May 31, 2017 ~ Trump insists NATO Allies meet their 3% of GDP defense spending requirement - most are not even meeting half that - President Trump is right, It's Long Past Time for Our NATO Allies to Meet Their Defense-Spending Commitments [Nato] May 31, 2017 ~ Taxes Have More Than Doubled Per Capita Since JFK [Taxes] May 31, 2017 ~ ISIS suicide bomber Salman Abedi kills 22 and injures hundreds at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester England - specifically targets young girls - Son of Libyan immigrants - once again he was known to authorities. [Islam, Terrorism, Immigration] May 31, 2017 ~ Trans people now say it is problematic to refer to female reproductive organs such as the uterus, ovaries and mammary glands as 'female' - doing so 'completely erases trans women, trans men, non-binary folks'. Seems like they want to 'erase' women. [Trans, Gender] May 30, 2017 ~ To kick off Ramadan, ISIS gunman kills 23 Coptic Christians in Egypt - many of them were children - given a chance to renounce Christianity to save themselves but the murdered did not. [Islam, Terrorism] May 30, 2017 ~ Hillary Clinton declares she's 'part of the resistance'. Very sad what has happened to once sane people. [TDS, Holocaust Denial] May 30, 2017 ~ Stephen Moore, 'No, Trump Didn't Cause Obamacare to Fail' - new ridiculous argument from the left trying to explain Obamacare's long predicted implosion as now Blue Cross follows other major carriers by pulling out of markets - lost $100 million [Health Care, Obamacare, TDS] May 30, 2017 ~ Joel Gilbert, More history of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey beginning in 1915 - not an ethnic squabble - Deliberate Muslim Jihad against non-Muslims per Islamic teachings - over 2 million executed [Islam, Terrorism] May 30, 2017 ~ Dennis Prager, 'It's Time for Conservatives to Celebrate This President' - Prager lists a lot of accomplishments Trump already has in 3 months - says conservative must all join with Trump despite his flaws because this is an existential fight [Trump Win, Dennis Prager] May 30, 2017 ~ Harvard Study Confirms main stream media are massively biased against Trump - 93 to 96% negative vs. positive coverage for many of them - Twice as negative vs. Obama - only Fox was balanced. [Fake News] May 30, 2017 ~ Roy Spencer, 'We Owe it to the Poor to Exit the Paris Climate Treaty' Spencer lays out the case against AGW and why even if their predictions haven't been so wrong, the benefits of fossil fuels far outweigh the cons. [Climate Change] May 30, 2017 ~ Thomas Lifson 'North Pole ice cap the same thickness as 1940'. Scientists in 1958 also predicted north pole would be ice free in a generation reported in the New York Times. Have alarmists ever made a correct prediction? Recent reduction is expected natural correction to build up [Climate Change, Fake News] May 30, 2017 ~ Maxine Waters says Putin Invaded 'Korea' while trying to make the case for why Trump should be impeached already. Putin did not invade Korea and Trump did not collude with Russia. Waters said 'Impeach' on Trump's day 1 and has been searching for a pretext ever since. [Russia Hoax, Impeachment] May 28, 2017 ~ Peter Hasson, 'Violence And Intimidation Against Republicans Are Becoming The New Normal'. Many examples, all from the left. Events are being cancelled, speakers are being cancelled, violent or threatening incidents almost every day. Would be more but has discouraged activity. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, Cancel Culture] May 28, 2017 ~ Kay Hymowitz 'Unsayable Truths about a Failing High School' Videos show the level of violence, rudeness, disrespect, profanity etc. directed at teachers, students in failing black high schools. These problems are never permitted to be addressed so that kids who want to can learn. [Education, Race, Political Correctness] May 28, 2017 ~ Trump's very successful trip and speeches to Saudi Arabia, Israel and Italy trip - very different tone than Obama's - on the side of Israel and the Sunni Muslims against Shite Iran instead of appeasing Iran. Denounced Islamic terrorism in Saudi Arabia. [Israel, Iran, Islam, Terrorism] May 28, 2017 ~ John Sexton, 'There are 23,000 jihadists living in Britain'. Ben Wallace, the UK Security Minister reports that their are that many 'potential attackers' that they are aware of. They can barely track 3000 but that is way too inadequate to stop terrorism. [Islam, Terrorism] May 28, 2017 ~ The idea of transgenderism falls apart when they try to find mates - now they have to say it is bigoted for hetero men or lesbian women to not want sex with a 'woman' with a penis. They can't shame people into being attracted to what they are not. That's conversion therapy. [Trans] May 28, 2017 ~ Kevin Williamson, 'Terrorism Is Not Random, We must look at Muslim immigration with clear eyes' The left wants to continue to bury its head it the sand comparing many dozens of Islamic terrorist attacks to Tim McVeigh, one guy, who wasn't Christian or even a typical right winger. [Kevin Williamson, Islam, Terrorism] May 28, 2017 ~ Social Justice Warriors are Upset That Demi Lovato might have wore dreadlocks - cultural appropriation of a non-white hair style. She tried to appease the mob, 'They were twists not dreads.' But of course that blood in the water just made the frenzy hotter. [Cultural Appropriation, Identity Politics] May 28, 2017 ~ Sharia court in Indonesia sentences gay couple to caning - 85 Lashes. Followed by mass arrests. Supposedly one of the tolerant Muslim countries but also just sentenced a Christian to 2 years prison for blasphemy against the Koran. [Islam, LGBT] May 28, 2017 ~ Portland burrito food cart forced to close due to 'cultural appropriation' complaints - two white women were not allowed to sell burritos. [Loathsome Left, Cultural Appropriation] May 28, 2017 ~ Notre Dame graduates, spoiled children, walk out on Pence as he touts free speech - Left wingers snowflakes cannot even handle listening to an opposing point of view. [Abortion, College] May 28, 2017 ~ Jeremy Carl, 'Liberal Bullies Threaten Free Speech' Georgetown Professor Christine Fair who is famous for punching Richard Spencer has a bigger history of violently stopping many legitimate people from speaking. They declare people to be 'Nazis', then can attack shut them down. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing] May 28, 2017 ~ ISIS attacks the Philippines - takes over many buildings, holds hostages, burns down a Catholic Church - Martial Law is declared. [Islam, Terrorism] May 28, 2017 ~ Andy Ngo, 'Inside the Secret World of Ex-Muslims' They explain how you must pretend to follow everything or you LITERALLY cannot survive - fear rules worse than any cult - slightest dissent or diversity of thought is violently not tolerated. Must meet in private 'Even in America' [Islam] May 28, 2017 ~ The End Of Snow. A look back at real articles in 2014 in the New York Times and other publications warning we are entering the end of snow phase of global warming. Turned out to be totally false like all alarmist predictions. Below average years followed by above average years. [Climate Change, Fake News] May 28, 2017 ~ FISA Court Finds 'Serious Fourth Amendment Issue' In Obama's 'Widespread' Illegal Searches Of American Citizens - Further vindication for Trump in that Obama administration improperly surveilled the Trump campaign. [Spygate, Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax] May 28, 2017 ~ Alex Pfeiffer, 'Journalists Spread Fake News About Ivanka Trump' - describe bogus pay to play scheme with Ivanka and Saudi Arabia. Try to compare it to Clinton Foundation real pay to play. $100M directly for World Bank Women Entrepreneurs Fund, not in a fund that she controls. [Fake News, Hillary] May 28, 2017 ~ Democrats look idiotic with over-the-top rhetoric on Trump budget - 'unimaginable cruelty' and other totally ridiculous characterizations for a budget not even being cut - just slows the growth. No one is listening to dems anymore because everything is the end of the world. [TDS, Budget] May 28, 2017 ~ CNN host cracks the whip, rebukes Bob Schieffer for 'normalizing' President Trump. Schieffer simply said Trump's speech in Saudi Arabia was not bad. How dare he? Nothing good must be said about Trump. Them's da new rules. Must not 'normalize' or 'humanize' this monster. Resist! [TDS, Loathsome Left] May 28, 2017 ~ Berkeley Police arrest one of the violent antifa attackers - good detective work by 4chan - turns out the thug is actually a Berkeley professor Eric Clanton. Clanton hit a Trump supporter over the head with a U-shaped bicycle lock drawing blood. [Antifa, Loathsome Left, Violent Left] May 28, 2017 ~ Sean Moran, 'Average Health Insurance Premiums Doubled Under Obamacare according to HHS Report' [Budget, Health Care, Obamacare] May 28, 2017 ~ Jennifer Van Laar, 'Alamo Drafthouse's 'Women Only' Wonder Woman Screening Highlights Elitist Hypocrisy' - no men allowed - why are leftists the only ones doing all of the things they supposedly hate - racial and gender discrimination. [Sexism] May 28, 2017 ~ National Review, 'A Grain of Salt on CBO' - The many many reasons why the CBO scoring of the AHCA is very inaccurate and overly pessimistic - CBO was also very inaccurate regarding Obamacare. [Budget, Health Care, Obamacare] May 28, 2017 ~ Comey is fired - Democrats, most of who have been calling for his firing for a long time, go insane - staggering hypocrisy - call it treason, Saturday Night Massacre, a Coup, etc. They are all on record saying he should be fired. Comey made many mistakes, leaked and lied. [Russia Hoax, Witch Hunt, Spygate] May 25, 2017 ~ Charles Murray prevented from speaking by violent leftists at Middlebury college. Once again, violent leftists prevent speech and then attack the participants. Constant interruptions, pulled fire alarms. Sent a prof. to the hospital. Murray's car rocked and jumped on as he fled. [Violent Left, Loathsome Left, Silencing, College] May 21, 2017 ~ Maxine Waters explains on MSNBC that Trump must be impeached for saying 'Crooked Hillary' because 'calling Hillary crooked, the "lock her up, lock her up," all of that was developed I think that was developed strategically with people from the Kremlin, with Putin.' Pure insanity. [TDS, Russia Hoax, Impeachment] May 21, 2017 ~ President Trump Signs $110 Billion Defense Agreement With Saudi Arabia - estimated to create tens of thousands of jobs [Trump Win, Economy] May 21, 2017 ~ Fake Trump Scandal - supposedly Trump revealed Israeli intelligence operative to the Russians in discussions on fighting ISIS - McMaster says it never happened, Israel says no problem - another anonymous source creating fake news that becomes the freak out of the day. [Fake News, Israel] May 21, 2017 ~ Democrat party sinks into new depths of vulgarity and depravity. CA Democratic Party Chair John Burton to the crowd. 'All Together Now, Fuck Donald Trump!' Crowd Holds Up Two Middle Fingers and says it with him. They say Trump is bad but democrats are orders of magnitude worse. [TDS, Loathsome Left, California] May 21, 2017 ~ Pat Buchanan, 'Comey & The Saturday Night Massacre' Buchanan explains the environment surrounding Nixon and the Saturday Night Massacre - very interesting Nixon history - and also why its ridiculous to compare it to Comey firing. [Witch Hunt, Russia Hoax] May 21, 2017 ~ Black University of Hawaii Professor Piper Harron demands that white cis men 'Get Out of the Way' which means 'quit your job, or at least take a demotion'. Of course any white person saying the reverse about black men or women would be branded a racist and fired immediately. [Racism, Sexism] May 21, 2017 ~ Academic hoaxers convince journal to publish 'Penis causes climate change' paper - worked hard to ensure it said nothing at all but contained all the trendy left wing jargon - proving again the worthlessness of the 'gender studies' department. [College, Gender, Climate Change] May 19, 2017 ~ SNL fat shames Sarah Huckabee Sanders - makes fun of her looks, what she wears, has her eating constantly - a new low even by SNL standards - not funny, just mean. 'My mother is a big Southern hamburger.' They would never treat a democrat woman remotely this shamefully. [TDS, Loathsome Left] May 19, 2017 ~ Clock Boy defamation lawsuit which was just dismissed. He filed this after making fools out of liberals all the way up to Obama with fake ploy. He took apart a Radio Shack clock, brought in the insides that looked suspiciously bomb like. Cried Islamophobia when questioned. [Fake Islamophobia, Fake News] May 19, 2017 ~ Deranged Democrat Wendi Wright runs Republican Congressman David Kustoff off the road with her car and hits his car because he voted for the AHCA. She was charged with felony reckless endangerment. [Violent Left, Health Care] May 17, 2017 ~ After President Trump fired James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appoints Robert Mueller to be the special counsel investigator to investigate possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. [Russia Hoax, Spygate, Witch Hunt] Tag Cloud
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