News]
Sep 14, 2023 ~ John Sexton, 'How college diversity statements got started as a way to weed out white and Asian job applicants' Being against diversity statements is automatically disqualifying as Yoel Inbar found out. Beyond that, candidates are weeded out first by diversity statement. "Candidates who did not 'look outstanding' on diversity, the vice provost at U.C. Davis instructed his search committees, could not advance, no matter the quality of their academic research. Credentials and experience would be examined in a later round." "At Berkeley, a faculty committee rejected 75% of applicants in life sciences and environmental sciences and management purely on diversity statements." This is horrifying and is the tool they use to transparently discriminate both on race and ideological purity. DIE poison has killed the old liberal ideals of merit and color blindness. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism]
Sep 14, 2023 ~ Kim Russell, head coach of the Oberlin College women’s lacrosse team has been removed from her job that she did well for 27 years because she opposed biological males in female sports. Science was on her side but the mob was not. Loud and clear message to coaches: Shut up, obey. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans, Trans Athletes]
Sep 14, 2023 ~ The #FakeNews now lies 100% of the time on the subject of climate change. Example: @NPR article, 'Venice may be put on the endangered list, thanks to human-created climate change' The article claims Venice floods due to man-made climate change sea level rise and also repeats the myth that wildfires are increasing and that the Maui fire was caused by climate change. All of these things are false. For land that is neither sinking nor rising, sea level rise has been constant for hundreds of years. It did not accelerate after humans started using fossil fuels. Venice is one of the locations on Earth that is sinking. "It’s long been known that Venice suffers from subsidence. Built on a muddy lagoon with inadequate foundations, the ground beneath it has slowly compacted over time... Underlying plate tectonics are also to blame, thanks to the subduction of the Adriatic plate beneath the Apennine mountains." Pumping ground water from under the city also contributed but they have since stopped that practice. "It’s even been discovered that the whole area also tilts very slightly to the east, with the city itself on the slightly higher end and this is why Venice is sinking." Sink rate due to these factors is 1-2 mm per year. The #FakeNews will continue to falsely blame this and dozens of other normal events on man-made climate change. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ .@AlexEpstein debunks another popular climate change myth. "The trend of real (inflation-adjusted) weather damage is flat—despite many factors increasing vulnerability, like increasing coastal populations and bad incentives from government bailout policies. This is the opposite of an emergency.” Every part of the alarmist narrative is a lie. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ Fiscal 2023 the second straight year that the federal debt has increased by more than $2 trillion! These are record deficits and Biden goes around claiming he's a deficit CUTTER. The man lies non-stop. But his lies are not mere exaggerations. They are the opposite of the truth. [Biden, Debt, Deficit]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ Wilfred Reilly, "The Model-Minority ‘Myth’ Is No Myth at All" "The harsh reality is that some ways of being work better than others, some groups engage in these success strategies more often than other groups. Asians study 2X more than Blacks for example. 2 parent families, etc. The left insists that any disparate outcomes between the races must be due to 'racism' but in today's world that is not the case. [Fake Racism]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ Once again, the left proves that they despise free speech and think they should decide who should and shouldn't be allowed to talk. Asshole students at Washington College shouted down Princeton University Professor Robert George as he tried to give a speech titled “The Truth-Seeking Mission of the University,” allegedly for being 'anti-trans.' These shit stains are the same everywhere. Vile tyrants who think they decide who can speak and who can hear. They start with shout downs and resort to violence if necessary. Disgusting people but there are rarely any consequences for their behavior from cowardly or sympathetic universities which just emboldens them. This has happened 1000 times and its ALWAYS the left. [Cancel Culture, College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ Boston's mayor Michelle Wu beclowns herself by declaring a heat warning for normal summer temperatures. It never even got to 90 degrees. She opens 'cooling centers', splash pads, and "a variety of projects to support extreme heat mitigation." The left is desperate to make claims like "The impacts of climate change are more palpable than ever, with extreme heat posing risk to our communities." [Climate Change]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ The @AP shows it is a proud, card carrying member of the #FakeNews. Despite a mountain of evidence including whistle blowing eye witnesses and millions of dollars of grift, they say Republicans are "claiming without evidence that they engaged in an influence peddling scheme." [Biden, Fake News]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ Important message from Dr. Elliot Kaminetzky, "The more I’ve learned about pediatric gender medicine the more concerned I’ve become. I feared I was a terrible bigot. I am not. Over the past few years, I’ve been speaking privately to many therapists: high profile therapists, LGBTQ+ ally therapists, specialists and generalists and yes, even trans therapists. Almost every single one of them had an array of concerns about how the medical and mental health establishment is harming children, from the researchers using the shoddiest research practices to the therapists abandoning serious assessment. (Those not concerned knew almost nothing about it and were shocked to learn about it). All of these therapists are afraid to say anything which is the scariest part of all. They have their practices, their tenure, their dinner parties, their salaries, their mortgage, their board seats, and leadership positions that they fear will all be put in jeopardy should they open their mouth. I don’t blame them. I was one of them. Until now. This is too important to be silent about. The science is not settled. There is no consensus. These kids need our genuine therapeutic help, not a fast track to puberty blockers, hormones, and surgery (see below). Every country that has been doing this before the US has since significantly altered course. We are an outlier. Therapists, your silence makes the lives of honest therapists who care to speak out so much harder. I don’t know how much longer this will last, but I can’t sleep knowing that I was silent when children are being harmed every day." [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, Free Speech, Silencing, Trans]
Sep 13, 2023 ~ The Biden Administration has literally criminalized speech. Owen Shroyer was sentenced to 60 days in prison for Jan6. He did not enter the building. He was just speaking outside. They said he "amplified lies" about the election and so "helped create" the January 6th Capitol riot. [Capitol Riot, Free Speech, Silencing, Witch Hunt]
Sep 12, 2023 ~ AlexEpstein summary on the Maui wildfires: "Maui's wildfire tragedy was caused by 'green' policies, not warming The unnecessarily large wildfires in Maui were not caused by the slow warming of climate but by 'green' policies that prevented proper wildfire management." "How 'green' policies caused the Maui tragedy • Failure to actively manage flammable grasses and instead letting them grow 'naturally' • Spending $ on expensive 'green' energy and not on power-line maintenance • Deprioritizing water release in favor of 'green' concerns." "Unfortunately, many commentators, instead of admitting that the root cause of HI’s wildfire problems is their bad land, maintenance, and water policies—something fully within their control to fix—blame rising CO2 levels, a minor factor that is totally outside HI’s control." Long thread, worth the read. [Climate Change, Fake News]
Sep 12, 2023 ~ Charlie Kirk reports, "The city of Denver just agreed to pay out $4.7 million to 300 BLM rioters arrested in 2020. Philadelphia is paying out more than $9 million. New York is doling out $13 million. Overall, more than $80 million is going to be paid out across 20+ U.S. cities. BLM burned our police stations and looted our stores. Now, they're looting the public coffers. When you reward and subsidize criminality, you'll get even more of it. Who could have predicted that Democrat cities would become crime-infested, drug-riddled hellscapes?" [BLM, Crime, Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Sep 12, 2023 ~ The hypocrisy of Democrats is breathtaking. Stacy Davis Gates, head of the Chicago Teachers’ Union is sending her son to private school after fiercely opposing school choice for everyone else. She called it 'racist' because dems call everything racist. "School choice was actually the choice of racists. It was created to avoid integrating schools with Black children." [Education, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left]
Sep 11, 2023 ~ Tim Graham, 'The Canadian Holocaust That Never Happened' Good summary of probably the biggest hate crime hoax in history. "In 2021, a Native Canadian tribe claimed that 'ground-penetrating radar' found 215 bodies near a residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia. Within a week, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ordered flags across Canada to be flown at half-staff for all the allegedly murdered children." Chief Jason Louie of the Lower Kootenay Band proclaimed, "Let's call this for what it is. It's a mass murder of Indigenous people... The Nazis were held accountable for their war crimes. I see no difference in locating the priests and nuns and the brothers who are responsible for this mass murder to be held accountable for their part in this attempt of genocide of an Indigenous people." Then based on nothing at all, "Murray Sinclair... wowed the press by claiming the body count could be 15,000 to 25,000." The #FakeNews was all over the story. The mob jumped into action. 68 churches across Canada were destroyed through vandalism and arson. Trudeau and the Pope apologized for the 'genocide.' "A Native Canadian tribe excavated 14 sites" in an attempt to validate the claims but not a single body was discovered. [Fake Hate Crime, Fake News, Fake Racism]
Sep 11, 2023 ~ Add Boston to the list of once great cities destroyed by woke defund the police poison. Crime is way up. Shopping areas are being overrun by mobs of over 100 'teens' and there are no police to do anything about it. No one wants to be a cop under these conditions. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness]

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