Jan 23, 2020 ~ Madeleine Kearns, "'Transwomen are Male,' Writes Trans Woman" Trans woman Debbie Hayton says 'The inconvenient truth is that transwomen are male, and, as a group, we present the same hazard that men present? self-identify into women's spaces... is a safeguarding nightmare.' [Trans] Jan 23, 2020 ~ Robert VerBruggen, 'Why Pay Off Your Student Loans if the Government Will Do It for You?' Many people predictably taking advantage of these programs, running up big debt and just paying the minimum required until the rest is forgiven after 10 or 20 years depending on job. [Debt, Entitlements, College] Jan 23, 2020 ~ Breitbart exposes the constant stream of death threats and vile, vulgar hateful messages sent to White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham by modern democrats. Some threats are handled by Secret Service. Constantly called the C word. Nothing they say can really be repeated. [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left] Jan 23, 2020 ~ Katie Pavlich, 'It's Official: FISA Court Says Warrants Issued Against Carter Page Were Not Valid' 'there was insufficient predication to establish probable cause to believe that Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.' 'FBI submitted false information obtaining warrants' [Spygate, Russia Hoax] Jan 22, 2020 ~ Trump working on shutting down 'Birth Tourism'. About 33,000 'anchor babies' are born to people with tourist visa's every year. There is a whole industry to make this happen allowing tens of thousands of people to take advantage of our 14 Amendment loophole, jumping the line. [Illegal Immigration, Immigration] Jan 22, 2020 ~ Transgender MMA fighter Fallon Fox was named the 'bravest athlete in history' by Outsports. Fox, a biological male, has destroyed female fighters, knocking one unconscious ending her career. Fox also gave Tamikka Brents a concussion breaking 7 orbital bones in her face. [Trans, Trans Athletes] Jan 22, 2020 ~ Trump makes great speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos. 'This is not a time for pessimism; this is a time for optimism? We must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse' Lists many fake catastrophes they've been predicting since the 60s [Trump Win, Climate Change, Fake News] Jan 22, 2020 ~ Martin Weissgerber, another Bernie field organizer promising violence, ''I'll straight up get armed... I'm ready for the fucking revolution. Guillotine the rich.' 'Send All the Republicans to the Re-Education Camps.' Force billionaires into work camps. 'Nationalize everything.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Sanders] Jan 22, 2020 ~ The attorneys general of 21 states sent a letter to the Senate saying the impeachment is 'setting a dangerous historical precedent' It is 'permeated with the clearly partisan objective of energizing a political party's base to, ultimately, influence a presidential election.' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Politics] Jan 21, 2020 ~ Dr. Anthony Fauci was asked about the new Coronavirus in China. 'this is not a major threat for the people of the United States, and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.' [Coronavirus, China] Jan 21, 2020 ~ Hillary Clinton says nobody likes Bernie Sanders and his supporters fell for baloney, 'Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It's all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it' Bernie responds weakly. [Hillary, Politics, Sanders] Jan 21, 2020 ~ Roughly 2500 migrants were stopped at Mexico's southern border by the Mexican National Guard. Per the deal negotiated with President Trump, Mexico has not paid for the wall; Instead, Mexico has BECOME THE WALL. Mexico is deporting 500 a day back to Honduras on planes and busses. [Trump Win, Illegal Immigration, Wall] Jan 21, 2020 ~ Patrice Motsepe, founder and CEO of the African Rainbow Minerals mining company said to President Trump, 'Africa loves America. Africa loves you. We want America to do well. We want you to do well. And the success of America is the success of the rest of the world.' [Trump Win] Jan 21, 2020 ~ Impeachment trial begins in the Senate. Adam Schiff immediately begins lying again. Trying to parse 'Mr. Z' in text messages, Schiff claims Lev Parnas was repeatedly trying to arrange a meeting with Zelensky but it was a different Z! This whole thing is an embarrassing disgrace. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax] Jan 21, 2020 ~ Madeleine Kearns, 'Columnist Fired for Stating Sex Is Binary' Jon Caldara was fired from the Denver Post for saying 'There are only two sexes, identified by an XX or XY chromosome. That is the very definition of binary. The AP ruling it isn't so doesn't change science.' Orwellian [Trans, Silencing, Free Speech, Political Correctness, Cancel Culture] Jan 21, 2020 ~ David Harsanyi, 'Happy Anniversary to Citizens United' Democrats tried 'to ban a conservative non-profit group from showing a documentary it produced critical of then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton'. Stopped by the Supreme Court. Free speech upheld. Obama and dems upset. [Free Speech, Silencing, SCOTUS, Hillary] Jan 21, 2020 ~ UFC star Conor McGregor praised President Trump, 'Phenomenal President. Quite possibly the USA [Greatest Of All Time]. Most certainly one of them anyway, as he sits atop the shoulders of many amazing giants that came before him... Early stages of term also. Incredible.' [Trump Win] Jan 20, 2020 ~ Peggy Noonan exposes the vile Democrat playbook. '[T]heir entire program is accusation: you are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic; you are a bigot, a villain, a white male, a patriarchal misogynist, your day is over. They never have a second move.' Bow and more will come. [Fake Homophobia, Fake Racism, Fake Sexism, Racism] Jan 20, 2020 ~ Joy Behar repeats common fake smears against Trump, 'demonizes immigrants'. False. 'he created this lie that President Obama was not born in this country' False, the lie came from Obama. 'the Klan? good people on both sides.' The repeatedly debunked Charlottesville smear. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Charlottesville] Jan 20, 2020 ~ John Sexton, 'Self-cancellation: Author asked magazine to remove story after being bullied online'. 'She needed this to be done for her own personal safety and health.' Author is trans but accused of not writing about trans 'correctly'. No win. Must 'toe the ever-changing line.' [Cancel Culture, Silencing, Trans, Political Correctness] Jan 20, 2020 ~ Monica Showalter, 'The left's bid to smear Trump over Puerto Rico aid now looks skeezier than ever'. Trump was right. $15 Billion in aid sent and much of it sat in warehouses. 'Hundreds of pallets' of every kind of needed supply. Puerto Rican Disaster Relief Commissioner fired. [Fake News] Jan 19, 2020 ~ WHO issues statement on the new Coronavirus. No human to human transimission. 'Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China.' [Coronavirus, China] Jan 19, 2020 ~ David Hogg says people only want 2nd Amendment rights to 'to enforce white supremacy'. Asks if the Virginia 2A protesters 'would support the Black Panthers right to carry'. Panthers were actually at the rally as were many black people who pushed back against this false narrative. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings] Jan 19, 2020 ~ Media falsely smears the Virginia 2nd Amendment rally organized by the Virginia Citizens Defense League, a non-partisan pro-2A group. Ben Collins of NBC news called it a 'white nationalist rally'. MSNBC Craig Melvin said '1000s of gun rights activists, white nationalists...' etc. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings] Jan 19, 2020 ~ Big 2nd Amendment Rally in Virginia to protest unconstitutional gun laws passed at the state level. Dems and the media kept trying to falsely portray it as some kind of 'white supremacist' thing. 100s of minorities were there. 'It's pure baloney. Two of our speakers are black.' [Fake News, Fake Racism, Guns-Mass Shootings] Jan 19, 2020 ~ Joe Biden speaks to a black church in Columbia, South Carolina and repeats the Charlottesville smear claiming that Trump said that Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists were 'very fine people'. Then links Trump to the klan. 'We can defeat this... president and his Ku Klux Klans'. [Fake News, Fake Racism, Biden, Loathsome Left, Charlottesville] Jan 19, 2020 ~ More than 2.4 million households (20.9M to 18.4M) and 5.9 million individuals (42.3M to 36.4M) have gone off of the Food Stamp program since Trump's first month in office according to USDA numbers. [Trump Win, Economy, Entitlements] Jan 19, 2020 ~ John Eidson, 'Earth's Climate History: What the Doomsayers Don't Want Voters to Know'. Article demolishes the claims that any recent extreme weather is actually 'unprecedented' as is being claimed. Gives many many examples of worse hurricanes, droughts, floods, etc. in the past. [Climate Change, Fake News] Jan 17, 2020 ~ Joe Biden, who often doesn't know which state he is in, thought Beto O'Rourke was actually a Latino. When asked if he would consider him as a running mate, Biden said 'I can guarantee you that there's going to be Latinos in my cabinet'. Beto's father's plan to fool people worked! [Biden, Politics] Jan 17, 2020 ~ Screenwriter and director Paul Schrader wondered on Facebook if it would be a problem if he 'assigned screenwriting students to develop a story detailing a plot to kill the US President? What if I specified the President's name was Donald Trump?' Killing Trump a popular dem topic [TDS, Violent Left] Jan 17, 2020 ~ More and more historians criticize the NYT 1619 Project as being 'Historically Inaccurate'. The Root tries to shut this down with article 'Black History, According to White People' which dismisses arguments because they're written by white people like Peter Kirsanow who is black. [Race, Fake Racism, Fake News, Silencing] Jan 17, 2020 ~ The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the 'Our Children's Trust' lawsuit against the United States government for 'Climate Change'. 'No federal court has the power to perform such a sweeping policy review.' Needs to be addressed by congress if we're going to address it. [Climate Change] Jan 16, 2020 ~ New Dem Impeachment talking point. The GAO says that the OMB had violated the Impoundment Control Act by withholding congressionally appropriated aid to Ukraine. Joel Pollack article, 'Seven Times the GAO Found the Obama Administration Violated Federal Law' shows not unusual. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax] Jan 16, 2020 ~ Trump signs the 'Phase One' trade deal with China after over a year of negotiations. Cuts tariffs in half. China agreed to stop many unfair trade practices and committed to purchasing $200 billion worth of American goods over 2 years, manufacturing, energy, agricultural exports. [Trump Win, Economy, Trade, China] Jan 16, 2020 ~ The FBI arrested, Patrik Jordan Mathews, a white supremacist neo-nazi and 2 others for planning violence at the Jan 20 2nd Amendment rally in Virginia. Mathews was an illegal immigrant who crossed into the U.S. illegally across the Canadian border. [Guns-Mass Shootings, Violent Right, Illegal Immigration] Jan 15, 2020 ~ Lawrence O'Donnell revealed that you have no chance of hearing both sides on MSNBC. 'Trump kind of wants you to watch CNN instead of MSNBC. Because he knows on MSNBC there will be no one defending him. Because we don't bring on liars.' Ironic as Russia Central MSNBC lies nonstop. [Fake News] Jan 14, 2020 ~ Project Veritas records Sanders campaign Field organizer Kyle Jurek. Says if other dems are not on board, 'drag those motherfuckers out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets.' 'You want to fight against the revolution, you're going to die for it, motherfucker.' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Sanders] Jan 14, 2020 ~ Project Veritas records Sanders campaign Field organizer Kyle Jurek. Says if Bernie doesn't get the nomination, 'fucking Milwaukee will burn'. Other cities too. 'The cops are gonna be the ones that are getting fucking beaten' 'There's a reason Joseph Stalin had gulags, right?' [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Sanders] Jan 14, 2020 ~ Stephen King is fighting not to be cancelled. He said 'I would never consider diversity in matters of art. Only quality. It seems to me that to do otherwise would be wrong' The left wing mob would never allow that kind of crazy talk and they are coming after him. He's clarifying. [Cancel Culture, Political Correctness] Jan 14, 2020 ~ Catholic News Agency, 'A radical feminist group' Feminist Autonomous Cell 'has taken credit for an ongoing series of attacks on pro-life advocates in Germany, including the vandalism of two churches and the burning of a pro-life journalist's car.' Obey or suffer the consequences. [Violent Left, Abortion, Silencing, Feminism] Jan 14, 2020 ~ Dennis Prager, 'Newsweek Changed Its Article About Me. But ?' Prager is happy they corrected the main falsehoods about him but most original readers won't see the corrections and their fake news was reported by so many other news orgs and dem sites. 'Smears cannot be undone.' [Fake News, Dennis Prager, Loathsome Left] Jan 14, 2020 ~ Warren claims Sanders once told her a woman cannot get elected president. Sanders denies. Recall, Sanders was against Kavanaugh's nomination saying 'Kavanaugh faced credible accusations'. Well, Sanders has just been credibly accused. By a female! Sorry, Bernie, case closed! [Politics, Fake Sexism, Kavanaugh, Sanders] Jan 14, 2020 ~ Warren claims Sanders once told her a woman cannot get elected president. Sanders denies. Warren says you're calling me a liar. Sanders says you're calling me a liar. Problem for Warren is that she has been caught lying several times and Bernie is on video saying a woman can win. [Politics, Fake Sexism, Sanders] Jan 13, 2020 ~ Stanford Ph.D. student Jeffrey Chen in the Washington Post says that Star Wars music is racist. 'Williams's music associates the good guys with the grand orchestral style of the European Romantics while the themes for the bad guys are... Chinese, Indian and Middle Eastern music.' [Fake Racism] Jan 13, 2020 ~ Walt Heyer, 'In The Past 5 Years, The Transgender Explosion Has Wounded More And More People'. Became a trans-women, realized it was a mistake and transitioned back. Warns parents 'Gender clinics exclude any option except transgenderism.' Started sexchangeregret.com to support. [Trans, Silencing] Jan 12, 2020 ~ Nancy Pelosi thinks an accusation is the same thing as a guilty verdict. She says, 'This president is impeached for life? There is nothing the Senate can do to ever erase that.' She reveals that the whole point has been to smear him to hurt his election chances or just hatred. [Impeachment] Jan 12, 2020 ~ Insane democrats still pushing the Russia Hoax. Nancy Pelosi on This Week 'All roads lead to Putin & sometimes I wonder about Mitch McConnell, too. Why is he an accomplice to all of that?' She and other democrats need serious help. [TDS, Russia Hoax, Fake News] Jan 11, 2020 ~ Trump tweets in Persian, 'To the brave and suffering Iranian people: I have stood with you since the beginning of my presidency and my government will continue to stand with you.' The tweet sets a record for the most liked Persian tweet in the history of Twitter. [Trump Win, Iran] Tag Cloud
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