Oct 10, 2023 ~ After Palestinian terrorists enact the deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust (over 1000 dead inc. many children and elderly, people burned alive in their homes, 100s kidnapped and raped, #BLM says: "I stand with Palestine" under a picture of a para terrorist - a direct reference to the Hamas terrorists who parachuted into a music festival and mowed down over 300 defenseless teens and other young people who tried to hide as best they could. The terrorists were constantly laughing as they shot the kids. [Anti-Semitism, BLM, Islam, Israel, Loathsome Left, Terrorism, Violent Left] Oct 9, 2023 ~ San Francisco like many other Democrat run, crime ridden hell holes continues to lose businesses which just can't remain open in lawless war zones with druggies living on the streets. Starbucks is closing 7 more locations in San Fran. About 40 other stores have already closed. [California, Crime] Oct 9, 2023 ~ In Switzerland, Alain Soral was sentenced to 60 days in jail for calling another journalist a "fat lesbian" and was fined thousands of Swiss francs. Be thankful for the 1st amendment free speech rights we have in the US. Democrats would love to eliminate the 1st amendment. [Free Speech, Silencing] Oct 9, 2023 ~ The latest #BLM hoax. LeKeian Woods. The fake narrative: he "was left unrecognizable after three white Florida cops beat him severely by kicking and smashing his face into the pavement during a brutal arrest for 'not wearing a seatbelt.'" He was not arrested for a seatbelt. He was a suspect of armed cocaine and meth trafficking, tampering with evidence, possession of a controlled substance, probation violation and more. He fled and hit his face on the pavement due to being tased violently resisting arrest. One of the arresting officers was Black. The #BLM narratives are always false. [BLM, Fake News, Fake Racism, Police] Oct 9, 2023 ~ Gavin Newsom replaces the late Dianne Feinstein with Laphonza Butler @LaphonzaB, a Black lesbian who doesn't even live in California. Why pick a Californian to represent California when you can check THREE 'oppression' boxes in one person: black, gay, woman. This is the left. [California, CRT DIE Wokeness, Identity Politics] Oct 9, 2023 ~ Katie Pavlich, 'New Month, Same Old Censorship From Big Tech' "Stories addressing the government’s response to COVID, the border invasion, climate change, and more have all been demonetized in an effort to pressure us into no longer discussing these important topics. That's what Big Tech does. They demonetize stories on topics they don't want the truth told about in order to strong-arm us into not writing about them at all. It's the most egregious type of corporate censorship and an attempt to deprive us of the revenue we need to survive and keep telling the truth." [Free Speech, Silencing, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship] Oct 9, 2023 ~ AnitaB.org held the Grace Hopper Celebration, an annual convention and career fair intended for “women and non-binary technologists.” They were annoyed at how many males claimed to be 'non-binary' to join the event. "Some of you lied on your gender identity to register." This is ridiculous. They opened up the event to 'non-binary' people and then they dare to tell people they are not 'non-binary?' Newsflash: NO ONE is 'non-binary' because its a totally fake thing. If they didn't want people falsely claiming to be 'non-binary,' they should not have opened the event 'non-binary' people. [Anti-Science, Trans] Oct 8, 2023 ~ Andrew C. McCarthy, 'Jihadist War against Israel: It Is the Reason Hamas Exists' From the Hamas Charter:
"Allah is our objective, the Prophet is our leader, the Quran is our law, Jihad is our way, and dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Thus is the charter blunt in proclaiming: Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps. The Movement is but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vast Arab and Islamic world, until the enemy is vanquished and Allah’s victory is realised."
Unabashedly, Hamas vows to “raise the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors, so that they would rid the land and the people of their uncleanliness, vileness and evils.” The charter roots this mission of Hamas in Muslim scripture:
"The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the links in the chain of the struggle against the Zionist invaders . . . [I]f the links have been distant from each other and if obstacles, placed by those who are the lackeys of Zionism in the way of the fighters obstructed the continuation of the struggle, the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realization of Allah’s promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.
This story is drawn from the al-Bukhari and Muslim hadiths — collections of the sayings and doings of Mohamed." [Islam, Israel, Terrorism] Oct 8, 2023 ~ Flashback: Trump said this on 9/11. "Can you believe that Crooked Joe Biden is giving $6 Billion to the terrorist regime in Iran? That money [will] be used for terrorism all over the Middle East, and, indeed, the World. This incompetent FOOL is absolutely destroying America." [Iran, Islam, Israel, Terrorism] Oct 8, 2023 ~ Hamas carries out a massive surprise attack against Israel 2 weeks after Biden unfreezes $6 billion dollars to Iran and had previously restarted funding the Palestinians after Trump had cut that off. Thousands of rockets are shot into civilian areas plus the ground invasion kills over 1300, injures over 4000 and kidnaps over 200 hostages to use as human shields and for raping (many were young women). Rape and murder victims are paraded around the streets. Over 100 people were massacred in the Kfar Aza kibbutz alone; almost the entire community wiped out in the most brutal way possible. Many were tortured before death including children - eyes cut out of their heads, fingers cut off, decapitations. "We see blood spread out in homes. We've found bodies of people who have been butchered... beheaded children of varying ages, ranging from babies to slightly older children," along with adults who had also been dismembered. Victims were found bound and tortured. Hezbollah joins the fight against Israel. This is the worst attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. General Patraeus said that this attack on Israel was proportionally 13 times worse than the 9/11 attack on the US, "This is the equivalent of the US having experienced over 40,000 losses, rather than the 3,000 terrible losses that we sustained in the attacks of 9/11." Muslim celebrations of the carnage occur ALL over the world. "God is Great!" and "Allahu Akbar." Israel is preparing its response... [Anti-Semitism, Iran, Islam, Israel, Terrorism] Oct 6, 2023 ~ Biden posts a graphic showing his alleged "job creation" several times higher than almost all presidents since Reagan and shows Trump's job creation as negative. This is one of the most dishonest political claims of all time. Absent the pandemic which was out of Trump's control, Trump's economy and job creation was far better than Biden's. And most of Biden's "job creation" was people RETURNING to the workforce after a MANDATORY shutdown. [Economy, Fake News, Politics] Oct 3, 2023 ~ Wesley Yang explains why Jazz Jennings who once was the 'poster child' for puberty blockers and early transition is now "a total refutation of all their claims." "The reason glorifying Jazz Jennings as a "girl brain in a boy body" to Kindergartners is bad is that Jazz was castrated and had his penis removed on television in a botched operation that required three additional surgeries and left him sterile and anorgasmic for life at 17 before he had ever had an adult relationship. He is now 100 pounds overweight and severely depressed but forever committed to pretending that his mother, the TV producers, and the surgeon who castrated him helped him discover his "true self" because he liked the color pink and lip synching to pop songs as a six year old. There can really be no other purpose to parading around this 'celebrity' than to induct other six year old boys who like the color pink and doing cartwheels into a lifetime of medicalized self-harm. Schools should not be recruitment organs for a cult of medicalized self-harm." The puberty blockers did not help because as he ages he looks more and more masculine. Another commenter: "Jazz's televised transition was managed by the best doctors Hollywood's money could buy and it was an abject disaster. This story is an example of why pediatric transitions should be banned, and proof that medical "experts" on this subject are not entitled to deference." [Anti-Science, Trans] Oct 3, 2023 ~ Monica Showalter, 'Leftists are getting mugged by reality' Sadly long list of leftists who supported defunding the police and crime multiplying policies like no bail, getting mugged, carjacked, and even killed. Including a fool named Josh Kruger who insisted there were not a lot of shootings in Philadelphia and called people 'idiots' for disagreeing and advocated 'punching Nazis.' Kruger was shot to death in Philly. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left] Oct 3, 2023 ~ The newest DIE/CRT BS being pushed in DIE 'Training': 'Evaded Racism.' Which is "blaming parents and culture for sub-par achievement." Schools should NOT try to close the achievement gap between students of color and white students by "encouraging students to change their behavior or families to do more things that were like white families do, like reading to their children or adopting a growth mindset." No, no. Even mentioning that any of that could help (and there is tons of evidence that it does) or suggesting that the ever persistent achievement gaps are due to anything other than racism is itself, 'evaded racism.' [CRT DIE Wokeness, Education, Fake Racism] Oct 1, 2023 ~ Byron York explains how Biden (who caused the current illegal immigration crisis) is accelerating it through a program called the CBP One parole which permits inadmissible aliens to fly directly to airports in the interior of the United States, bypassing the border altogether. "The program applies to migrants from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti. The migrants, according to the Center, request 'advance travel authorizations' through the CBP One mobile app." This program is bringing in between 200-300 thousand per year more migrants above the millions being allowed to come in through the border. [Biden, Illegal Immigration] Oct 1, 2023 ~ Joe Biden’s IRA committed more than $100 million to promote ‘tree equity’ and over $1 billion to expand 'access to trees.' A lot of the places receiving the money have more than average trees but happen to be blue cities. We are beyond broke but the DIE virus takes precedent. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Environment, Fake Racism] Oct 1, 2023 ~ Bill Maher tells Gov. DeSantis that despite the lies coming from Trump and the Democrat party, DeSantis handled Covid better than everyone else especially CA.
“We’re on the same page there. And I think it’s unfair what they did to you because you did handle it better. You did handle it better. You were right. You were like, let’s target the people, protect the people who are most vulnerable, and everybody else can go on with their lives a little better. You opened schools sooner. And a lot of the stuff that’s come in, the information we have after now we’ve had a few years to look at it, you were more right, and they won’t give you credit with it.”
“I saw The New York Times with such a despicable hit piece on you … I forget what the lead headline was, but it was basically Ron DeSantis fucked up the pandemic. And then like, at the very end, it says Florida’s death rate, overall, is better than the national average. And if you’re going to do an article about Florida and the pandemic, shouldn’t that be the lead? Shouldn’t that be the headline — I mean, talk about burying the lead.” [Coronavirus, Fake News, Politics] Oct 1, 2023 ~ NYC receives more than 7 inches of rain in less than 24 hours from tropical storm Ophelia causing some flooding in subways and streets. Partly to blame were sewers blocked by garbage etc. Many locales handle that amount of rain just fine. Of course the #FakeNews blames 'climate change' as they currently do for anything other than a partly cloudy day of average temperature.. They said it was 'unprecedented' and as always, that claim never true. They go on to say things like, "This is the new normal.' like they did with the 2005 hurricane season. And that never ends up being true either. [Climate Change, Fake News] Oct 1, 2023 ~ Federal judges issued an injunction Saturday halting the Atlanta-based 'Fearless Fund' plan to distribute $20,000 grants exclusively to Black female entrepreneurs. The DIE crowd doesn't seem to get that its illegal to contract based on race/gender because they keep trying. [CRT DIE Wokeness, Racism] Oct 1, 2023 ~ Congressman Jamaal Bowman D-NY is caught on camera pulling a fire alarm to prevent a vote on the debt ceiling in Congress, a felony. Bowman, who used to be a high school principal, claims he didn't know pulling a fire alarm would set off a fire alarm. He thought it opened a door. [Debt, Deficit, Politics] Sep 29, 2023 ~ Michael A. Letts, 'Voters are the reason Chicago has food deserts' "In the past five years on the South Side, store closings have included a Whole Foods, two Targets and three Walmarts." Due to legalized shoplifting, "these stores lose tens of millions of dollars a year, and their annual losses nearly doubled in just the last five years." Great job Democrats! ???? Idiots... [Crime, Loathsome Left] Sep 29, 2023 ~ Shawn McBreairty, 'Maine’s Own William (Lia) Thomas Situation Unfolding In Cross Country' "Sophomore boy Soren Stark-Chessa, who was running cross country last year as a freshman boy, now is running as a sophomore “girl” and beating the second place girls by nearly 2 minutes." "Most parents are afraid to speak up for fear of being called a 'transphobe.'" These disgraceful spectacles continue to be enabled by cowards and misogynists. [Trans, Trans Athletes] Sep 28, 2023 ~ The no bail, no law enforcement, defund the police, theft is 'equity' Democrats have destroyed their cities. Law abiding people are fleeing and so are businesses. Target is closing 9 stores in NYC, Seattle, Portland, San Fran and Oakland. This is after MANY others pulled out too. [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left] Sep 28, 2023 ~ #BLM criminals looted countless stores in Philadelphia after a judge dropped the murder charges against police officer Mark Dial for the fatal shooting of Eddie Irizarry. Irizarry had a knife which the officers mistook for a gun. This was MASSIVE looting over so far 2 nights involving well over 100 thugs, only a few of whom were arrested as they fought with police. The thieves cleaned out Foot Locker, Lulumelon, an Apple store ("Free iPhones! Free iPhones!"), liquor stores, weave shops, Wells Fargo and other businesses. [BLM, Crime, Police] Sep 28, 2023 ~ Professor Elizabeth Weiss @eweissunburied, 'Discussing sex is no longer allowed at Anthropology conferences' Both the the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) informed her that her scheduled panel: "Why biological sex remains a necessary analytic category in anthropology," is no longer allowed due to the ridiculous claim that very real and foundational to anthropology scientific discussion about the sex of human remains will "cause harm to members represented by the Trans and LGBTQI of the anthropological community as well as the community at large." Once again, science and truth are sacrificed at the alter of the anti-science called 'modern gender theory.' [Anti-Science, Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Silencing, Trans] Sep 28, 2023 ~ John Miller of CNN explaining that Blue cities are crime ridden hell holes because of Democrat policies. "You are seeing this kind of looting happening — I mean shoplifting and organized retail theft happen in places like New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia. If you look at where Target closed nine stores yesterday, four stores in San Francisco, stores in Seattle, stores in Portland, stores in New York, these are places where bail reform laws, criminal justice reforms have taken the inside of a jail cell out of the equation. So shoplifting is a crime where a judge can’t set bail.
Think about this. In New York City there are just over 300 people who have between them 4,000 arrests, 70 percent of them are not in jail, and they account for 30 percent of all shoplifting in New York. This is actually their job. They go out to steal every day, and that has gone up significantly because they know getting put in jail is not in the equation any longer because of the laws that say it’s a no bail offense and D.A.’s policies are they don’t want people in custody for what they call nonviolent crimes. …
The National Retail Federation shows that the part of it covered by theft is actually rising. Interestingly, they did a survey of stores, the Retail Federation, in 22 that said 81 percent of their store associates feel that the people stealing are becoming more violent and aggressive when confronted, and 54 percent of them feel that this bail reform where they have shoplifters telling them there is nothing you can do and I am not going to jail is a factor there. So, is it going up as dramatically as some of the stories portray? If you look at it nationally, that’s a harder statistic to grapple with. But if you look where it’s going up significantly, it’s going up in cities where you have these policies and people realize this is just like shopping without money." [Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left] Sep 26, 2023 ~ Joshua Diemert is suing Seattle’s Human Services Department (HSD) where he has worked with excellent work evaluations since 2013. The frequent DIE training has made it a toxic, anti-white environment. DIE initiatives are simply a license to be racist and sexist toward white people.
"Despite his hard work, Joshua endured years of harassment and racial discrimination with no escape, no recourse, and no way to shed his employer-prescribed badge of inferiority except to leave the job…
The workplace hostility stems from Seattle’s Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI), a citywide effort that began in 2004 as city council and mayoral directives to end city government’s purported “institutional racism” and to achieve racial equity in the community. Led by the Seattle Office for Civil Rights, the initiative forces city employees to apply a 'Racial Equity Toolkit'—derived from critical race theory—to every city function imaginable.
For Joshua’s department, this meant required trainings that aggressively promoted notions such as “white privilege” and collective guilt that white employees must shoulder for societal inequities."
"According to Diemert, a supervisor berated him for refusing to step down and yield his job to a person of color. He says he was asked, 'What could a straight white male possibly offer our department?' And he says he was frequently made to participate in RSJI training, which involved insulting games and activities designed to address his alleged complicity in white supremacy.
“On multiple occasions in the trainings, I was forced to do things like play privilege bingo or stand up in front of everyone and rank myself within a racist continuum,” he says…
“If I disagreed or offered another opinion, I was told I had cognitive dissonance, and my defensiveness was evidence of being a racist white supremacist,” he says." [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Loathsome Left, Racism] Sep 25, 2023 ~ Flashback: #FakeNews @TIME magazine, 'Your Baby Is a Racist - and Why You Can Live With That' Congrats to Time for making false accusations of racism way back in 2014, before it was all the rage. Damn those 'racist' babies! [Fake News, Fake Racism] Sep 25, 2023 ~ Sen. Bob Menendez was charged with secretly aiding the government of Egypt and trying to thwart the criminal prosecution of a friend in exchange for gold bars and cash. More than $100,000 worth of gold bars, and over $480,000 in cash was found in his home, much of it hidden in closets, clothing and a safe. Evidence shows he's already sold $200K to $400K worth of gold bars. They have him dead to nuts but like any good Democrat is taught, when the going gets tough, play the race card. "It is not lost on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a Latino and push him out of his seat." Any time Democrats are claiming 'racism,' they are lying. 100% [Fake Racism, Loathsome Left] Sep 24, 2023 ~ Craig Rucker, 'Net Zero grid batteries alone would bankrupt America' Yet another article that exposes the obvious fantasy that is 'net zero.' "Just the batteries needed to back up wind and solar electricity generation in a 'net zero' USA would cost $23 trillion." "Trillions more would be needed to cover financing, repairs, maintenance, replacements, burying broken and worn out non-recyclable equipment, and building systems strong enough to survive hurricanes." "Professional engineer Ken Gregory determined that grid-backup battery costs could reach $290 trillion." All to maybe affect the temperature a fraction of a degree 100 years from now. [Climate Change] Sep 23, 2023 ~ David Strom, 'Did BLM actions save Black lives?' "Leaving aside the huge drop in quality of life for everybody [due to the resultant massive increase in crime], the number of people killed has increased dramatically. For every life 'saved' – and let’s be clear, almost all of the people 'saved' were criminals who were engaging in life-threatening crimes - 15 people died who would not have if BLM hadn’t destroyed our policing system."
"The truth is that the BLM/Defund the Police activists were able to have such a dramatic impact on policing for 2 reasons: they themselves engaged in violent behavior to intimidate people into making criminal activity easier (riots, which largely unpunished), and most people were too weak-kneed to push back.
Being accused of racism is a social death sentence. Few people can or are willing to endure it. So when activists scream 'Racism' and throw violent tantrums the powers that be melt like candles to a flame.
People die as a result. Thousands of people.
Politicians virtue signal on these issues because they get rewarded for doing so, and refuse to do the right thing because they are punished for it.
The result is societal decline and thousands of unnecessary deaths. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism, Police] Sep 23, 2023 ~ The grift/scam is about up for Ibram X. Kendi (Henry Rogers). Boston University hired him to run the “Center for Antiracist Research.” The center burned through more than $40M, with nothing to show for it. Boston U is investigating where the money went. Gone, similar to #BLM. [BLM, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism] Sep 22, 2023 ~ Competetor Makani was disqualified from a Pokemon tournament in North Carolina for laughing nervously when asked for and gave 'his pronouns.' The judge who was 'non-binary' said he was being a jerk but as a student, he was just just caught off guard. Trans 'inclusion' at work. [Cancel Culture, Loathsome Left, Trans] Sep 22, 2023 ~ House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. James Comer said that it was “unfortunate” House Republicans have started an impeachment inquiry, but President Biden and his legal team “have blocked and obstructed” their investigation at “every turn.” “We’re having an impeachment inquiry because we have gotten to the point to where there is so much evidence of wrongdoing by the Biden family, and Joe Biden has lied so many times to the American people about his knowledge of his family’s wrongdoings.” [Biden, Impeachment] Sep 21, 2023 ~ Incredibly, Joe Biden issued an Executive Order creating a new Climate Corps, 20,000 strong. Congress voted it down but he created it anyway by EO. He acts like a dictator, bypassing congress and the constitution to 'create' anything he wants. He had NO authority to do this. [Biden, Climate Change] Sep 21, 2023 ~ Haley Strack, '40% Of Baltimore High Schools Don’t Have a Single Math-Proficient Student' 75% scored a 1 out of 4, the lowest score possible. School officials blame “chronic underfunding,” but Baltimore schools spend far more than average per student than the rest of the country. [Baltimore, Education] Sep 21, 2023 ~ Biological male Rachel McKinnon who has taken many wins, championships AND records from women in women's cycling says there is no evidence that trans women have advantage in sport (a massively false claim). He then ridiculously claims that being against trans women in female sport "has had history of racism built into it over the years... who gets singled out for scrutiny is based on white women's conceptions of femininity... protecting the fragile cis white women from the rest of us." This is absurd and entirely false. Most of the trans women athletes who are criticized are white like him but he thinks that if he plays the race card in addition to the trans card, he can doubly protect himself from criticism because people will be afraid to be called a 'racist' for disagreeing in addition to being called a 'transphobe.' [Fake Racism, Trans, Trans Athletes] Sep 19, 2023 ~ Heather Mac Donald's new book, "When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives" shows how almost all medical institutions have abandoned merit in the name of 'equity' and 'Antiracist Allyship.' The average black MCAT score is a standard deviation below white students. Many medical schools responded by dropping the MCAT. Black scores on the United States Medical Licensing Exam were also a standard deviation below white doctors so USMLE dropped grades and went to pass/fail. Medical schools are requiring courses in 'system racism' and literally spending billions of dollars on Diversity and Inclusion programs. This poison is pervasive and no one can speak out against it or their careers are over. Figure out how to vet your doctor because you can't use medical school or scores. The new 'equitable' system ensures that the best and worst doctors have indistinguishable records. [Cancel Culture, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Health Care] Sep 19, 2023 ~ Via @nypost, 'YouTube suspends Russell Brand from making money off the streaming site after sex assault claims' 4 women have accused Brand of rape or sexual assault. None of the incidents are recent. Without any due process or presumption of innocence, YouTube has demonitized all of Brand's channels. [Cancel Culture, Due Process, Me Too, Tech Censorship] Sep 19, 2023 ~ The top five money winners in the Bronx 10 Mile 'non-binary' category are of course ALL men (as always). This is why having a trans or non-binary category doesn't work either. Men will get 2 thirds of the prize money and women, only 1 third. Trans rights destroy women's rights. [Trans, Trans Athletes] Tag Cloud
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