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Oct 25, 2019 ~ Ilhan Omar spreads fake news, 'A nine month old died as a direct result of Trump's cuts to Medicaid and CHIP. He is one of a million children to lose healthcare.' He lost coverage because his mother did not file the paperwork, not Trump. The boy did not die, was treated anyway. [Fake News, Omar, Entitlements]
Oct 25, 2019 ~ Add Romania to the list of countries like China and Ukraine that Hunter Biden followed his VP dad quid pro Joe around, making big money where ever in the world Joe Biden had political influence. 'it does raise questions... paying for a connection to the American vice president' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Biden]
Oct 25, 2019 ~ Harrison Ford is typical of many famous hypocritical celebrities. Spoke at 2019 Global Climate Action Summit, 'Stop giving power to people who don't believe in science!' Has many mansions, many cars, 12 planes including private jets. 'I often fly up the coast for a cheeseburger.' [Climate Change]
Oct 25, 2019 ~ Of all the disastrous ideas dem candidates have this year, banning fracking is one of the worse. Would eliminate 14 million jobs, would raise the cost of living for Americans about $4000 per family and would return America to being dependent on foreign oil. All for no benefits. [Economy, Energy]
Oct 25, 2019 ~ The Babylon Bee satirizes the trans athlete issue, 'Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record' 'In an inspiring story... a motorcyclist who identifies as a bicyclist has crushed all the regular bicyclists, setting an unbelievable world record.' [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 25, 2019 ~ Nate Silver claims that Mark Zuckerberg's comments about free speech were mistaken because 'false statements of fact aren't protected speech in the U.S.' This totally false statement is protected by the First Amendment, luckily for Silver. [Silencing, Fake News]
Oct 25, 2019 ~ Oxford students vote to ban clapping because clapping 'could trigger anxiety'. 'Jazz Hands' will be used instead. [College, Political Correctness]
Oct 25, 2019 ~ Thousands of 'witches' cast a 'binding spell' on President Trump. There are allegedly at least 13,000 'resistance witches' that are part of the '#MagicResistance' that summon 'demons of the infernal realms' to assist with their battle against Trump. Boo! [TDS]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Arizona State University Professor Asao Inoue claims that asking students to use proper grammar is racist. 'We are all implicated in white supremacy.' 'Grading is a great way to protect the white property of literacy in schools and maintain the white supremacist status quo.' [Fake Racism, Education]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Rob Smith, black member of TPUSA and Kathy Zhu explain the routine bullying, harassment, and vilification directed at non-white conservatives by the left. 'implied that my thoughts and motivations were for sale to the highest bidder' 'White Supremacists on campus... dangerous' [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Fake Racism]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Eminem investigated by the Secret Service for threats against the First Daughter. 'how the fuck is Ivanka Trump in the trunk of my car? cause I feel somewhat responsible for the dumb little blonde Girl, that motherfuckin' baton twirler that got dumped in the pond, Second murder ' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Former ICE Director Tom Homan was shouted off the stage at the University of Pennsylvania where he was supposed to give a speech on immigration. Despicable dems prevent another speaker from being heard. Don't debate, listen or allow others to hear. Silence all disagreement. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, Illegal Immigration]
Oct 24, 2019 ~ Common myth about the opioid crisis is busted. Supposedly it was all the fault of big pharma and greedy doctors getting people addicted to prescribed pain meds. Then they turn to something harder. But this explanation is found to account for less than 8% of overdoses deaths. [Fake News]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Bette Midler praises the man who violently attacked Rand Paul saying we should all be 'more grateful for the neighbor who beat the shit out of Rand Paul.' Senator Paul suffered 6 broken ribs and had to have part of a lung removed due to the attack Midler is grateful for. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ AOC grills FaceBook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about FaceBook's supposed involvement with 'white supremacy'. 'far right figures? white supremacy? Daily Caller? ties to white supremacists? white supremacist tied publications.' Zuckerberg is confused because this is all absurd nonsense. [Fake Racism, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Democrats look ridiculous grilling FaceBook's Zuckerberg. Many demand that FaceBook censor political ads based on if they are 'true' or not. This is of course impossible and no one should want FaceBook deciding what is true. Want to know percentages of LGBTQ+ and other identities [Silencing, Free Speech, Politics, LGBT]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Trans female runner June Eastwood finished first at the University of Montana's Invitational competition. Eastwood was also named the Big Sky Conference 'Female Athlete of the Week'. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ A widely shared picture on FaceBook claims to show U.S. soldiers crying over 'abandoning the Kurds' Picture is Titled 'Trump's Betrayal' and captioned 'Trump is destroying our Troops morale'. The picture is from Kuwait in 2011. [Fake News, Syria]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Trump Administration negotiates a 'permanent ceasefire agreement' between Turkey and the Kurds in Syria. The Kurdish commander thanks Trump, 'We THANK President Trump for his tireless efforts that stopped the brutal Turkish attack and jihadist groups on our people.' [Trump Win, Syria, Islam]
Oct 23, 2019 ~ Liberals and Democrats claim the State Department Review into Hillary Clinton's emails 'exonerated' Hillary. Totally ridiculous. She deliberately set up an illegal server, sent and received classified info, lied about it repeatedly, and destroyed evidence that was subpoenaed. [Politics, Hillary Emails]
Oct 22, 2019 ~ In what is becoming a daily occurrence, deranged democrats destroy the signs and posters of Turning Point USA, this time at University of New Hampshire. Harass the TPUSA students, 'I hate you, and I hope you die.' 'Eat shit', throw something at them. Another takes every sign. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing]
Oct 22, 2019 ~ Bed Bath and Beyond has stopped selling black Jack O Lanterns because 'someone complained about them' saying they resembled 'blackface'. Black and orange are the traditional Halloween colors but like the Katy Perry shoes, if something is black with a face, its 'blackface'. [Fake Racism]
Oct 22, 2019 ~ Trump compared his impeachment to 'a lynching' due to its absence of due process. Biden says 'abhorrent, despicable' Dems feign outrage but look stupid again when its revealed they all used the same word to describe Clinton's impeachment including Biden, Nadler. Deliberate traps? [TDS, Fake Racism, Due Process, Biden]
Oct 22, 2019 ~ One of the most-cited papers in the field of gender bias, cited over 1500 times has been debunked. It claimed to show women had a 50% higher chance of being hired if their gender was unknown. It turns out there was 'no statistically significant evidence' to draw that conclusion. [Gender, Fake News]
Oct 22, 2019 ~ Sad case of 7 yo James Younger. Mother wants to 'transition' him to a girl via hormones and puberty blockers. Father is ruled to have no say. Tape comes out revealing boy doesn't know much except 'mommy' told him he was a girl and he 'loves girls'. 75-90% of confusion is outgrown [Trans]
Oct 21, 2019 ~ AOC endorses Sanders. Many dems and media types actually ask how she could endorse someone of his skin color and gender. 'As a woman of color, why back an old white guy?' she's asked on CBS. What a racist, sexist question. How could you vote for someone of that skin color, gender? [For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Racism, Sanders, Sexism]
Oct 21, 2019 ~ Beto compares Trump to Hitler, 'This idea from Goebbels and Hitler that the bigger the lie and the more often you repeat it, the more likely people are to believe it? There is so much that is resonant of the Third Reich in this administration.' [TDS, Holocaust Denial]
Oct 21, 2019 ~ Procter & Gamble announces genderless feminine hygiene products. 'We are glad to inform you that as of December we will use a wrapper design without the feminine symbol.' for their Always product line because an activist said 'not everyone who menstruates identifies as female'. [Trans]
Oct 21, 2019 ~ Rachel McKinnon, trans gender cycling 'champion' and world record holder says any woman who has a problem competing in sports with biological males is a 'loser'. 'Real champions want stronger competition. If you win because bigotry got your competition banned, you're a loser'. [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 21, 2019 ~ A transgender woman named Rachel McKinnon, won the women's World Cycling Championship AND set a women's world record. McKinnon wouldn't even place in the men's top ten. More women's championships and records being set by biological males. When will people say 'Enough'? [Trans, Trans Athletes]
Oct 20, 2019 ~ A Hindu man in Bhola, Bangladesh *may have* said something bad about the prophet Muhammad on FaceBook. He denies it but a mob of Muslims descended on Bhola demanding justice. Four people ended up dead and over 100 were wounded including about 12 police officers. [Islam]
Oct 20, 2019 ~ Joaquin Castro makes false accusation, 'The Trump Administration intentionally separated kids from their parents and then put the kids up for adoption - permanently separating them.' To prove his point, he uses examples from the Obama administration. THIS KEEPS HAPPENING! [Illegal Immigration, Fake News]
Oct 20, 2019 ~ Republicans very upset with the way democrats conduct the Impeachment Inquiry. No vote on the inquiry breaking precedent. Schiff holds secret inquisition. No Republicans, no Trump lawyer, GOP gets no copies of the transcripts, selective leaks to press to influence public opinion. [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt]
Oct 19, 2019 ~ Rand Paul harassed at in CA by unhinged democrats while trying to have lunch. Screaming obscenities, all the typical behavior. This unfortunately happens all the time. Paul says 'The left blames incivility on @realDonaldTrump. Watch this video and decide who the rude ones are.' [Loathsome Left]
Oct 19, 2019 ~ Barbra Streisand is the next 'celebrity' in a long line to fantasize and talk about Trump's assassination. She shares a picture of Trump impaled with Pelosi's spike heal. She recently spread climate change fake news 'Freak summer hailstorm buries Mexican city in five feet of ice!' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Climate Change, Fake News]
Oct 18, 2019 ~ Hillary claims both Tulsi Gabbard and Jill Stein are 'Russian Assets'. Gabbard responds that Hillary's message is "'Shut up, toe the line, or be destroyed.' But we, the people, will NOT be silenced". Most dems admirably back Gabbard, yet perpetrated the same smears against Trump. [Russia Hoax, Silencing, Hillary]
Oct 18, 2019 ~ Pharrell apologized for lyric 'I know you want it' in 'Blurred Lines'. Called 'Rapey'. He blamed the 'chauvinist culture in our country' and white people. It's 'very racial, this conversation. Because the dominant force on this planet right now is the older straight white male.' [Me Too, Fake Racism]
Oct 17, 2019 ~ Kamala Harris tries to decide which democratic value is more important, silencing dissent or false accusations of racism. She sadly calls for Twitter to ban Trump but when a reporter liked how Warren dismissed such nonsense, Harris insanely calls her tweet a 'whiteness manifest'. [Fake Racism, Harris, Silencing]
Oct 17, 2019 ~ Louis Vuitton announces it is opening its newest plant in Texas. This will create another 1,000 jobs. 'This is consistent with Louis Vuitton's recent signing of the Pledge to America's Workers, which aims to expand programs that educate, train and support American workers.' [Trump Win, Economy]
Oct 17, 2019 ~ ICE identifies 100s of fraudulent families and 50 of fraudulent unaccompanied minors in El Paso alone. 'These children are being dangerously used as pawns by criminals to take advantage of loopholes in our immigration laws and avoid being detained by U.S. immigration authorities' [Illegal Immigration]
Oct 17, 2019 ~ Tom Arnold is the next 'celebrity' in a long line to fantasize and talk about Trump's assassination. When President Trump tweeted about the large crowds that were gathering for his Dallas rally, Arnold tweeted, 'Don't get too cocky traitor. They showed up for JFK too.' [TDS, Violent Left, Loathsome Left]
Oct 16, 2019 ~ Another deranged democrat decides that he's not going to permit people to read signs he doesn't like. He's on video at UNLV stealing Turning Point USA signs and punching them into the garbage. Sadly this kind of silencing is almost a daily occurrence always from the left. [Loathsome Left, Silencing, College]
Oct 16, 2019 ~ Bill Rice, Jr. article, 'The Myth of the 'Exploited' Athlete' Demonstrates that almost all of these alleged exploited students 'receive benefits that easily exceed $100,000. For many student athletes, the price tag of room, board, tuition and other benefits is north of $200,000.' [College]
Oct 16, 2019 ~ George Kent who worked in Obama admin testified 'he worried that Hunter Biden's position at the firm Burisma Holdings would complicate efforts by US diplomats to convey to Ukrainian officials the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest' 'raised the issue with Biden's office' [Impeachment, Ukraine Hoax, Witch Hunt, Biden]
Oct 16, 2019 ~ Democrat Rep. Sean Casten says Dan Crenshaw opposes voting by non-citizens 'because you are a racist.' Crenshaw responds, 'When you can't articulate a coherent argument, you resort to calling your political opponents racist... Just another day... with the Democrat Party.' [Fake Racism]
Oct 16, 2019 ~ Kara Dansky of Women's Liberation Front 'It is unacceptable for males to compete in women's sports' face 'physical harm, social ostracization, risk to livelihood? fired from positions for voicing concerns for the rights, privacy and safety of women and girls' Total media blackout [Trans, Trans Athletes, Silencing]
Oct 15, 2019 ~ The New York Times and CNN cannot let go of the Russia Hoax. They are now insanely calling veteran Tulsi Gabbard 'Russian Asset' for opposing certain endless wars and regime changes. Gabbard calls this fakest of fake news 'Completely despicable.' [Fake News, Russia Hoax]
Oct 15, 2019 ~ Violent leftists are stopping the new documentary about Jordan Peterson from being shown. The thugs write 'Do the right thing. As much as we joke about it, we really don't want to have to bring out the guillotine to fix society.' Many theaters are caving and cancelling the show. [Violent Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture]
Oct 15, 2019 ~ Elizabeth Warren thinks Facebook should become the Ministry of Truth. Criticizes it for running Trump political ads. 'It's up to you whether you take money to promote lies.' This is moronic. There is no possible way Facebook could fact check well enough to censor political speech [Silencing, Free Speech, Politics]
Oct 15, 2019 ~ As usual, minimum wage hike unintended consequences make things worse for workers. CNN Business 'the wage increases are not helping because their hours are falling.' 'I got that dollar raise but I'm getting $200 less in my paycheck' Some forced to quit because hours too low. [Minimum Wage, Economics]

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