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Dec 2, 2019 ~ Mark Ruffalo says 'It's time for an economic revolution. Capitalism today is failing us, killing us, and robbing from our children's future.' Madness. He has a net worth of about $30 million and is campaigning for a socialist. Socialism is what has failed and is killing its people [Socialism, Economics]
Dec 2, 2019 ~ Bernie Sanders recruits Linda Sarsour to campaign with him and she immediately starts spewing anti-Semitic hate. 'How can you be against white supremacy... but then you support a state like Israel, that is built on supremacy that is built on the idea that Jews are supreme?' [Israel, Anti-Semitism, Sanders]
Dec 2, 2019 ~ Madeleine Kearns, 'When Will Transgender Clinical Activists Acknowledge Detransitioners?' 100s regret their 'transition'. Want to detransition but there is no undoing the damage. They wish their therapists had offered other options. But they are not allowed to be non-affirming. [Trans]
Dec 2, 2019 ~ Black Lives Matter promotes 'Black Xmas'. Encourages people to 'divest from White capitalism' because 'White capitalism is killing our people in very real terms' 'White capitalism requires racist, violent policing to protect it.' 'Donald Trump embodies White capitalism' #BuyBlack [Fake Racism, Racism, BLM]
Dec 2, 2019 ~ Alyssa Milano, who has called Trump an 'asswipe' and a 'piece of shit, asshole, motherfucking, evil-creature', said 'impeach the motherfucker' and once read a holiday story called 'One Shitty Gift by Betsy Devos' says 'It's fucking upsetting that? our President is inappropriate' [TDS, Loathsome Left]
Dec 1, 2019 ~ Boko Haram hacked to death a 12 year old Christian boy who refused to become an Islamic 'child soldier'. One of many offered the convert or die choice. Breitbart, 'more than 170,000 Cameroonians, mostly Christians, have been driven from their homes by Boko Haram.', UN Estimates. [Islam, Terrorism]
Dec 1, 2019 ~ In Time interview President Zelensky of Ukraine stated again that there was no quid pro quo. 'I never talked to the president from the position of a quid pro quo. That's not my thing.' Dems continue the circus by calling opinion columnists and left wing professors as 'witnesses'. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Dec 1, 2019 ~ In Der Spiegel interview, President Zelensky of Ukraine stated again that there was no quid pro quo. 'I did not speak with US President Trump in those terms: you give me this, I give you that.' While he was speaking, Democrats plugged their ears and loudly sang 'LA LA LA LA LA'. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Dec 1, 2019 ~ Sharyl Attkisson adds to the running list, '101 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List'. She kindly calls them 'media mistakes' instead of 'Fake News', however mere 'mistakes' would go randomly in both directions. These, tellingly go 100% against President Trump. [Fake News]
Nov 30, 2019 ~ Multiple historians are slamming the NYT 1619 Project. Brown University historian Gordon Wood said 'it is so wrong in so many ways' American Civil War historian and Pulitzer Prize winner James McPherson, 'a very unbalanced, one-sided account, which lacked context and perspective' [Slavery, Race, Fake News]
Nov 30, 2019 ~ Michael Goodwin NY POST, 'Trump's policy toward Ukraine has been far stronger than President Barack Obama's. Providing Ukraine with antitank weapons to counter Russian invasions is a direct slap at Vladimir Putin, a move Obama rejected because he feared it would provoke Putin.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Nov 30, 2019 ~ ICE set up fake University that nabbed 250 illegal immigrants trying to scam the system. Democrats including AOC and Elizabeth Warren were outraged. Yet this is another example of something Obama did as well. Just like the detention centers, tear gas, deportations. OK for Obama. [Illegal Immigration, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Nov 30, 2019 ~ Another Islamic terrorist attack on London Bridge. Usman Khan killed 2 people with a knife before being overpowered by bystanders and shot dead by police. Khan was previously sentenced to 16 years for terrorism but was insanely released 8 years early. Khan spoke of 'martyrdom'. [Islam, Terrorism]
Nov 29, 2019 ~ BET founder Robert Johnson doesn't think any dem 'is capable of beating Donald Trump' Big reason is record low black unemployment rate. Was as high as 19.3% in 2010 under Obama. Is now 5.4%. Larry Elder in 2015 'By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama' [Trump Win, Economy, Larry Elder]
Nov 28, 2019 ~ Breitbart catalogs '117 Acts of Violence and Harassment Against Conservatives on Campus'. These 117 only include college campus incidents and so are only a fraction of the incidents nationwide. Violence, harassment and silencing have become common tools of modern democrats. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, College, Silencing]
Nov 28, 2019 ~ President Trump signed bills into law imposing sanctions for human rights abuses in support of the Hong Kong pro-democracy protestors. The protestor held a 'Thank you for standing with Hong Kong' rally. 'The crowd sang the Star Bangled Banner as attendees waved American flags.' [Hong Kong, Trump Win]
Nov 28, 2019 ~ Former Dem Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley drove Ken Cuccinelli out of a DC pub with a tirade, 'cursing and screaming for real, to the point of veins bulging on his neck? got right up in my face, bumped up against me and invited me to take a swing at him.' The left cheered! [Loathsome Left, Violent Left]
Nov 28, 2019 ~ Newsweek headline, 'How is Trump Spending Thanksgiving? Tweeting, Golfing and more'. Totally fake article. In reality, Trump spent Thanksgiving with the troops in Afghanistan. Donald Trump Jr., 'Fake news gonna fake!' Donald Trump, 'I thought Newsweek was out of business?' [Fake News]
Nov 27, 2019 ~ Walter Williams, 'Who Are the Racists?' 'Democratic claim of Trump-inspired white violence.' where 'blacks face a "mortal threat"' is 'a cruel hoax.' In reality of the 600K interracial crimes last year, 90% were black perp on white victim, 10% white perp on black victim. [Fake Racism, Race, Crime, Walter Williams]
Nov 27, 2019 ~ Left wing students in Baltimore show their lack of class with booing and other rude behavior toward the First Lady, Melania Trump as she delivered a speech on avoiding drug addiction and how to find help if you struggle with it. Left wing children acting like left wing adults. [Loathsome Left]
Nov 27, 2019 ~ John Stossel, 'Thanks Private Property'. Explains how the Pilgrims 'almost starved' trying socialism with no private ownership. In a desperate attempt to try something new, Bradford 'assigned every family a parcel of land' People started to work and invent. Soon they had plenty. [Socialism, Economics, John Stossel]
Nov 27, 2019 ~ Ben Shapiro, 'Pete Buttigieg's Big Mistake: Telling the Truth' Referring to Michael Harriot article in The Root, 'Pete Buttigieg Is a Lying MF'. The 'lie' was that 'not all educational outcome disparities between blacks and whites are attributable to systemic racism.' [Fake Racism, Ben Shapiro]
Nov 26, 2019 ~ Maxine Waters insults Ben Carson's intelligence. 'This guy just doesn't have the background, the capability, the intelligence to do the job.' Larry Elder points out that Maxine Waters must be racist by the democrat's own rules. Just like Trump was racist for calling her 'Low IQ'. [Fake Racism, Larry Elder]
Nov 26, 2019 ~ The Brexit Party rally in Plymouth, Devon was met with behavior that has become typical of the left no matter where in the world you go. People harassed as they were coming in. Heckling and shouting over speeches being made. Eggs thrown. Join their side or suffer their abuse. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Nov 24, 2019 ~ MIT climatologist Professor Richard Lindzen, 'A coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world' [Climate Change]
Nov 23, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren caught in another fabrication of her past. A group of black voters say her opposition to school choice is out of touch because 'your children went to private schools' Warren replies 'My kids went to public school.' But her son went to an elite private school. [Politics]
Nov 22, 2019 ~ Mollie Hemingway, 'Republicans Won Phase One Of Impeachment' 'It was completely unclear what crime, much less what high crime, Trump was accused of committing.' 'as with the Russia collusion hoax,... the lack of evidence for the charges against him is his ultimate saving grace.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ The New York Post editorial board said the Impeachment Hearings were a total waste of time. 'Not one witness offered any direct evidence that President Trump did anything clearly impeachable. No one heard him order a quid pro quo in which Ukraine would gin up "dirt" on Joe Biden' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Mollie Hemingway, 'Media's Latest Anti-Nunes Smear Is Michael-Cohen-In-Prague All Over Again'. Hemingway recounts how the fake new media refused to retract their story after it was clear Cohen was never in Prague. This story is just as 'objectively stupid.' #FakeNewsMedia [Fake News, Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Devin Nunes is suing CNN and The Daily Beast for spreading fake news about him regarding the Ukraine Hoax. 'These demonstrably false and scandalous stories published by the Daily Beast and CNN are the perfect example of defamation and reckless disregard for the truth.' [Fake News, Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ 10 Anniversary of 'Climategate'. Hacked emails from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit. 'We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period.' Using 'Mike's Nature trick? to hide the decline'. Pressuring journals not to publish any skeptical studies or criticism. [Climate Change]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Pat Michaels on hurricanes, using 'global satellite coverage. We can measure their power. There is no significant increase whatsoever. No relationship between hurricane activity and the surface temperature of the planet!' Stossel, 'He's right. That's what government data shows.' [Climate Change, John Stossel]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Climatologist Pat Michaels on climate alarmism, 'It's warmed up around 1 degree Celsius since 1900, and life expectancy doubled in the industrialized democracies! Yet that temperature ticks up another half a degree and the entire system crashes? That's the most absurd belief!' [Climate Change]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Rob Reiner is ranting like a lunatic. ' If he is not thrown out of office, Putin will have been successful in destroying our 243 year Democratic Experiment.' 'Trump & the GOP have become a wholly owned subsidiary of the Kremlin.' Wait, the TDS loons still believe the Russia Hoax? [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, TDS]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Rep Maloney said to Fiona Hill 'that was some epic mansplaining that you were forced to endure by my colleague Mr. Turner'. Maloney basically held the woman's hand and said so sorry you had 'to endure' the same treatment that the men received and had to listen to a man's opinion. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Fake Sexism]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Rep. Mike Turner did not appreciate Fiona Hill claiming that 'Some of you on this committee appear to believe that Russia and its security services did not conduct a campaign against our country'. Turner showed her the report on Russian Interference 'was voted on by all of us.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Fiona Hill testifies that the idea that Ukraine might have interfered in the 2016 election is a 'fictional narrative' because Russia interfered. But no one said Russia didn't. Politico article 2017 'Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire' 'quietly working to boost Clinton.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland exonerates President Trump. Sondland testified that he asked Trump 'What do you want from Ukraine?' Trump responded. 'I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing.' Case Closed. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Another campus another mob of deranged dems screaming, chanting and acting violent to stop free speech. Prevent over 100 people from seeing Ann Coulter at Berkeley. Try to shut down the speech. Many injured. 'You're a fucking Nazi!' scream the nuts. Equate police to the 'klan'. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College, Cancel Culture, Fake Racism, Police]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ California fails to keep Trump's name off the ballot! CA Supreme Court strikes down the "Presidential Tax Transparency and Accountability Act" that was passed solely to keep Trump's name off the ballot if they are not able to conduct a 5 year fishing expedition into his taxes. [Trump Win, Loathsome Left, Witch Hunt]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Much outrage over the claim that a 'white supremacist manifesto' was air dropped to students in the Syracuse library. 'Law enforcement has not been able to locate a single individual who directly received an AirDrop. Not one. It was apparent that this rumor was probably a hoax.' [Fake Racism, Fake Hate Crime, College]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Myles Garrett suspended indefinitely for swinging a helmet at QB Mason Rudolph's uncovered head. As part of suspension appeal, Garrett suddenly announced Rudolph used a racial slur. But never mentioned that prior to the hearing or during his apology. NFL "found no such evidence". [Fake Racism]
Nov 21, 2019 ~ Washington Examiner 'Elise Stefanik is a perfect case-study in media double standards' Elizabeth Warren was praised for breaking Senate rules. Glowing articles by NYT, Wash Post re: 'Nevertheless, she persisted' But @EliseStefanik trying to speak is just a 'gender-centric stunt' [Fake News, Fake Sexism]
Nov 20, 2019 ~ Day 3 of impeachment hearings are another bust for democrats. No Quid Pro Quo says Zelensky, Ukraine Foreign Minister, Kurt Volker, Tim Morrison, Ambassador Sondland. Yovanovitch knows of no crimes incl. bribery. @RealDonaldTrump says 'If this were a prizefight, they'd stop it!' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Nov 20, 2019 ~ Joshua R. Hendrickson debunks new book 'Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay' which claims to show that rich and poor pay the same average tax rate. Many problems with the analysis. One big one is they don't include transfer payments as income. [Economics, Taxes, Fake News]
Nov 20, 2019 ~ NBC News, 'Apple breaks ground on $1 billion Texas campus as Trump tours manufacturing facility'. Trump tours facility with Apple CEO Cook. Apple will 'create another 5,000 jobs as part of a $1 billion expansion announced last year.' [Trump Win, Economy]
Nov 20, 2019 ~ @BrandonStraka speaking at Chico State University. On cue, the violent left shows up to protest. Much profanity, middle fingers, ripping down signs. American flag called a 'fascist ass flag'. President of the Chico State Republicans had a sign ripped out of his hand and was hit. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, College, Cancel Culture, #WalkAway]
Nov 19, 2019 ~ A group of violent left wing thugs shut down speech of world renowned economist Dr. Art Laffer at Binghamton University. Police tried to restore order but the police were attacked as well. Another event cancelled. Happens almost every day. The left despises free speech. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, College, Cancel Culture]
Nov 19, 2019 ~ @AFP, @Reuters, @NPR and other 'news' reported that the US 'has world's highest rate of children in detention.' Over 100,000 children! DNC says 'This is a disgusting result of Trump's white nationalist bla bla bla' Many blame 'racist' Trump. Report was from 2015! Keeps happening! [Fake News, Fake Racism, Illegal Immigration]
Nov 18, 2019 ~ Steven Crowder debunks Vox report 'Everything is designed for this man, even drugs'. Almost everything is incorrect like military equipment is only designed for men. The Ambien stories that VOX PICKED were all debunked as misuse. Also the dosage for both men and women was wrong. [Fake News, Fake Sexism]

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