Dec 28, 2024 ~ 'Media Claims 5 Gaza Journalists Were Killed By Israel. They Were Terrorists.' The #FakeNews "once again takes Gaza's word over Israel's." "The five men killed were Ibrahim Jamal Ibrahim Al-Sheikh Ali, Faisal Abdallah Muhammad Abu Qamsan, Mohammed Ayad Khamis al-Ladaa, Ayman Nihad Abd Alrahman Jadi, and Fadi Ihab Muhammad Ramadan Hassouna, all of whom the IDF labels as PIJ operatives." "Eitan Fischberger, a former staff sergeant for the IDF, posted a thread on X identifying each of the men as terrorists, including their public postings, which include pro-terrorism statements." [Fake News, Islam, Israel, Terrorism] Dec 28, 2024 ~ "The non-existent 'trans-genocide'" The facts do not back up this myth believed by Democrats (one of many). This is nothing even remotely resembling a trans 'genocide.' Quite the opposite. Biden repeats the lie. Fortunately its not happening. [Fake News, Trans] Dec 28, 2024 ~ 'The fire suppression paradox' "Just because we’re suppressing wildfires doesn’t mean that the vegetation has stopped dropping leaves and branches. That material builds up over time, and once ignited, it may become extremely difficult to extinguish. This is known as the 'fire suppression paradox.' For every wildfire we extinguish today, we set the stage for a future fire that will be harder to put out."
"Reports indicate that the frequency of wildfires has been diminishing while their intensity has increased. Much of the literature on the subject mentions climate change, of course. But we’re also seeing the fire suppression paradox coming into play. Better communications and fire suppression techniques enable us to extinguish wildfires more quickly, which diminishes their frequency. But the ones that do get away from us tend to burn hotter and longer and cover more area. As we increase residential and commercial construction in remote areas, we can expect the cost of these wildfires to increase." [Climate Change, Environment] Dec 19, 2024 ~ 'Everything We Know About the WI Christian School Shooter' Natalie "Samantha" Rupnow killed 2 people and wounded 6 others, then killed herself. She was apparently some kind of feminist gone mad: "women are the only hope for this wretched world." She's annoyed that some women have "internalized the patriarchy... always begging for male approval and validation... Its disgusting. I realize the truth men are irredeemable [...] They cant be reformed or redeemed. Theyre a f**king scourge upon the earth. The only solution is to total exterminate them [...] Every single male must be wiped out, from babies to the elderly. Only then can women be free to create a new world... ill be a pioneer. ill be the first to take the first step. i dont care if theyr fathers, brothers, husbands, sons, teachers, police, and especially n—ers or politicians. ive been craving to kill them all." She hated her parents who were divorced and had shared custody. [Feminism, Gender, Guns-Mass Shootings] Dec 18, 2024 ~ "Medical School To Host Course With Activist Who Said ‘White People Are Psychopaths’" The University of California San Francisco School of Medicine is hosting a course taught by DIE consultant and anti-white activist Dante King. King 'teaches' things like "Whites are psychopaths and their behavior represents an underlying, biologically transmitted proclivity with roots deep in their evolutionary history." Sorry if you disagree with this extreme racism: "I’m not seeking agreement from white people at all. I don’t prioritize whiteness or white people." He claims "anti-blackness is … the foundation of all white American institutions." His many other views are equally as racist. [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Health Care, Racism] Dec 18, 2024 ~ 'Who's to Blame for Your Lousy Insurance Coverage?' "Everyone's blaming health insurance company greed for the soaring claims denials and roadblocks to care. That's naive. Follow the money to find the real culprits: lying politicians. In 2013, before Affordable Care Act regulations kicked in, insurers denied roughly 1.5% of claims, according to the American Medical Association. But under ACA rules, denials increased tenfold. Now nearly 15% of claims are denied, reports Premier, an insurance consultant firm. Some insurers deny a third or more of claims, according to Kaiser Family Foundation research."
"Denials and prior authorization requirements escalated after the ACA went into effect. But don't blame profit maximization. The ACA regulates underwriting profits, and if profits go up, insurers have to send customers rebates.
Giants like United Healthcare have grown into money-making behemoths by buying physicians' practices, hospitals and pharmacy chains, not by selling health plans, according to IBISWorld industry research.
The actual reason your health insurance is becoming unreliable is that politicians backing Obamacare knowingly made a promise that was impossible to keep without insurers resorting to predatory practices.
Obamacare advocates promised everyone would be charged the same regardless of their "preexisting conditions."
The math doesn't work. Every year, 5% of the population uses over 50% of the health care. That's a fact of nature, politics aside." [Economics, Health Care, Obamacare] Dec 18, 2024 ~ "‘Syrian Prisoner’ Bombshell Smells Like Another CNN Hoax" This is getting ridiculous: Can the #FakeNews ever tell the truth? "CNN’s biggest scoop in years, its viral 'Syrian Prisoner' video, is looking like one more heaping helping of this disgraced outlet’s fake news." Forget what its about. It doesn't matter. Its fake as usual. [Fake News, Syria] Dec 18, 2024 ~ 'The FBI on J6' "The Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the FBI issued a report last week that detailed at least 26 FBI Confidential Human Sources (CHSs) were present at the Capitol on January 6, 2021" just as Trump and the Republicans have said and Democrats have denied for years. The so-called "insurrection" was orchestrated or enabled by the feds. The article explains why 26 is likely a low number. Another Trump vindication. [2020 Election, Fake News, Loathsome Left] Dec 18, 2024 ~ 'Stephen A. Smith Is Done Defending Democrats Following January 6th Revelations' "The Democrats worked really, really diligently to make the case that the right had a monopoly on insidious, evil tendencies. Corrupt tendencies. Duplicitous, hypocritical, untruthful tendencies and every time they made those accusations, we turn around and find out that at least some of them are guilty of the same s**t.’ I don’t know about you all, but I’m sick of all of it... [they've] made Donald Trump look like he was right instead of them.” The last straw apparently was "the bombshell report that revealed the FBI had at least 26 informants in D.C., on January 6, 2021, including some who committed offenses but are not among the hundreds who have been charged with crimes," as Trump and Republicans have said but Democrats have denied for years. “My big issue is that I’m really, really sick and tired of every time I turn around, finding something else that the Democrats have lied about or downplayed or misrepresented along the way.” The Democrats lie non-stop. Some people are slower to catch on than others but few and fewer people are being fooled by them anymore. [Capitol Riot, Fake News] Dec 18, 2024 ~ 'Let This Sink In: Hegseth’s Nomination Was Almost Derailed by an Erroneous Scoop' In a #FakeNews story reminscent of Dan Rather's fake Bush story, ProPublica claimed that Hegseth lied about being accepted to West Point. Hegseth proved that he was and ProPublica said oops, our bad, sorry. If he didn't come up with the decades old letter, it would be another smear many low information voters would simply believe as they believed all of the Kavanaugh lies and smears. And many others. One of the jobs of the #FakeNews is to lie about Republicans. More and more people are waking up to that fact now which is why trust in the #FakeNews is at an all time low. [Fake News, Loathsome Left] Dec 16, 2024 ~ Chris Martz points out, "Things just got tougher for climate alarmists. Remember when Iceberg A-68 calved off Antarctica's Larsen C Ice Shelf in the summer of 2017? The climate chicken littles blamed it on global warming. Well, a new study published in Geophysical Research Letters (GRL) casts serious doubt on that claim. Here are the key findings: The break-off of Iceberg A-68 from the Larsen C Ice Shelf was not statistically exceptional. Calving events several times larger than anything observed in the modern record could occur, and still, it would not necessarily be due to climate change." None of their narratives are actually true. Everything that happens is called 'climate change' and they always say its 'unprecidented' but it never is. [] Dec 16, 2024 ~ 'Longshoreman's Union VP Has a Message About Trump That Will Likely Sicken Dems' The Trump wins keep on coming and the Democrats keep on seething. Dennis Daggett, VP of The Longshoreman's Association said this about Trump:
"I had the honor of meeting with President-elect Donald Trump yesterday, and I want to share an experience I never imagined in my wildest dreams. Throughout my career, I’ve never seen a politician—let alone the President of the United States—truly understand the importance of the work our members do every single day. But yesterday, President-elect Trump not only demonstrated that understanding but also showed the utmost respect for the hard work, sacrifices, and dedication of our membership.
He was not just attentive to our concerns; he was receptive and genuinely engaged in a discussion about the existential threat automation poses—not only to the Longshore sector but to our communities and the very fabric of this great nation. It’s rare to meet a leader who truly listens, and even rarer to find one who is willing to act.
Let’s put politics aside for a moment, as I know it can be challenging for some to grasp. But I witnessed something extraordinary firsthand—this man truly wants to fight for America and its working class. In over 25 years of working in Washington, I have never seen a Republican take up the mantle for working-class people. President-elect Trump proved me wrong yesterday.
He didn’t just tell us in private that he supports workers—he made it clear to the whole world." [Politics, Trump Win] Dec 16, 2024 ~ 'What Hamas wrought' The Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas was the "Mother of all Miscalculations." They expected Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and actors inside Israel to join in. Instead, they brought about the destruction of Gaza, the decimation of all of Hamas and their leaders, the decimation of Hezbollah and their leaders, the collapse of the Assad family dynasty in Syria (because no one was left to defend him) and the weakening of Iran.
"Who could have imagined that the Oct. 7 attacks would end in the collapse of the Assad regime, the death of Nasrallah, the defanging (at least for now) of Hezbollah, the collapse of much of Iran’s ability to project power across the Middle East and the humiliation of Russia as its protégé became a political refugee and Moscow’s ability to project power in the region was crippled?" [Iran, Islam, Israel, Russia, Syria, Terrorism] Dec 15, 2024 ~ 'Gender ideology has been comprehensively beaten: three cheers for Terfs' "Puberty blockers [which are now banned for minors in the UK by Streeting], such as Lupron, were developed for end-stage prostate cancer and are used to chemically castrate sex offenders. Side effects include bone density loss, impacted fertility and lowered IQ. Despite this, they were widely prescribed to children off-label and without proper scrutiny.
Yet Streeting, once a Stonewall stalwart and member of a Facebook group targeting suspected Terfs in Labour, was previously reluctant to address such evidence. Thankfully, he has now broken away from the partisan briefings of lobby groups. Following in the work of his Tory predecessor Sajid Javid who commissioned the Cass Review, Streeting has done what any responsible politician should; he put the best interests of children ahead of his own career. Trans activists can no longer pretend that caring about children’s health is a part of some Tory culture war plot." [Health Care, Trans] Dec 14, 2024 ~ 'The Wrap-Up Smear Redux' Good list of all of many of the left's fake smears. Its their MO and SOP. Bork, Clarence Thomas, Kavanaugh, Hegseth, Trump Dossier and many fake Trump smears, Tulsi Gabbard, and many more. The #FakeNews always plays right along. [Fake News, Kavanaugh, Loathsome Left] Dec 14, 2024 ~ 'Daniel Penny Is Not Guilty. Justice Wins In Spite Of New York’s Rigged Court System.' Jordan Neely was threatening everyone on the train: "I'll hurt everyone here! I'll KILL you!!! I don't care if I go to prison!!!" Neely and others restrained Neely who died in the process. Neely had violently attacked people previously, kidnapped a child etc. He was dangerous and Penny was prosecuted by the famously corrupt Alvin Bragg because he is white and Neely was black. #BLM as always constructed a narrative that contradicted the facts and encouraged people to violence. No one bothered this time which is very encouraging. [BLM, Crime, Fake Racism] Dec 14, 2024 ~ 'The Myth of Mass Incarceration' Another popular left wing narrative bites the dust. Our prison population did not increase because of any of their assumed reasons. The real reason: Crime, especially violent crime has literally increased substantially. [Crime, Fake News] Dec 13, 2024 ~ "‘Mount Rushmore Of DEI’: How A Major Academic Association Is ‘Destroying’ Medicine" "Do No Harm, an organization devoted to de-politicizing medicine, published an exhaustive 80-page report on Tuesday documenting how the AAMC (The Association of American Medical Colleges) has integrated DEI into its influential academic programs and advanced a leftist public policy agenda." "Advancing anti-racism is a continuous process that requires a variety of approaches and strategies. Below is a list of resources to further assist institutions in catalyzing change in academic medicine." "The AAMC claims to be in the business of bettering everyone’s health through its service to academic medicine. Yet, closer inspection reveals that they repeatedly undermine merit – the best predictor of clinical success – by promoting a system that prioritizes identity group status and allegiance to radical political orthodoxy." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Health Care] Dec 13, 2024 ~ Yet another 'trans' identity gets its own flag. 'Trans blind' is defined as "a transabled identity where someone desires to physically lose sight from an eye or from both eyes or to a physical non-blind individual who internally feels or identifies as blind without necessary desiring to become physically blind." This has no validity but at the same time is no more or less valid than trans gender or trans racial. [Anti-Science, Trans] Dec 13, 2024 ~ 'Former Stripper Crystal Mangum Finally Admits She Falsely Accused Duke Lacrosse Players of Rape' One of many famous hate crime hoaxes. Magnum falsely accused the boys of rape. They denied it and there was no DNA evidence and she couldn't even identify them. But since she was black and they were white anyone who doubted her story was deemed a 'racist.' The #FakeNews was all over it as usual. 60 Minutes alone did 5 episodes. It was covered extensively by The New York Times, Newsweek, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone and others. The kids were suspended from school, the lacrosse season was canceled and the lacrosse coach was forced to resign by the university president. Many professors signed a letter about it in support of Magnum. Really only @FoxNews, especially @megynkelly honestly looked at the facts and had the courage to admit the story was so full of holes that it was probably false.
"They trusted me that I wouldn’t betray their trust, and I testified falsely against them by saying that they raped me when they didn’t, and that was wrong. [I] made up a story that wasn’t true." "I testified falsely against them by saying that they raped me when they didn't, and that was wrong, and I betrayed the trust of a lot of other people who believed in me." "It’s been on my heart to do a public apology concerning the Duke lacrosse case. I actually lied about the incident to the public, my family, my friends and to God about it, and I’m not proud about it." [Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Rape] Dec 9, 2024 ~ 'When DEI Indoctrination Is Anti-White Racism, Sue' "If segregating people by race and browbeating them about the evil ways of their race is not racial harassment, then what is?" "It is undeniably true that the DEI mind-set today is often characterized by the denigration of criticism and castigation of members of this one group for no other reason than their race. That is something civil rights law must not be permitted to support." "The Root case exposes an ugly regime of semiofficial and official anti-white denigration and paranoid racial animosity at CUNY." White faculty only had to attend the “White Normativity initiative” training where they were told to read and discuss 'White Fragility' in order to "become better people."
"This was race-based discrimination for its own sake. White faculty were never given any explanation for why they were singled out. 'No actual conduct, specifics, or details whatsoever were provided as to what were the culture issues in the Department, nor how any such issues were the fault of the entirety of the white faculty.'"
"Whites were selected to receive instruction because they needed to become 'better people,' as the department chairman put it. The plaintiff’s legal filing speaks of “outlandish accusations at ‘white faculty’ in general” and claims that “white normativity” governed the department and needed to be combated. The plaintiff “and other white faculty were consistently accused of ‘white privilege’ and a ‘culture of racism.’"" [College, CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism, Loathsome Left, Racism] Dec 9, 2024 ~ "Billionaire Tech Investor Says Biden Admin Pressured Financial Institutions To ‘Debank’ Opponents" Marc Andreessen: "Basically, it [CFPB] terrorizes financial institutions. Prevent new competition, new startups that want to compete with the big banks … just by terrorizing anybody who tries to do anything new in financial services." For example, "Debanking. This is where a lot of the debanking comes from, is these agencies. So, debanking is when you as either a person or your company are literally kicked out of the banking system. … My partner, Ben’s father, has been debanked. … for having the wrong politics. For saying, 'unacceptable things' under current banking regulations."
"I haven’t heard of a single instance of anyone on the Left getting debanked. You get kicked out of your bank account. You get kicked out of the — you can’t do credit card transactions."
"We’ve had like 30 founders debanked in the last four years. This is one of the reasons why we ended up supporting Trump. It’s like we just can’t live in this world.”
"We can’t live in a world where somebody starts a company that’s a completely legal thing and then they literally like get sanctioned, right, and embargoed by the United States government through a completely unaccountable – by the way, no due process. None of this is written down. There’s no rules. There’s no court. There’s no decision process. There’s no appeal. Who do you appeal to, right? Like who do you go to to get your bank account back, right? And then there’s also the civil asset forfeiture side of it … that happens to people in a lot of places now who get arrested and all of a sudden the state takes their money. … There will be some investigation into safe deposit boxes, and the next thing you know, the feds have seized all the contents of the safe deposit boxes, and that stuff never gets returned.” [Free Speech, Loathsome Left, Regulations, Silencing] Dec 9, 2024 ~ 'The Milei Revolution' "Between 1980 and 2023, Argentina was one of the few countries in the West that saw a relative decrease in living standard."
"Finally, the Argentine people had enough. They elected as president Javier Milei, an audacious and magnetic Austrian school economist dedicated to free markets. 'Viva la libertad, carajo!' he shouted while wielding a chainsaw -- signifying proposed cuts to government spending -- on the campaign trail. As Milei told the arrogant interventionists at Davos, 'Economic freedom, limited government and unlimited respect for private property are essential elements for economic growth. The impoverishment produced by collectivism is not a fantasy, nor is it an inescapable fate. It's a reality that we Argentines know very well.'"
"And the results are nothing short of astonishing. While shouting 'afuera!' he has cut the number of ministries from 18 to eight, fired members of the bloated public sector en masse and dumped the corrupt intermediaries in the welfare system. He has slashed the budget by 32%, brought a fiscal surplus for the first time in years, and brought inflation down from a month-on-month rate of 25% to 2%. The stock market has skyrocketed; investors are once again looking at Argentina as a target for their money." [Ben Shapiro, Economics, Economy, Politics, Socialism] Dec 8, 2024 ~ 'Dinesh D’Souza admits his documentary was fiction' After being sued for defamation for falsely accusing a Georgia man of stuffing ballot boxes, D'Souza said, “During the production of this film, as a supplement to the geolocation data, True the Vote provided my team with ballot drop box surveillance footage that had been obtained through open records requests. We were assured that the surveillance videos had been linked to geolocation cell phone data, such that each video depicted an individual who had made at least 10 visits to drop boxes. Indeed, it is clear from the interviews within the film itself that True the Vote was correlating the videos to geolocation data. We recently learned that surveillance videos used in the film may not have actually been correlated with the geolocation data.”
"I owe this individual, Mark Andrews, an apology. I now understand that the surveillance videos used in the film were characterized on the basis of inaccurate information provided to me and my team. If I had known then that the videos were not linked to geolocation data, I would have clarified this and produced and edited the film differently. I make this apology not under the terms of a settlement agreement or other duress, but because it is the right thing to do, given what we have now learned. While I do not believe Mr. Andrews was ever identified by the film or book, I am sorry for any harm he believes he and his family has suffered as a result of 2000 Mules." [2020 Election, Fake News] Dec 8, 2024 ~ President Trump warns Hamas that he is not Biden or Harris. They will not be allowed to hold American hostages as they have for over a year under Biden. "If the hostages are not released prior to January 20, 2025, the date that I proudly assume Office as President of the United States, there will be ALL HELL TO PAY in the Middle East, and for those in charge who perpetrated these atrocities against Humanity. Those responsible will be hit harder than anybody has been hit in the long and storied History of the United States of America. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW!" [Islam, Terrorism] Dec 8, 2024 ~ 'The Left Cheers An Assassination' Many of the worst people on the planet are on the left as they so often prove. The CEO of UnitedHealth, Brian Thompson was executed by a gunman. Unsurprisingly many on the left applaud. Taylor Lorenz is one of them. Some people are still surprised but its not surprising at all. The left always sides with the criminals, the terrorists like Hamas, etc. [Crime, Health Care, Loathsome Left, Violent Left] Dec 8, 2024 ~ 'There Are Times I Can't EVEN With KBJ' The Supremem Court is deciding if laws protecting minors from the permanent negative effects of puberty blockers and gender surgeries. The liberal justices embarrassed themselves with stupidty. Sotomayor brushes off the horrific sterilizing and other serious side effects by saying that "even aspirin has side effects." Not to be undone, Ketanji Brown Jackson compares banning sex changes for children to banning interracial marriage. [Anti-Science, SCOTUS, Trans] Dec 8, 2024 ~ 'J.K. Rowling on the Personal Cost of Standing up to Trans Activists'
"Opponents of gender ideology haven't merely 'endured unsparing criticism'. I haven't simply been told I 'betrayed real feminism' or received a few book-burning videos.I've been sent thousands of threats of murder, rape and violence. A trans woman posted my family's home address with a bomb-making guide. My eldest child was targeted by a prominent trans activist who attempted to doxx her and ended up doxxing the wrong young woman. I could write a twenty thousand word essay on what the consequences have been to me and my family, and what we've endured is NOTHING compared to the harm done to others. By standing up to a movement that relies on threats of violence, ostracisation and guilt-by-association, all of us have been smeared and defamed, but many have lost their livelihoods. Some have been physically assaulted by trans activists. Female politicians have been forced to hire personal security on the advice of police. The news that one of the UK's leading endocrinologists, Dr Hillary Cass, was advised not to travel by public transport for her own safety should shame everyone who let this insanity run amok. Lest we forget, gender apostates have been targeted for crimes such as doubting the evidential basis for transitioning children, for arguing for fair sport for women and girls, for wanting to retain single sex spaces and services, especially for the most vulnerable, and for thinking it barbaric to lock in female prisoners with convicted male sex offenders. Now the political landscape has shifted, and some who've been riding high on their own supply are waking up with a hell of a hangover. They've started wondering whether calling left-wing feminists who wanted all-female rape centres 'Nazis' was such a smart strategy. Maybe parents arguing that boys ought not to be robbing their daughters of sporting opportunities might, sort of, have a point? Possibly letting any man who says 'I'm a woman' into the locker room with twelve-year-old girls could have a downside, after all? Mealy-mouthed reckoning of what has actually happened over the past ten years is predictable but will not stand. I don't doubt those who've turned a blind eye to the purges of non-believers, or even applauded and encouraged them, would rather minimise what the true cost of speaking out was, but 'yes, maybe trans activists went a little over the top at times' takes are frankly insulting. A full reckoning on the effects of gender ideology on individuals, society and politics is still a long way off, but I know this: the receipts will make very ugly reading when that time comes, and there are far too many of them to sweep politely under the carpet. [Loathsome Left, Trans, Trans Athletes, Violent Left] Dec 8, 2024 ~ After both saying "No one is above the law" and promising he would not pardon Hunter, President Joe Biden pardoned his son, Hunter Biden, for crimes covering nearly 11 years of “offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024.” This is after Hunter has been found guilty of 3 felony gun charges and also faces tax evasion violations. Such a blanket pardon of all crimes in a 10 year period is unprecedented. [Biden, Crime, Politics] Dec 1, 2024 ~ "Study: DEI Training Created Perceptions of Prejudice 'Where None Was Present'" Some people needed this study to reveal what was totally obvious from the start to conservatives. "They appear to do more harm than good by increasing hostility between groups." "Not only were these participants more likely to imagine racial bias where none was evident, they were ready to punish the admissions officer for this imagined bias." "Educational materials from some of the most well published and well known DEI scholars not only failed to positively enhance interracial attitudes, they provoked baseless suspicion and encouraged punitive attitudes." [CRT DIE Wokeness, Fake Racism] Tag Cloud
#WalkAway, 2020 Election, Abortion, Affirmative Action, Affordable Housing, Afghanistan, Anti-Science, Anti-Semitism, Antifa, Baltimore, Ben Shapiro, Biden, BLM, Budget, California, Cancel Culture, Capitol Riot, Charlottesville, China, Climate Change, College, Coronavirus, Covington, Crime, CRT DIE Wokeness, Cultural Appropriation, David Harsanyi, Debt, Deficit, Dennis Prager, Derek Hunter, Drugs, Due Process, Economics, Economy, Education, Energy, Entitlements, Environment, Epstein, Fairness Doctrine, Fake Anti-Semitism, Fake Hate Crime, Fake Homophobia, Fake Islamophobia, Fake News, Fake Racism, Fake Rape, Fake Sexism, Fake Xenophobia, Feminism, First Step, For the record, it’s Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, Foreign Aid, Free Speech, Gender, Gender Pay Gap, George Floyd, Green New Deal, Guns-Mass Shootings, Harris, Health, Health Care, Hillary, Hillary Emails, Holocaust Denial, Homophobia, Hong Kong, Identity Politics, IG Report, Illegal Immigration, Immigration, Impeachment, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Islamophobia, Israel, John Stossel, Kat Timpf, Kavanaugh, Kevin Williamson, Kyle Rittenhouse, Kyle Smith, Larry Elder, LGBT, Loathsome Left, Me Too, Minimum Wage, Nato, Net Neutrality, North Korea, Nuclear Weapons, Obamacare, Ocasionomics, Omar, Police, Political Correctness, Politics, Poverty, Race, Racism, Reagan, Regulations, Religion, Religious Freedom, Rich Lowry, Russia, Russia Hoax, Sanders, SCOTUS, Sexism, Sharpton, Silencing, Slavery, Smollett, Socialism, Spygate, Student Loans, Syria, Tariffs, Tax Cuts, Taxes, TDS, Tech Bias, Tech Censorship, Terrorism, Tlaib, Trade, Trans, Trans Athletes, Trump Win, Ukraine Hoax, Unions, Victor Davis Hanson, Violent Left, Violent Right, Voter Integrity Laws, Wall, Walter Williams, Western Civilization, Witch Hunt, Women's March,